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Josh hit the bed hard and was winded for a moment. When he finally lifted his head he quickly got up. Without pausing to survey the damage to the door, he rushed out of the room and down the stairs.

In the dining room were three figures identically posed and taped up like mummies. Alex was crouched down in front of one of them loudly slurping on that woman's pussy. The figure squirmed against its bonds but was otherwise utterly silent.

Josh probed the figure's mind and discovered it was Bethany. As he discovered how the three of them ended up this way, he had to laugh.

Alex seemed perturbed, “Great Cunt. But Not Hear Girl Moan. Try Next Girl.” She moved to another girl, knocking the vibrator aside to make room for her oversized body.

Josh discovered the next lady was Carol. She orgasmed almost as soon as Alex's large, and oddly green, tongue touched her pussy. Knowing the mummies could not hear him, he commanded, “Alex, return to normal shape and size, but stay green. You may speak normally. You will remember being hulked up when you finish doing the third mummy but you do not realize being green is unusual until I tell you it is.”

Alex's body returned to normal, except for being green. After a moment, she stopped and said, “Whoever that is must have orgasmed a couple times with almost no stimulation.” She moved over to the third mummy.

“That was Carolina. Ms Sundance did have some kind of tied up by mustache twirling villains thing as part of her story.”

“How did they end up like this?” Alex asked. “Can you read their minds?”

“Oh, they got a weird random card at the end of the game that had to affect all three of them.” Josh explained. He recited Bethany's wish that put them in place except for the last sentence. He added, “I kinda wonder what being wrapped like that feels like.”

Alex pulled her face out of Shahala's crotch and said, “Me too.” In a flash, Alex felt herself being teleported to a seated position with her arms held behind, her legs held beneath her and her entire body wrapped in bondage tape except for an open patch of skin around her pussy. A vibrator was pressed firmly against her clitoris, varying in intensity in most pleasing ways.

“That bastard,” she thought. She attempted to use her magic to free herself but it did not work. She tried to summon herself out of the chair but nothing happened. “I can't get out with magic,” she thought, remembering the wish that created her predicament. She tried to continue thinking evil thoughts at Josh but she was about to orgasm. It was going to be great. She tried to move herself against the vibrator to finish the orgasm but she was held firmly in place. “No bother,” she thought. She would come soon enough. With that thought, the vibrator turned off. “Oh, no,” she realized. “It won't let me orgasm either.”

* * *

Don and Amanda lay exhausted on the bed. Bethany's head watched with a small amount of envy as they slowly made love to one another. She saw Amanda looking at her and wondered if Don had told her about removing her head. Amanda reached up and took the head in hand disorienting Bethany severely.

“Have you used this yet?” Amanda asked.

“Yes,” Don replied.

“Six silent statues aren't enough,” she continued. “You had to summon a fake cocksucking head that looks like Bethany?”

“I did no such thing,” he said sitting up. “I admit, I did summon a facsimile of Beth's head. But this isn't it. It's on the mannequin at the birthday party over there,” he added, gesturing across the room. “This is Beth's head.” He took the head in hand and turned it, “Hello, Beth.” He said to it. “Would you mind sucking my cock?”

As he spoke, the head turned from mannequin to real flesh. The mouth moved but no sound came out. Beth tried to speak again but without lungs, could not make a sound. She opened her mouth wide and waited.

“I'll take that as a 'Yes,'” Don said and placed her mouth on his waiting cock.

Bethany licked and applied some small amount of suction to his cock as he bobbed her head up and down on his cock.

“Here,” Amanda interrupted taking hold of Bethany's head and continuing to move it up and down. “You lie back and I'll finish this up for you.” As Don sat back and relaxed, Amanda continued the current bobbing up and down for a few more strokes then pulled Bethany off of Don. She turned Bethany's head to the side and leaned her own head forward so she was facing Bethany and placed her open mouth against the side of his cock. Then she brought Bethany close to his cock so that their upper and lower lips were touching wrapped around Don. Once she and Bethany's tongues had met a few times while licking his cock, she slowly lowered and raised both their heads synchronously up and down his shaft.

* * *

Josh was amused and distracted when something happened around Bethany. Her vibrator, which Hulking Alex had pulled off and tossed aside, had returned. A moment later, Carol's vibrator returned to its original position.

He was still listening to Alex fling invective thoughts at him and wondered if he should set her free when she stopped thinking out loud.

He turned his attention to Shahala's thoughts. She seemed bored. He removed her vibrator and began unraveling her head. With her eyes, ears and mouth uncovered, she immediately said, “Thank you, Joshua.”

“Not enjoying yourself?”

“As this does not involve Master, it is not very interesting,” she explained. “Are you going to finish unwrapping me?”

“If you like,” he said as he started on her arms so she could help. A few minutes later she was standing free of the chair.

“Thank you again for helping me,” Shahala said. “Though you should have rescued Alex first. She is rather mad at you.”

“How do you know?” he asked turning around.

A green, muscle-bound, eight-foot tall woman loomed over him, wearing nothing but an odd metal helmet on her head. “Alex Angry. You Not Like If Alex Get Angry.” She tossed him into the chair she had been trapped in.

He tried to enter her mind but could not. The metal hat he supposed protected her against his mind control. “Candy Floss,” he said aloud.

“Not Work Either,” Hulking Alex laughed. “Alex Want Josh Trans Formed Look Like Small Alex With Porn Boobs In Chair.”

Josh was far more surprised that his post-hypnotic trigger failed than he was that Alex could turn him into a woman.

She placed her enlarged, green head eye-to-eye with Josh and spoke: “Touch Taped Girl. Say 'Me, Too'” Alex glared at Josh. “Now!”

Reluctantly, he touched Bethany and said “Me, too.” Silence and darkness clamped down on him suddenly. He could not move, could not see, could not hear, could not speak. Something heavy was placed on his head. He tried to sense Shahala. Nothing. Bethany? Nothing. Carol? Nothing. His pussy was aching with pleasure from the vibrator. Someone was strapping the thing on his head under his chin. It had to be the helmet Alex had been wearing. It blocked his mental powers. He guessed it also blocked his danger sense. He was truly trapped. “How did she escape?” he thought. No answer came. “How many people are in this room?” No answer came. Does the helmet block knowledge or does the tape spell? A moment later, something was placed on his right nipple. Just getting jostled made it hard for Josh to think. It stared vibrating and all his thoughts ran out of his head replaced by the glut of pleasure racing in from the stimulated pornstar boobs. He barely noticed as the next vibrator was attached to his other breast.

Alex finished taping the extra vibrators to his chest before shrinking back down to normal size. She remained green without realizing it. She turned to Shahala, “I'm sorry you had to witness that but the asshole did not inform me that your bondage was contagious.”

“How long will you leave him like that?” Shahala asked, without wondering why Alex was green.

“Forever, if I can,” Alex threatened. “Though I'll probably get horny sooner than that.” She joked. She tried not to be obvious as she checked out Shahala's naked body. Looking away too quickly she wondered aloud, “I wonder what the others are up to.”

“If you wish to fuck me, I would be glad for have sex with you.” Shahala stated matter-of-factly.

“Great,” Alex said, turning to face Shahala. “Let's go to my room. If I remember correctly, I'll have to replace the door my Hulking self destroyed on the way down here.”

“Lead the way. Other than Joshua, these two do not wish to be rescued just yet.”

As they walked upstairs, Alex wanted the door to the bedroom repaired and back on its hinges. That repaired the door. She also repaired the door jam trim.

“Do you mind telling me how you escaped from the tape?”

“Not at all. Watch,” Alex said. She knelt down on the floor with her arms clasped behind her. “Tape me up. Tape me up. Tape me up. Ten minutes.” Suddenly she was encased in black tape and vibrator was pressed against her crotch. A few seconds later a muffled voice near the vibrator said, “I discovered how to make anatomically unusual changes to my body earlier during sex with Josh.”

Shahala looked around to find the voice then eventually noticed that the opening where Alex's pussy should have been contained a mouth.

Alex continued unaware of Shahala's initial confusion. “One change involved sticking out my tongue and turning it into a penis. So I did a similar thing here.” The mouth in her crotch stuck out its tongue. It lengthened beyond even her fellatrix tongue's unusual length and transformed into an arm. The tip engorged and formed into a hand. The hand opened and a pair of safety scissors appeared. An elbow formed on the arm and it bent upward back to her crotch. Using a finger she found the edge of the tape and slid the scissors around the tape. The scissors cut the bondage tape quickly. She went around her waist to free her arms first. As soon as she got one of her normal arms free a second and third pair of scissors helped make short work of the tape. When her head was freed she continued speaking, “And neither of you noticed because you were not in the bubble.”

“I did notice the magic emanating from you,” Shahala admitted. “I just saw no reason to inform Joshua about it.”

Alex laughed. “Because he isn't your Master and you had no instructions from Steve regarding my behavior."

“Yes,” Shahala sighed. “I think you do understand me better than most people here.” She ran a finger over one of her nipples while her other hand smoothly trailed across her stomach down to her thigh. “Tell me, what does your erogenous vision say about me?”

Alex looked at Shahala for the first time with her erogenous vision active. Her entire body was not a primary erogenous zone, but every inch of her had a very strong reading. “I guess you are made for pleasure.”

She stepped toward Alex. “Make yourself the same and feel what sex truly is.” She planted her lips firmly on Alex's as her hand cupped Alex's shoulder and stroked down her arm. The other hand cradled Alex's neck.

Alex responded to the kiss with a shudder. Her arm was on fire with pleasure and warmth. Her own hands found themselves on the back of Shahala's thigh and hip. Alex lost all sense of time as she ran her hands over Shahala's flesh and had Shahala do the same to her. Their lips softly parted and their tongues teased one another with feather tip dabs at the other's lips.

Shahala lead them in an awkward, shuffling dance to the bed, their lips and hands seemingly unable to be removed from the other's body. With an unexpected shove, Alex landed on the bed and Shahala pounced on her flesh: kissing, licking, biting, touching, caressing and dragging her hair over each inch of Alex's body with a gentle alacrity that did not let up on pleasuring Alex long enough for her to do anything but moan in delight.

* * *

Steve jolted awake. He heard angry voices in the main room. "Did you hear that?" He whispered to Jesse, sleeping peacefully in his arms. When she did not even stir, he split off a copy of himself to investigate.

At the door to the bedroom Steve heard movement on the stairs and waited for the footsteps to go into a room. When all was still, he quietly opened the door and stepped into the main room. His eyes were immediately drawn to a row of three dining chairs facing the living room. On each was a woman wrapped from head to toe in shiny black tape. Only after seeing the vibrators pressed up against their exposed pussies did he notice that the room was not quite as silent as he originally thought.

The women were all obviously writhing in pleasure, arching their backs and straining against their bonds. Yet they were totally silent. It had to be magic, he guessed. They were all positioned on the chairs the same way too.

As he approached them, he could determine the short one with extra vibrators on her nipples was Alex. Next to her was probably Bethany. The last girl was too pale skinned to be Shahala so he assumed it was Carol. Knowing how vocal Carol could be, he began peeling the tape around Bethany’s mouth.

As she felt fingers working around her mouth she started speaking, unaware her voice was still silenced. When the fingers did not heed her requests to leave her be she waited until she could run her tongue around her lips without touching any tape. "I am deaf whoever is there." She explained, her speech jerky, interrupted frequently by sudden sharp inhalations and mumbled moans of yearning. "Touch my left boob for yes and my right boob for no." She repeated these instructions twice before her left boob was touched.

"If you're a guy-- uhhn-- please fuck me-e-e a-an-n-nd oh I'll explain what's going on." She paused expectantly. "Are you a woman?" She felt her right boob being touched. "Can't you fuck me? Please?" She waited as an orgasm crested, biting her lip to avoid shouting out. A semi-erect cock as pushing at her pussy. “Oh, thank God,” she continued. “I, I, I’m com-um-uming.” She took a couple deep breaths. “Don’t stop. I can-- can talk now.

“We only ha-- oooooh-- have ten minutes before the tape will recover my mouth s- s- so if you want to cum be quick about it. As the game ended we all had to practice being bound so I wished for us to be bound like this, safe from all dangers and tormented by that bloody vibrator. You are much better than the vibrator. If a woman touches one of us and says 'Me, too,' she becomes bound like us. We also have the ability to do this to ourselves again in the future. The first time it will last eight hours but after that we can change the duration.

“Don’t let Donnie release me until morning. I want to spend the night like this. Carol sounded like she orgasmed while I was making the wish so I presume she doesn’t need to be released anytime soon. I’m sure Shahala will stay here as long as Steve allows her to.

“I think I’m going to come again. Are you close? I hope so because we are running out of time before my bondage resets. Kiss me now and give me a kiss goodbye when the tape returns. Now fuck me harder.”

After kissing her, Steve redoubled his efforts and was pretty sure she orgasmed before he did. She did not volunteer any more information after that so he pulled out of her. He looked at the other two ladies and figured he would fuck Carol next. He wondered why Shahala would look like Alex but decided that could wait.

As he watched, the damaged bondage tape on Bethany’s head disappeared. She quickly managed to say, “Thanks, Ste--”, before her mouth disappeared behind fresh tape. The vibrator he had cast aside returned to her pussy. He kissed her on the face where her lips should be.

He entered Carol, moving the vibrator aside. Her body twisted and strained, trying to pull him further inside her. He ran his hands all over her tape covered body and marveled at how much she seemed to enjoy being touched. He took his time getting to orgasm. Her frantic attempts to speed him eventually disappeared and she began to enjoy the rhythm and pace he was setting. Twice the vibrator appeared between them and twice he cast it aside. When her felt her orgasm it was hard and lasted longer than he expected, his cock treated very well by her pussy squeezing it relentlessly. After he satisfied himself, he kissed her tape covered lips.

He looked at Alex. Since Bethany had said Shahala was supposed to be there he said, “Genie, come here.”

Shahala appeared wearing her normal silks, not a hair out of place. “How may I serve you, Master?”

“So that is Alex?” He asked, pointing at the third bound woman.

Alex appeared at the top of the stairs wearing her usual jeans and T-shirt, saying, “Oh, there you are.”

Steve watched the green skinned Alex walk down the stairs.

“No, Master,” she corrected him. “That is Joshua transformed into a likeness of Alex.”

“I suppose there’s a good story behind how this happened.”

Alex sat down on the sofa and indicated he should sit as well. As she finished telling the story, she added, “Then Shahala and I went upstairs and had some mind blowing sex.”

“Mind blowing only in the kinky sense,” Shahala added.

“Kinky?” Steve said. “Dare I ask?”

“Allow Master into the bubble,” Shahala said.

“What? What are you hiding?”

Alex’s clothes disappeared, a flaccid cock and balls appeared below her nose. “I don’t think kinky really is the right word,” came her voice from her crotch.

Steve was not sure where to look first. “That’s fucked up.”

“Shahala, if Alex doesn’t mind, could you suck, um, her cock?”

“Gladly, Master. Alex?” In answer the cock rose to attention, Shahala needed no additional prompting. She sat next to Alex and patted her lap. Alex got up and sat on Shahala’s lap bringing her face up to Shahala’s level. Shahala took the now erect cock deeply into her mouth and started sucking on it, both their hands immediately went to the others breasts and gently caressed them.

Steve sat watching them -- he was not sure what to call it. Making out? 69ing? Elevening? -- when one of the vibrators behind him whirred a little loudly. He split off a copy of himself transformed into Jesse.

“Shahala,” Steve-as-Jesse asked. “How do I join the tape crew?”

Shahala sat back from Alex, “You touch one of them and say ‘Me, too’ Jesse-Master. After you do it once, you can do it again by saying ‘tape me up’ three times and stating the duration.” She resumed sucking Alex’s facecock.

Steve-as-Jesse removed his clothes and touched Bethany, saying, “Me, too.” For Steve-as-Jesse, the sensory deprivation part of the bondage was less than complete as she could still see what the other Steves could see, which includes seeing herself mummy wrapped to a dining room chair.

“That does feel nice,” Steve said. He stood up and touch his other self. “Wow, I can’t reabsorb her.” He split off a copy of himself and that copy merged into his Jesse copy. “That felt odd.” A moment later a male copy of Steve stepped out of his Jesse copy. “If anyone’s paying attention, I could not step out of my Jesse as Jesse but I could as Steve. The second copy of Steve sat down in a chair and said, “Tape me up. Tape me up. Tape me up. 15 minutes.” That Steve became encased in black bondage tape. The vibrator appeared placed squarely below his cock pressed against his cock and balls. “That is -- he should cum in a few minutes.” A copy of Steve stepped out of the male taped Steve. “That’s weird. It lets males escape with magic but not females.” He still could not reabsorb the tape bound male Steve. A few minutes later that Steve ejaculated.

“Master?” Shahala interrupted.

Steve turned to look at Shahala. She was still sucking Alex’s dickface but Alex did not seem to responsive. “Is there a problem?”

“Alex is asleep,” Shahala said.

“You may stop sucking her cock.”

“Thank you, Master.” Shahala said. She picked up Alex and set her down on the sofa. Alex remained inert.

“Instead you may eat my pussy,” he commanded pointing at the pussy in question.

“Yes, Master.” She got up and went down on the bound Steve-as-Jesse.

Steve approached Alex. Something was not right. She was sitting on the sofa, her head bowed slightly. He walked around behind her saw something red on her neck. He brushed the hair away and started laughing. A red recessed button on her neck was labeled “Shahala owns me”.

“Did you hear a click before she fell asleep?”

“Actually, I did, Master.”

“You pressed her automaton switch.” Steve laughed again. “Shahala, tell Alex to return to her normal body form and color.”

“Alex return to your normal body form and color,” Shahala parroted.

Alex’s mouth returned to her face and the area between her legs was once again a pussy.

“Tell Alex to want a pen and pad of paper to appear in her hands.” Steve instructed. “When you get me to orgasm over there, stop and sit next to me.”

After the items appeared, he took the pen and paper and sat on the sofa next to Alex writing some amusing instructions. When Shahala sat down beside him he said, “That felt great.”

“You’re welcome, Master.”

“Read this aloud to Alex.”

“Yes, Master,” Shahala turned to face Alex. “Alex, stand up. Want a pink sash with words ‘Property of Don’ in black script to appear on your left shoulder circling down to your right hip and back. Want a white rose pinned to the sash at the level of your nipples. Place your ownership/automaton button inside your bubble. Only Steve and I are inside the bubble.

“When Steve says ‘now’, go upstairs and enter Don’s room. In response to any question involving why you are there, how you came to be an automaton, what Josh thinks, how you feel, what you think about anything, what will happen in the future or has happened in the past, you will reply, “I am yours for tonight.” Until sunrise, you will obey anything Don says as if Shahala were telling you to do it with the following exceptions. Don cannot command you to change ownership. He cannot transfer or modify your ownership. He cannot access your concealment powers. He is limited in his use of your self modification powers, able to use them only to change your body, not creating switches or buttons.” Shahala turned to face Steve. “Are you sure she will not be angry, Master?”

“I’m sure she will be furious. But I’m sure she’ll blame Josh for it.” he laughed. “Alex, Now.”

Mechanically, Alex walked to the stairs and ascended them. She reached Don’s door and entered without announcing herself.

* * *

“Put her head on my shaft,” Don instructed. Amanda complied just as he orgasmed into Bethany’s mouth. “Push her down till her nose hits my stomach.” As she reached bottom, he willed her head to transform into a mannequin head. “Once you put her back on the shelf clean me up.”

“I’m not your servant,” Amanda reminded him as she put the head on the shelf, facing the room. “As much as you wish it were otherwise.”

“Please, Amanda, use your beautiful mouth to lick my cock clean,” Don begged.

“Well, since you put it so nicely,” Amanda said taking his flaccid cock in hand and licking around the edge from stem to tip and back. “You appear to be leaking,” she admonished, taking his cock into her mouth and sucking it hard. When she finished, she turned over and spread her legs wide. “Be a dear, and do me now,” she paused before adding, “Please.”

“Since you put it so nicely,” Don mimicked her voice and he turned over and began licking her sugar walls. He was feeling pretty mellow and did her slowly and steadily spending time on her left side then switching to her right side plunging his tongue inside a little bit at a time. His tongue was tiring after twenty minutes so he cheated a little. He summoned a small vibrator and pressed it against her pussy as he continued to explore her with his tongue.

“Oh, that feels so good, Don,” Amanda admitted. “I’m getting close. Finish with your cock.” She moaned as he pressed the vibrator against her clit. “I want to feel your cock driving deep inside me. In and out, pressing against my whole body. Fuck me, Don. Fuck me till I pass out.”

He scooted up her body and planted a sloppy, wet, forceful kiss on her mouth and did not stop until she stopped trying to talk through it. His cock then entered her wet pussy with a slurp. He fucked her fast and hard and they both came within minutes. He lay gently beside her catching his breath.

“You got that cock dirty again after I just washed it, didn’t you?” She mock raged.

“Boys will be boys,” he replied.

They lay there for several minutes when the door opened suddenly.

“Alex?” Amanda asked. “What are you wearing?”

When she did not reply, Don asked, “What are you doing?”

“I am yours for tonight,” she replied flatly.

"Is this a trick?" Don asked. When she did not respond he said to Amanda, "The sash is a nice touch."

"Leave her be and finish fucking me," Amanda demanded.

Don commanded, "Alex, transform yourself to look like me." She complied.

"Does my gut really hang like that?"

"What, your love handles?" Amanda innocently mocked. "Why do you think I've been telling you to come work out with me?"

"Are you calling me fat?"

"I never said--" Amanda growled and sat up. She hastily threw on a dress. "I'm going downstairs to calm down. You can just fuck yourself," she added pointing at Alex-as-Don.

The door slammed as she left. Don considered going after her but she still needed to calm down.

"Alex, turn back into your normal form and walk to the bed." When she arrived he placed his hand on her boob, just because he could, and he concentrated. A moment later there were three Alexes. The urge to decorate overcame him as two mannequins were missing from his tableau. He started posing one of the Alexes to replaced the missing Bethany from one of the displays. Being shorter he modified her position to account for the differences in height.

* * *

Shahala was draped over the sofa being rammed from behind by Steve as Amanda descended the stairs. Amanda did not even notice them at first as there were four mummified figures sitting on chairs lined up in a row facing the living room, and the stairs, that were hard to take one's eyes off of.

Amanda reached the bottom of the stairs before she notice what Steve and Shahala were doing. “Oh, excuse me,” she exclaimed.

“Shahala create some kind of screen around us.”

“As you wish, Master,” Shahala replied. A three-panel rice-paper wall screen appeared around the sofa blocking Amanda's view of Steve and Shahala.

“That's a bit better,” Amanda said, haltingly, as she now noticed how the mummified figures were being subjected to forced orgasms from the vibrators.

Steve suggested, “If you wish to become tormented like the mummies, just touch one of them and say, 'Me, too.' Otherwise, give me and Shahala a few minutes to finish up and we'll explain what's going on.” With that he worked on getting off quicker.

Angry with Don and still very horny, Amanda immediately crossed the room to touch one of the mummies. As she said, “Me, too” the world disappeared and she was reminded how much she enjoyed being bound up. Don rarely indulged her requests to be mummified since it took so much time to get ready. The vibrator just made the mummification even better.

Steve and Shahala orgasmed a few moments later. Rather than pulling out of her, Steve said, “Return to your bottle.”

“As you wish, Master,” Shahala replied, her body fading into mist.

The mist felt funny on Steve's fading erection. It was late and he did not wish to disturb Jesse, sleeping in his arms in their bed. So, he stepped up to the mummified Jesse and absorbed himself into her body.

* * *

Don finished adding two of the three Alexes to his window display. One was transformed into a man with Don's head but with a finer physique. The other looked like Alex wearing a skimpy bathing suit. Before turning his attention on the third Alex he wondered why Amanda was not back. He attempted to summon here and it failed.

Stopping time, he did not want to awaken anyone with his wanderings, he stepped out the door and went into Josh and Alex's room. It was empty. Don descended the stairs. His curiosity about the three panel screen surrounding the sofa was quickly replaced by awe and wonderment. He paused on the stairs to drink in the awesome display of bondage in the dining room. Five shiny black tape-wrapped mummies bound to dining chairs with their arms behind them and legs beneath them.

Resuming time he could see them undulating slightly. The rise and fall of the humming vibrators was a symphony to Don.

He hurried down to check them out up close. He immediately recognized Amanda and Bethany. Then he noticed Alex and was confused. He summoned the non-mannequin Alex and asked, "What do you know about these mummified ladies?"

"Shahala, Bethany, and Carol ended the game having to participate in a random event for five minutes involving being bound. Bethany suggested this method using a wish granted by Carol," Alex flatly explained.

"How long will it last?"

"Eight hours the first time or until rescued."

"The first time?" Don asked. "When would it happen a second time?"

"When one of us thinks or says, 'tape me up, tape me up, tape me up till sunrise'..." A chair appeared from the dining room where Alex was standing as she became bound like the others.

Don stared at her incredulously, then laughed uncontrollably for a good minute before recovering, "You won't escape me like that, my dear. I want a typed transcript of everything that happened in the cabin after Amanda and I went upstairs after dinner this evening. A sheaf of papers in a school binder, a bit thicker than he expected appeared in his hand. Seeing how long it was he made himself comfortable on the sofa. He stopped time except for himself, ensuring he would not be interrupted or waste time, and began reading.

After an indeterminate time, he tossed the well-thumbed and dog-eared transcript on the table. He resumed time and stood a short distance from Alex. Holding out his right hand, he attempt to summon Alex. He tried it several times with various ways of describing her out of bondage. But magic could not free her as the transcript said. He peeled the tape covering her right ear and commanded, "Escape from the tape as you did earlier this evening."

Even having read the transcript he watched in awe as and an arm grew from her pussy, summoned scissors, and started cutting away the tape. Although it took her a couple extra minutes she escaped before the ten minute time limit. She stood motionless in front of the chair, a pair of scissors in one hand He commanded her to banish the scissors and they disappeared.

“Follow me,” he commanded and he turned and walked back to his bedroom. “Close the door and stay there.” He added when they got into the room. His eye caught sight of the tableau before him and it needed something. It needed a male figure like him in it. How could he accomplish this?

He turned to Alex and commanded, “Do ten jumping jacks.” After the first one, he summoned a stop watch. He froze her in time and thought about there being a time limit. At 20 seconds she resumed motion. He stopped her again for three minutes and it worked. He could freeze someone in time for a limited duration and he did not have to unfreeze them. Could it work on himself?

“Alex, remove my shirt,” he commanded. Before he could act, his shirt was in her hand. “Put my shirt back on me. Now, this time, walk over here and physically unbutton my shirt, pull it over my head. Then put it on and physically button it up.”

As she approached he thought about freezing himself for two minutes. Instantly, Alex was standing in front of him buttoning up his shirt.

Perfect, he thought. He had Alex summon up a suit of clothes on his body. He gave Alex further instructions and she disappeared from the room. He took his place among the mannequins and then, based on how long he figured Amanda would be trapped in her bondage, he froze himself in time for seven hours.


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