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If you haven't read any of the Ted's Dolls stories before, you should start at the beginning with Ted's Dolls 1: Jane before reading this one. This story overlaps with and continues after the prior installment: Ted's Dolls 15: Gillian and Aimee.

Ted received an email from the Dean of Classic and Performing Arts. In it, he was asked to setup an appointment at his earliest convenience with the Dean's secretary about an opportunity, which would expire in three days.

He called the secretary's office phone number and a woman with a pleasant voice helped him set up an appointment that Thursday.

Ted was worried this might have something to do with the ongoing debacle with Iota Omicron Kappa. He had no idea what he would do if it did, but that had resolved itself before the meeting. That Thursday, he arrived at the Dean's office fifteen minutes early. The secretary asked him to take a seat and the dean would be with him shortly. The secretary was a woman in her late twenties, slim, probably a runner. Ted had seen her before but had no idea where as he had never been in this office area of campus before. A nameplate on her desk identified her as Shilpa Patel.

Five minutes before the appointment time, the Dean came out and shook Ted's hand. “Ah, you must be Theodore. May I call you Ted? I'm Dean Wolch but you can call me Roberta. Please come into my office.”

“Ted is fine. I'm not sure why I'm here. I'm a business student.”

“Yes, and you are a remarkably good student. My assistant saw your Halloween show and took a few pics of some of the exhibits. Some of them were just brilliant.”

That was where he had seen Ms Patel before: the naughty nurse from the Halloween show. “Well, thank you. It was nothing.”

“Nothing? No. You have a natural eye for sculpture. I understand you waste this talent making sex dolls that all look alike. I had heard about the mannequin girl on Fifth Street that you made and when I heard about the sex dolls I was excited until I found out they were all lookalikes. But the figures you made for Halloween. That told me my instincts were right. You are an artist.”

“Well, you would know. But I'm still not sure why I'm here.”

“We want you to put on a real show. The Halloween gallery was for fun. What can you do for real?”

“You are aware that the dolls I make are living people, right?”

“That's what makes it even more interesting. They are temporary. Like Buddhist sand mandalas. They exist for a while and then all that's left is the memories of the exhibit. I have a grant that you can have if you want. All you have to do is create an exhibit in a room we'll supply that lasts for a weekend. Use the grant to pay your models and to budget for any carpentry and lighting you might need.”

“I don't know. I've never considered myself an artist.”

“The best artists never utter the word artist when referring to themselves.” She stood up. “But I can see you need time to think about it. Send my assistant your answer in a few days at most. If you don't take the grant, I'll have to find a lessor artist to give it to.”

“That was subtle.”

“Thanks. And speaking of subtle, please no more revenge plots against the fraternities.”

* * *

A couple days later, Jane and Emily got in Ted's car. “This is so exciting,” Emily says.

“I'm kind of sad, in a way,” Jane says.

“Sad? We're about to go see the mannequins that were made from your body at The Bluebelle Boutique.”

“Yes, that's exciting. But I'm not going to be a mannequin this weekend. The store is going to use the actual mannequins.”

“You can always hang out in my room,” Ted said.

“Thanks, but, no thanks,” Jane said. “While everyone has seen Paris standing in your window, that's not the kind of window display I want to be a part of.”

“Actually, Jane, I have some stuff I want to experiment with for my show. Would you be willing to spend the rest of today in my dorm? No sex.”

“Well, I will be free. And I haven't had a Saturday off in a couple months so I don't know what I would do with myself.”

The car drove past the store front. In the window, there was a sheet covering what was most likely the mannequin they were there to see. Ted pulled into a parking lot nearby and parked.

As they entered the back of the store, Mark greeted them as they entered. “Ted! Jane! And you're Emily, right?”

“Got in one.”

“You remember Stephen.”

“Hello, Jane, I'll never forget that face,” Stephen said. “There must be a dozen copies of it in my workroom. Hi, Ted. And Emily.”

“Have we met?”

“No, Mark just said your name.” He laughed.

“Oh, est-ce la mannequin?” A man said, entering the back area. He was in his late sixties.

“This is my boss and CEO of Classic Castings, Jean Michel Chiroque.”

“You are even more beautiful in person,” he said, kissing her hand. His French accent a little thick.


“And this is her friend Emily. And the wizard, Ted.”

“I'm not a wizard.”

“No, of course not. It is ridiculous to call someone who can make people into mannequins a wizard,” Jean said.

Melanie, the store owner, greeted Jane with a hug. “I'm sorry but I might have to let you go after this.”

“That's okay.”

“I have a dress for you to wear. It's the same as the dress on the mannequin.”

“I'll go get changed.”

When she was done, she was alone in the back of the store. She stepped out into the showroom and there were a few camera flashes. Jane realized they were members of the press. “I didn't expect there to be press.”

“We are unveiling a new line of products,” Stephen said. “Of course we want people to know.”

“I didn't think mannequins release events were accompanied by press releases.”

“Every industry has press releases, Chère,” Jean said.

Jean made a short speech and then the mannequin was unveiled. It was the second casting Jane had done. Several photos were taken of Jane standing next to the mannequin.

“How does it feel to see yourself as a mannequin?” One of the reporters asked Jane.

“It feels great. It won't be weird until I see myself in a store I've never been to before.”

Before long the press left and the Classic Castings people left.

Jane stepped into the back and found Melanie talking with Cooper. “Could you do a few more photos?” Melanie said.

“Hello, Cooper.”

“My favorite mannequin model,” Cooper said. “For old time's sake?”

“It was only a month or so ago.”


They took a few more pictures and then Cooper left.

“Keep the dress,” Melanie said.

“The dress that got me fired?”

“You don't want it?”

“I'll take it,” Emily said.

“No, Melanie, I love the dress,” Jane said. And she and Melanie hugged. “I'm going to miss this place.”

“You're going to spend time in much better places than this. You'll see. And you'll make a lot more than I can pay you.”

The three of them drove back to campus.

“Are you going to stick with Ted?” Emily said.

“What are you going to turn me into?”

“You'll see.”

“Okay, then can you drop me off at the cafeteria. I'm meeting a few friends for dinner,” Emily said.


Emily went into the cafeteria and did not see her friends there so she sat down at a table and checked her phone. She was earlier than she had thought she was. After an hour or so, she heard her name being called. Earl and Rhana entered the cafeteria with another couple. The four of them joined Emily at her table.

“We don't go out to the cafeteria much any more,” Rhana said.

“I'm surprised Earl can stand the food here,” Emily said.

“I can't,” Earl said. “This is Rob and Beverly.”

“I met Rob briefly at Earl's the other night. Nice to meet you, Beverly,” Emily said.

“Call me Bev.” she said. “Rhana tells me you share a couple hobbies with Earl and her.”

“If you mean role-playing and dolling, you are correct,” Emily said.

“Beverly dolls as well,” Rob said.

“And I'm guessing not as part of a game?” Emily said.

“Last week it was part of a game,” Beverly said. “Rob and Earl play poker every Wednesday night. I use to go to Ted's on Wednesday's to pass the time.”

“And you were okay with this?” Emily said to Rob.

After a pause, Rob said, “We worked that out.”

“Bev attended the poker game as a doll last week,” Earl said.

“One that looked like her,” Rhana said.

“And was mostly unclothed,” Rob said.

“I had a bra on when the night started.”

“Earl's going to take me with him next week,” Rhana said.

“So you'll spend Wednesday and Thursday as a doll?”

“Straight through.”

“You could come. We could give you away to whomever has the most winnings that night,” Earl said.

“She doesn't know about the sign,” Beverly said.

“The sign?”

Ted approached the table and sat next to Emily, “This is an interesting table of people.”

“We're trying to convince Emily to attend the poker game.”

“The one Beverly was at last week?”

“And the one I'll be attending this Wednesday.” Rhana said.

“The more the merrier,” Ted said. He pulled out his phone. “I wanted to show you these pics I just took of Jane.”

“That's Jane?” Emily said.

The image on the phone displayed Jane, laying on her side, her lower arm propping her up. But she was apparently very flat and hanging on the wall of Ted's dorm room. There were a few more pics of her flattened form lying flat on the bed. A side view showing that she was barely an inch thick.

“Is this for your art show?” Emily said, passing the phone to Rhana and Earl.

“Yes. Originally I was thinking I would need some woodworking done. But I could do some of the flat people with dolls, or cutouts in this case.”

“This would be even cooler than being a doll at the poker game,” Beverly said.

“But far less fun for us guys,” Rob said.

“How long did the transformation take?” Emily said.

“Over an hour,” Ted said. “There's a video of it on my laptop that I'm going to turn into a time-lapse video. I've got to go. If you are going to the poker game, Emily, make sure you arrive at my room with one of the other couples. I won't have time to deliver you that day.”


* * *

Toby and Mitch entered Ted's room and placed the doll they were carrying on the floor. “So who was this freebie?” Toby asks.

“That's none of your concern, really. But it's Doug Chambers, the Iota who doesn't know how to break up with someone properly. Anything to report?”

“No defenestrations,” Mitch said. “But poor Doug was used by just about everyone in our dorm.”

“That really cuts into my business when you share the dolls with the whole dorm.”

“If that's a problem, we'll stop that.”

“No. I was counting on it in this case. If there's nothing else, be sure to give Paris a good whack on the ass before you leave.”


“Look at the door.”

On the back of the door was a bas-relief wood-cut of Paris. She was bent at the waist facing away from the viewer. One of her hands reached up between her legs and was spreading her pussy. Her face could be seen through her legs. She had her index finger in her mouth.

The two men gave her not-so-flat rump a whack before leaving.

Shortly after they left, Doug was naked on the floor of Ted's bathroom. He got dressed and came out. He stared at the cut out of Paris.

“That could have been you,” Ted said.

“I'm so sorry, Mr. Ted.”

“Don't call me Mr. Ted. After the half a week you just had, I consider us even.”

“Thank you, Mr... I mean Ted.”

“Good bye.”

“Can I....?” he pointed at the ass on the door.


* * *

“Are you Professor Tiddle?” Ted asked the woman as he entered her office. Professor Tiddle was a tall, red-haired woman not more than ten years older than Ted.

“Yes, are you Ted? Please have a seat. Dean Wolch told me the arts grant had been awarded to a student but not one of my students. You're a business major, right?”

“Yes, I'm definitely not taking any of your classes. Is that a problem?”

“A problem? No, it was just disappointing. I saw the pictures taken by Ms Patel and I'm impressed with the detail on some of the pieces you did for Halloween. I can't wait to see what you do for Alumni Weekend. You have an eye for proportion and line that probably just comes naturally to you. Imagine what training could do for you.”

“I've never really been drawn to artwork.”

“Lack of exposure? Or maybe lack of guidance? Take an art history class. You must have electives that you thought you would not be able to tolerate. You've already turned your art into a business.”

“It wasn't art when I did that.”

“When did it become art?”

“I don't know that it has become art. Even if the showing Alumni Weekend is amazing, my canvases are living people. I can't sell the artwork. Unless you are saying I should learn photography.”

“You already have a photographer's eye. Your displays over Halloween were best viewed from certain angles. If you created life-sized dioramas and then created the photographs of them. That would be art. I've seen your mannequins too. The poses you choose might be driven by the model. But ultimately, you decide when the pose is 'right.' And then you lock them into place.”

“This is a lot to think about.”

“I did have another reason for asking to see you.”

“You want me to turn you into a doll.”

“Is it that obvious?” She blushed as she said it. “I've spoken to a couple of your dolls and I understand you can make it so the doll returns to life after a certain amount of time. If that's so, I could call my husband to pick me up today and we wouldn't have to have my husband carry me to your dorm room to restore me.”

“I'd rather not have professors leaving my dorm room after they were dolls.”


“You want to call him now?”

“Can you do it now?”

“Sure. When would you want to be restored?”

She got out her phone and hit dial. “Wednesday, early morning. I have no class the rest of today or tomorrow.” She spoke into the phone, “Karl?... Yes, right now... My office... Love you.” She hung up. “He'll be here in about twenty minutes. Can you wait here afterwards so he can lock my office and I'm not standing here as a doll if someone is looking for me.”

“I usually charge for this service,” Ted said locking the door to the office.

“Oh?” She said, reaching for her purse. “How much?”

“Just $50 since you already have your Renter lined up.”

“Here's $60, it seems I only have twenties. Keep the change as payment for babysitting me until Karl gets here.”

“As you wish,” Ted said, pocketing the money. “Let me know when you're ready. The process take a little over five minutes when there's a time limit.”

“Oh, I didn't realized. Karl will be able to remove my clothes without ruining them, right?”

“Certainly. The dolls are very flexible and retain the pose they are placed in.”

“Okay, I'm ready. Remind Karl to take my purse and professional bag before locking up.”

“You got it. 3... 2... 1...”

* * *

Earlier in the day, he restored Paris to normal so she could attend Monday classes. Less than eight hour later, that night, the door to Ted's room opened after a short knock. Ted did not look up from his laptop as Paris let herself in and immediately disrobed. After putting her clothes and shoes in a crate she stood by the sofa and waited.

After a few moments she said, “I'm here.”

“I saw.”

“Where do you want me?”

“That's good,” he said without looking up.

“Okay,” she said. She stood up tall with her arms by her side and waited.  “Did I mention being the beer pong heads Friday night was actually fun?” She said.

Ted nodded.

After a few more minutes, she said, “Are you going to doll me?”

“Wasn't planning to.”

She paused before saying, “Okay.” She remained standing where she was.

After another moment, he said, “If you want something to do, you could stand at the window and wave to the folks on the green.”

She crossed the room and stood in the window. She raised her right arm. Another few moments passed and she said, “You're going to leave me standing naked in front of your window, aren't you?”

“For now,” he said, checking out her backside. She had a beautiful everything, not the least of which was her firm ass. He was curious how far he could let this go. Usually he dolled her as soon as she was undressed. But he could not tell if this was some sort of power play or if she just liked being on display.

A few minutes passed and there was a knock on the door. Ted got up and answered the door.

“Hi, Ted,” Amber said.

“You're back sooner than I expected.”

Amber stepped in. She glanced over at Paris and said, “Hi, Paris.” Paris did not move.

Amber looks at Ted, “You were right. I enjoyed being the cups for beer pong. I was hoping you might need a doll for tonight.”

“If you're sure. If you don't get rented, you get to spend the evening on the sofa listening to me do my homework.”

“That's fair. What do I have to do?”

Soon she was a doll, seated on the sofa. Her stuff was in a crate by the desk. Two other girls arrived and were soon sitting next to the Amber doll.

A guy arrived and asked, “How much for Paris?”

“Sorry, she's not available.”

“Too bad. I'd love to give her a go.”

“You and half the campus.”

After he left, Ted said to Paris. “Should I have rented you?”

“Like this?” She said without looking away from the window.

“Yes, exactly like that.”


“Okay. Sit on the sofa with the other rental dolls.”

Paris turned around and gave Ted an appraising look before walking to the sofa and sitting down between the other two dolls without another word.

Soon there was another knock. A guy entered and said, “Got any rentals?”

“Sure do. You can choose one of the dolls on either end of the sofa.”

“Not the middle?”

“No.” Ted moved out of the way and out of the line of sight of the dolls.

The guy approached the near doll. “This one?”

“Sure. In fact. Could you test something? Give that doll's tits a good feel. What do you think?”

The guy did so. “Soft, fake, but a good fake.”

“Now try the doll in the middle. Give it a good feel.”

The guy fondled Paris' tits. “Softer. Almost more real. The nipples were rock hard. I liked that.”

“Great. Thanks for your help.”

“Anytime, Dude.” He paid for the doll sitting on the end closest tot he door, then left.

Ted watched Paris as the door closed but she remained stoic and doll-like on the sofa. Ted was impressed by her stubbornness.

After the next guy left with the remaining anonymous doll, and calling Paris' tits fake, Ted relented. “Fine, you win.” Paris did not react. “I said, you win, Paris.”

“What do you mean?”

“I'll turn you into a doll and fuck you.”

“If you must,” she said, still seated on the sofa in a doll-like pose.

“Don't make me change my mind.”

A smile broke out over her face. “I'm not really sure how I won when I'm the one who will be reduced to an object for your pleasure.”

“You'll get plenty of pleasure, too. Come over here.”

“I can't believe those fools thought my tits weren't real,” She leaned on his shoulder, her tits hanging near his cheek, as she looked at the laptop. “What am I looking at?”

“I was asked by Dean Wolch to create an art installation for an alumni dinner.”

“The Annual Alumni Dinner on December 8th?”

“Of course, you know about it.”

“I am President of Eta Delta Tau.”

“Said the naked woman pretending to be a sex doll.”

“Touché,” she said. “This looks good. Are all these figures going to be dolls?”

“Yes, the dolls will need to stay at the installation for the entire weekend.”

“Oh, because there's the Open House the next day.”


“How many dolls will you be using?”

“Over twenty. I might be using some of them for the 'woodwork,'” he said. “I actually have a budget. I'll be paying the dolls handsomely. Even you, if you like.”

“I think I have to be alive for the event.”

“Pity. How about if you weren't living now?”

“Finally. Whip that thing out already.”


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