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“Look at this view,” Amanda exclaimed. She stood before a floor to ceiling picture window looking out over the mountain range to the east. “I claim this bedroom.” The bedroom was small with but a twin bed, a side table and a dresser. She lay down on the bed and closed her eyes. Then she opened them to take in the window as she sat up.

Alex entered and laughed, “The view in the other bedroom is better. There are a couple bird’s nests that it looks like you can just reach out and touch them.”

“Yeah, but it faces the road and has that small window,” she replied, slipping her bare feet into her sandals and standing up next to Alex. Her eyes were at the same height as Alex’s thanks to Alex’s platform boots. Amanda had the tall, lean body of a model. She was trim and firm while Alex curved more in all the right places. “This is like a store front window with a view.”

“Girls,” called a man in the lower part of the cabin.

Alex stepped out of the bedroom onto the landing overlooking the vaulted living room. “What, Josh?”

Josh stepped out of the kitchen into view from the landing. “Hey, gorgeous, I just got a call from Steve. Their car broke down so they won’t be joining us until tomorrow at the earliest.”

Amanda stepped onto the landing, “They're late?” She walked down the stairs into the living room. “What are the three of us going to do until they get here?”

Alex descended the stairs. “Well, I know what Josh and I could do.”

Josh met her at the bottom of the stairs and picked her up by swinging her around. “I wouldn’t want to leave Amanda out.”

Alex lightly slapped Josh on the cheek and dropped out of his arms. “I don’t think Amanda is interested in a threesome.”

“Don would have something to say about that,” Amanda offered.

“I'm sure he would,” Josh added, winking at Amanda.

Amanda ignored Josh, asking, “Seriously, what is there to do?”

Josh walked to the closet near the door. “There are some board games in here we could look at after dinner, I guess.”

Alex yawned. “Bored games?” She crossed her arms and dropped onto the sofa.

“I like board games,” Amanda said following Josh to the closet.

Inside, on an upper shelf, was a bag with several long forgotten editions of various old board games. As Josh took them down they had to wipe a thick layer of dust off the bag.

“Look at how old this copy of Life is,” Amanda said.

Alex got up from the sofa, “I’ll start dinner. See if you can find something more interesting than Life in that stack of games.” When she reached the doorway to the kitchen she turned and caught Josh’s eye by putting a finger in her mouth, swooshing it around once and pulling it out slowly. Then she pointed it at him and curled it back toward herself in a come-hither manner.

“I’ll help you out, honey,” Josh said putting down the games and joining Alex in the kitchen.

Alex belted on a cooking apron over her jean shorts and t-shirt. She looked at home in the country kitchen except for the knee-length, high-heeled, platform boots she was wearing. She turned on the oven and said to Josh as he entered, “Grab the big pot and half fill it with water while I dice up the veggies.” She pulled her long, dark hair up into a ponytail as Josh grabbed the pot and turned to fill it in small sink.

“It doesn’t fit in the sink,” Josh said.

“You have to do that pot in the well out back,” she said grinning. She started slicing up some carrots.

“You can’t use a smaller pot?” He asked. When she did not answer, he took the pot and walked out the back door. The well was not far from the cabin and he quickly pumped the water into the pot. When he re-entered the kitchen Alex turned and backed up so he could put the pot on the stove. As he put it down, he felt a hand grab his ass. He turned around and noticed Alex was no longer wearing her t-shirt, her full breasts were peeking out from the sides of the tightly tied on apron. “Are you hot?”

“Can you stand the heat?” She put the carrot she was holding in her mouth and gave it a little suck.

“Let’s get the meat in the oven before we get the meat in your oven.”

* * *

Amanda barely noticed the giggles and whispers coming from the kitchen as she sorted through the games. She found several classic games that seemed like first printings from fifty or more years ago. She read the rules to several of them amused at how they sometimes differed from the rules she was use to. At the bottom of the bag was a wooden box with no writing on it. Inside she found a hinged wooden board. Opening it revealed a wooden game board with etched spaces on it. Two decks of cards were in the box. Some were labeled 'Action' and some were labeled 'Random'. She found some instructions on some yellowed typewriter paper. The ink on the first page was nearly completely faded but the game instructions seemed complete. She was not sure what the game was called though.

“Untie me,” Alex shouted. The door to the kitchen swung open and Josh entered dragging a chair behind him. Alex was topless and tied to the chair with a kitchen apron and her t-shirt.

“You lost the bet,” Josh calmly replied.

Amanda brushed some dust off her hands before pushing a sandy blond lock of hair off her face. She stood up, laughing. “What was the bet?” She sat down at the table across from Alex.

Josh started, “She didn’t think I co…”

“Never mind what the bet was,” Alex interrupted. “Just serve dinner so I can pay off my bet.”

Josh went back into the kitchen and returned with a pan of roasted chicken and some plates of chopped vegetables. He served Amanda first then Alex and finally himself. He sat down. “Hmm, smells good. Do you need some help there, Darling?” He asked Alex.

She just glared at him. As she was about to reply, he stuffed her open mouth with a fork full of chicken. “See, it is good.” Alex chewed and swallowed.

“You are so dead,” Amanda said to Josh.

“She lost the bet. I think she just wanted you to see her goods.” Josh smiled at Alex, “Another bite?”

She gave him another cool stare and said, “Yes, please.”

“So, I found a game over there with no name.”

“No name?” Josh asked feeding a spoon of veggies to Alex.

“Yeah, it has some hand written cards and rules from a typewriter.”

Josh looked over at the game pile. “Oh, wow, that’s the game my grandfather would never let us play. We have to play that right after dinner.”

“May as well leave me tied up if you want me to play a board game,” Alex added.

Josh nodded, “You betchya.” He turned to Amanda, “I’m surprised you like board games. It just doesn’t seem like the kind of thing models would do.”

Amanda laughed, “It is a bit hard to game with the more airheaded models. But not all models party hard all night.”

“You’re ruining his fantasies,” Alex quipped.

“Yeah, I thought model games were stuff like pillow fighting in bras and panties,” Josh joked.

“Can’t say I ever did that with my former model roommates,” Amanda replied. “Why wear anything during a pillow fight?”

“Close your mouth, Dear,” Alex instructed Josh.

“I’m kidding, Josh,” Amanda admitted laughing. “That was good. But I see you two aren’t quite finished. I’ll take this stuff back into the kitchen.” She stood up and took the platters and plates into the kitchen. She washed the pans in the sink. When she finished she returned to the dining room to find Josh presumably licking some spilled food from Alex’s chest. “Just let me know when you’re finished,” she whispered.

“Oh my god,” Alex exclaimed.

Josh stood up and shrugged. “I’ll take care of the rest of the plates. Why don’t you get that game?” He quickly piled the remaining plates into a stack and carried them into the kitchen.

“Do we really need to leave you tied up to play a game?” Amanda asked as she fetched the wooden box from the pile of games.

“No,” Alex admitted. “Untie me so I can use the bathroom before we start.”

“Only if you promise not to lock yourself in,” Amanda said as she put the game down and reached for the nearest knot.

“Foiled again,” Alex replied. “Go ahead, untie me.”

Amanda looked at her patiently.

“I promise not to lock myself in the bathroom to avoid playing a board game.”

“Good,” Amanda said and undid the knots holding Alex’s arms to the chair. With her arms free Alex helped Amanda untie her legs. Grabbing her tee-shirt, she quickly ran up the open staircase from the living room to get to the bathroom adjoining their bedroom.

Josh returned to the dining room and said, “You let her get away?”

“She swore she would return,” Amanda replied as she continued setting up the board in the way she hoped it was supposed to be set up.

“Poppy never let us kids play with this game. I have no idea how it plays.”

“It looks simple. It’s kind of a party game as you have to admit to secrets as part of the game. But look there are little wooden playing pieces in funny shapes. There’s a pair of each shape. There are two pairs of high-heeled shoes, two love birds, two dress maker’s dummies, two brains, two easels, etc. I want to be the dress forms.”

“Appropriate. I’ll take the brains. We’ll give Alex the shoes,” Josh noted.

“Pumps, she’s not the shoes, she’s the pumps. She’s always wearing sky high shoes.”

“I suppose one goes on this space marked ‘start’ and the other goes on this fulfillment track since the end of the fulfillment track has the word ‘winner’.”

“That’s what the rules say.”

Alex entered and sat down, “It's dark out already. I hope this isn't a long game. What’s it about?”

“It’s about wish fulfillment. You’re the pumps and we move around the board here and we collect money and answer questions. In the end the winner is the one who did the most to fulfill their wishes.”

She picked up the little shoes and squealed, “Look, they’re open toe and they're actually carved out on the inside. Who made them?”

“Poppy was good with the whittling knife.”

Amanda took a softball sized plastic ball out of the box. “This looks like a modified mystery 8-ball. The kind you ask a question and it tells you ‘Outlook not good’. It is labeled ‘Outcomes’ . Did you shuffle the cards?”

After a quick shuffle of the two decks, they took a few turns rolling the dice and moving along the board collecting money. Amanda landed on the first Action space and drew the first Action card. She read it aloud, “Super Wish. If you have already made a wish, discard this card and draw again. If you could be a super powered crime fighter what super power would you choose to help you stop crime? Your wish for the game is to have that super power.” She paused. “What a weird card.”

“Any idea what it should be?”

“Actually it’s simple. I’ve actually imaged being a crime fighter.”

Josh perked up, “In slinky tights?”

“No, silly. I’ve always wanted to be a mannequanthrope.”

“A what?” Josh and Alex at once.

“Well, a lycanthrope is a werewolf, a human who turns into a wolf. Instead of turning into a wolf, I’d turn into a mannequin. I’d stand in the store in plain view of the register watching and then when a crime occurred, I’d shift from being a mannequin into human form and nab the perp.” As she described this she made various kung fu-like hand gestures.

“So part of being a mannequanthrope is knowing jiu-jitsu?” Josh inquired.

“No, part of being a super hero would be knowing how to fight. But the main power is the mannequanthropy.” She replied. “Your turn Alex.”

Alex’s next turn was less interesting. As was Josh’s turn. But on Amanda’s next turn she landed on the practice space. “I wonder what that does.” She got the rulebook and read, “When a player with a wish lands on the practice space, he must practice his wish continuously until his next turn. If the proper equipment is at hand to practice your wish you must use it. Otherwise you may substitute as needed. On your next turn, before rolling the dice, consult the Outcomes ball. Players with no wish in this game must practice a prior wish. Players with no prior wishes draw a card from the Random deck immediately.” She laughed. “How do I fight crime for a turn?”

“No, you don’t fight crime, you have to stand like a mannequin waiting for a crime to occur until your next turn,” Alex said.

“Makes sense to me,” said Josh.

“Really?” Amanda asked. “The mannequanthropy allows me to switch back and forth as needed.”

“Yes, but for the most part your ability is the patiently standing around so it's time to practice.”

With feigned reluctance, Amanda stood up behind her chair and posed herself in a traditional mannequin pose: one leg forward, hands on hips, head turned slightly to the left. Then she stopped moving.

“It’s my turn, right?” Alex asked.

“Yes, want to neck on the couch to prolong the time till her next turn?” Josh conspired.

“That’s mean,” she laughed. She rolled the dice and also landed on the practice space. “Oh, she just read that. I take a Random card.” She read, “No lies. Place this card in front of you. If you lie during the next three turns lose all your money. Discard this card after the third turn.”

“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Alex said. “But who will know if I lie?”

“It’s the honor system I suppose.” Josh took his turn and then said, “Your turn, Amanda.” He picked up the Outcome ball and handed it to her.

Amanda relaxed and accepted the ball. She shook it and turned it over, “Excellent, +1”. Consulting the board she saw that +1 meant “advance one space on the fulfillment track.”

The rest of her turn was less interesting as was Alex’s. But on Alex’s following turn she drew a Action card that read, “Best Wish. If you have already made a wish, discard this card and draw again. If you could be the best in the world at any one thing, at what would you be the best in the world?” She thought for a moment and said, “I know what it is but it’s embarrassing.”

“Can she write it down?” Josh asked.

“No, everyone has to know the wish for the practice sessions.” Amanda added. “Oh, and you can’t lie because of the Random card.”

Josh smiled, “I know what it is.”

“You hush up.” Alex exclaimed.

“Is it more embarrassing if I tell or if you tell?”

Alex considered for a moment.

Josh turned to Amanda, “Could you look that way for a moment?”

“Okay,” she said looking only at Alex. “But I know what it is now.”

Josh made a gesture and Alex just collapsed nodding, “You tell it. I’ll play the rest of the game under the table.”

Josh laughed, “Well, that would be appropriate for the World’s Best, um, Fellatrix.”

Amanda laughed too. “We always did call you the BJ Queen.”

Alex sat up, “Fine, I wish I were the World's Best -- what did you call it? -- Fellatrix. Happy? I said it.”

Josh tried to look serious. “I'm certainly pleased.”

“Just take your turn.”

Nothing much happened next two turns. On Alex's following turn she landed on the practice space.

“What?” Alex exclaimed.

“You have to practice your wish until your next turn,” Amanda said.

“How can I do that?” She asked and seeing Josh's face continued. “Oh, you would like that wouldn't you? Well, what about Amanda, I doubt she wants to watch that.”

“Not particularly.” Amanda agreed. “Maybe you can get practice on a carrot.”

Josh picked up the rules, “But it says here you have to use the proper materials if they are at hand.”

“What if I wanted to be the World's Best Axe Murderer?”

“Well, I guess you just have to be careful who you play this game with.” Josh grinned, tilting his head toward his crotch. “Wait, I have an idea. I have this Action card I haven't played. It says, 'Meet up. Play any time. Move any player's token to the same space as any other player's. The player whose piece was moved does whatever the space says immediately as if it were their turn. The current player finishes his turn when the moved player's turn is completed. Moved player loses his next turn.' So if I move Amanda's piece to your piece, she also has to practice and her next turn is skipped. So you'll only have to practice on my turn and she can be facing away from the table. Sorry Amanda.”

“No problem. I approve.” Amanda moved her piece and stood up. She walked away from the table to far corner of the living room and  facing away from the table posed like she had before.

Alex watched Amanda walk away. Then she slid under the table smiling. “Sit closer to the edge of the seat,” she said. After he complied, she unzipped his pants and found him already nearly erect. Slowly she licked the tip of his dick. “Take your turn, Josh.”

Josh picked up the dice and rolled. He moved his token to an Action space. “Action space,” he announced. As he reached for the card, he was suddenly feeling a hot, moist mouth sucking on his dick. “I'm reaching for a card. It says, 'Enhanced Wish. If you have already made a' -- oohh -- uh, 'a wish, discard this card and draw again. Choose an uncommon ability you possess that you wish you could do impossibly well. Your wish is -- oh god -- to have this super ability.' Um, oh, don't stop. Sorry Amanda. I mean. My uncommon ability I wish were taken to eleven would be my ability -- oh my -- with hypnosis.

“Don't stop. It's still my turn. I have, I -- oh -- I have another Action card to play. It says, 'One More Time. The current player takes another turn -- yes, yes, yes -- immediately after his current turn.' So I roll again -- dear god. I landed on Action again. The card says, 'For the next minute, tell everyone -- this must be a setup -- exactly how you feel?' Here goes -- That is fantastic. Don't stop. Oh, my, god, I must be in heaven. More, more, suck it more, oh god, I can't think. I -- I -- I – Fuck. Fuck!” He exhaled loudly. “My turn is over.”

Alex swallowed and finished cleaning him off before putting him away and crawling back up into her seat. Without saying a word, she picked up the Outcomes ball and shook it. In the little window, it read, “Well on your way. +2” and she advanced two spaces on the fulfillment track. She moved her pawn, pick up the dice and rolled. She draw an Action card and could not use it immediately. “Your turn, Josh.”

He paused a moment then sat up. “I'm feeling relaxed.” He rolled the dice. “Practice. I am way too tired to start hypnosis.”

“So how will you practice?”

He whispered, “I can practice on Amanda as her turn is about to start. And just in case, I can also practice on you.”

“You wouldn't!” Alex whispered.

“Of course I would. Candy Floss.” He said, triggering a post-hypnotic suggestion he used on her all the time. He watched her head dropped forward and whispered, “Loudly tell Amanda it is her turn.”

Alex called out, “Amanda, it is your turn.”

He continued whispering to Alex. After he finished he looked up. “Amanda,” he called. “Amanda?” When she did not respond, he got up and walked over to where she was standing. He tapped her shoulder, “Amanda?”

She tipped forward stiffly then rocked backward on her heals a nearly fell over as he caught her.

“Are you okay?” He took hold of her hand with one hand and rubbed her forearm with the other.

“I'm sorry,” Amanda said. “Sometimes when I do that I get into a zone.” She seemed distracted and looked down at his hands.

“Sleep!” He shouted at her and she collapsed again into his arms. “Without waking, I want you to walk back to the table and resume your place.” He took a few moments to create a return trigger and then woke her up. “It's your turn.”

“Oh, right. I need to check the Outcome ball.” She picked it up and shook it. “Is Alex okay?”

“Fine, I'm just practicing my hypnosis on her.” He said matter-of-factly. “I'll wake her for her turn.”

Amanda looked down at the ball, “Almost there, +3” and she advanced three spaces on the fulfillment track. She set the ball down. “Oo, I only need one more advancement to win.” She rolled the dice and drew an Action card. “Alex's turn.”

“Awake,” Josh said.

Alex sat up. “It's like it knew how well you were practicing, Amanda.” She picked up the dice. She landed on a Random card. The card she drew said, “Easy fulfillment. Advance one space on the fulfillment track.” As she moved her token she said, “Look, Amanda and I just need to move one more space to win and Josh needs three. Your turn.”

“Not quite,” he replied and caused them both to fall asleep. “Now it's my turn.” He took the Outcome ball and shook it. In the window it read, “Too Easy, +2.” He advanced his token. Then he woke the ladies up and announced, “Your turn, Amanda.”

She rolled the dice and landed on practice. “What? Again? Oh wait,” she rummaged through her cards. “Skip Practice.” She read aloud, “Immediately read the Outcome ball for your skipped practice session.” She picked up the ball and shook it.

“Wait a sec,” Alex said picking a card from her hand. She read, “Ride The Wave. When a player receives an Outcome you also receive the outcome.”

“Cool,” Josh producing a card. “I have one of those as well.”

Amanda looked at the board. “So we'll all win together or the game continues.” She turned the ball over and read, “So-so. +1.”

Alex said, “Great after a couple hours we're all winners. I'm ready for bed.” She and Josh started putting the game back in the box.

Amanda stood up and stretched, “Me, too. I'm a bit out of practice with the stiff modeling. Need help?”

“No, go to bed. You did the kitchen. We'll clean up in here.”

When she was gone, Alex asked, “Did you hypnotize her?”

“I had to practice. I didn't do anything with it just relaxed her a lot.”

“That's all?” Alex inquired.

“I may have suggested she go straight to bed after the game ended and not to notice any sounds coming from our bedroom tonight.” He grinned. “Although you may have dried me out here and in the kitchen.”

She closed the box. “Aw, didn't you enjoy my practice?” She started up the stairs.

“You are free to practice on me any time, any place you like.” He followed her upstairs. They enjoyed some extended foreplay but he was really too spent to continue and they fell asleep in each others arms.


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