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Jackson settled into the plush cushions of his sofa after his run through the park. He sighed in relief as a sense of relaxation washed over him. Jackson loved physical activities that made him feel alive and powerful, but relaxing in the cozy confines of his home was one of his favorite moments of the day. Jackson appreciated the permanent silence in his apartment and the moments of calmness, but at the same time, he longed for some action in his life.

Picking up his phone, he started scrolling through his social media, where people liked and commented on his photos daily. However, no one seemed to be interested in anything more than commenting on horny stuff and saying how badly they wanted Jackson to fuck them or how badly they wanted to fuck Jackson’s huge ass.

“Well, at least I get some reactions. I’m not hopeless,” Jackson said as he scrolled down, barely paying attention to the posts he liked. Then, a sudden buzz broke him out of the trance and drew his attention to the notification at the top of his screen. As soon as he saw the words ‘Flirtnest,’ Jackson’s heart started beating faster. “Flirtnest? It’s been barely 3 hours since I installed the app. That was fast,” Jackson said, tapping on the screen to open the app.

With excitement and fear, Jackson saw a shining sign on the screen, “You have a new match!” The sign also had a name, “Ronan,” making Jackson’s curiosity rise.

“Ronan, that’s an uncommon name, at least for me,” Jackson said as he read the name of the man the app had matched him with. Jackson’s intrigued gaze drifted to Ronan’s profile, scanning the details with interest.

At 24 years old, Ronan was one year younger than Jackson. Ronan’s photos uploaded to his profile made Jackson gasp in surprise. Ronan’s profile said he was Irish, standing at 5’9” and weighing in at 197 pounds, giving him a compact yet powerful frame. Ronan’s profile also said he played hurling as a hobby, which was pretty traditional for an Irish man like him.

As Jackson studied Ronan’s profile with a mixture of awe and admiration, his fingers lingered on the screen, tracing the contours of Ronan’s image as if trying to feel the man’s body through the screen. Jackson grinned as he stared into Ronan’s green eyes, feeling sparks jump out of the screen. Then, flicking his finger, Jackson swiped a blue arrow to the right, accepting the invitation that FlirtNest had laid before him.

Jackson sighed with excitement and immediately received another notification, this time a direct message from Ronan with several emojis and the location of an Italian restaurant, with the question, “Wanna join me for dinner tonight?”

Jackson smiled and replied with more emojis and a short text that said, “Sure, I’ll be there at 8:00.” With some more emojis, they sealed the deal. Jackson had a date with a handsome Irish jock named Ronan.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a soft glow upon the city streets, Jackson stood before the elegant double doors of the Italian restaurant Ronan had invited him to. Sighing in excitement and anticipation, Jackson glanced at his reflection in the crystal of the double doors and couldn’t help but smile. He had opted for a fitted dress shirt that hugged his broad shoulders and thick pecs, paired with tailored pants that clung to his powerful thighs and big bubble butt.

Jackson’s gaze swept across the dimly lit room as he entered the restaurant, enjoying the soft Italian music that filled the air. Jackson’s eyes fell upon a man who immediately captured his attention. The man was the embodiment of a jock, a vision of sophistication and charm, making Jackson sigh in awe as he approached. Ronan looked stunning in a formal suit that accentuated his rugged good looks and perfectly sculpted physique. His emerald eyes sparkled with anticipation as he saw Jackson coming closer.

“Jackson, right?” Ronan’s voice was warm, laced with a hint of an Irish accent. “It’s great to meet you in person, and I must say, I’m impressed. You’re hotter in person than in your profile,” Ronan added as he extended a hand in greeting.

Jackson firmly shook Ronan’s hand, blushing at his words and smiling big. “It’s nice to meet you too; I’ve been looking forward to this and... I’m impressed; you look great,” Jackson said, looking down at Ronan’s suit, showcasing his muscles.

As both men sat in their seats, they started talking about themselves, providing more information than the one on their FlirtNest profiles. Then they spent some time deciding what to order, and Jackson finally went for spaghetti carbonara while Ronan ordered a classic lasagna. As they waited for their meals, the conversation turned into stories of their hobbies and shared interest in outdoor activities. Jackson felt a great connection between them as they talked, but Ronan’s occasional playful banter evidenced he was nervous.

“You know, you don’t have to be nervous around me,” Jackson said with a gentle smile as he reached across the table to caress Ronan’s hand. “I’m just a regular guy, loving this date with you.”

“I guess I’m just not used to being around someone as stunning as you,” Ronan admitted, blushing and looking down for a second.

Jackson couldn’t help but chuckle at Ronan’s confession. “Well, the feeling is mutual,” Jackson replied. “You’re a hot and sweet man. Believe me, I should be the most nervous one here.”

As the dinner progressed, laughter filled the air as both men started feeling more comfortable with each other. They exchanged compliments on each other’s bodies, and attraction sparked between them. Ronan was 5 inches shorter and 28 pounds lighter than Jackson, but everything about him was making Jackson feel attached to him. Ronan’s sweetness was drawing Jackson near, and the more minutes they spent together, the stronger Jackson’s desire to be with Ronan grew.

As the crumbs of their desserts disappeared a while later, a waiter cleared away their plates, and Ronan paid for their dinner. Reluctant to let the evening come to an end, Ronan asked Jackson to join him for a walk by a nearby river. With a firm nod, Jackson accepted, and they rose from their seats, immediately walking toward the front door.

As they walked side by side, their conversation turned more personal as they started sharing stories about their families and their desires to have a family of their own at some point. Jackson was surprised at how the connection with Ronan had deepened so fast, making him feel somewhat vulnerable with Ronan, but in a good way.

As they reached the river bank, they paused to admire the breathtaking beauty stretched out before them. The strange silence made the moment feel fantastic. Their bodies were mere inches apart, and soon, they embraced in a tight, loving hug. Facing each other, Jackson looked down into Ronan’s eyes as attraction sparked between them like electricity.

“You know,” Ronan began as he reached out to brush a stray lock of hair from Jackson’s forehead. “I feel like I’ve known you forever,” Ronan added, caressing Jackson’s face and sending shivers down the taller guy’s spine.

“I know what you mean,” Jackson replied. “FlirtNest was right; we’re a match.” Jackson leaned forward and kissed Ronan’s lips passionately.

The passionate kiss lasted for what felt like ages, and as they finally broke apart, breathless, Ronan reached for Jackson’s ass to pull him closer. “Jackson,” Ronan whispered. “Would you like to go to my place? We could have some fun.” Ronan squeezed Jackson’s ass, making him jump in excitement, and without hesitation, Jackson accepted the offer.

By the time they arrived at Ronan’s apartment, they could barely keep their hands off each other. Not long after they entered the apartment, their clothes were all over the floor, and they started making out with even more passion. Ronan guided Jackson to the bedroom while their hands explored each other’s muscular physiques. Ronan was going wild for Jackson’s big muscles, big ass, full balls, and decent-sized dick, while Ronan’s well-defined muscles, strong-looking torso, and thick 8-inch-long dick hypnotized Jackson.

Ronan attempted to lie on his back in bed, but Jackson stopped him to take his place instead. Ronan was surprised as he saw Jackson lifting his own legs to give Ronan full access to his eager hole, and in an instant, Ronan’s dick was entering Jackson’s tight hole, making both guys moan out loud. Ronan went balls deep before he started moving his dick in and out of Jackson’s hole with incredible force. Ronan’s powerful thrusts didn’t allow Jackson to think clearly and only made him ask for more, and Ronan was more than willing to please him.

Ronan loved how Jackson’s ass felt around his dick, and seeing the big muscular man moaning and gasping for air as a thick dick filled his hole was beyond Ronan’s wildest dreams. The stronger and faster Ronan thrust, the louder Jackson’s moans became, and the closer both were to climax. The sensation was so good that both of them lost track of time, but after what felt like an eternity, Ronan’s dick started shooting thick globs of his warm seed deep into Jackson’s guts. The moment was so intense that Jackson’s dick also started shooting simultaneously. Both were breathless, but the night was only beginning.


When two weeks had passed since their date, Jackson and Ronan were having a great time together, with frequent and passionate sex sessions that both of them loved. Even though Ronan was the smaller of the two and had expected to be the bottom, Jackson was always willing to take Ronan’s 8-inch-long dick whenever he had the chance.

However, the always full-of-energy Jackson started experiencing sudden exhaustion, a deep weariness that seemed to take over his entire body frequently. It didn’t matter how much Jackson slept; the fatigue was constant, draining him of energy and not allowing him to work out as regularly as always. At first, Jackson thought the symptoms were temporary, but as the weeks wore on, the exhaustion only seemed to intensify, leaving him struggling to keep pace with the demands of his daily routine.

Then, morning sickness joined the problem, turning Jackson into a huge mess. Every morning, a wave of nausea and dizziness left Jackson feeling terrible for the rest of the day. He couldn’t keep even the simplest of meals down, worsening his lack of energy to work out. The only thing that made him feel any better was Ronan’s company. Jackson loved to have Ronan around because the Irish guy brought joy to Jackson’s life.

However, as good as Ronan’s company was, Jackson couldn’t forget about his sickness. While dealing with exhaustion, morning sickness, dizziness, and a strange sensation on his pecs, about 12 weeks after the day he met Ronan, Jackson went to a clinic to have an appointment and find out what was wrong with him.

The appointment was as regular as Jackson expected until the doctor told him they needed to run an ultrasound on him to check on his internal organs. Jackson was scared but obeyed and waited for everything to be okay. His heart raced as the doctor moved the wand around his lower abdomen.

“This only confirms what the blood tests had already shown,” the doctor said, turning around the ultrasound machine’s screen for Jackson to watch what was in it. “This is rather unexpected, but... Jackson, you’re pregnant. You’re not having just one child but two, and they look healthy for their stage, which I estimate is around 12 weeks.”

Jackson froze in shock and immediately knew those twins were Ronan’s. Jackson had no idea how to explain the situation to Ronan because men weren’t supposed to get pregnant, but he hoped the shorter man wouldn’t freak out with the unexpected news. As Jackson stood before Ronan a few hours later, feeling as if his chest would burst out of his chest, he struggled to find the words to describe the implications of his condition.

“Ronan, there’s something I need to tell you,” Jackson said, his voice barely above a whisper as he met Ronan’s gaze. “Please don’t freak out, but... I’m pregnant with your children. I’m having twins. Well, we are having twins.”

After about a minute of silence, making Jackson more nervous than ever, Ronan’s face broke into a wide grin, and his eyes lit up with joy and excitement. “Pregnant? That’s amazing, Jackson! We’re going to be parents!” Ronan said, pulling Jackson into a tight embrace with his arms wrapping around the pregnant guy to show him his support. “That app was right; we’re a match,” Ronan added, quickly kissing Jackson’s lips.

As the weeks passed and Jackson’s belly swelled with the life growing within, he experienced more unexpected changes—both physical and emotional. As he entered the second trimester of his pregnancy, Jackson’s belly went from a slightly bloated abdomen to a round and full belly in a matter of weeks. His pecs also started feeling rounder and heavier, and his nipples darkened with each passing day. Jackson was both intrigued and scared of the changes in his appearance, but he also loved how his body was swelling due to the pregnancy.

Then he noticed his features softening, making him look more like a nurturing mother than an alpha jock. His muscles were still there, and his appearance shouted: ‘Man.’ However, as his belly grew, Jackson’s hips widened, giving him an hourglass figure that Ronan loved. Jackson’s ass also grew fatter, feeling plumper beneath Ronan’s touch and driving him crazy. The swelling on Jackson’s pecs also became more evident, making him look ‘curvy,” as Ronan loved to say.

Ronan remained by Jackson’s side through it all, and the pregnancy, and the changes resulting from it drew them closer to each other. Ronan took on the role of caregiver, tending to Jackson’s every need. The more Jackson’s body swelled, Ronan’s love and admiration seemed to grow stronger, often carefully tracing the curves of Jackson’s body with clear desire. With each caress and each kiss from Ronan, Jackson felt a sense of peace wash over him, allowing him to walk down the streets with confidence as he lovingly held his big belly.

As Jackson reached the 30th week of pregnancy, his belly was big, round, and tight, with bumps forming in different directions as the babies, two boys, moved and kicked up a storm unstoppably. His plump pecs, wide hips, and big ass drew a lot of attention toward himself, but Jackson gave more attention to his round belly, where his and Ronan’s babies were growing.

However, as happy as Jackson felt during the final stage of pregnancy, the weight of impending fatherhood bore down upon him with overall discomfort, each passing day bringing new waves of challenges. His belly seemed to dominate his frame, mainly because the babies moved a lot, stretching the limits of his skin with each movement or kick. The weight of his belly and plump pecs strained his back, forcing him to place a hand on the small of his back for additional support.

Jackson’s entire body continued changing in preparation for the birth of his babies. Ronan used to tease Jackson by using the word ‘feminization’ to describe the changes, but both knew it was due to the impending birth. Jackson’s ass grew thicker and more pronounced, his hips widening to accommodate the weight of his belly, but it was Jackson’s pecs that surprised him the most. His once-well-defined and sculpted pecs didn’t only grow but filled with a good amount of milk in preparation to feed the coming babies.

As Jackson reached full term, sleep became a thing of the past, worsening the wreaked havoc on his emotions and sending his mood swinging from one extreme to the other in an instant. The impending birth was a sensitive topic, making him feel excitement, fear, joy, and panic simultaneously. However, Ronan’s presence gave him some comfort. With each passing day, Jackson became more submissive toward Ronan, leaning on him for support but also feeling the need to get fucked by the Irish guy over and over again. His hormones were out of the charts, and Jackson only wanted Ronan to take care of his horniness, even though they weren’t in a formal, exclusive relationship.

Then, as Jackson reached 38 weeks pregnant, he sat on his couch with his bare torso exposed and a pair of breast pumps attached to his plump pecs to help him get some relief. He groaned as he felt one of the babies kick really hard, making him feel as though he might burst at any moment. Jackson’s breathing became shallow as the pain and discomfort only worsened with each passing second., leaving Jackson gasping as he clutched his swollen belly in agony.

Jackson managed to pick up his phone to text Ronan. “It’s time. The babies are coming.” Jackson groaned and grunted as he felt his babies turning within him, getting in position for the birth. Jackson spent a few minutes groaning and clutching his belly on the couch, waiting for Ronan. The contractions were coming more intensely than the last, but they were manageable for a strong guy like Jackson.

Ronan arrived a few minutes later, looking scared to death. “Are you okay? Are the babies here already?” Ronan said, rushing to Jackson’s side.

“No, but the contractions are coming fast. We need to go now!” Jackson’s voice trembled as he struggled to stay as calm as possible.

Ronan quickly helped Jackson get off the couch and change into a fresh set of clothes. More contractions made Jackson groan and grunt as the pain intensified, leaving him gasping for breath as he clung to Ronan for support. While Jackson dealt with contractions, they made their way to the hospital, where the doctor who had given Jackson his pregnancy news would be waiting for them.

As soon as they entered the hospital waiting room, Jackson felt a sudden gush of warm liquid between his legs, soaking through his clothes and pooling at his feet in a steady stream. With a gasp of surprise, he realized his water had broken. Jackson’s doctor immediately noticed and rushed to bring a wheelchair for the pregnant guy. With a kind smile, the doctor led their way to a delivery room where two nurses were ready to help Jackson bring his kids into the world.

With Ronan by his side, Jackson assumed a birthing position, breathing heavily through the contractions. The doctor checked on Jackson’s dilation, making sure Jackson’s hole was ready to push the twin boys. Then, with a firm nod, the doctor gave Jackson the green light to begin pushing. Adrenaline coursed through Jackson’s body as he summoned every ounce of strength within him to push as hard as he could.

With each push, Jackson felt the first baby’s head emerging from his body, making him cry with joy instead of pain. Once the head popped out, the shoulders required some strong pushes from Jackson, but he was determined to give birth to his boys as fast as his muscular body allowed him to. Once the shoulders were out, the rest of the baby’s form slid out of Jackson, immediately filling the room with a loud cry. Jackson’s heart swelled with pride and joy, tears streaming down his cheeks.

Ronan couldn’t contain his tears either, as both guys saw their firstborn for the first time, but the sweet break didn’t last long before more contractions announced the impending arrival of the second baby. The contractions were painful, and Jackson was already tired, but when he started pushing again, he felt the second baby moving pretty fast down the birth canal.

The second baby’s birth was faster than the first but equally as difficult. However, when a second loud cry echoed through the room, Jackson couldn’t help but cry of joy once again. He looked at Ronan, and joy was evident on the Irish guy’s face. The babies looked a lot like Jackson, but they had Ronan’s hair color. Both babies were perfect.

As Jackson held his twin boys in his arms for the first time, each weighing 7 pounds, their tiny fingers wrapped around his own, he moved them closer to his pecs for the babies to suck on his nipples. The twins started sucking on Jackson’s nipples with thirst as they swallowed the delicious milk their daddy provided for him. Ronan watched the scene with a big smile, happy to finally have their kids with them.

“I know we’re not in a relationship or anything, but I promise I’ll be there for you and the twins through everything. We’ll do this together,” Ronan said, caressing the babies’ hairs while they kept sucking on Jackson’s nipples.

“Thanks, Ronan. I’m sure you’ll be an amazing father to these kids,” Jackson replied, kindly smiling at Ronan before turning his attention toward the babies again. Having Ronan’s kids had been fun, and Jackson didn’t feel lonely anymore, but he was also willing to know more people. FlirtNest had been quiet for a while, but Jackson hoped the app could match him with another great guy like Ronan.


This is the first part of March's event. Thanks to the patron who submitted this Irish jock, Ronan. I already have other submissions with guys to date (and knock-up) Jackson, so if you haven't sent yours, the form is still open.



And if you don't know what this is about, check out the introductory post to this March Event.

Match March - Intro 


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