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The Anatomy of Parenthood

The house was quiet, making Alan Reynolds feel strange. At 33 years old and after ten years of marriage, with two active boys added to the mix, Alan had gotten used to being surrounded by noise most days. His wife, Becca, had left for work a few hours before, and his sons, 9-year-old James, and 6-year-old Benjamin, were in school like any kids their age, leaving Alan alone at home for a few hours before he had to get ready for his own job.

Working as a Basic Anatomy college professor had many benefits, and one of them was that his schedule started around midday most of the time, giving Alan a chance to stay in bed for a while longer after his wife left with the kids. He enjoyed the silence when the house was empty, but Alan had always been a family man, so he missed having his kids and wife around, even if it was only for a few hours.

Alan’s muscular frame stretched beneath the soft embrace of his blanket as his alarm announced it was time to get up. With a contented sigh, Alan swung his legs over the edge of the bed, feeling prepared for the day ahead. His blonde hair, messy from sleep, framed his handsome face and somehow accentuated his bright blue eyes. Alan stretched again, feeling his muscles coming to life, and quickly stood up.

Standing at an imposing 6’3” and weighing 250 pounds, Alan’s physique was a sight to behold for those who knew him. His broad shoulders made him look larger than life, and compared to his relatively narrow waist, the ratio was truly impressive. Alan briefly looked down, and a grin spread on his face when he saw his exceptionally thick pectorals in full glory. He was thankful for his genetics, which allowed him to effortlessly gain muscle mass, especially in the chest and backside areas.

Alan reached back and kneaded his ample, big muscular ass, which truly set him apart even among men with big butts. His wide hips completed an incredible look on his lower body that left most people breathless when they got a chance to see Alan only wearing his tight-fitting boxer briefs. It wasn’t a common occurrence, though, because, as impressive as Alan’s body was, he saved showing off his exposed figure only to his wife. However, his big ass looked impressively large in any pants he wore.

Moving through his room only wearing boxers was just the beginning of his routine. As soon as he entered the bathroom, his boxer briefs went off, not only revealing his huge ass but also letting his thick 5-inch-long soft dick and his baseball-sized balls hang out freely. As part of his daily routine, Alan reached for his dick and balls and gave them a gentle but powerful shake, feeling how heavy they were. He had always been proud of the larger-than-average genitals, which was pretty obvious even when fully dressed, but he had never bragged about it with anyone but his wife, who loved it.

Entering the shower, Alan carefully rubbed soap all over his large muscular frame, giving his thick chest and huge ass special attention. He loved the feeling of water running down his body but knew he couldn’t be late for the first day of school. Emerging from the shower, Alan stopped for a few seconds to admire his handsome face and powerful upper body in the mirror. He playfully ran a hand across his blonde hair and winked at himself to emphasize that he looked great.

Using a towel to wipe off the remaining water, Alan started looking for a good and comfortable outfit for the first day of school. Firstly, he put on his boxer briefs, which hugged his big ass very tightly but gave his dick and balls enough support to keep them in place.

Then, Alan picked up a simple button-down blue shirt that stretched snugly over his muscular frame, accentuating his broad shoulders and thick pecs. The shirt didn’t leave much to the imagination since every hill and valley of Alan’s muscular torso was obvious. He was a pretty humble guy in almost every aspect of his life, but as he fastened the buttons of his shirt, he couldn’t help but feel proud of his appearance.

Then came the gray dress pants, which fitted Alan like a glove, accentuating his powerful thighs, wide hips, and big bubble butt. He quickly put on his socks and shoes, also taking a second to admire his imposing and elegant appearance in the mirror. With a final glance around the room, Alan headed downstairs, his footsteps echoing softly on the polished floorboards. He went to the kitchen and quickly cooked a large plate of scrambled eggs with bacon, his favorite meal to start the day, before heading toward the front door to get in his car.

The college where Alan worked was about 10 minutes from his home, so getting there was easy. As he walked through the crowded halls of the college, the anticipation of the new school year was evident. New students were scattered all around, and many couldn’t help but show their surprise when they saw Alan’s imposing figure. As he made his way to his first class, he drew the attention of passing students, giving him admiring glances as he passed by. Alan only responded with a kind smile, but he knew the students were captivated by the sight of his thick pecs and the sheer bulk of his frame.

When Alan arrived at the crowded classroom, he noticed the rows of eager sophomore students eagerly awaiting the start of the semester’s first lecture. Then, Alan took a place at the front of the room and greeted his students with a warm smile.

“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,” Alan started, and all the students went silent to listen to their imposing professor, who commanded attention. “Welcome to Basic Anatomy, or Anatomy 101, as some may call it. I’m Professor Alan Reynolds, but I think most of you know me from last semester when I covered Professor Cartwright for a few classes,” Alan added, and most of the classroom nodded. However, the room was so crowded that Alan couldn’t clearly see the students in the rows at the back.

Since it was the first day, Alan spent most of the class just making a general introduction to the topics they would touch on throughout the semester, with students asking some questions about some of them. However, when Alan explained the lesson about reproduction, several students showed clear interest in the matter.

“It’s important to understand the fundamental processes that govern the complexities of reproduction,” Alan explained as the students kept asking questions. “The reproduction cycle barely changes, and that’s important for the continuation of our species.”

A young man sitting at the back of the room raised his hand. “Professor Reynolds,” the student started, with a deep, low voice, “I’ve heard about male pregnancy, and some people say there have been some cases. Do you think it’s possible?”

“Male pregnancy?” Alan repeated, seeing curiosity sweep through the classroom. “I guess you mean in other species, like seahorses, where males take the role of gestation.”

“I think he means humans, Professor Reynolds. I’ve also heard the rumors about men getting pregnant,” another student at the front said.

“That’s not a natural occurrence in humans. Male humans don’t have the necessary equipment to carry or give birth to their children, but we’re going to study this when we reach that lesson,” Alan said, realizing the class was almost over. “In the meantime, let’s give you some homework. I want you to do research on male pregnancy in animals and explore the possibility of its occurrence in humans. Be prepared to discuss your findings for a few minutes in our next class.”

Not long after Alan assigned the homework, the class ended, and the students began to gather their belongings. Some students were clearly in a rush to leave, but one young man was waiting for the classroom to get empty so he could approach Professor Reynolds to introduce himself.

Maximilian ‘Max’ Knight grabbed his backpack and carefully walked through the rows of chairs that left little space for a guy like him, enjoying the view of Professor Reynolds’ backside.

Alan was lost in his own thoughts as the students left, and he started gathering his notes and textbooks. Then he heard footsteps approaching, and when he turned to see who that was, he was speechless at the sight before him.

Max was a titan among men, standing at an impressive 6’9” with a body that seemed impossible to reach for humans. Max’s dark, spiked hair contrasted sharply with the vivid blue of his eyes, while his perfect smile gave him an air of boyish charm to his otherwise imposing presence.

Alan observed the giant standing before him up and down, marveling at the young man’s size. Wearing a tight-fitting T-shirt and snug pants that left nothing to the imagination, Max’s massive musculature was on full display. His shoulders were broader than anyone Alan had ever seen, with huge bulging deltoids straining his T-shirt and arms bulging with raw power that tested the limits of the sleeves with every movement. Max’s hugely thick pecs made Alan feel like his chest was as flat as a table.

Max’s body also surpassed anything Alan had ever seen from the waist down, stretching the pants almost to the bursting point in all the right areas. The definition of Max’s muscular thighs was visible even under the fabric, but what caught Alan’s attention was the impressive and almost obscene bulge the young man carried at the front. Alan had always been beyond average in all departments, but Max’s sheer size was enough to leave Alan speechless.

“Uh, hey, Professor Reynolds. I’m Max, Max Knight,” Max said, his deep voice sounding somewhat nervous. “I just transferred to this college and wanted to say hi since the rest of the class seemed to know you already. So, yeah, that’s it. I loved the class, by the way.”

Alan stayed silent for a few seconds before he snapped out of his trance and recognized Max as the person who asked about male pregnancy. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Max. Welcome to our prestigious college, and I’m glad you enjoyed the class,” Alan said, looking into Max’s blue eyes, trying to ignore the young man’s hypnotizing musculature. “You asked the question about male pregnancy? Right? I think it was your voice.”

Max blushed, and Alan kindly chuckled. “Yeah, that was me. Your explanation about reproduction was interesting and made me remember forums and rumors I’ve read about male pregnancy.”

“Yeah, that’s an interesting topic, but as I said, it doesn’t happen naturally in humans. But you’ll learn more about it by doing the homework and discussing it in our next class,” Alan said, effortlessly picking up several textbooks, his laptop, and his notes.

“Please, let me help you. That looks heavy,” Max said, running to take everything from Alan’s arms and ‘accidentally’ bumping his big bulge against Alan’s hips. “Are you heading for another classroom?”

“No, please take them to my car. I didn’t have a problem with the books. They aren’t heavy, but I won’t deny any help,” Alan said as they started walking toward the door, still taken aback by the sensation of Max’s bulge against his body. “If they weren’t heavy for me, I’ll bet they must feel like a feather for you. How old are you, Max?”

“I turned 19 last month,” Max excitedly said as they walked through the halls, and Alan noticed it was Max drawing all the attention instead of Alan. “And before you ask, because I already know where that question goes, I weigh 485 pounds, and I’ve visited doctors; I’m just a big guy with great genetics to gain muscle mass,” Max added, evidently proud of his body.

“Oh, okay. Well, I was not going to ask about your weight; that would’ve been inappropriate, but it’s good to know you’re a healthy young man,” Alan said, maintaining his professionalism but secretly impressed by Max’s looks and information.

As they walked to Alan’s car, they continued talking about male pregnancy, but Alan couldn’t help but notice the subtle flexing of Max’s muscles. Alan knew his textbooks and the rest of his stuff weren’t heavy, but Max’s arms seemed to be intentionally flexing as if he were trying to show off. As they made their way across the campus, Alan stole glances at Max’s towering form, marveling at his sheer size. Everything about the young man was massive, and the tight-fitting clothes didn’t leave anything to the imagination, making Alan feel tiny next to another man for the first time in a very long time.

“Do you have any more classes today?” Alan asked as they approached his car.

“No, yours was my only class of the day. Since I’m transferring from another college, some documents went missing, and my schedule isn’t ready yet,” Max said, bouncing his massive pecs without reason to impress his professor.

“Uh, would you like to join me for lunch? I know a wonderful little place nearby. We can discuss your questions about the homework during lunch,” Alan said, and Max’s face lit up with excitement.

“I’d love to, Professor Reynolds,” Max replied eagerly, placing Alan’s textbooks in the back seat.

Then, both men climbed up in Alan’s car, which didn’t feel as big as before, with Max’s enormous body taking up a lot of space at the front. Laughter filled the short drive to the nearby café as Max struggled to get comfortable in the passenger seat without bumping Alan with his bulging shoulders. This struggle made Alan feel a strange attraction to his new student, which he tried to resist because he knew it was wrong on so many levels. However, the more time he was next to Max, the more the attraction grew.

“So, Max,” Alan began as they walked into the bustling café, “tell me more about yourself. I’m intrigued about what led to this interest in male pregnancy?”

Max grinned, his eyes excitedly shining as they settled into a corner of the café. “I’ve always been fascinated by the human body. My dad is a surgeon, and my mom is an OB-GYN. Growing up, medical textbooks and anatomy charts were everywhere. That definitely sparked something inside me, but… how do I say this without embarrassing myself?” Max blushed and paused for a second. “I used to look at kink forums about male pregnancy, and now I think it’s really cool.”

Alan stared at Max’s handsome face in a deep trance as the young man spoke. There was something about the large new student that made Alan feel strange. Max’s words about his ‘research’ on male pregnancy, based on kinks and non-scientific information, made Alan feel drawn into the narrative, blurring his rational thoughts. Then, as Max described his physical reaction to the idea of a man getting pregnant, Alan couldn’t help but imagine the big man getting all worked up while looking at a man with a big belly.

“And, you know, Professor Reynolds, I’m pretty… well endowed, so when I started seeing more and more pics and even videos related to mpreg, I mean, male pregnancy, it got me into some trouble because I couldn’t hide it, you know what I mean?” Max said, but Alan’s mind had only registered until the part when Max mentioned he was well endowed. “And I realized I needed to study this from a scientific point of view.”

“Oh… okay. As an Anatomy professor, I can only tell you that males can’t get pregnant. It’s impossible,” Alan said as their lunch arrived. “But, I have to admit that I’ve never seen someone as big as you, and that’s unusual from a scientific point of view,” Alan added, and Max responded with a broad smile.

“Thanks, Professor Reynolds,” Max replied, his voice tinged with modesty. “I really appreciate the compliment, especially coming from a hot man like you,” Max added, making Alan blush.

Alan didn’t know how to respond to Max’s words, so they stayed silent while they ate their lunch, only looking into each other’s eyes. Both felt like they were talking in a language that didn’t need words. Alan tried to act cool in Max’s company, but the young man seemed to have decided to impress Alan by flexing his muscles. Alan was confused because he had never felt attracted to a man before, but Max had something special that didn’t allow him to think clearly.

Alan paid for their lunch when they had finished it, and Max quickly stood up to stretch before Alan’s eyes. Then, a loud ripping sound echoed in the café, and Alan noticed Max’s tight-fitting T-shirt opening in the middle at the front around his massive pecs, leaving the cleft of his chest exposed.

“Oh, crap. I’m sorry about that. It happens more often than I’d like to admit. I need bigger clothes,” Max said, playfully bouncing his pecs and making Alan gasp in awe. “It was great having lunch with you, but I guess I gotta go home before the rest of my clothes turn into shreds; believe me, it has happened before.”

“Wait, I… I’ll drive you home,” Alan said without thinking. “I mean, you can’t walk down the streets with your chest exposed. Let’s go. Tell me where I can drop you off, and I’ll drive you there.” Alan started walking toward the front door, with Max right behind him.

“Thanks, Professor Reynolds. Actually, maybe if you have some time, I can show you some information about male pregnancy. My apartment is not far from here, so it won’t take you long,” Max said as they approached Alan’s car. “I’m sure you’ll love to see what I got.”

“Uh, I guess I have some time,” Alan said, looking at his watch.

Suddenly, Max stood right behind Alan, with his big bulge tightly pressed against Alan’s big bubble butt and his muscular pectorals pushing against the professor’s back. Alan’s body shivered in surprise, and his breath grew shallow. The physical contact with Max’s bulge made Alan lose the rational thoughts he still had, letting a raw desire take over his mind.

“Maybe we can study human anatomy more closely,” Max whispered into Alan’s ear, making the professor shiver violently. “With all respect, Professor Reynolds, you’re the hottest man I’ve ever met, and from the second you entered the classroom, I couldn’t take my eyes off this huge ass,” Max said, making sure nobody was looking their way before reaching for Alan’s ass to grab it firmly.

“This is so inappropriate. I’m married, I have kids, and I’m your professor,” Alan said, but Max’s dick stirred to life inside his pants, making Alan feel its bigness and causing a soft moan to escape his lips.

“Let’s say I need private anatomy lessons, and you know you want this as much as I do,” Max said, leaving Alan without arguments. With Max’s chubbed-up dick nestled between Alan’s asscheeks, the professor couldn’t resist his desire to feel his massive student’s body more closely anymore.



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