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Liam tried his best to act cool and follow his regular post-workout routine while Aiden went somewhere to find clothes big enough for him. Liam wanted to take a shower, but his dick was hard inside his pants, and he didn’t want to embarrass himself by walking into the shower stalls with a hard-on clearly visible under the towel. Instead of heading to the showers, Liam carefully went to the lockers to sit on a bench, hoping and waiting for his dick to go soft, but the memory of Aiden’s huge body expanding was making it impossible.

Liam took deep breaths, sitting on the bench with his bag on his lap to hide his crotch from the other guys who were changing after their workout. All those guys were hot in their very own way, but Liam’s mind could only think of Aiden and the magnificent ass that defied all logic. Liam couldn’t stop wondering how Aiden’s boxer briefs had survived the growth episode, but a part of him was glad they had. Aiden’s growth spurt had been so hot that Liam almost passed out, and if Aiden’s underwear had had the same fate as the rest of his clothes, Liam would’ve collapsed right there.

“Calm down; you have to act cool. Don’t freak out. Just…” Liam whispered, making sure nobody else could hear him. “Just what? What can I do? Damn! I need to get my hands on that ass,” Liam added, sighing deeply as his dick throbbed once again.

Liam looked into his bag, still hopeful that his dick would soften eventually, and found the two remaining desserts he had bought at the bakery shop. The Pec Pump Puddings looked delicious, and for a few seconds, Liam wondered if it was a good idea to give Aiden any other dessert, considering his body had already grown a lot that day. Aiden’s muscles had all grown magnificently already, and it was clear the trainer had trouble finding clothes to wear, so adding more growth sounded like a little bit too much.

However, in Liam’s mind, the images and sounds of Aiden growing out of his clothes kept playing on repeat, so instead of paying attention to his rational thoughts, Liam could only think about witnessing another growth spurt, hopefully, an even bigger and more intense one. A part of Liam wanted to give Aiden both puddings to see his impressive chest blowing up gigantically. However, looking down at his own pecs, Liam remembered that he also wanted to get more muscular. His mind ran miles a second, so he ignored his surroundings.

“Hey, are you going to eat that pudding without me?” Aiden said, standing behind Liam and making him turn around. “I think I found something that will fit me, so just give me a few minutes, and we’ll eat those delicious puddings,” Aiden added, but Liam had no words to respond.

Aiden stood before Liam with only a towel around his waist and his massive, perfectly sculpted torso fully exposed. Aiden’s bulging muscles glistened under the light due to some water still traveling down the curves and valleys of his impressive upper body. Somehow, Aiden’s muscles looked even more prominent than before, and Liam didn’t know if it was a visual effect due to the water and light or if Aiden had experienced another growth spurt in the shower. Aiden’s body was perfect in all aspects, and Liam’s dick got even harder under his bag.

Still entranced by Aiden’s magnificent, imposing presence, Liam’s eyes traveled down to Aiden’s lower body, and his heart skipped a beat. The towel Aiden was wearing was barely enough to encircle his massive thighs, and even from the front, it was clear his massive ass was pulling the fabric to the back part, leaving a gap between the edges of the towel at the front that gave Liam the chance to look at Aiden’s dick and full balls without obstacles. Liam’s dick was so hard that he started feeling somewhat dizzy, which he attributed to too much blood going to his crotch and leaving his brain without supply.

“I needed to take a shower to cool off, but I still feel so pumped and ready for more,” Aiden said, doing a most muscular pose that showcased his massive bulging muscles even more and made Liam gasp in surprise and awe. “But enough is enough, so I texted my boss for permission to leave early, and he accepted. I told him I was having an allergic reaction and that I was swelling. I know this is not related to allergies, but the rest is true,” Aiden said, turning around to walk to his locker, giving Liam a good view of his hugely perfect ass.

Liam couldn’t respond as his mouth stayed open in awe. He knew his arousal was too evident, but he didn’t care about anything but the perfect specimen of pure manliness standing before him. Liam’s mouth was watering—worse than when he was starving. His mind was cracking, and an animalistic desire to touch Aiden’s body obscured his thoughts. Liam had never felt so horny before. He had always felt attracted to hot guys, but Aiden was making him feel out of his mind.

“What do you say if we go somewhere to hang out for a while? We haven’t actually met each other,” Aiden said, still facing away from Liam, as he brought up a clean pair of boxer briefs and started pulling the fabric to see if it would resist his new bulging ass. “Maybe you can show me the place where you bought all those delicious desserts?” Aiden said, letting the towel fall to the ground to try to put on his underwear.

Liam’s heart started beating faster as Aiden’s bare, massive ass stood in full glory only a few feet from him. Liam looked around and noticed that the room was empty. He forgot about everything and everybody around him because Aiden’s body had him hypnotized. Liam’s dick throbbed violently and felt ready to explode as Aiden attempted to put on his boxers, only to be stopped by the massive balls of flesh attached to his back, preventing him from pulling the underwear all the way up.

Aiden struggled for a few more seconds before he managed to get the stretchy fabric of his boxer briefs to cover at least part of his massive ass. However, Aiden had a lot to handle with his new size, so he had to adjust the underwear in several spots at the front, leaving half of his ass uncovered, which drew Liam’s attention. Liam wasn’t thinking clearly; his mind was lost in Aiden’s ass, so he didn’t register when his body rose from the bench, approached Aiden from behind, and pulled the waistband of the underwear higher, making the big ass jiggle a bit.

“Wow, wow, wow! What was that?” Aiden said, turning around to face Liam with a broad, goofy smile. “We’re not that close yet... but I appreciate the help. I needed a hand anyway,” Aiden added, softly punching Liam’s right pec.

“I’m really sorry. I thought you... I’m really sorry,” Liam said, blushing and stepping backward, trying to escape from Aiden.

“Bro, it’s fine. It’s not like you haven’t seen a lot of me earlier. But I have more to show off now,” Aiden responded, chuckling and turning away from Liam again. “But next time, get me dinner before you touch my ass, deal?” Aiden said as he picked up a massive pair of dark joggers.

“Yeah, deal. Wait, do you want me to invite you to dinner? Like, on a date?” Liam said, clearly nervous.

“Dude, I’m kidding,” Aiden said, laughing out loud. “Now, calm the python on your pants down, and let me get dressed.”

Liam blushed and placed his hands in front of his crotch, trying to hide his hard-on. Liam quickly moved away from Aiden and focused on trying to find a way to cover his crotch. The room stayed silent for a while as both dealt with their own issues. The tension was evident between them, confusing Liam and making his dick hard. He was so nervous that he was sweating profusely. He needed to get away from Aiden as soon as possible.

“Man, I gotta go. I remembered I had to... check my mail. So, I’ll see you tomorrow,” Liam said as he quickly took his bag and ran away.

“Your mail? Wait, what? Man, I thought you and I...” Aiden said as he struggled to put on a tank top. “I didn’t mean to scare you... Are you serious?” Aiden asked, but Liam had already left the room, only leaving the puddings on the bench. “What the fuck?”

Liam escaped the gym, using his bag to cover his crotch. He couldn’t forget about Aiden’s body, so he was conflicted about going back and hanging out with the big guy. Passing by the bakery shop on his way home didn’t help with his desire to grow Aiden’s body even more, but Liam didn’t want to get even more obsessed with his trainer’s body. Liam was already walking home with a hard-on in his pants, which was uncomfortable, so he didn’t want to make things even more complicated.


For the rest of the day, Liam tried to think about anything else, but the memory of Aiden’s body flooded his mind. Liam sat on his couch in the evening, jerking off for the fourth time that day, feeling exhausted, but his arousal didn’t go away. Liam was naked, and while one of his hands stroked his 10-inch-long dick, the other one explored his newly developed muscular body. He was impressed by his own gains and wanted to get even bigger muscles, but his main desire was to grow Aidan beyond human proportions.

“Damn it! I’m going nuts with this guy, and he just let that towel fall and made me lose it. Uugghh,” Liam groaned as his dick started shooting again, and the globs of cum landed on his abs. “I better change to another gym before I lose my mind. Or worse, before I start acting all creepy around him again.”

Liam groaned as he pulled a towel to clean his torso once again, feeling his dick finally soften in his hand. He felt awful about his behavior around Aiden but couldn’t help himself. Aiden was too hot to resist him, and the desserts took him to a new level of hotness. As he cleaned his bare torso, Liam thought about the puddings he left on the bench, and his mind wondered if Aiden had eaten them.

“I guess I’ll never know because I’m never going back to that gym,” Liam said, ashamed of his actions. “Or maybe I will... I don’t know!” He added, feeling confused.

Then, Liam heard someone knocking at his door and froze for a few seconds. He had never had visits before, so he didn’t know if the sound was at his door. Nobody knew his address, and he didn’t have many friends, so it was unusual to have a person knocking at his door. Since the knocking persisted, Liam quickly wrapped the towel around his waist and stood up. He wasn’t used to opening the door with nothing but a towel on, but his new impressive physique gave him the confidence to walk to the door and open it.

As soon as the door opened, Liam’s mouth fell to the ground as he saw Aiden’s smiley face looking back at him. Aiden looked hot, wearing the same outfit Liam had seen when he left the gym: the oversized joggers and tank top. However, the tank top fit him very differently from what Liam had seen. The fabric was incredibly stretched to accommodate the size of Aiden’s pecs, which had grown after Liam left. Immediately, Liam knew the big guy had eaten the puddings he had left on the bench.

“Hey, dude. I really don’t want to be creepy, but I read your address on your file at the gym, and I wanted to make sure you’re okay,” Aiden said, absentmindedly bouncing his right pec, making Liam’s legs feel weak, and his dick got hard again. “You left all of a sudden, and I... Well, I’m checking on you, dude. You left me confused and worried.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make you feel like that, but I... had to feed my dog,” Liam lied, not even remembering his previous lie.

“Dog? Didn’t you have to check your mail or something?” Aiden asked, bouncing his enormous pecs once again, causing a few ripping sounds to echo in the building’s hallway as his strained tank top fought to contain the muscle mass on Aiden’s chest.

“Yeah. I meant my dog’s mail. No, my mail’s dog. No, no, no. Oh, fuck!” Liam said, aware that he wasn’t making any sense, which caused Aiden to laugh out loud.

“I bet you don’t even have a dog. You don’t need to lie. I know why you left, and... well, I can’t blame you; I look so damn hot now, and now I know this is all your fault.” Aiden said, bringing up a bag with several boxes inside. Liam immediately recognized the logo of the Big Boy’s Bakery on the boxes. “I know what you did, and… I think this is great.” Aiden added, playfully winking at Liam and raising his arm to flex his massive bicep.

Liam stayed silent, in shock, trying to process the scene. “So... aren’t you mad? I mean, I made you grow out of your clothes, and... I’ll be honest, I wasn’t going to stop anytime soon.” Liam finally accepted and was surprised when he saw Aiden smiling back at him.

“I was counting on that,” Aiden said, stepping forward, pressing his massive pecs against Liam’s bare torso, forcing the thinner guy to step backward.

Liam smiled, realizing that his dream was coming true. He had Aiden only for himself, and without a dozen guys walking around them, Liam could finally show Aiden how much he desired him. Liam let the towel fall to the ground, revealing his big dick in full glory. Simultaneously, Aiden placed the boxes on a table and started undressing, firstly revealing his massive pecs that stuck out about 8 or 9 inches from his torso, with the most beautiful and juicy nipples Liam had ever seen.

“I bet you like what you see,” Aiden said, bouncing his pecs rhythmically as he also started pulling his pants lower.

Liam froze while his trainer undressed before him in his living room. It was more than a dream come true, so he could barely contain his excitement. Aiden looked better than any bodybuilder Liam had seen, and considering the boxes that the big guy had brought with him, he was clearly ready to get even bigger muscles.

Once Aiden was only in his boxer briefs, he gently pushed Liam to make him fall on the couch and then sat by his side, pulling the boxes of desserts closer. Each box contained different types of desserts, all of which Liam had already seen. It seemed like Aiden had a plan, and even though Liam wasn’t sure what the plan was, he knew that whatever it was, it would be lots of fun.

Aiden grabbed Liam’s hands and slowly pulled them to his thick muscular pecs, leaving Liam on the verge of suffering a stroke. “This is all your handy work, and you’re about to continue it. I bought all these desserts but didn’t ask what they were for. The huge guys at the bakery shop told me I had to be careful, but... who cares about what they say?” Aiden said, placing one of the boxes on Liam’s lap next to his hard dick. “Go on. You said you were not stopping anytime soon. Well, now you have my permission to keep going.” Aiden bounced his pecs, and the motion under Liam’s hands was so incredible that Liam’s dick released some drops of pre even though he had just cum a few minutes before.

Liam was out of his mind, so he immediately grabbed what looked like a granola bar and popped it in Aiden’s mouth without considering the possible effects of it. Aiden chewed as if his life depended on it. Right after he had swallowed, his mouth was full again with a slice of a delicious-looking vanilla cake. Aiden moaned while Liam kept feeding him dessert after dessert, not giving him time to process one flavor or sensation before the next sweet filled his mouth. Aiden was aware that Liam wanted to grow him huge, and he was willing to do so, but Liam was eager, almost desperate, to feed Aiden as many desserts as possible.

Both guys lost track of time, and not long after Aiden’s arrival, the three boxes of desserts were empty, and he was catching his breath after an intense and nonstop feeding session. Liam was smiling while his hands explored the curvatures of Aiden’s bulging muscles, waiting for the effects of the desserts to kick in. Liam wasn’t rational at this point, and he only cared about seeing Aiden blow up like a muscle balloon.

“I didn’t know you were that much into me. I like this. I think I can get used to you worshiping me like this,” Aiden said, raising his arms to flex his massive biceps, which ballooned right before their eyes to bigger than Aiden’s head in a blink. “Oh fuck, yes, yes. I love how that feels,” said Aiden, as Liam’s hands massaged the huge biceps that had just grown.

“Fuck, you’re so hot. I won’t be able to go back to the gym tomorrow. I won’t be able to focus on the workout if you’re there,” Liam said, making Aiden chuckle.

“Liam, we don’t need to go back to the gym considering what these desserts can do,” Aiden said as he felt his deltoids expanding and his triceps growing thicker, like his biceps.

Liam smiled and quickly moved his body to sit on Aiden’s lap, and he started massaging the magnificent pecs that hypnotically moved while Aiden kept flexing his arms. Liam could feel Aiden’s hard dick beneath him, and it felt BIG. Aiden’s bulge looked full to begin with, considering the bull balls Liam had seen before, but while he massaged Aiden’s pecs, Liam felt the big guy’s bulge growing against his ass and taking the strained boxer briefs to their limits.

Aiden loudly moaned when the fabric of his boxers finally gave up, and his dick burst out of them, feeling harder than ever before. His balls also came out and pressed against his inner thighs, feeling ready to explode. From Liam’s position, he immediately realized Aiden’s underwear had exploded because it wasn’t able to contain the big guy’s growing dick and balls. Liam didn’t know the desserts could affect the dick size, but he felt Aiden’s dick lengthening and getting much thicker with each heartbeat.

All along, Aiden moaned, and his body expanded in all directions. His massive pecs grew thicker, his shoulders broadened, his thighs surpassed ‘tree-trunk proportions’ in an instant, and everything continued expanding before Liam’s eyes.



William Dionne

Damn so hot I want my own muscle guy to grow into a aiden😉💪

William Dionne

Yeah I might have to buy the full bakery to satisfy us both