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After the revelation of Spencer’s cheating, I fucked him at least three times a day for the next thirty days. Every morning, as soon as we woke up, we had a quickie, and I loved it. Spencer definitely enjoyed it, if his loud moans were any indication. Some mornings I feared he would wake the entire block up with how loudly he moaned, but it was simply too good not to fuck him every morning. Having such a massive ass available for me to fuck it every morning made my days better, and as I said, Spencer loved it as well.

On weekdays, I had class and work, but when I arrived back at our apartment, I immediately looked for my big jock of a boyfriend and fucked him long and hard for the second time that day. Hearing his sexy voice asking for me to fuck him harder was the best way to relax after a long day. And then, when we went to bed, I had another chance to fuck Spencer for even longer. The last sex session of the day was definitely my favorite because we went wilder, and I could stay inside Spencer for as long as I wanted. Some nights he even asked me to keep my hard dick inside him, which I loved.

Weekends were even better because we spent the entire day together. Saturdays and Sundays had always been special because those were our days to relax, so we barely wore any clothes. However, considering the ‘punishment’ I gave Spencer for his cheating, having him in the apartment, only wearing briefs or simply fully naked, turned me on so much that our sex sessions went up to six or seven times on Saturdays and about ten times on Sundays. His abdomen was permanently bloated with my cum, and I simply loved it. I knew I was taking the punishment too far, but Spencer’s ass was too delicious to resist the urge to fuck him, and he seemed to be enjoying his ‘punishment’ way too much.

When the month ended, we started alternating positions, but I noticed Spencer was more willing for me to fuck him than to fuck me. He never expressed it openly, but things had obviously changed. Before our agreement, Spencer had a dominant and funny way to express his desire to fuck me. He was bigger and stronger than me, so while we kissed, he rolled my body in bed to get behind me and pressed his dick against my ass. I know what that meant, and I couldn’t say no to him. However, after his punishment, he also moved me at his will, not to press his dick against my ass but to get my body in position to fuck him. Spencer was still dominant, in a weird way, and it was funny, but out of seven days in a week—at least five of them—I got to fuck his massive and delicious ass.

He still loved to fuck me every once in a while, and I truly loved to feel his dick inside me while his powerful arms held me in place, but I was madly in love with how his hole felt. My world was turning upside down, but I couldn’t, nor wanted to, complain. Our sex sessions were long and passionate. Either on top or when bottoming for my big guy, I couldn’t get enough of him. He looked hotter than ever, and his scent was intoxicating. His moans drove me crazy, and whenever he asked for more or made me moan loudly, I could barely think clearly. We were both having the time of our lives, and I felt more in love than ever with my big guy.

Everything was great between us, but we still had to face some drama resulting from Spencer’s cheating. We still had to fill up documents and arrange all the legal requirements that Spencer needed to get full custody of the twins the woman was carrying. The process wasn’t complicated because she was willingly giving the babies to their biological father, but we wanted to be sure that those babies would be ours and only ours after they were born. We wanted to avoid future legal issues, so we tried to be careful, which meant Spencer had to attend meetings with the lawyer in charge of the process, which caused him some anxiety.

Both of us had classes to attend, and I still had to work part-time, so between our incredible sexual lives and our many responsibilities, we barely had time to pay attention to some tiny changes in Spencer’s daily actions. Our constant fucking, with me on top, resulted in him having a permanently bloated midsection, which made him complain about feeling full all the time. I didn’t mind it too much because I loved how his bloated abs looked on his huge muscular body, and even though he wasn’t used to it, I knew he liked having a belly because he absentmindedly rubbed it very often.

However, about six weeks after the start of our agreement, Spencer started complaining about being tired and having mild stomach cramps. He said it was nothing, but the discomfort wasn’t going away. His complaints about feeling bloated worsened, and he said the cramps were more constant. Considering I fucked him almost every day of the week, I immediately thought his sickness was related to my big dick rearranging his guts and daily filling him up with cum. I never said it, but I was afraid that I was hurting him with my big dick. He had always been scared of taking my dick up his ass, but at the same time, he never complained about his hole hurting when I fucked him. I was worried, but our sex sessions didn’t stop.

As the days and weeks passed, Spencer continued complaining about the discomfort in his abdomen and the constant bloating, which he attributed to the large amount of cum that I released into him every time I fucked him. On top of that, Spencer started experiencing nausea every morning. His appetite was over the charts, so he said that the massive amounts of food he was eating were causing the nausea. It made sense because Spencer was eating non-stop, but I knew something else was happening.

One morning, about two weeks after Spencer started feeling sick, we were cuddling in bed in the afterglow of our regular ‘good morning sex.’ I was right behind Spencer, with my dick still buried in his ass, while I rubbed his bloated abdomen, which felt pretty firm to the touch. I loved the slight curve that had replaced his chiseled abs, and even though the firmness was somewhat appealing, it felt strange.

“I never thought I would see you with a belly, but I have to admit that I like how it looks,” I said as I rubbed his belly and kissed his neck. “But I think you should go see a doctor. You’ve been sick for two weeks. You’ve been throwing up every morning, and you’re still gaining a belly. That’s unusual,” I said, caressing his abdomen and hugging him tighter.

“We’ve talked about this before. I’m fine. I’ve just been overeating, and that’s causing the nausea and the bloated gut. Nothing to worry about.” Spencer moved his hand to his mouth and quickly jumped out of bed, pulling me along because my dick was still inside him.

My dick slid out of his hole with a loud pop as I saw him running to the bathroom. I heard him throwing up like never before, and it was clear the nausea was getting worse. I waited in bed for him to come. Minutes later, when he walked out of our bathroom, I noticed he was paler than ever. He was as white as a sheet of paper and evidently feeling weak.

“Spencer, are you okay? Now you really need to see a doctor. You might have a tumor or something,” I insisted, and another rush of nausea hit him, making him run to throw up again. “I’m getting an appointment for you, and I’m going with you,” I added, but he was barely paying attention to my words.

“I’m fine. It must be the buffalo wings from last night. I ate too many,” he said from the bathroom, but a groan interrupted his words. Then, I heard something heavy falling to the ground.

“Spencer, are you okay? What was that?” I asked from bed, but he didn’t respond. “Spencer? What was that?” I asked again as I walked to the bathroom. I found Spencer on the floor, leaning against the wall.

“I just... stumbled. I felt dizzy, but now I’m fine,” Spencer responded, weakly smiling at me.

“Hell no, I’m taking you to see a doctor. And I won’t take a no as an answer, or I’m not fucking you ever again,” I firmly said, and he didn’t reply. That warning sealed the deal.

About 4 hours later, we were sitting in the waiting room of a local clinic. I was sitting on a chair, and Spencer was standing right next to me because the chairs seemed too weak for someone his size. His regular 350-pound body looked thicker than usual, but I thought it was because of my cum bloating his abdomen. Spencer was evidently nervous, and I couldn’t blame him; he had always hated doctors, and his discomfort wasn’t making it any easier. He still looked somewhat pale, but I wasn’t sure if it was because of his sickness or the appointment.

When a nurse called for Spencer’s name, we went to a small room where the nurse checked on his stats. Spencer had always been a perfectly healthy young man, so he didn’t have a medical history to look at, so they had to start a new record for him. The nurse was impressed by Spencer’s size, and I was somewhat jealous because the nurse was staring at Spencer’s body too much.

Minutes later, the nurse said Spencer was fine, but his blood pressure was somewhat high. However, I knew everything about Spencer, so I noticed something else was somewhat high. When Spencer stepped on a scale, the numbers showed 366.98. He had weighed 350 pounds for over a year, and his dedication to working out and keeping a healthy diet had kept that number stable for months, so an increase of almost 17 pounds was unexpected. I acted cool about the number because I didn’t want to scare Spencer, but I knew he felt something was happening.

When we walked into the doctor’s office a few minutes later, Spencer’s hand gripped mine tightly. I knew he was nervous. The doctor friendly started asking Spencer some questions about his symptoms. Spencer had already described the symptoms to the nurse, but the doctor wanted more details about Spencer’s diet, daily activities, and workout routine. Spencer told him everything about his day and started describing some symptoms I didn’t know about. Spencer said he felt tired most of the time, which I thought wasn’t an issue anymore. Spencer had stopped going to the gym that often because of his lack of energy. I never noticed he was skipping the gym because he usually went while I was at work.

Spencer said some smells made him nauseous, which I thought occurred only in the morning, but it was more frequent than he had told me. Spencer even said that he had passed out in the bathroom a few days before, which I knew nothing about. I was speechless because his symptoms were worse than I had anticipated. I immediately thought Spencer had cancer or something similar, but his weight gain didn’t match that diagnosis. While Spencer and the doctor talked, I was lost in my own thoughts, blaming myself for not realizing earlier how bad the situation was.

“I don’t think it’s cancer, but we need to run some tests to discard that possibility,” the doctor said, and his words took me out of my trance. “But before you give the nurse your samples, I’d like to make a quick checkup on your abdomen because you mentioned something about it being bloated.”

“Yeah, well… I think I know the reason for that, but it still feels strange, and Owen said there’s something firm in my lower abs, and we thought it could be a tumor,” Spencer responded, and I blushed because I didn’t want the doctor to know that Spencer’s guts were bloated due to my cum.

“Let’s check that out to discard that option as well. Go lay down on that bed in the corner and lift your shirt while I put on some gloves,” the doctor said.

Spencer was still nervous, but at the same time, he looked better than in the morning. Knowing that cancer was very unlikely made us feel relieved, but I still had many questions. However, seeing Spencer lay down on that bed with his gut fully exposed made me smile. I kissed his cheek to help him calm down and softly caressed his belly.

“I know you’re okay. No reason to worry about it,” I whispered, keeping my hand on Spencer’s belly. “You look hot, big guy. I’d fuck right here if we were alone,” I added to make him smile.

“Go ahead, I don’t mind having some audience,” Spencer joked, kissing me back. “Thanks; you always know how to make me smile.”

When the doctor approached, he started touching Spencer’s bloated abdomen, applying some pressure to specific spots, but everything seemed normal. However, when the doctor applied pressure to Spencer’s lower abs, my big guy gasped so loudly that the doctor jumped in surprise. The doctor looked confused, and I feared I had broken something in Spencer with my dick. The doctor continued pressing around Spencer’s lower abs, and his reaction was the same. Something was happening down there.

The doctor didn’t tell us much about Spencer’s abdomen and only called the nurse to give instructions to take Spencer’s blood and urine samples to run some tests. I was really nervous, and when the doctor told me we had to wait a whole week before the results came back, my heart skipped some beats. I just hugged Spencer, and as we walked out of the clinic a while later, I assured him everything would be alright.

That week felt like an eternity. We tried to continue our regular lives, but I noticed Spencer was feeling off. He tried to act like nothing was happening but absentmindedly did some weird stuff. I caught Spencer rubbing his bloated abdomen very often, and I knew it was because his gut was getting rounder and his abs looked distended, which I thought was my fault. Also, the morning sickness was worse than ever, and he looked tired every second of the day. Spencer didn’t have energy for anything except to have sex. I tried my best to avoid any sexual activity because I didn’t know if it was the reason for his sickness, but he was insatiable.

One night, three days after his appointment, we were hugging peacefully, and suddenly, Spencer started kissing me and rolling our bodies in bed to get on top of me. I was surprised because he had been complaining about being tired, but he looked powerful and full of energy at that moment. Spencer pushed my shoulders against the mattress and held me in place with one hand while the other reached for my dick to stroke it and get it hard.

Then, he lined my dick up with his ass and heavily sat on my hips to ride my dick for what felt like an eternity. I was confused, but he was so horny and so passionate that I couldn’t resist him. He made me cum four times before he finally moved off my dick and collapsed in bed next to me. I didn’t know what was happening with him, but I figured it couldn’t be that bad.

When the week passed, Spencer’s appointment coincided with the pregnant woman’s first ultrasound because she was 16 weeks pregnant. I was really excited about the twins that the woman was carrying, but everything else about that situation made me feel disgusted. Also, I was worried about Spencer’s health, and I knew the twins were fine. The woman’s appointment was two hours before Spencer’s, so I went with him to both. I finally had the chance to meet the woman Spencer had cheated on me with, and I hated her instantly.

I was jealous, and I couldn’t hide it, but it wasn’t just jealousy. The woman was a horrible person. I hated how she talked to Spencer. I hated how she looked at him with disgust. I hated how she talked about the kids and how she insisted that she didn’t want to raise Spencer’s kids, even calling them ‘bastards.’ I realized there was no goodness inside her. I couldn’t understand how Spencer had cheated on me with such a mean person. I was furious because her mean words were about my boyfriend and our future kids, but I didn’t say anything because Spencer was there.

The only positive thing about meeting that woman, apart from the babies she was carrying, was that she pointed out that Spencer had a type. She mentioned that my hair color was similar to hers and that we had the same eye color. She said, clearly disgusted, that Spencer had fucked her only because she looked like me. Somehow, that made me feel nice, but I was still furious about the situation.

Everything about that woman was awful, but we got good news during the ultrasound. Both babies were perfectly healthy and even large for their stage, which wasn’t surprising considering Spencer’s size. We were happy and couldn’t contain our tears when the doctor informed us that the woman was carrying twin boys. Spencer and I hugged tightly and cried as the woman rolled her eyes and grunted.

We couldn’t hide our excitement as we went from one clinic to the next to attend Spencer’s appointment. We started making plans for our twin boys, and Spencer even talked about them joining a basketball team. I preferred football, though. We were on cloud nine and quickly stopped by a baby store to check on a few things we needed for the boys. Spencer looked happier than ever, and even though I was still hurt about his cheating, knowing that those babies were going to be ours made it easier for me to handle everything. All I cared about was that we were soon becoming parents. We went to Spencer’s appointment with a positive feeling about the future.

While we waited for the doctor to call us in, the nurse weighed Spencer again, and he had gained three more pounds in just one week. I was surprised, but I was too happy to worry about that and only joked about how good he looked with the belly he was developing. He chuckled and playfully rubbed his gut with both hands when the nurse wasn’t looking at him. For the first time in weeks, I felt confident that Spencer was fine and that we had a great future ahead of us.

“You seem to be gaining a dad-bod in preparation for the arrival of our twins,” I joked, sitting in the waiting room, holding hands with Spencer.

“Our twins… How amazing that sounds! You’re going to be the best dad ever, Owen,” Spencer replied, caressing my face. “Maybe you should start eating some more to get your own dad-bod,” Spencer said, patting his rounding midsection.

“Maybe but… I prefer to focus on getting this growing gut of yours a bit bigger; you look hot, big guy,” I whispered, placing my hand on his bloated abs.

“Well, you’ve been making sure that I stay round and full with your cum, so... it’s up to you. I’m willing for you to fill me up ten or twenty times a day,” he whispered and winked at me.

I was about to offer him a quickie in the bathroom when a nurse called for Spencer’s name and told us that the doctor was waiting for us. The nurse looked worried, and I thought something was wrong with Spencer’s results. Even then, I tightly held Spencer’s hand and walked into the doctor’s office with him, unaware that our lives would take an even bigger turn. Everything was upside down already, but there was still more coming.



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