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“Oh yes, yes, yesssss. How are you doing that?” Mason shouted loudly, gasping for air in desperation as Bryce’s lips and tongue worked wonders on the head of his dick. “Where did you learn... ohh fuck! I–I’m so close,” Mason added, tilting his head backward.

Bryce teased Mason’s dick slit with his tongue to make the big guy climax once again. Simultaneously, Bryce’s hands rubbed the sides of Mason’s dick, pressing his whole torso against the shaft. Bryce’s 5-foot-tall body was just two feet taller than Mason’s 3-foot-long dick, so he had to use his entire body to work on it. Even then, what was really taking Mason over the edge was Bryce’s skilled mouth working on his dick slit.

“I can’t hold back… anymore,” shouted Mason as he felt his balls churning and pulling into his groin, sending a huge wave of cum through his dick, hitting Bryce’s face with the force of water coming out of a firehose.

Mason’s massive cum shot took Bryce by surprise, so a huge amount of cum entered his mouth, forcing Bryce to swallow as his life depended on it. Mason could only moan loudly because the increase in the size of his dick and balls had intensified the pleasure that took over his body while cumming. Mason’s balls were huge, but even then, his loads were unbelievably big. The room was already flooded, and Mason could still cum endlessly.

Bryce managed to swallow almost a gallon of cum before he moved away from Mason’s dick, which was still shooting. Bryce’s face was covered with Mason’s cum, so the shorter guy licked around his lips to take some more cum into his mouth. Cum coated part of Bryce’s torso, so he started spreading the cum over his big muscles like it was lotion. Then, Bryce moved his hands to his abdomen, which was bloated due to Mason’s cum.

“I don’t know what it is, but your cum tastes delicious. Well, I had never swallowed cum before, but I tasted mine, and it’s not the same. Yours feels so... powerful,” Bryce added, smiling at Mason, who was slowly coming down from his horny high.

“You… you felt like you were a pro-sucking dick,” Mason managed to say, still heavily panting. “You made me cum so much. It was the best orgasm I had ever had, and believe me, I’ve had a lot in the last two days.”

“I know. Was that one the seventh of the day?” Bryce asked, observing Mason’s magnificent body, covered in a thick layer of creamy cum.

“Eighth, and the best ever. Your mouth made a big difference. If you had used your mouth earlier, I would’ve flooded the entire apartment hours ago,” Mason said, smiling while catching his breath, and his dick finally started deflating after being hard for most of the day.

“Buddy, you already flooded the place, or at least your room. The pool of cum is like a whole foot deep, if not more, and the walls, ceiling, and… everything, you included, is covered with cum. I don’t think you’ll be able to use this place anytime soon.” Bryce gave his bloated belly some rubs, somewhat hungry for more.

Mason looked around, and a proud smile spread across his face. “Well, I guess we’ll have to share your bedroom while we find a way to clean this place. How sad,” Mason said, reaching for Bryce’s hand and pulling him to get on top of his muscular body. “At least until you make me flood your room too.”

Bryce smiled and kissed Mason’s mouth, tasting some more of the cum that was all over Mason’s body. “No, I’m not letting you into my room. You’re going to break my bed with this enormous, perfectly sculpted body of yours,” Bryce said, caressing Mason’s pecs while they kissed. “Also, you made this mess; you have to deal with it.”

“First… I promise I’ll be gentle with your bed as long as you’re there with me,” Mason said, moving his hands to Bryce’s hips. “And this is not only my fault; you made me cum several times using your hands, and the last one using your mouth... Wow, out of this world,” Mason added, squeezing Bryce’s bare butt with his hands.

“Hey, hey, stop there. We’re not that intimate yet,” Bryce said, pulling Mason’s hands away from his ass. “One step at a time. We’re still just roommates.” Bryce kept denying that he had fallen hard for the big guy because he wanted to think that a need for revenge, and not desire, still fueled his plan to make Mason even larger.

“You just sucked my dick  off, and you even swallowed my cum; what else do you need to understand that I like you, Bryce? I haven’t gone to the hospital to get checked only because you insisted I’d be okay,” Mason said, but Bryce started moving away from Mason to avoid the conversation.

“You’ll be just fine. Look, even your dick is finally softening, I think,” Bryce said, pointing at Mason’s python resting next to his thigh, fully soft for the first time in two days.

“Yeah, and I have to thank your mouth for that. I’ve tried, and it never went fully soft until now. Bryce, I’m…” Mason said, but Bryce quickly got off the bed and sank his feet into the deep pool of cum.

“Mason, we can talk about this later, but we need to find clothes for you. You need to go to work tomorrow. It’s been two days.” Bryce changed the subject as he walked around the room, seemingly trying to find something for Mason to wear. “Or maybe we should just go get you something new, at least until you grow again,” Bryce said, and his dick throbbed.

“I don’t think there’s... wait, you said grow? So, you really believe me when I say I grew overnight,” Mason said, moving to the edge of the bed with a happy face.

“No, of course, I don’t believe you because that’s impossible, but I’m just playing along with what you said,” Bryce replied, not even looking at Mason to avoid making it evident that he was lying. “If you don’t have any clothes that fit you, I think I have an idea. What would you say if we traveled back to ancient Greece?” Bryce said, turning around with a devilish smile, scaring Mason a bit.


About an hour later, both guys were standing in the living room, looking ready for a Halloween party. Bryce was wearing more of Mason’s old baggy clothes, which hugged his muscles nicely but were way too long for him. He looked strange but nice enough to avoid drawing too much attention. Mason, on the other hand, looked like a literal “elephant in the room,” nervous about going out in public dressed like that.

Bryce had helped Mason get clean, using Bryce’s bathroom, and considering there were no clothes big enough for him to wear, Bryce took some of his clean sheets and came up with a toga-like dress for Mason. Even though it was decent enough to go out, Mason still felt exposed. The toga only covered part of one of his pecs, leaving the rest of his enormous upper body on full display. Even his chiseled abs were visible, but Mason’s covered lower body didn’t leave anything to the imagination either.

Even though the sheets were long enough to reach down to Mason’s ankles, the way the sheets fell over his body accentuated the shape and size of Mason’s thighs, ass, dick, and balls. It was clear Mason had an enormous dick because the shape of its huge head was visible under the fabric. His massive balls were unmistakable beneath the dick, so anyone who would stare at Mason for more than a second would notice what the guy was packing. On top of it all, Mason’s ass was unbelievably big, making his back look like he had stuffed bowling balls under the toga. The costume was somewhat ridiculous, but Mason knew he couldn’t expect anything better considering his inhuman proportions.

“You ready, big guy?” Bryce said, smiling like a kid at a birthday party.

“I’m definitely not ready. I appreciate you coming up with this, but I’m almost shirtless, and from my waist down... I think everybody will see everything, and you know there’s a lot to see,” Mason replied, blushing and sighing. “And… I can’t see much past my pecs, so... no, I’m not ready.”

“Don’t worry, it’s already getting dark, and people won’t pay much attention to you. Also, I’ll be by your side at all moments, and if anyone stares at my big guy for way too long, I’ll punch them,” Bryce said, flexing his biceps and winking at a blushed Mason. Then, Bry grabbed Mason’s hand, and they walked out of their apartment.

For Mason, walking down the street only wearing bed sheets was incredibly awkward and weird because he expected everybody to turn around to stare at him. He definitely drew everybody’s attention, but nobody was scared or extremely shocked by his size, which he found incredibly weird. People looked at him with admiration and even some lust. There were some disgusted expressions here and there, but not as bad as Mason expected. The fact that he was a giant among men gave him some kind of confidence to enjoy the walk while holding hands with Bryce.

Having such a magnificent specimen of masculinity right next to him was amazing for Bryce. He loved his own muscles, but Mason’s were intoxicating in all senses. Even though he couldn’t fully admit he had fallen for Mason, Bryce felt great holding his hand and knowing that most people around them were envious because of the big guy walking right next to him. Mason was a kind of huge trophy that Bryce wanted to show off to the entire city. In Bryce’s mind, Mason’s body was his creation, Mason’s body somehow belonged to him, so he wanted the world to see he owned the big guy.

Due to Mason’s thick thighs and huge balls hanging freely under the toga, Mason waddled instead of walking, so it took them some time to arrive at a Big & Tall Men’s clothing store. The place was almost empty; only five customers and a few employees attended. All the men in the store, employees included, were big guys in different ways and levels. Some were really tall, others had big muscles, and one had a nicely shaped big bulge. And even then, no one was nearly as big as Mason.

“Look for some underwear to see if they have anything able to accommodate the big thing between our legs. I’ll go get you some pants and T-shirts,” Bryce said, slapping Mason’s huge ass before walking away, leaving Mason confused about Bryce’s attitude.

Bryce knew Mason needed some help, but having 12 big guys in the store, apart from Mason, was a chance he couldn’t lose to have fun. Bryce started with two customers who were looking for T-shirts. Both looked like bodybuilders, but one was bigger in all aspects, and his attitude was pretty dominant. The bigger guy was picking up clothes for the shorter one, who was clearly unhappy with his partner’s choices but stayed silent.

“Regular jackass who abuses smaller people. I’ll teach you a lesson.” Bryce smiled, and the world stopped.

The bigger guy was 6’4” and weighed 255 pounds, while the smaller guy was 5’11” and weighed 215 pounds. Bryce had learned his lessons about taking size from others when he woke up 8 inches shorter, so he decided to only give size to the smaller one. He added 10 inches to his 5’11” height and 120 pounds of muscle to his already big frame. Then, Bryce gave the guy a “tiny” extra touch by adding 5 inches to his 6.5-inch-long dick, to contrast with the 7-inch-long dick the other guy had. Then he moved on to the next customer.

Bryce found one customer with two employees looking for underwear. The customer didn’t look that strong, but he was tall at about 6’9”. It took a few seconds for Bryce to choose what to do with that guy, but then he noticed the big bubble butt he had and his 11-inch-long dick with baseball-sized balls. Bryce smiled wide and gave the guy 30 pounds of muscle and fat only in his ass. Then, he left the dick untouched but grew his balls to twice their size.

Bryce wasn’t even paying attention to what he was doing because he only wanted to have fun with all those men. One by one, Bryce altered the bodies of almost all the men in the store, only based on his desires. He used his power to have fun, forgetting about the cloaked man’s words in the alley.

When Bryce finally went back to Mason, the big guy had a huge jockstrap in hand with a large pouch that Bryce immediately knew wasn’t big enough. Mason was nervous because he was clearly too big and tall for all those clothes. However, Bryce handed Mason some options for outfits and convinced him to try them on. Mason wasn’t that sure about trying the clothes on but couldn’t say no to Bryce.

They went to the fitting rooms for Mason to try on the clothes Bryce had picked up for him, removing the improvised toga first. However, the cubicles were somewhat small for Mason’s proportions. Mason tried to put on a T-shirt first, but his elbows kept bumping against the walls, making the whole place tremble. Aware that he needed to be careful, Mason preferred to walk out of the cubicle and stay in the hall with Bryce.

Mason was somewhat positive about a T-shirt that Bryce had picked up for him. However, as soon as he fit one of his arms into the sleeve, the fabric ripped, exposing Mason’s massive arm. Mason looked at Bryce in complete shock, and Bryce insisted he could use some tank tops or something similar. However, just like the sleeves had ripped a few seconds before, when Mason pulled the T-shirt down to cover his pecs, the fabric ripped again, exposing Mason’s pecs.

“I’m really sorry. I promise I’ll pay for everything,” Mason said, blushing, when the seller walked in but the guy was too entranced in the show to care about the T-shirt.

Mason removed the remaining shreds of the T-shirt from his torso. Then, he picked up a massive pair of sweatpants that looked stretchy and comfortable. Mason turned around to face away from Bryce and the seller and clumsily started putting the pants on. It was clear the size and weight of his junk was a major issue when he tried to pull the waistband up, but it wasn’t the only obstacle he had. Mason’s massive butt seemed to be too big for the sweatpants, making him struggle to cover it. Also, his dick and balls were simply impossible to hide.

Mason groaned and grunted while trying to adjust the pants, but it was obvious they wouldn’t work. Bryce approached and pulled the back of the pants up in an attempt to cover Mason’s ass, but it was impossible. The pants only covered the lower half of Mason’s buttocks, and the front was even worse. The pants couldn’t cover the base of Mason’s dick and part of his balls, leaving nothing to the imagination. However, a desperate Mason tried to pull the waistband up to cover his genitals, and between his strength and the massive weight of his dick and balls, the fabric gave up, and his dick burst out of it in front of the seller's shocked eyes.

A very ashamed Mason decided to abort the mission and go back to the apartment, but they still had to pay for the clothes Mason had ruined. Even though Mason was ashamed of his predicament, Bryce constantly reminded him that he was just way too great for regular clothing. The walk back home was even slower than before, but it helped Mason feel a bit better about his enormous body because he loved hearing Bryce’s compliments about it.

By the time they arrived at the apartment, Bryce had praised Mason’s body so much that the big guy was smiling like never before while his dick started hardening again, ready for Bryce’s attention. Mason was still worried that he had nothing to wear but felt more confident about his size and more open about his desire for more size.

“So, what now, big guy?” Bryce asked while they had dinner in their living room.

“I don’t know. I still think I should go to the hospital but at the same time... I like this,” Mason replied.

“I don’t think a hospital is necessary. You’re great. You look good, and you feel good; there’s nothing wrong. Also, you know you’re the hottest guy on Earth to me, right?” Bryce replied, and he immediately saw Mason’s dick raising and growing under the toga. “You really like me saying that, right?”

“You have no idea. It turns me on, so I think I’ll need a hand again before bed. I mean, before I fall asleep on my cum-covered mattress,” Mason said, sounding sad on purpose to convince Bryce to let him stay in his room. “Maybe I’ll even drown in my own cum overnight, but it’s fine; I don’t have anywhere else to stay anyway.”

Bryce rolled his eyes and smiled. “Okay, you can stay with me, but only after we have taken care of that hard-on in your room. We don’t need two flooded rooms,” Bryce said, caressing Mason’s massive dick through the fabric.

“Thanks, Bryce; you’re the best. And… well, if I grow again overnight, you’ll be there with me so it’ll be fine,” Mason said, and his dick throbbed.

“It’s cool. I’m sure we’ll have fun tonight, big guy.” Bryce smiled devilishly, and the world around them stopped as Mason’s stats appeared. “Without clothes, you won’t be able to go anywhere, so... there’s no reason to keep you at this size. I’m sure you’ll love how huge you’ll be tomorrow morning,” Bryce said, kissing Mason’s cheek as he started altering the big guy’s massive body.



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