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Bryce woke up early, as always, but felt different than the previous day. Everything felt strange, but the memories of Mason jerking off and confessing that he wanted to grow even bigger flooded Bryce’s mind immediately. Without opening his eyes, Bryce smiled, remembering how desperate Mason had been to blow a massive load, even though a thick layer of his cum was coating the entire room already. While these memories came to mind, Bryce felt his dick getting harder, making him realize he was naked.

Bryce slowly opened his eyes and became confused for a few seconds when he noticed he wasn’t in his room. He was looking at the ceiling, and even though it was similar to his room, the surface looked dirty and somewhat damp. Then, Bryce remembered all the events from the previous night, especially the sweet moment when Mason asked him to stay the night because he was scared of waking up even bigger.

Bryce remembered Mason jerking off for the millionth time while Bryce caressed the big guy’s messy hair. Bryce remembered Mason looking desperate, and even though Bryce’s lust wanted to give his friend a hand, he resisted the urge to rub the massive 25-inch-long dick he had given Mason. Bryce knew his roommate was worried about the changes, even though he was clearly high on pleasure, so when the offer to stay the night popped up, he decided to be a good friend and show some support to his big—and hot—friend.

Bryce’s body stirred to life as he attempted to stretch like he did every morning. However, he felt a warm, hard wall right next to him, making him smile as he figured out what it was. Bryce sat up and noticed Mason was still asleep, and his body looked magnificent. Even though it had all started as a revenge plan against Mason for gaining some muscle mass, Bryce couldn’t deny that he was enjoying how hot Mason looked. Bryce couldn’t help but sigh as he observed the result of Mason’s request for more size, to which Bryce had been more than happy to oblige.

“Damn, big guy, look at you. You’re a true sight to behold,” Bryce whispered, absentmindedly biting his lower lip with desire. “600 pounds and it’s all muscle and fuck... I think I overdid it with the dick,” Bryce added, quietly chuckling.

Mason was spread on his king-sized bed like a star, leaving only a narrow space for Bryce but enough for both to fit in. Mason was undoubtedly the most muscular man ever, and Bryce felt incredibly lucky to have that big guy right next to him. Mason’s body had grown to unprecedented proportions, giving Bryce so much to see that he didn’t know where to start.

Mason’s face looked angelic, as handsome and cute as ever, but the rest of him was massive. His traps were really big, looking like small shoulders popping out of his actual shoulders. Mason’s cannon-ball-sized deltoids adorned his insanely broad shoulders, which were easily twice as wide as any regular man. His biceps and triceps were enormous, way bigger than anyone’s head, and looking as hard as a stone. A thick vein adorned both biceps, making them look even hotter. Mason’s forearms were as thick as pro bodybuilders’ biceps, and more veins adorned them, giving Mason an even stronger look.

Even though Mason’s arms were really impressive, Bryce moved his attention to Mason’s chest, drooling and having lustful thoughts about the mountainous pectorals. Mason’s pecs stuck out about six or seven inches from the rest of his torso and looked so full and strong that Bryce could barely resist the urge to massage them. Mason’s nipples had also grown larger and looked somewhat erect. A very horny Bryce daydreamed about licking those delicious-looking nipples, but he decided against it. He was having a hard time accepting that he was attracted to Mason’s new body, but the big guy was too hot to ignore him.

Below Mason’s massive abs, his chiseled abs looked carved into stone. Since his arms were wide open, Mason’s lats spread like wings—enormously thick wings of meat. His midsection remained pretty narrow compared to the rest of his body, but it still looked strong. Every muscle fiber on his body had grown thicker, so Mason’s waist had gained some inches to support the huge weight of his upper body.

Mason’s lower body was so unbelievably impressive that Bryce felt like having a stroke as he observed Mason’s huge thighs, diamond-looking calves, and the most massive dick and balls ever. Mason’s dick stood hard and tall at 3 feet long and 10 inches in diameter. His bigger-than-basketball balls rested heavily on the mattress between Mason’s massive thighs, looking ready to burst. Again, Bryce felt the urge to reach and touch the huge dick or the massive balls, but he decided against it. He didn’t want to fall deeper for Mason, so he preferred to look from a safe distance.

As the thought of not getting intimate with Mason crossed his mind, Bryce remembered that he was naked. He was so captivated by Mason’s growth that he hadn’t paid much attention to his own body, but as Bryce looked down to discover how much his body had grown, he slowly moved off Mason’s bed. Standing on his feet made Bryce realize that his muscles had grown a lot, but he had lost several inches in height.

“Fuck! I shouldn’t have taken so many inches from that guy on the street,” Bryce whispered when he was on his feet, standing at 5’0” tall.

However, Bryce had gained so much muscle mass that he looked like a short pro bodybuilder. Bryce looked at his pecs, and they weren’t only thick but also pretty heavy, making his nipples point downward. His arms were way thicker than his previous skinny legs. His whole body was the definition of power, except for his short height. Bryce explored his new body with his own hands and finally realized that he was naked because his body had outgrown his clothes during the night.

“Man, that’s so fucking hot. My muscles are so big, but…” Bryce said, looking up at the giant snoring in bed. “I’m not nearly as hot as you, big guy,” Bryce added, grinning with lust.

While Bryce continued exploring his new big—and short—body, Mason started moving in bed, finally waking up. Bryce was excited to see Mason’s reaction to his new body, and his hard-throbbing dick didn’t let him hide his excitement.

As Mason tried to turn, making the whole bed creak, he noticed something was different and opened his eyes wide. Mason attempted to sit up but it was evident that he wasn’t used to his new heavier body. For a few seconds, Mason looked like a turtle trying to get on his feet due to the size and weight of his muscles.

“What? What? What the hell is happening?” Mason shouted when he finally sat up and saw at least part of his huge body.

“Hey, calm down. Don’t... don’t get scared,” Bryce said, trying to contain his laughter.

“What? Look at me, and... Wait, why are you... naked?” Mason looked at Bryce from bed, and his massive dick throbbed, making Bryce chuckle.

“Long story. I had some problems with my clothes last night, and... well, you probably know about that,” Bryce said, stepping closer to Mason’s bed.

“What? No! Well, yes, I know how that is, but... Wait, that means you see what’s wrong here? I’m a freaking monster,” Mason replied, trying to get out of bed, but he clearly struggled to get used to his new weight.

“No. No. I mean, you’ve always been a huge guy, so I guess you understand about struggles with clothes, I guess,” Bryce nervously replied.

“You gotta be kidding; I weighed 190 pounds a few days ago. You’ve always been heavier by 70 pounds but now look at me. Come on, you have to…” Mason said, unaware that Bryce had just grown as well. Then, Mason finally got to the edge of the bed and slowly rose to his full 7’0” height. “...accept there’s something wrong.”

With Mason standing on his feet in front of him, Bryce could finally understand how big his roommate had become. Mason towered over Bryce by two feet and more than doubled the weight and size in the muscle department. Everything in Mason’s body was huge, but it was the three-foot-long dick and the huge balls that caught Bryce’s attention.

“Nothing’s wrong. Okay? You’re a big guy, and... I think you look great. So, I have to go to work now, and you... I think you should go back to bed and relax. I promise we’ll talk about this later,” Bryce said, trying to hide the fact that he was getting horny while looking at Mason’s magnificent body.

Bryce approached Mason, intending to kiss the big guy’s cheek like the day before, but the height difference made it impossible. Bryce kissed Mason’s enormous right pec instead, leaving the big guy speechless and extremely confused. Mason stood in the middle of his room, unable to say a word, while Bryce slowly walked away and went to his own room.

When Mason was alone, he looked down at his own body once again, trying to comprehend what was happening to him. His muscles were enormous, and his dick was definitely a sight to behold, but even though he was pretty scared about the sudden growth, an irrational part of his mind couldn’t help but get aroused in an instant. His dick throbbed violently, and a thick, huge glob of pre leaked out of his slit.

Mason looked around, and for a few seconds, he pondered his options. A part of him wanted to go to the hospital to get checked because no one could grow that much naturally. He knew he was for sure the most muscular man that had ever existed, which didn’t sound that bad, but he knew it wasn’t normal. However, as he lifted his arms and flexed his biceps, another glob of pre leaked out of his slit, evidencing he was more aroused than scared. His massive size made him feel powerful.

Mason observed his enormous biceps for a few minutes and then paid close attention to his massive pecs, not seeing much past them. He smiled as he accepted that he had always dreamed about something like this. When Bryce had joined the gym months before, Mason had decided to join as well because it was an opportunity to get Bryce’s attention but also as an opportunity to accomplish what he secretly wanted: to get huge muscles.

“I look good, I feel good, and Bryce likes it. I guess it can’t be that bad if I get big,” Mason whispered while flexing. He had longed for Bryce’s attention for a while, and the kiss was definitely a good sign. “I’ll call in sick again and wait for him to come back. I have to take care of something anyway,” Mason added, moving his hands to his massive dick to caress it.

Mason jumped back into bed, breaking the bed frame due to his weight. The mattress landed on the floor, making the whole room shake. However, with a wide grin, Mason pulled his dick against the valley of his huge pecs and started rubbing the shaft up and down, synchronizing with him popping his pecs like giving his dick a massage. Pleasuring such a big dick wasn’t easy at all, but Mason had the entire day to find ways to do so, and he also had the best motivation he could get—Bryce’s kiss on his pec.


Bryce rushed through the apartment, trying to find something to wear. Part of him wanted to stay and enjoy being close to Mason’s huge body, but he also needed to go to work to see the changes in his boss’ and friends’ bodies. The only problem was that Bryce didn’t own clothes big enough to wear with his thicker—but shorter—body. He literally didn’t fit in any of his pants or any of his shirts. While looking for some clothes, Bryce made a quick stop to weigh himself on the scale in the bathroom and was surprised by the number 264.25. The fact that he had nothing to wear wasn’t surprising since he weighed almost twice his previous weight.

The only option Bryce had was to borrow some of Mason’s clothes he found in the dryer. Bryce found an oversized T-shirt and jeans that seemed to be able to handle his size, even though they were way too long for his body. Mason’s T-shirt reached down almost to Bryce’s knees, and the pants were tight and long on him. Even then, he didn’t have more options, so he tried to look as good as possible and rushed out of the apartment. As soon as he closed the door behind him, Bryce heard and felt the ground beneath him shaking and the walls trembling like an earthquake. It happened really fast, so Bryce just continued walking.

On his way to his job, Bryce made a quick stop to fix a few things on his own body. He stopped by a construction site and found ten hunky construction workers who were pretty hot already but could definitely use some adjustments. Bryce knew he had to grow others to grow his own body, so he decided to get those hot construction workers even hotter.

The shortest man was about 6’0”, and the tallest was easily 6’6”. Since Bryce’s short height was his main issue, he used his power to give each of these men four extra inches in height. Bryce thought their new height would be helpful in their job, but his motivation was only to get taller by growing others. Doing some quick math, he estimated he would gain 10 inches with what he had given the men at the construction site, which was good enough.

Using his powers to remove the men’s clothes, Bryce could observe their bodies and stats more carefully. Some of them had some measures that caught Bryce’s attention, so he decided to have fun with them. The second shortest, at 6’1”—soon to be 6’5”—had the most delicious-looking bubble Bryce had seen. It was so juicy and yet so firm that Bryce’s mouth watered while looking at that man’s ass, so he decided to give him an even bigger ass—about 10 pounds of muscle and fat—to make him look even better.

There was another man, very likely the youngest of them all, who had a 12-inch-long dick with a pretty decent girth. Bryce—a size king—gave this guy’s dick four more inches in length and a whole extra inch in girth. With a dick that big, Bryce thought the guy needed bigger balls, so he gave the guy some seriously big balls, growing them to approximately soccer-ball-sized.

Another one’s chest caught Bryce’s attention because it looked round and full. The man’s upper body reminded Bryce of Chris Evans’ Captain America, giving him some ideas. He added 20 pounds of muscle and a little bit of fat to the man’s pecs to get them really big and juicy at the same time. He also altered the man’s nipples to get them larger and pointier. Bryce was having lots of fun, but he remembered he had to get to his office to see his friends.

Before leaving the construction site, Bryce added 2 inches to the rest of the men’s dicks, leaving most of them, except for the youngest-looking one, with 8 or 10 inches of dick and giving Bryce’s dick, by his own calculations, about 5.5 inches in length. His motivation was only to grow his own body but growing these men, but once he had set all the changes for them, Bryce made a mental note to stop by the construction site the next day to see how they were doing. At that moment, he was more excited about his coworkers than looking at random people on the street.

Sadly, a few minutes later, Bryce arrived at his office and was informed that all his coworkers had called in sick, so the department had been closed at least for the day. The company wanted to inspect and clean the entire department because it was weird that most of the employees, the new supervisor included, had reported experiencing allergic reactions. Bryce contained his laughter while the man informed him that his friends and their boss were sick because he knew what was really happening.

Bryce was sad because he wanted to see his friends’ new bodies. He also wanted to mess with their boss’ size again, but he understood that he had changed them too much for them not to get scared. Anyone would freak out and get worried, just like Mason did every morning, because the changes were too abrupt. The difference was that Mason clearly enjoyed the changes, and his horny thoughts surpassed his fears or shock.

Bryce had to give a blood sample to a medical team to check if the thing affecting his coworkers had also affected him. Then, they sent him home, and Bryce didn’t hesitate because he had someone very likely waiting for him at the apartment. The memory of Mason’s huge body lying in bed, fully naked, made Bryce’s dick chub up. He still felt strange to feel so attracted to Mason’s body, but he couldn’t deny the big guy had him hooked. His revenge plan against Mason had changed directions, and all Bryce wanted was to get Mason even bigger and enjoy having such a stud so close to him.

When Bryce arrived at the apartment, as soon as he opened the door, he heard Mason moaning loudly, and a bumping sound echoed through the apartment. Bryce immediately remembered his dream where the apartment exploded. However, the sensation was different; the bumping sound wasn’t as loud, and a strange salty smell made it feel very different.

Bryce had left only an hour before, so he knew Mason wasn’t waiting for him, so he tried to be quiet. He approached Mason’s door very slowly but stopped when he noticed something coming out beneath the door. The substance was almost liquid but pretty thick, and the salty smell intensified. Bryce kneeled down and touched the sticky white substance, finally recognizing the texture, the smell, and… the taste.

“This can’t be. I left just an hour ago,” Bryce said, taking some of the creamy substance to his mouth to taste it again. “Damn, why is it so delicious?” Bryce added and chuckled.

Bryce slowly opened the door, and the salty smell hit his nose like a wall. Bryce’s mouth fell to the ground when he saw a pool of white substance covering the entire floor of Mason’s room and some more coating the walls and the ceiling. It looked like the morning after a heavy snowfall, but the room wasn’t cold. The room felt hot instead, and the massive person lying on his back in the middle was the hottest part.

Mason’s body was covered with his own cum, making him look even bigger than he was. He was still on his mattress, rubbing his massive dick, while a strong stream of cum came out of his dick slit. Bryce could see Mason’s balls churning while producing even more cum. Bryce took his shoes off and started walking toward Mason. The big guy was high on pleasure, so he didn’t notice Bryce arriving, but when he did, a broad and goofy smile spread on his face.

“What are you doing here? You should be at work,” Mason said, heavily panting while the stream of cum weakened and his dick slightly deflated. “And… is that my T-shirt?”

“Oh, yeah, this is your T-shirt, and I think it fits me better than it would fit you,” joked Bryce, making Mason laugh. “And we had some issues at work, and they gave me the day off, but... you did all of this in just an hour?” Bryce said, standing right next to Mason’s bed.

“You said I could jerk off, and I did. This one was only round two, but I just can’t stop; my balls seem to go crazy every time I think about you,” Mason said, caressing his half-hard huge dick. “My shirt looks good on you, by the way,” Mason added, making Bryce blush.

“Thanks. Well, you look good all covered with your own cum. Pretty hot,” Bryce replied.

They looked into each other’s eyes for a few seconds, and suddenly, Mason pulled Bryce by the arm to get him closer. Mason placed Bryce on top of his strong cum-covered torso and pulled Bryce’s head into a long and passionate kiss. Bryce was initially hesitant about the kiss but then embraced Mason’s expression of love, and they started making out. Bryce loved how Mason’s cum-covered lips felt and tasted against his, and after so much denial, he finally accepted that he desired Mason and wanted him even bigger.



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