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“Joey, please, slow down. There are too many babies,” Matt said behind me, but I couldn’t find any words to reply as my body wasn’t under my control. I knew the babies were coming out too fast, but there was nothing I could do to stop it. I didn’t even know why more babies kept coming out of me. My mind was blank and babies just continued coming.

I loudly groaned as I felt how big the babies were as they went through my birth canal. It wasn’t only their size, but since they were coming out so fast, it hurt me more than I ever expected. The pain and pleasure were overwhelming. My hole was on fire, not having a break between babies, but my dick was fully hard below my still-big belly. I didn’t know what to do. There was actually nothing I could do.

I got my hands on my belly, and I felt it slowly deflating. That sensation was a tiny light of hope at the end of the long and painful tunnel I was going through while giving birth to a ridiculous number of babies. I could feel a head crowning, but it continued sliding out. In just a second, the head popped out of my body, soon followed by the shoulders making me feel more pain than ever before. Soon, the baby finally slid out of my body, only to be replaced by the next one in less than a second.

I panted heavily as my hole stretched over and over again to let all the babies out, like what must’ve looked like a baby cannon. I couldn’t control it; I could barely stay conscious, and I could barely hear Matt’s voice behind the multitude of babies crying. It was all surreal, but I couldn’t even decide if it felt like a dream or a nightmare. The pleasure and the fact that we were having more than one baby made it feel like a dream. But at the same time, the pain and the fact that we were having more than one baby made it feel like a nightmare.

I groaned more as my body won’t stop pushing kids out. I was almost out of breath, even though the pressure on my belly was slowly decreasing. I tried my best to focus my attention on the few parts of my body that didn’t feel like they were about to explode, but it was really hard because the pain of several babies coming out of me one after the other was simply too much. My pecs, my belly, and even my dick felt like they were about to explode, and I could barely stand all the sensations happening at once.

“Matt, I... can’t,” I managed to say, in addition to more babies coming out of me, I felt a massive rush of milk pouring out of my nipples all of a sudden, making it feel like I had two geysers in front of me. I moaned out loud while everything around me got coated with milk. Then, I felt enormous pressure around my crotch, making me groan in discomfort, soon followed by the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced. My dick shot a river of cum, landing on my underbelly and the mattress beneath me.

“Joey… hey… Joey. What’s happening, Joey?” I heard Matt’s voice, but I couldn’t reply. My eyes started getting dark, and my mind collapsed under the intense sensation taking over my entire body. My eyes slowly closed, and everything around me just disappeared.


As I woke up, I immediately felt soreness all over my body. It felt like a truck had run over me, but somehow I felt relieved. The memory of my belly expanding and the intense orgasm taking over my body before I passed out flooded my mind, but it all felt so distant that a part of me wondered if it had been a dream. However, the fact that I felt so incredibly sore and tired made me realize that at least part of it had been definitely true.

I slowly opened my eyes and realized I was lying in bed, looking at the ceiling I knew very well. As my eyes adjusted to the light, I heard a weird sound that felt very close, but I couldn’t recognize it. It took me a few more seconds to finally figure out the source of the sound and realize that it was related to my pecs. I felt something around both my nipples and something else touching me around them.

I looked down and was surprised to see a wall of flesh before my face, soon realizing it was my chest. Each of my pecs looked enormous, like small beach balls, and the skin looked so tight that I wondered how it had stretched so much. I couldn’t see anything around me. Additionally, my pecs were pressing tightly against my chin, leaving my head almost locked in place.

“What in the…?” I shouted, trying to sit up, but the weight of my pecs and the soreness of my entire body made it impossible. “I… what’s… what’s happening?” I managed to say this as I tried to lift my upper body from the mattress, realizing something was definitely wrong.

“Hey, hey, calm down. Joey, just calm down.” I heard Matt’s voice, and it somehow calmed me down a bit. I felt him taking the babies away from my chest, but I still didn’t have the strength to move off the mattress. “Give me a second, and I’ll help you sit up. Just let me place these big boys on the mattress,” Matt added, and I sighed, looking at the ceiling.

“What happened, Matt? I had the weirdest dream ever. Now I feel like a truck hit me; I didn’t know labor could hurt so much,” I said, slowly moving my hands to feel my enormous pecs. Even though my arms were sore, I needed to find out if what my eyes had seen were really my pecs. “Why are my pecs so big?”

“Joey, you… Just relax and take a deep breath, okay? You were out for about half an hour after the last baby was born, so I get that you must be confused. Look, you…” Matt said, but was interrupted by some babies crying. At first, I didn’t mind the crying because I knew it was normal, but then the cries multiplied and grew louder, making me realize that there weren’t just two babies in the room with us.

“Matt, please tell me it was all a dream,” I said, trying to sit up, barely able to concentrate due to the multitude of loud cries surrounding me. “There’s no way that dream was real,” I added, as I felt Matt’s hand holding my hand and his other hand giving my back some support to pull me up. Immediately, I felt the enormous weight of my pecs straining my back. I only gasped in surprise, but everything around me was too shocking to think about my sore back for long.

“Joey, it was not a dream. I have no idea what happened, but all of a sudden, you started giving birth like a machine gun. You only groaned and moaned. Joey, I thought I was going to lose you, but you did so great, and you filled my world with happiness and fear,” Matt said as I finally sat up and looked around at a crowd of babies moving and crying everywhere in our room. “You gave birth to 40 babies. I-I’m still not sure if I’m dreaming, but... I saw you getting enormous, and then babies just came out of you one after the other, and you passed out, and I was so scared,” Matt said with teary eyes, and I didn’t know how to respond.

At least 20 babies were lying in bed next to me; there were at least 10 in the crib we had bought for the only baby we knew we were having, and the rest of the babies were in a bassinet, a stroller, and a hand carrier we had also bought for our big baby boy. We had all that baby equipment for one baby, so it was barely enough to fit the 40 babies Matt said had come out of my body.

I looked at the babies in bed next to me, and they looked exactly like the big boy I fed while giving birth to the second one. They were all like copies of each other, and since they looked a lot like Matt, they were like copies of him. Even though the sound of their crying was overwhelming, a smile spread on my face when I realized all those babies had been inside me. They were all ours.

“Shh, hey, big boys. Easy there… Daddy’s awake, and he’s going to take good care of you all,” I said out loud, and the crying slowly stopped. It seemed like my voice calmed all the babies down, so I continued talking to them all. “I know you must be scared. Believe me, I’m super scared, but I promise I’ll... We’ll take good care of you all.”

“I think some of them are still hungry. I fed the ones in the stroller, the hand carrier, and the bassinet, and was halfway through the ones lying next to you. That means there are ten babies left for you to feed,” Matt said as he picked up two babies from the mattress and slowly placed them in my arms.

“What do you mean? How did you feed them while I was out?” I asked while Matt helped me lean back against the bed’s headboard and get the babies in position for me to breastfeed them. It was pretty difficult because my pecs were so big that I couldn’t see anything past them, the babies included. I could feel their tiny mouths around my nipples and their tiny hands touching my skin, but I couldn’t see anything but my milky pecs.

“I held them against your pecs while you were sleeping. I knew they were hungry, and your pecs were there, so... it just made sense. Your nipples were leaking all along and there were 40 hungry babies. The entire room was a mess already, but I preferred that milk go to our babies’ tummies rather than getting on the mattress, which feels and looks more like a water bed... or milk bed more than a normal bed,” Matt said, chuckling and giving my pecs a soft pat.

“You… are you really listening to your words? 40 babies? It can’t be real,” I said, looking around again, trying to convince myself that those 40 babies were actually there. “And you said they all came out of me? Do you understand how crazy that sounds?”

“Oh, believe me, I know how crazy that sounds. I was right behind you, catching baby after baby, after baby after baby. With the first ten babies, it was clear you had to push and all the regular stuff, but after the eleventh, they just kept coming without giving me a break. Then you passed out around the 25th baby and they just... didn’t stop coming. More and more and more kept coming, and I didn’t know what to do. I was so scared, and... well, don’t hate me, but... it turned me on a bit,” Matt said, blushing.

“You gotta be kidding me? I passed out, and my body was literally collapsing under all the pressure and effort, and you just got horny?” I said harshly, making Matt blush even more. “You’re unbelievable, Matthew.”

“No, you’re unbelievable. You gave birth to more babies than anyone else, and here you are. You’re amazing,” Matt said, kissing me and giving my massive pecs some careful rubs.

“How sweet of you, Matthew, but I can’t stop thinking that this is somehow your fault,” I said as he kissed me again. “You were the one who wanted to have a huge family, and look, now we have too many kids.”

“Oh, there’s no such thing as too many kids. But I swear this is not my fault, at all. I didn’t do this,” he said as he started bringing all the babies to our bed to have them all in one place. “If anything, that man from the bakery shop is the one to blame. He gave me the cupcake and said it would help your fertility in your next pregnancy. Well, now it sounds like it’s my fault, but I never thought this could happen,” Matt said as he continued bringing more babies to our bed.

“The cupcake and... the cookie,” I whispered, finally remembering my conversation with the other man at the bakery shop. More memories of the moments before the birth started flooding my mind, and I looked at Matt’s crotch to find out if that had also been real. “Matt, your... dick,” I said when I saw the size of his soft dick, just as big as it had been when it was hard the last time I had seen it, along with grapefruit-sized balls.

“Oh, yeah… that… So, I was waiting for you to notice. I can’t blame the cupcake on that, but I thought that, maybe, it has something to do with the cookie.” Matt asked, and I blushed.

“Well, yeah. I wanted something for you to get hornier. I wanted you to fuck me hard, and... well, I never thought you’d get a 16-inch-long dick. Not that I’m complaining,” I said, winking at him as he placed the last baby in bed with me. With 40 newborns, our king-sized bed barely had enough space, but it was a really cute scene.

“So, you’re the one to blame for this huge dick, and I’m, somehow, the one to blame for you giving birth to 40 babies?” Matt said, kneeling next to the bed, right next to me.

“Oh, there’s no comparison. But I should’ve told you that it was only...” I said, and he completed my phrase: “A small bite.”

We laughed, and he helped me change the babies to feed the next pair. It was incredibly overwhelming, but the more I got to hold the babies, the more I fell in love with them, and the fear faded away, at least momentarily. I knew we had many challenges ahead of us because 40 babies were simply too much to handle, but looking at them made me feel at peace, and seeing Matt care so much for them made it all better.

Half an hour later, I finished feeding all the babies, and they were asleep. Matt helped me get up from bed to give the babies enough space to take a peaceful nap. Getting on my feet made me realize my pecs weren’t the only significant change my body had undergone. My belly was still pretty big, but completely soft. Even then, I still looked like I was nine months pregnant with at least twins. My ass and hips had grown a lot, forcing my thighs to thicken, so I still had to waddle instead of walking. Everything felt strange, but somehow I loved it, and Matt was clearly madly in love with my much thicker body.

We made sure that all the babies were safe in bed and that no one would fall off the edge, and we slowly went to our bathroom because I needed to clean my lower body. Matt was so gentle as he helped me get in the bathtub and started giving me the best sponge bath I had ever received. He was incredibly careful, which I appreciated because I was sore, and at the same time, he made me feel so good.

He paid close attention to cleaning between my legs, resulting in me moaning in pleasure, and my dick getting instantly hard. I still felt like I wasn’t in control of my body, but I couldn’t deny that I was enjoying his touch. Looking at him, I noticed his massive dick was slowly getting harder too, and I couldn’t resist the urge to get my hands on it and stroke it. His dick was at least 20 inches when it reached full hardness, and I couldn’t encircle it with my hands. I had just given birth to forty babies, but I couldn’t help but desire to have his massive dick inside me once again.

“I know that look. I know what you want when you look at me like that,” Matt said, carefully moving the sponge around the spot between my balls and my hole.

“If you know... then... what are you going to do, big guy?” I responded and reached lower to fondle his huge balls. “I don’t know if we’ll ever have the chance to be alone again with so many kids,” I added as he moaned thanks to my touch.

“You’re crazy, you know that?” Matt said as I started turning to get on all fours in the tub. Simultaneously, he carefully got inside the tub with me. “But I can’t deny that the big ass cake you now have looks so delicious,” he added as we got right behind me and squeezed my huge cheeks with his strong hands.

“Well, this cake is yours, so... enjoy it one last time before we get too busy with our kids. A quickie won’t do any harm,” I said as he leaned forward and kissed my shoulders and neck, with his hard dick tightly pressed against my back. “Just a small bite of cake, and nothing will happen,” I added, and we both chuckled. I was ready to be a full-time daddy for our 40 babies, but I needed to feel my big man inside me one more time.

The End


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