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This is a revisited version of a story you might now. I hope you like this and you can check the prologue on my tumblr [Prologue]


Casper Oakman awoke on Father’s Day to the sound of his four babies crying, like every morning. Lying on his side in bed, since it was the only position he could lie in, Casper was so exhausted that even though he knew he needed to get moving, he didn’t even open his eyes in an unsuccessful attempt to get a few more minutes of sleep. He couldn’t believe it was possible to feel more tired than when he went to bed, but his life had changed so drastically that he had already gotten used to the constant exhaustion.

As much as Casper tried to fall back asleep, the loud cries reminded him about his responsibilities and the consequences of his reckless behavior. A part of him wanted to turn back time and enjoy the peaceful life he used to have before the chaos started, but it was too late for that. Funnily enough, the sources of the cries were precisely the only things keeping him from sinking deeper into sad and depressing thoughts. He still had reasons to keep going, even among the chaos he had gotten himself into.

Casper’s entire body ached, so he didn’t want to get out of bed. However, even while lying down, he couldn’t get into a comfortable position, so it was better for him to face the challenges that his new life had brought. Casper slowly opened his eyes and stretched his arms, taking a deep breath and sighing deeply. As the rest of his body awoke, he immediately felt the huge weight of his belly pinning him down to bed. It was another reminder of the huge mess he had gotten himself into.

Groaning in discomfort, one of Casper’s hands moved to his huge, hairy belly and gently rubbed the side of it, feeling as though he could burst at any moment. Moving his hand in big circles over his belly, Casper felt his drum-tight skin getting some relief with the gentle touch. Considering the size of his belly, it was pretty impressive that his skin could stretch that much. As Casper continued rubbing his belly, the sounds of babies crying grew louder, indicating it was time for their dad to stand up.

“I’m on my way. Just... uugghh, give me a second,” Casper said between groans as he attempted to move his body at least a bit. “Probably more than a second, but I’m coming. Don’t cry,” he added, struggling to roll his large body into a sitting position.

Moving his body to a sitting position used to be a simple task for Casper, but in his condition, it wasn’t simple anymore. Taking a deep breath, he summoned all his strength to move his belly, where a large set of quadruplets had been growing for nine months and a week. Even after all these months, the whole situation still sounded absurd to a man like Casper, who never thought he would face such a complicated predicament. As a man, he never expected to experience a pregnancy, but he knew this was only the consequence of his cheating.

As Casper moved pretty slowly to the edge of the bed, panting heavily due to the physical effort, he was thankful that the four big babies he carried in his belly weren’t moving much. The quadruplets seemed to have run out of space in his womb, but that meant they were very heavy, making everything more difficult for an extremely pregnant Casper. He was somewhat ready for the babies to come out because he was way too pregnant. At the same time, he was scared of the impending labor because he already knew it hurt a lot.

Casper had been experiencing some mild contractions since the day before, meaning it was almost time for the babies to come out—a whole week late, though. Being so overdue with large quadruplets represented many struggles for a man who, apart from the tremendous size of his belly, also had to take care of the babies that wouldn’t stop crying until he had taken care of them. Casper was eager for the babies to come out to at least be able to move around more easily and take care of all his kids.

By the time Casper was sitting at the edge of the bed, exhaustion was evident on his face, and beads of sweat had formed on his forehead. Casper heavily panted as he tried to adjust his body to get in a somewhat comfortable position, which was impossible. His massive belly rested heavily on the edge of the mattress, crushing his balls and dick under its weight and making Casper groan in discomfort. His planet-sized belly dominated the space on his lap, leaving no room for his balls, which were very swollen and plump due to the pregnancy hormones.

“Uugghh… oh, please. Just stop growing. You’ve gotten my belly so big. You’re crushing my balls, and that’s some of the few things I still got to remind me I’m a man,” bitterly joked Casper as his massive belly squeezed his balls beneath it. It felt like a cruel joke that his own body had trapped him in such an uncomfortable situation.

Getting in a sitting position was a monumental task for Casper, but standing up seemed as difficult as moving an entire mountain with a stick. As he tried to catch his breath before attempting to stand up, Casper looked down at his body, sighing in disbelief. His massive belly stuck out so far in front of him that he couldn’t reach his popped-out belly button. Since Casper couldn’t reach the front, he gently rubbed the sides of his hairy belly, marveling again at how tight his skin felt, convinced that no one had been so big and full before.

Then, his attention moved to his huge, hairy pecs resting heavily on top of his belly, also feeling incredibly big and full. Producing milk to feed the babies had always been one of the wonders of being pregnant, but Casper had surpassed even the wildest expectations of any pregnant person. He felt as though his huge milk-filled pecs produced enough milk to feed an entire army, and considering their size, it was very likely possible.

His pecs felt unbelievably full and plump, and Casper rubbed them very gently as he wondered how they hadn’t burst yet. The amount of milk his pecs were producing was out of the charts, barely contained within them. As Casper caught his breath and the babies continued crying, he felt his pecs getting even plumper, and a stream of milk started pouring out of his engorged nipples like fountains. Casper sighed again because he knew the milk flow would only stop after he had fed his babies. Knowing he was really close to having four more kids to nourish, this strange and fantastic occurrence was to be expected.

Casper moved his fingers to caress around his overly sensitive nipples, gasping loudly at how tender they felt. His nipples weren’t only sensitive but so huge and engorged that Casper wondered how his babies managed to latch onto them with their tiny mouths. He had never seen a chest like the one he had developed. It looked bizarre, especially because Casper had been shaving his pecs around the nipples to prevent any stray hairs from getting into the babies’ mouths. Also, the fact that he was a man made the situation even worse.

Once Casper felt ready to stand up, he struggled to get in position to attempt it, and a bitter laugh escaped his lips, trying to hide the tears welling inside. Casper wasn’t only tired physically, but his emotions, also affected by the pregnancy hormones, messed up with him. His pecs were huge, his belly was gigantic, his balls were plump, and even his butt had grown enormous, resulting in him being unable to wear any clothes for the past three months. Casper had outgrown all his clothes except for some briefs, but due to the size and weight of his belly, he couldn’t get dressed on his own. All of these affected his already fragile self-esteem and made him long for the pregnancy to be over.

Even though he knew he had to stand up to take care of the babies, as heavy as Casper was, he could only move at a snail’s pace. He tried to gather the strength to get on his feet, but as his heavy body didn’t respond like it used to, leaving him breathless again, he could only groan in discomfort and take a short breath before trying again.

Casper took a few seconds to think because it was the second Father’s Day away from his wife and their son, Ed. As he continued caressing his nipples to feel some relief, a tear streamed down his cheek as he thought about his family and how much he missed them. Even though Casper was a dad, soon to welcome even more kids into his life, he knew he was in no position to celebrate anything. Casper would’ve given anything to spend the day with his eldest son, but he knew he was the only one to blame for the separation. It was his fault for not appreciating the wonderful life he had with his wife and their son.

The memories of his life with his family flooded his mind as he groaned in discomfort. He felt his belly tightening and his pecs getting even plumper, making him feel like he was literally about to burst. He tried to focus on the happy memories of his wife and son, trying to deal with the immense pressure taking over his whole torso. He could vividly remember how the chaos had started, and after many months, he still couldn’t believe what a jerk he had been.


In January 2020, Casper’s wife, Darcy, landed a new job that paid her three times the money Casper earned. They were very happy with the news and celebrated with their son, Ed. They had financial obligations, but with her new job, they earned more than enough to cover all their expenses and live a comfortable, luxurious life.

A few weeks later, the lockdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic started, and the construction company put Casper’s job on hold while his wife continued working regular hours at her new job. Considering Darcy earned enough, their finances and lifestyle remained unaffected. Casper stayed home, taking care of the house, while Darcy paid for everything. The best part was that since Casper and Ed spent all day together, they took the chance to learn how to cook and keep the house clean, making the three of them very happy.

A few months later, the construction company where Casper worked resumed operations, but only part-time, meaning he arrived home early and had the chance to cook dinner for his family. Since he was so proud of the success of his wife’s career, Casper was very attentive to dinner and everything in the house, making them all feel great.

Casper really appreciated what his wife was doing, and she reciprocated the feeling. On Casper’s 39th birthday, on August 21st, his wife surprised him with a brand new Mercedes-Benz G-Class SUV that he couldn’t afford on his own. It was a very special gift because that car somehow represented how good things were for the entire family.

Sadly, everything went downhill when some of Casper’s so-called ‘friends’ from work started making fun of him because his wife had bought him a car. They constantly mocked him because Darcy was the breadwinner while Casper took care of the household chores.

“We know who wears the pants in Casper’s house and is not him,” one of his ‘friends’ said.

“Yeah, she’s just rich enough to have a bitch at home,” another one added.

“He doesn’t have the balls to rule over his house or buy his own car,” a third one said, grabbing his own crotch to emphasize the joke.

Many jokes at his expense became common at his workplace, and Casper’s manly ego believed all those words, making him mistreat his wife and neglect all his responsibilities at home. Since the car had triggered the jokes, Casper left the car at home and continued using the old one to show everybody that he didn’t need his wife to give him a car. His behavior changed very drastically, and even Ed was a victim of Casper’s harsh attitude.

Casper started frequently going to bars instead of heading home after work. He often got very drunk, so when he arrived home, his words and actions were even worse than before. Casper knew it hurt his wife and son but thought he was being ‘manly.’ Casper stopped contributing to household expenses because he spent his money on alcohol and even avoided having dinner with his family to not look at them. He only went to the house to sleep, even using the guest room to sleep away from his wife.

The drunken episodes became more frequent, and Casper knew they deeply affected Ed. When the 16-year-old boy saw his dad stumbling in the house, sadness became evident on his face. However, even though Casper’s harsh attitude worsened, his wife and son ignored him most of the time, leaving a very lonely Casper longing for some companionship that would make him feel a little better. He was aware that he was being a dumbass, and it made him feel even more lonely. This feeling led him to make a big mistake that changed his life forever.

One evening, while having dinner at a restaurant to avoid sitting at the same table with his wife, Casper was visibly regretful and sad about how his life had turned upside down because of his actions. A part of him wanted to apologize, but his manly ego kept telling him he didn’t need to apologize. Lost in his own thoughts, Casper didn’t notice a man approaching the table until the man was right before him, taking him out of the trance. Looking up, he saw the handsome face of a kind-looking man smiling at him and making him feel nice.

The man was easily 6’1”, towering over Casper’s 5’10”. The man’s Greek-god-looking tan skin, green eyes, dark hair, and perfect smile caught Casper’s attention, and he had to accept that the man was pretty handsome. The man’s body was just as impressive, with broad shoulders, well-defined pecs, and strong arms that filled the shirt nicely. The man’s narrow waist and relatively wide hips perfectly complement the very good-looking man.

“Hey, I’m Filip. Sorry to bother you, but I noticed you’re having dinner alone, and I don’t have company either. Do you mind if I join you?” the man said, and his deep voice captivated Casper’s attention even more. “Only if you’re not waiting for anyone else.”

Casper looked at the man for a few more seconds and smiled at him. “No, it’s just me tonight, so... sure, you can join me,” Casper said as Filip sat across the table. Something about the man attracted Casper’s attention, leaving him a little bit confused.

As they started conversing, Casper learned that Filip was new in the city. Filip was two years younger than Casper and was also married. Filip had five daughters. The eldest was 15 years old, and the youngest just under a year old. Filip said four of his daughters were taking ballet classes across the street, and his wife and youngest daughter were there too, leaving him alone for about an hour and a half. The description sounded like a happy, perfect family, leaving Casper ashamed of his behavior with his own family.

Over the following weeks, Filip and Casper had dinner together every single day of the week while Filip’s daughters and wife were at the ballet classes. They also texted each other constantly, learning everything about each other pretty quickly. Casper was a bit ashamed to tell Filip about his harsh attitude toward his family, but Filip didn’t judge him and just tried to convince him to fix things with Darcy and apologize to her and Ed. Casper knew Filip was right, but it was easier to say it than do it.

While their friendship grew, Casper started feeling more comfortable with Filip, using any chance they had to spend time together. It was precisely the ‘comfort’ Casper found in Filip—the feeling that made him screw everything up and turn his life upside down.

It all started on Sunday, November 15th. Casper was home alone, and around 4:00 PM, Filip called Casper to invite him to hang out for a while. Filip’s wife and daughters were visiting her parents, so he had the rest of the day to hang out with Casper. Without hesitation, Casper left his house and met Filip at an empty parking lot to eat some burgers and fries and talk for a few hours. Casper got in the passenger seat of Filip’s truck and enjoyed his company. Filip was nicer than ever, so Casper felt very comfortable with his handsome friend.

“You know, you never know what to expect when you get married,” Filip said, giving his burger a big bite. “I’ve been married for 16 years, and now my wife rejects me every night because she fears she’ll end up pregnant again. I know we already have five daughters, but people don’t get pregnant on the first try, right?”

“It happens sometimes, but why don’t you use condoms? You get all the fun without all the risks,” Casper responded, popping some fries in his mouth.

“Nah, that never feels the same. After we had our fourth daughter, we wore condoms all the time, and it’s not the same. I just don’t like it,” Filip said, sighing.

“That’s not a big deal. I have some big trouble, and I know it’s all my fault,” Casper said, frowning and sighing deeply.

“Hey, I’ve told you what you have to do. Just leave the ego and apologize to your wife and your son,” said Filip, patting Casper’s shoulder. “You’re a great man, a hard worker, respectful, responsible, all the good things, and then some. You’re also handsome, strong, and pretty hot, to be honest,” Fillip added, moving his hand to rest it on Casper’s thigh.

“You... think I’m hot?” Casper asked, and Filip nodded. “Don’t mess with me right now. I’m talking about serious stuff, and... well, I think you’re pretty hot too,” Casper added, blushing and chuckling.

Filip smiled and started squeezing Casper’s thigh. “You’re the best man I have ever met. Why do you think I approached your table at the restaurant? Man, you captivated me,” Filip said as he continued caressing Casper’s thigh. “You’re a king, and your wife was treating you like the king you are, but take this into account: she deserves to be treated like a queen. You just need to relax and stop feeling like crap. Remember, you’re a king.”

Casper looked at Filip very attentively and couldn’t deny he was enjoying his touch. “You’re right. She’s my queen, and I really need to relax,” Casper said, soon followed by a gasp when Filip’s hand moved from his thigh to his crotch.

“Yeah, and I know how to help you relax. You just need to have some fun before going back to your queen,” Filip said, leaning to the side to kiss Casper’s lips while also squeezing his bulge. Casper was confused, but at the same time, he enjoyed Filip’s lips so much that in just a few seconds, they were passionately making out.

Filip slipped his hand under Casper’s shirt to caress his hairy abdomen, sending shivers down Casper’s spine. From this point, things happened pretty fast as Filip took Casper’s shirt off while making out. Just a few seconds later, Filip removed his own shirt and revealed a very well-sculpted torso that drew Casper’s hands to it. While Casper caressed Filip’s meaty pecs, the younger man unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants to show off his fat bulge, barely contained in his boxer briefs. Then, Filip unbuttoned Casper’s pants to have access to his full bulge too.

“Let’s get in the back seat; there’s more space there,” Filip said, opening the driver’s door and quickly moving to the back seat.

Simultaneously, Casper did the same and joined a clearly horny Filip in the back seat of his truck. Both of them quickly removed their pants, and the underwear soon followed. Once both of them were naked, they marveled at their fully naked bodies. Casper’s dick was hardening, quickly reaching 8 inches long, but what caught Filip’s attention were Casper’s fat balls. Filip reached to fondle Casper’s balls, which filled his palm to the brim, playing with them for a few seconds while soft moans escaped Casper’s lips.

“Who said you didn't have the balls to do something?” Said Filip, chuckling. “You should show them. Man, you have some big balls,” Filip added, teasing Casper's balls with his thumbs

Casper looked into Filip’s crotch and noticed the younger man’s dick was about half an inch longer but easily twice as thick as Casper’s. Casper reached for the thickest dick he had ever seen and attempted to wrap his fingers around it, gasping in surprise when he realized it was impossible.

Filip smiled and gently pushed Casper to help him lay back across the seat. Filip leaned forward and wrapped his lips around the head of Casper’s dick, using his tongue to tease the slit. Casper moaned and shivered, surprised by how good Filip’s lips felt on his dick. Filip continued sucking and licking Casper’s dick with passion, making him moan louder.

Filip rose from Casper’s crotch and smiled kindly at a panting Casper. Filip pulled Casper into a sitting position and positioned himself to get his dick right before Casper’s mouth. Even though Casper had never been that close to another man’s dick, he already knew what Filip wanted, so he opened his mouth as much as he could and tried to fit the huge head of Filip’s dick in his mouth, soon realizing it was impossible. Even then, Casper sucked and licked on Filip’s dick like his life depended on it, making the Filip moan out loud.

About a minute later, Filip gently pushed Casper to lay on his back across the seat again, also helping him lift his legs to fit properly and get in the right position for what he wanted to do. Casper recognized the desire in Filip’s eyes, and even though he had never been with another man, Casper just nodded and made sure to give Filip full access to his hole. Casper moaned as Filip easily fit two fingers in his hole, surprising both men because of how easy the fingers had slid inside. Even then, Casper thought it was impossible for Filip’s thick dick to fit in his hole, but both were more than willing to try.

Aiming his dick at Casper’s ass, Filip pushed the tip against Casper’s hole, immediately finding some resistance, just as expected. However, with just a little bit more pressure, Casper’s hole slowly opened and stretched to allow Filip’s thick dick in. Casper couldn’t contain his moans as his body was filled with pleasure. Casper was expecting pain, but surprisingly, he only felt pleasure while Filip pushed inch after inch of his dick into Casper’s hole. Before Casper could even register what was happening, Filip’s 8.5-inch thick dick was fully buried in his hole while both men panted heavily in pleasure.

“Man, you’re so tight but fuck it feels amazing,” Filip said, leaning forward to whisper on Casper’s ear. “You sure you had never done this before? Because no one had ever taken my dick so easily,” Filip added, kissing Casper’s cheek.

“This… is my first time, I swear. Uugghh… You’re so thick, but… it feels so good,” Casper said between moans and groans as his body adjusted to Filip’s dick. “No wonder you… have five kids… I’d never get tired of this,” Casper added with a cocky grin.

“The show hasn’t started yet,” Filip responded as he pulled a few inches of his dick out of Casper’s hole, just to thrust hard into him, making Casper moan out loudly.

While Filip continued thrusting hard into Casper’s hole, the car filled with loud moans. Carper was surprised he wasn’t feeling any pain. His entire body was intoxicated with pleasure and the fucking was just intensifying by the second. As Filip’s hips bucked hard and fast, Casper unconsciously reached for Filip’s strong shoulders to hold them for support. Casper’s mind was almost blank due to the most intense pleasure he had ever experienced. He wasn’t only enjoying Filip’s hard fucking but he was desperate for more.

“Come on, harder… fuck me harder!” Casper shouted as Filip sped up his pace, making him moan even louder and his eyes rolled in his head. “More, Filip, more!”

“Remember, you asked for it,” Filip said and thrusted even harder, making the whole car shake rhythmically.

Filip was grouting and groaning while fucked Casper harder than any of them had ever experienced. The sounds that came out of their mouths turned them on even more and left them wishing to stay there all night long. Filip’s thick dick was going very deep into Casper’s hole, stimulating his prostate and causing an almost constant stream of pre to leak from his dick. Even Filip’s dick was leaking pre into Casper’s guts, helping the thick dick to slide in and out more easily.

Casper’s eyes were blank while Filip fucked him with power and passion. It didn’t take long for Casper to climax due to the intense pleasure taking over his entire body. Without even touching his dick, Casper shot a massive load all over his own hairy abdomen, but Filip continued fucking him like there was no tomorrow. The car smelled like sex and both of them were sweating. Engaged in an intense moment, none of them wanted it to end. They lost track of time while moans filled the car and Casper’s dick started shooting a second huge load all over his torso.

“I’m so close. I’ve been holding back but man, this ass is so nice and so tight. I don’t think I can hold back any longer,” Filip said, bucking his hips at full speed, and making Casper gasp for air. “You want me to take it out?”

“Don’t! Just finish inside… uugghh… please, keep going,” Casper moaned, wrapping his legs around Filip’s narrow waist to prevent the other man from moving away.

Without wasting another second, Filip groaned out loud and his dick exploded deep inside Casper’s hole. A thick river of creamy cum filled Casper’s guts to the brim and even made him feel somewhat bloated. Both of them panted heavily as Filip’s dick kept sending thick globs of his hot seed into Casper’s guts.

In the afterglow of an amazing fucking session, Filip kept his dick buried deep inside Casper for a while. The sweaty men looked into each other’s eyes as they caught their breaths. Filip leaned down and pressed his body against Casper’s cum-coated hairy torso, to enjoy the heat emanating from him. Filip kissed Casper’s lips once again and they made out for a while, slowly coming down from their horny high. When Filip finally took his dick out of Casper’s hole, they were surprised that not even a single drop of cum leaked out. Casper felt bloated and he thought it was pretty hot to keep Filip’s massive load inside him for a while.

Noticing it was already dark, they started dressing up to head to their respective houses. Casper was determined to mend things up with his wife, thanks to Filip’s advice. Casper decided to apologize to his family and become a good husband and father again, while keeping his sex encounter with Filip a secret. Casper was ready to make things right, but he had enjoyed Filip’s dick way too much to just let it go. That evening started Casper’s life in free-fall.



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