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Liam felt like flying while he walked to the gym. He had signed up the day before, so the excitement had him on cloud nine. Liam had been waiting for the opportunity to gain some muscle mass, and after landing a good job with a good salary, he finally had the time and money to hire a personal trainer. He had always dreamed about becoming as big as pro-bodybuilders, and even though he was far from his goal, he knew he was on the right track.

Liam was just 21 years old, and at 6’1” tall he didn’t consider himself small, but he knew he wasn’t on the ‘big’ side of the spectrum due to his lack of muscle. He wasn’t scrawny either, but he felt like people didn’t take him seriously because of his size. Initially, he simply wanted to get bigger to feel better, but meeting the guy who was going to be his personal trainer ignited a different and deeper desire for size.

When Liam went to the gym to sign the contract, he was introduced to Aiden, the guy assigned as his trainer. Aiden was five years older than Liam and seemed to be a nice guy. He was about 5’11”, but even though he was shorter than Liam, Aiden was at least 70 pounds heavier. He wasn’t the biggest guy Liam had seen, but between his well-developed body, incredibly handsome face, and nice attitude, Liam’s heart beat faster while Aiden talked.

Since that moment, Liam couldn’t stop thinking about Aiden. The memory of Aiden’s face, with the blue eyes, the dark hair, the thick but styled eyebrows, and the perfect smile, made Aiden gasp repeatedly in excitement. Then, the memory of Aiden’s clothes hugging his body and leaving nothing to the imagination, caused Liam’s dick to chub up in his pants, which made him feel nervous because he was out in public and he knew his hard dick was a bit difficult to hide.

He pretended to be fine, but when a man passed by with a shocked expression, Liam looked down and noticed his hard-on was clearly visible on his gym shorts. He quickly entered a new bakery shop, which he hadn’t seen before, trying to avoid the public view. Since the place was new, it wasn’t fully crowded, and the furniture allowed him to hide his crotch. Liam had never been a fan of sweets, but the warm smell of freshly baked goods made his stomach growl like he hadn’t eaten in days.

As he pretended to be looking around while he waited for his dick to soften, he approached a bright polished glass counter, and his eyes widened when he noticed some strange names that caught Liam’s attention. Some of the desserts had particular shapes, making Liam chuckle. They looked really tempting, and he wondered if they would do any harm to his workout and dieting regimen to get bigger muscles.

“You seem to be interested in our special collection,” a low voice said behind Liam, making him turn around to see who it was. “Believe me, it’s better than anything you’ve ever tasted before, and each one has a very special surprise.“

“They look delicious, and I-I… wow,” Liam said as he turned around, but he couldn’t complete the sentence because the dark-haired man standing in front of him left him speechless. Liam’s excitement was evident as his dick hardened again.

“HI, I’m Chris, the owner. It’s a pleasure,” the man said with a kind smile. Liam couldn’t find words to reply as he looked up at the face of the much taller man. Chris was about 7 feet tall, but also way broader than Liam. He was definitely the most muscular man Liam had ever seen. He was wearing a tight gray shirt, which looked ready to burst, and a red apron with a big C at the front.

“I-I’m Liam, and everything looks delicious, and you…” Liam said, while his eyes were glued to Chris’ pecs, inspecting every inch of the biggest chest he had ever seen.

“Hey, up here,” Chris joked, and Liam looked up again to focus on his face. “I’m kidding. I get that reaction all the time. My husband finds it super funny, especially because he usually gets similar reactions,” Chris added and chuckled.

“I’m so sorry, I’m just surprised. You’re really big and… well, I was heading to the gym right now, and my goals, well, you are my goals,” Liam said and blushed. “Sorry, I talk too much when I’m nervous.”

“Don’t worry. It’s fine, and it’s good to know that you want to get bigger because our special collection isn't just delicious desserts. I work with my husband, but he’s busy taking care of our… Well, he’s just really busy, but he makes these potions that I add to some of our desserts. I can’t give you details about what they do because he’s the expert, but I can assure you that our products will help you reach your goals,” said Chris, and playfully bounced his pecs, making Liam gasp in surprise.

“Wha-What do you mean? Like… Can I get as big as you if I eat this?” Liam said, sounding extremely excited. “Pack the entire shop for me, please,” Liam added, and Chris laughed.

“As I said, I can’t give you a lot of details about our products, but our special collection is special for a reason. Just give them a try, and you’ll see,” Chris said and moved to the glass counter where the special collection was. “Considering this is your first day at the gym, I’ll give you something special to encourage you to get bigger. Which body part do you want to enhance the most?”

“Well, I love big biceps and definitely a huge chest,” Liam responded, looking straight at Chris’ pecs. “Well, I want to be huge all over. I’m a dreamer.”

“Dreams can come true. Trust me, you’ll get there,” Chris said and picked up a box to place some of the desserts. “I’ll give you one of these Brawny-Bicep Bites… let’s make it two. Let’s add two Crunchy Chest Cookies and two Power Pops. Eat the first two before starting the workout, and you can chew the Power Pops while you work out, it has gum at the center. Believe me, it’s delicious.”

“That sounds so nice, but… how is any of this going to help me? Do they have roids or something?” Liam asked as Chris closed the box.

“No roids, nothing illegal, and nothing dangerous. I promise you, you’ll be back for more tomorrow, and we have many other products that you could try. But, start with these,” Chris said and handed Liam the box. “Consider this order a gift because I’m sure I’ll see you tomorrow. Now, excuse me, I have other clients. Good look, Liam.” Chris added and bounced his pecs again before going to talk to other clients.

Liam was speechless with the box in hand. He couldn’t stop looking at Chris while the big man walked among the clients, emphasizing he was much bigger than any other person. Liam looked at the box and wondered if the desserts really worked the way Chris had said, but he knew there was only one way to find out.

Liam left the bakery shop with clear excitement and walked as fast as he could to the gym. Aiden was already waiting for him, and Liam was eager to spend some time with his new personal trainer. When he entered the gym and found Aiden already warming up, Liam had a hard time hiding his chubbed-up dick once again. Aiden was so hot that Liam couldn’t even think about his goals. His mind could only focus on the personal trainer and how hot he would look if he was even bigger.

“Hey there. Sorry, I’m a bit late. I… stopped by a bakery shop to get you something. I… now realize that I didn’t ask if you like any of this. I mean, you don’t get as hot… I mean, as strong as you by eating desserts,” Liam said, looking and sounding incredibly nervous. Aiden laughed as he approached Liam to shake his hand.

“Don’t worry. I shouldn’t say this, but I love desserts. That’s my favorite part of a meal, but people often think I’m all about meat… but desserts are my weakness,” Aiden said and winked at Liam, causing the taller guy’s legs to weaken. “I recommend you eat this before the workout to burn the calories immediately.”

“Oh, sure. Actually, the owner of the bakery shop told me I should eat two of these things before the workout and the other one during the workout. So, I guess that makes sense, somehow,” Liam added and opened the box for Aiden to look at the desserts. “He also said this could help me gain some size, but I’m unsure if that’s possible.”

“You could definitely gain size if you eat this, but in the form of fat. However, this looks delicious,” Aiden said as he licked his lips, looking at the open box. “So, I get it’s one for you and one for me of each, right?”

“Exactly. These are Br… Brownie Bites, Crunchy Cookies, and Special Pops,” Liam said, altering the names because he wasn’t sure yet if they actually did what Chris had said they did, and he didn’t want to sound desperate for size in front of Aiden. “The pops are the ones we should have during the workout.”

“Noted,” Aiden said as he picked one of each from the box. “It seems like you and I are going to be very good friends. No one has ever given me anything, and you come here with desserts. Dude, you’re the best,” Aiden said with excitement, and Liam blushed.

While Aiden ate his Brawny-Bicep Bite, Liam took his brownie bite and popped it into his mouth. It wasn’t as small as regular brownie bites but still fit in his mouth. When Liam chewed, the texture was grainier than he expected, but the creamy center made it a perfect mix. Liam couldn’t identify the flavors, but they were delicious. He wasn’t the only one enjoying it because Aiden groaned in delight as he tasted the sweet dessert.

Then, Liam picked the large Crunchy Chest Cookie. Giving it a big bite, Liam enjoyed the crunchy exterior, which felt amazing, surrounding a creamy butter-flavored center that made Liam grunt in a somewhat food-induced pleasure. The cookie tasted so good that Liam shoved the rest of it into his mouth, as his stomach growled for more. Everything tasted delicious, but soon the cookie was over. Liam made a mental note to stop by the bakery shop the next day.

Once Aiden had eaten his cookie too, they exchanged nods of agreement, popped the Power Pops in their mouths, and moved to the first machine to start with Liam’s warming up. The pop tasted really like a mix of strawberries or something similar. It was a bit bitter but mostly sweet. While Aiden explained to Liam what the first workout would be, both of them chewed the gum and felt a delightful sensation coursing through their bodies.

Since Liam was new to the gym and it was his first time doing any type of workout, Aiden started easy on him, only explaining about form, sets, and reps. For this, Aiden made some demonstrations for Liam to follow the example. Since Liam said he was interested in a bigger chest, Aiden started showing him some workouts that focused on the pecs.

Aiden showed Liam the correct form to do bench presses, and Liam could barely contain his excitement when he saw Aiden’s thick pecs in action. The way they peaked when Aiden lifted the heavy dumbbells made Liam’s dick stir in his pants again. The more reps Aiden did, the more the pecs seemed to push against his T-shirt, and the harder it was for Liam to keep his dick under control. He had to adjust his shorts very often while Aiden showed him how to do dumbbell flys on a flat bench.

Once Aiden had finished a round of different exercises, he stood up from the bench, and Liam noticed Aiden’s pecs looked bigger than before. He knew about the pump and how it made muscle look fuller, but he never thought it could make such a big difference. He couldn’t take his eyes away from Aiden’s pecs and how they stretched his T-shirt so beautifully. Liam imagined Aiden with pecs as big as the guy from the bakery shop, and his dick chubbed up to half hardness.

Aiden noticed Liam’s reaction and bounced his pecs on purpose for the young man’s delight. He wasn’t usually so playful with clients, but Aiden knew Liam appreciated the show. Aware that Liam needed to make the blood flow the blood away from his crotch, Aiden helped him get on the bench to start a set of chest presses. It helped him realize that his pecs were more pumped than ever before because as he looked down at Liam, he noticed his pecs blocked the lowest part of his view.

Liam was so entranced in admiring Aiden’s body that he barely registered what the personal trainer was saying, and he only allowed Aiden to get him in position for the workout. He looked up at Aiden, and he noticed the guy’s pecs looking delicious and thick veins covering his biceps. He looked like he had just finished a hardcore workout, but it had only been a few demonstrations of how to do exercises correctly.

Aiden handed Liam a pair of light dumbbells, and as Liam started doing the presses, he felt his pecs getting warmer, and the sensation soon spread to his arms. He wasn’t sure if that was normal because he had always heard it hurt, but the sensation was actually pleasurable. It felt like his muscles had been asleep for a long time, and they were finally waking with a rush of vitality that Liam had never felt.

Even though Aiden was guiding his arms during the presses, Liam felt incredible, and with each rep, he noticed his chest feeling tighter and somehow plumper. He knew that wasn’t possible because it was his first time, and he could not get results that fast, but he felt incredible. It was even better because as Liam looked up at Aiden, he noticed the personal trainer’s pecs and arms looked even bigger than a few seconds before. Liam thought he was hallucinating, but the more reps Aiden helped him complete, the more real the pump felt.

When they moved to the dumbbell flys, Liam could tell something was off because his upper body felt incredible, even the muscles that he hadn’t worked on. He felt powerful, and yet he was tiny compared to Aiden. The personal trainer’s muscles had this amazing pumped look that made him look even hotter. It was clear something was happening because Aiden had to adjust his T-shirt very often. After all, his pecs looked like they were about to burst out of it, and his biceps were stretching the sleeves to their limits. Liam was feeling great, but looking at Aiden’s musculature was even better.

Aiden continued explaining some details about form, and all along he seemed to be in discomfort because his T-shirt was getting too tight. Liam wasn’t sure, but he noticed that even Aiden’s pants looked tighter on his perfectly shaped lower body. It was clear something was happening, and Liam knew it had something to do with the desserts. He couldn’t explain how, but he was sure the desserts were responsible for Aiden’s growth.

After a few more minutes of explanation and Aiden guiding him through the exercises, Liam sat up on the bench and felt very different. His entire body felt fuller. He looked down at his torso, and even though his T-shirt was still loose on him, he could see some definition on his formerly flat chest. He looked at his arms, and apart from some veins adorning them, for the first time he saw his biceps bulging like real muscles. Everything felt surreal, but it was amazing.

“Dude, I don’t often do this, but I think this T-shirt shrank in the dryer. I hope you don’t mind,” Aiden said as he removed his T-shirt, leaving Liam on the verge of a stroke.

“I-I, no. I mean, just, I,” Liam said, trying to find words that wouldn’t make him sound like a weirdo.

Aiden’s upper body looked like it was taken out of a fitness magazine. Every single muscle was perfectly sculpted and bulged so nicely that Liam desired to be able to rub and lick them forever. His traps, shoulders, and arms looked so strong that Liam was sure Aiden could carry an adult man on his shoulders with ease. The personal trainer looked so hot that Liam’s dick came back to life once again.

Even among a perfectly sculpted upper body, Aiden’s pecs caught Liam’s attention. They stuck out at least two inches from Aiden’s rib cage, and it was clear Aiden was aware of his growth spurt because he looked down and started bouncing his pecs with excitement. All along, Liam was dying to get those big slabs of meat in his hand to massage them.

For the rest of the session, Aiden was shirtless, and Liam could barely focus on anything but his trainer’s body. He knew his own body had gotten slightly thicker, but Aiden’s changes were too hypnotic to ignore them.

By the time he was walking back home, Liam was determined to get bigger with the aid of the desserts, but he was eager to see Aiden getting much bigger as well. Considering Aiden’s love for desserts, Liam knew it was going to be easy to make his trainer grow beyond his wildest dreams. His desire for size was still there, but his desire to see a huge Aiden was way stronger, and he knew how to achieve both goals.



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