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Living with Spencer was a dream come true. I had the best boyfriend in the entire world. He was also the biggest and hottest guy I knew, which was a very important bonus. I was madly in love with him, and he said he was obsessed with me. Spencer said I was the cutest and sweetest guy ever. Our relationship was wonderful, simply perfect. We had regular dates and romantic dinners. Spencer loved to walk down the streets holding hands so everybody could see we were boyfriends, and the sex was beyond amazing. We were the perfect couple until one evening in August when our lives turned upside down.

It was August 20th, and I arrived home a few minutes earlier than usual. As soon as I walked into our apartment, I saw Spencer sitting silently on the couch, looking worried. I quickly threw my bag away and sat on his lap. I gently caressed his handsome face, then planted a long and passionate kiss on his lips, trying to take him out of his trance. He had always told me that my kisses and my touch made it all better, but even when I started caressing his huge muscles, he felt distant.

He had always been pretty dominant in our relationship, usually making the first move for our love-making sessions, but that evening, he didn’t even move while I kissed him. I decided to lead the way because I imagined he had had a hard day. I pulled the hem of his shirt to help him undress. However, he asked me to stop. I was surprised, to say the least because he had never rejected my touch before.

“What’s the matter, big stud? Aren’t you getting the message? I want my huge boyfriend to fuck me hard. I want to feel this huge, perfectly sculpted body on top of me,” I said, and I kissed him again as my pecs rubbed against his broad chest.

“Owen, we need to talk,” he said, and I knew it was something serious because he never called me by my name. “I screwed it up, big time. I’m so sorry. I don’t want you to hate me, but I can’t hide this from you,” he said, with tears in his eyes.

“I could never hate you. What is it? You know I can’t get mad at you. You’re my biggest weakness. Literally the biggest,” I tried to kiss him, but he didn’t let me.

“Stop, please. I don’t deserve your kisses,” he said, as tears streamed down his face. “Owen, I cheated on you. I met a girl and we talked, and she was hot and, babe, we had sex,” he said, crying even more while I processed his words.

“Hey, Spencer, it’s okay. It’s not the end of the world,” I said, trying to play it cool, but I was pretty hurt. “When we first met, you were clear and you said you still liked girls, so it’s to be expected. Just don’t make it a habit because I don’t want to share my big guy. Okay?” I kissed his lips, but he cried more.

“It’s not okay, at all. Owen, I got that girl pregnant. She called me earlier today and she told me she’s 8 weeks pregnant with twins. My twins,” he said, and my heart stopped for a few seconds. I wasn’t that mad about him having sex with a girl, but we had talked about kids and it was hard to know there was no way for me to give him kids, for obvious reasons.

“Spencer, condoms are fucking cheap. You know that! How could you be so reckless? How am I supposed to respond to this? You know I can’t compete against that. Just, give me time to process this,” I said and stood up from his lap. I went to our bedroom and he followed me.

“Owen. I’m sorry. I know it was stupid, but I didn’t have a condom at hand. She said she was on the pill and I was horny, I never thought this could happen. You were visiting your parents for a week back in June, and I just… I don’t have a valid excuse. I’m sorry, please don’t leave me. I love you. You’re my perfect little man, my soulmate. This was just a one-time mistake,” he said and got behind me to wrap me in his powerful arms while I cried.

“She’s giving you something that I’ll never be able to give you. You should’ve known that this would hurt me, but you went and started a family with a random girl,” I cried out, and he hugged me even tighter.

“I only want to have a family if you’re there. I’m not interested in having a family with her, and she’s not interested either,” he said and turned me around to face him. “She told me she doesn’t want the kids. She said she’s not ready, and I was thinking that we could start our family with those kids. It would be like using surrogacy. I’m sure you’ll be an amazing dad, so I need you to do this with me. We can make this work,” he said and smiled at me. I had to accept that it sounded like a good idea but I was still hurt.

“That sounds nice, but you can’t expect me to just forget about your cheating. I just need time to process this,” I said and smiled weakly at him. Then, we hugged for what felt like an eternity. I knew he was right, but he still needed a punishment.

The argument lasted less than 5 minutes, and about half an hour later, we were naked in bed, in the most loving embrace ever. I just couldn’t be mad at him, but I didn’t forget about his cheating either. So, I offered him a deal. He said he was willing to do anything for me to forgive him, and even though I wasn’t angry, I had a kind of wicked idea. It was something strange and kinda ridiculous, but I just wanted to tease him. It was a kinky desire of mine, and it was the perfect moment to make it real.

You see, since the first time we had sex, Spencer had always been on top because he said it felt better that way. I didn’t have a problem because I loved how his thick dick felt inside me, and the sound of his massive balls smacking against my ass was music to my ears. I didn’t mention this before, but he had the biggest bull balls ever, and I simply loved them. He was so manly overall, and those massive over-productive balls were the perfect touch for his perfect body.

I had always told him he was a perfect sex machine. With huge muscles, a thick dick, and massive balls, he was a dream come true for any bottom. So, Spencer topping had always been the logical way to go. We had talked about the possibility of me topping, but he had always avoided it because he said I was too big for him. I know, I said I didn’t have any remarkable visible assets, but my cock is a completely different story.

I couldn’t blame Spencer for feeling that way because even for a big guy like him, the thought of taking a 12-inch long and pretty thick cock could be intimidating. Although he truly loved my big cock and enjoyed playing with it whenever he had chance, he was pretty hesitant about allowing me to fuck him. He made me bust massive loads using his very skilled mouth, but he said he didn’t want me to destroy his hole. Whenever we talked about this, I couldn't help but laugh at how frightened he was.

I was mostly okay with him topping all the time, but considering his cheating required some punishment, it was the perfect opportunity for me to have some fun. So, I told him I wanted to top for an entire month and that I would be allowed to fuck him any time I wanted, in any position I wanted, and for as long as I wanted. He was really surprised by my demands, and he looked at me like he was waiting for me to say it was a joke. I winked at him and reached for his hips to caress them and confirm my point.

“Are you serious?” he asked, clearly nervous as my hand remained on his hips.

“Very, very serious. I’ve desired to fuck his huge muscle ass for so long,” I said, and after a few seconds of hesitation he nodded.

“I'll do whatever you ask me to do. Just be gentle with me,” he said and leaned forward to kiss me. That kiss sealed our deal.

We started making out, and since we were already naked, I could feel his dick getting hard between us. My own dick was fully hard and I pushed my hips forward to press it against his abs, just to tease him. I knew he wasn’t that excited about me fucking him, but he acted like he desired it because as we were making out, he moved his hands to my dick and started stroking it.

Even without words, he knew what I wanted, so he wrapped his arms around me and rolled onto his back. I was on top of him and we kept kissing. Aware that he was pretty nervous, I started kissing his neck, moving lower to his pecs and abs, just to calm him down. As I mentioned, he had always said my kisses made him feel better, so I made my best effort to treat him nicely before getting to the main act.

I was trying to help him relax, so I moved lower and took his hard dick in my mouth to give it some of the attention it deserved. I heard him moaning softly, so I knew he was feeling good. I teased his slit with my tongue and then sucked on the shaft like my life depended on it. I fondled his massive balls with my hands, and he moaned louder. Each of his balls filled my palm to the brim, so I had a lot to work with. I just wanted to make him feel desired and safe before the next step.

When I noticed he had relaxed enough, I let go of his dick, which was already leaking pre, and positioned myself between his legs. I lifted his legs and brushed against the entrance of his hole with my dick. His whole body trembled and a loud moan escaped his lips. I leaned forward to kiss his pecs and neck, with my dick firmly pressed against his body. He looked at me, panting, and with a firm nod, he gave me permission to continue.

With his enormous legs in the air, I thrust my hips forward and he moaned louder. I was familiar with his moans, but this one was different, almost like begging for more. It turned me so much that I pushed harder,even though his hole was resisting. For a few seconds, I wondered if I was going too fast or taking the punishment too far, but surprisingly, with a little bit more pressure from my hips, his hole slowly opened up and allowed my dick in.

When the head of my dick slid inside him, Spencer’s dick shot some globs of pre that landed on his pecs. I knew it was just pre because his regular loads were much bigger, but the fact that he was leaking was an indicator that he was enjoying what we were doing, and more was coming. He was panting heavily and I felt his tight hole squirming around my dick, so I gave him a few seconds to get used to my size.

He looked at me again, still panting, and I could see the discomfort and the pleasure on his face. It was clear it was all new to him, but when he moved his legs to wrap them around my waist, I knew he was up for some big fun. His powerful legs started pulling me closer to him and my inch after inch of my dick entered his hole. I was surprised his hole was even able to handle my size because even though it was a tight fit, in just a few seconds I was balls deep inside him.

Initially, I wasn't sure if he would be able to handle my dick, but when he took me all the way in, I couldn't contain my excitement and my arousal skyrocketed. He moaned in pleasure and I began to slowly buck my hips. His moans grew louder and I was on cloud nine. His hole felt amazing and the tightness only made it all better. A part of me wondered why his hole felt somewhat stretchy, but I focused on fucking him like Spencer deserved, hard and long.

I sped up my pace and his moans grew even louder. His moans were so loud that I was sure our neighbors could hear them clearly. Fortunately, there were no children living on our floor, because I knew they would have been frightened by the loud noises. I wondered if his loud moans indicated that he was in pain, but the harder I thrust into him and the louder his moans became, the more I convinced myself that it was pure pleasure.

As my hips continued bucking, every once in a while I asked him if he was okay. I knew it was his first time and I wanted to be gentle, but he was turning me on so much that I wanted to pound into him like a jackhammer. His eyes were blank, he couldn’t control his moaning, and his dick was releasing so much pre that my abs and his torso were coated in cum. I knew he was really close to cumming, and I was on the verge of a massive orgasm as well.

I have no idea how long it was, but it felt like ages and all along he moaned out loud. Things got even better when his dick started shooting the most massive cum load I had ever seen in my life, and that just made me lose it. I couldn’t resist it anymore and after a few more hard thrusts, I started cuming deep inside him. I felt like I was cumming buckets, but considering I had never been so horny in my life, it wasn’t that surprising. As he panted heavily, I filled his guts to the brim with my creamy hot seed.

With my dick still inside him, I let my body fall on top of him and I kissed his lips. We were still catching our breaths, but we had big smiles on our faces. He wrapped his arms around my torso and pulled me in for another kiss.

“So, how do you feel? Was it as good as it was for me? Or was it bad? I hope I didn’t hurt you,” I said as my hands started caressing his muscles.

“How do I feel? I-I… fuck, I have no words to describe it. This was better than I ever expected,” he said and kissed me passionately. “I can’t believe we waited so long to do this. You made me cum more than ever before. That’s… wow.”

“You’re the one to blame for making us wait so long, mister ‘I can’t take your dick’. You took my dick like a pro,” I said and winked, making him chuckle. “Maybe I should investigate if you have cheated on me with other guys, There’s no way this is your first time.”

“No, no, babe, I swear this is my first time. I swear I’ve never been with another guy but you. I guess my body is just meant for big things like that huge sausage of yours,” Spencer said and flexed his asscheeks, squeezing my dick and making me moan. “I wish it could stay inside me forever.”

“Well, I can’t stay inside you forever but we can do this all night long. It’s Saturday so we don’t have to wake up early tomorrow,” I said and gave his lips several kisses.

“Let’s stay like this but… I think I want a second round, and a third if you aren't tired,” he said, with a big grin on his face.

“We can have as many rounds as you, big stud. I can fill your guts to the brim all night long,” I said and I felt his hole squirming around my dick.

“I’m all yours, tonight and forever. Fill me up over and over again,” he said and I started bucking my hips once again.

After a few rounds, I lost count of how many times I came inside him. On the other hand, it was impossible to tally the number of times Spencer’s dick shot massive loads all over his abs, or my abs, or the bed when we changed positions. Due to Spencer’s enormous balls, his loads were enormous too, resulting in a thick layer of his warm semen coating everything.

The next morning, as we woke up, we were cuddling and my dick was still inside him. It had remained there all night long, and I had no intention of removing it anytime soon. I wrapped my arms around him, and my dick got super hard in an instant when I noticed his lower abs were bloated. He looked surprised when he noticed my reaction, but as my hands started caressing his midsection, he smiled and joined my hands to rub his bloated abs. I kissed his neck and shoulders, and our love-making restarted.

We spent the entire day fucking, and his bloated middle got even rounder. It seemed like after several years of him topping, he had discovered new levels of pleasure as my entire dick was inside him. He was insatiable and I was on cloud nine. I had never imagined myself as a top, but I was loving every single second of it. Things changed for us that day, but we didn’t know things were about to change even more.



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