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Chris parked at the address Liam gave him over the phone. The place looked quiet and normal, confusing him because Liam sounded terrified. Chris turned the car off and picked up his phone to text Sam. He was supposed to be heading home by now, but if his suspicions were correct, helping Liam was a priority and an emergency.

“I’ll be late. I think we have another Jaren to deal with,” Chris texted Sam with surprised emojis. “I’ll text you if I need your help here.” Chris sent a second message.

“Jaren? Is it that bad? How big is he?” Sam texted back.

“Not sure yet. I’ll tell you in a few minutes,” Chris replied.

“Okay. I love you; be careful,” Sam responded, and Chris put his phone in his pocket.

Chris got out of the car and into the building. As soon as he walked into the lobby, he smelled something familiar and figured the situation could be worse than expected. He looked around, and everything seemed to be good. Nothing was out of place, and the building looked safe. A part of him thought he would find destroyed walls or something. This fact made Chris realize that the situation wasn’t as bad as expected. Anything was possible anyway.

“Chris? You’re finally here! Follow me! Man, I don’t know what to do; he’s flooding the whole floor, and I’m scared my neighbors will notice,” Liam said from the stairs, inviting Chris to follow him. “My apartment is on the second floor. If we don’t fix this soon, everybody will notice.”

Chris immediately noticed that Liam was naked, and his body was covered by a sticky, white substance; only his face was visible. The rest of his body looked like the result of a heavy snowfall, but Chris knew it wasn’t snow. Chris also noticed that Liam looked different; his frame was thicker. His shoulders were broader, his arms were thicker, and his pecs stuck out more than the last time they had seen each other. His hips were much wider, and as Liam turned around, Chris saw a massive bubble butt.

“I don’t understand,” Chris responded as he followed Liam, who ran up the stairs.

“I don’t know how to explain it; just follow me,” Liam said, running so fast that he skipped some steps. “I know you said your desserts had limits, but he kept growing, and then his pecs and his dick… they’re out of control.”

Chris followed Liam, and the closer they got to the second floor, the more intense the smell became. Chris knew what it was, but when they reached the second floor, he was surprised by the mess. The entire hall had a half-foot-deep pool of cum, which seemed to be getting deeper as it spread all over the floor, risking getting into the other apartments through the gaps beneath the doors.

“This is Aiden’s...” Liam said, looking scared.

“Cum. I know. I can tell by the smell. It’s a lot,” Chris said, not sounding too surprised.

“This is not the worst part; you have to see my apartment,” Liam responded, quickly opening the door to his apartment and allowing a wave of sticky cum to get into the hall. “Come in before he floods the whole place.”

Chris followed Liam into the apartment and couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows in surprise because, even though he had seen destroyed places when guys grew enormous, this scene wasn’t like the others. The entire room was white. The floor, the walls, the ceiling, the furniture—everything was covered by a thick layer of cum.

“He’s in the room; the mess is even worse there,” Liam said, struggling to walk through the pool of cum, with Chris following him.

When they entered Liam’s room, Chris immediately saw the shocking sight of Aiden’s enormous body, engorged leaking nipples, and enormous leaking dick. The pool of cum was twice as deep as in the living room, and the layer of cum all over the place was thicker. The smell was unbelievably intense, hitting Chris’ nose like a brick wall, but even then, Chris recognized a particular scent emanating from the cum, making it feel somewhat sweet.

Aiden’s muscles were gigantic, but what caught Chris’ attention was that his entire body seemed to pulsate. His muscles bulged more with each passing second, but Aiden was so big by that moment that the expansion wasn’t evident. It seemed like his body was still growing without him eating more desserts.

“Make it stop. If Aiden keeps growing, he will destroy the building and flood... Well, you already saw it,” Liam said, approaching Aiden and climbing up his body to get close to his face.

Liam carefully climbed up the slippery, cum-covered body, struggling to get the grip to get on top of Aiden’s pecs. Even though Liam looked tiny compared to the enormous pecs, the pressure applied by his movements and weight caused Aiden’s nipples to shoot even more milk onto the already-flooded floor. Chris inspected the place while Liam struggled to get on top of Aiden’s chest, even using the huge nipples for support.

“So, he grew this big with our desserts? Is there any dessert in particular that you remember that triggered this outstanding growth?” Chris asked, approaching Aiden’s body and reaching to touch what seemed to be his balls, which were almost as tall as Liam.

“He just fed me a lot of them. I don’t even know what they were.” Chris heard a second voice coming from behind the wall of muscle. Chris figured it was Aiden who felt the hand touching his ball.

“Buddy, he’s here. He’s going to help us,” Liam said, talking to the place Chris knew Aiden’s head was because, from his point of view, the massive guy’s pecs blocked the view.

Chris observed Aiden’s body in detail and couldn’t hide his surprise because the desserts shouldn’t be able to grow anyone so much. Aiden was so muscular that his traps engulfed his head, forming a tall wall of muscles. Chris estimated that Aiden’s shoulders measured 15 feet across, with enormously bulging deltoids, biceps, and triceps to complement the broad frame. Since his height seemed to remain the same, his muscles fought for space, rendering him immobile.

His pecs were so big that Liam could easily sit on top of one of them, with enough room for a lot of other men. Each pec was at least 7 feet wide and just as thick. His nipples were red and engorged, with milk pouring out of them like rivers, adding another layer of white to the room. Aiden’s pecs obscured most of his chiseled abs and lats, but Chris could still see part of them or at least the cum-covered surface where his abs were.

Then, Chris’ attention turned to Aiden’s 12-foot-long, hard dick and the enormous balls he had just touched. The giant dick stood tall, pushing the head against the ceiling and making the flow of pre-cum look like a waterfall in the middle of the room. Aiden’s balls were still expanding, but Chris figured it was due to the cum production, which was evidently out of control, resulting in the constant flow of pre-cum.

“Hello, Aiden, I think we met yesterday, but you were smaller than me back then. How are you feeling?” Chris said aloud while he walked around the enormous mountain of muscle, dick, and balls that Aiden had become.

“I feel good—very good if I’m honest. You’ll think I’m crazy, but I feel like my entire body is experiencing an orgasm,” Aiden said as his dick throbbed and a huge glob of cum fell from his slit.

“I know what you mean, so I don’t think you’re crazy,” Chris said, moving his hands over Aiden’s gigantic thighs, which were locked due to their own size. “I need to ask; don’t you need any pain? Right? And... do you feel my hand? Could you tell me what I’m touching?”

“I’m fine; I don’t feel pain. I told you, this all feels amazing,” Aiden replied as his dick throbbed again, and another massive glob of cum came out of his slit, making the steady stream of cum thicker. “And you’re touching my leg. You previously touched my balls, and... I beg you to continue.”

Chris chuckled and pulled his hand off Aiden’s body. “This is a good sign. That means you haven’t reached your limit, and that’s because there’s no limit to how much you can grow,” Chris said, looking up at Liam, who sat on top of Aiden’s pecs. “And… I’m married, so I won’t get very touchy; you have Liam for that,” Chris kidded and winked at Liam, whose face blushed.

“What? Can he get even bigger than this? I’m sitting on his pecs! That’s already too big,” Liam said, but Chris noticed Liam’s dick rising to full mast, so he couldn’t hide his excitement.

“Bring more desserts, then!” Aiden shouted, making Chris chuckle.

“You must be crazy! Look at you! I mean, you can’t, but... you know you’re already enormous.” Liam leaned forward to face Aiden.

“You don’t need my desserts anymore. At this size, they won’t make a big difference. Let me explain: Our desserts have tiny samples of potions my husband developed. They’re carefully added to my recipes to help our clients gain muscle or size in general, but not beyond the body’s capacity. Have you seen people who don’t seem to have the right genetics to gain muscle mass? Our desserts help with that. But have you noticed that most bodybuilders grow to a certain size, and they can’t get any bigger? That’s because their bodies have limits; even with our desserts, they won’t grow beyond 500 or 600 pounds, depending on their height.” Chris explained as he looked at Aiden’s pecs expanding before his eyes.

“Yeah, but he’s clearly beyond 600 pounds,” Liam said, still trying to hide his excitement, but his hard dick didn’t let him.

“That’s because there are certain people who don’t have limits. I’ve seen a few before, and they can get very, very big. I could tell you many stories, but you wouldn’t understand some things. Anyway, the thing here, which I think is remarkable, is that Aiden is still growing even though the effects of the desserts wore off, and that’s because his body is producing his own growth formula,” Chris explained, managing to get close to Aiden’s pecs to rub around his nipples.

“What? Do you mean he won’t ever stop growing?” Liam said as a glob of cum escaped his dick. “Oh fuck!”

“He will, but not yet,” Chris replied, grinning. “But he’ll be fine. He won’t get hurt. But he’ll need someone to help him care for his needs,” Chris added, and Liam turned to look at Aiden’s smiley face.

“So, you can’t shrink him?” Liam asked,

“I can, but not as fast as you’d like. At least not permanently,” Chris responded.

“But I don’t want to get small again. I want this. You want this. You did this to me.” Aiden said, smiling at Liam, who looked confused.

“You can make that decision later. First, we need to take you out of here,” Chris said, noticing Aiden’s pecs and balls were expanding faster than before. “I know these signs, and a growth spurt is coming. Do you know any place where you can stay while we solve this? Preferably somewhere without neighbors.” Chris caressed Aiden’s balls again, feeling the cum churning as the production increased.

“I got a cabin. About half an hour from the city. No neighbors and enough space for us,” Aiden said, leaving Liam speechless because he wasn’t sure about letting Aiden grow any bigger.

Chris explained that he could shrink Aiden for about an hour using a formula he had at the bakery shop. He wasn’t sure how small Aiden could get because, as he explained, Aiden was producing his own growth formula in the milk coming out of the nipples and seemingly also in his cum. Everything sounded complicated for Liam, but looking into Aiden’s excited face, he couldn’t help but smile.

“I’ll go get the formula. I’ll be back in a while. Don’t do anything. Hopefully, this won’t get any worse before I come back,” Chris said and left, leaving Aiden and Liam looking into each other’s eyes.


Chris drove to the bakery shop as fast as he could, and on his way back to Liam’s apartment, he picked up Sam to help him deal with the whole situation. When they arrived at the building, Chris immediately noticed that Aiden’s cum was already falling to the first floor through the stairs. It was evident the second floor was already flooded, even though he had only been away for a few minutes.

“You weren’t kidding. He’s cumming a lot, but it smells…” Sam said, slowly climbing up the steps to the second floor with Chris by his side, providing him support due to his enormous belly.

“Sweet. It smells sweet, I know. That’s new.” Chris said as they reached the second floor and found all the doors open; except for Liam’s apartment.

The neighbors had noticed the flooding and were scared of the sticky substance entering their apartments after they opened the doors to inspect what it was.

“I think you all should wait outside. We’re from… the cleaning department, and we’re going to take care of this. But, please, go out of the building,” Chris said as they walked through the halls, and all the neighbors nodded.

While the neighbors evacuated the second floor, Chris and Sam entered the apartment, and the pool of cum reached up to their knees by now.

“I don’t think the building will support this for much longer. We need to make this stop soon,” Sam said as they struggled to walk through the sticky and warm pool.


Inside the room, Liam hugged Aiden’s massive dick using his arms while his entire body rubbed against the shaft. While Chris was away, Aiden started feeling massive pressure within his balls and within his pecs, making him beg Liam to help him get some release. Liam was initially hesitant because the place was already flooded with cum and milk, but Aiden started moaning and groaning while his balls and pecs expanded, turning Liam on and making him obey a very aroused Aiden.

Liam started massaging Aiden’s pecs using his arms and legs, moving below to apply pressure around the hugely engorged nipples. The pecs responded with more milk coming out of them, but as Liam continued working on them, he couldn’t help but feel drawn to one of Aiden’s delicious-looking nipples. Liam hesitated for a few seconds, but as his hands continued teasing the nipples, Aiden moaned louder, and the stream of milk thickened. Then, Aiden moaned so loudly that the entire room trembled, and his nipples exploded like geysers, shooting gallons of milk onto Liam’s pecs and forcing him to swallow it.

When he felt the sweet milk entering his mouth, Liam couldn’t resist the urge anymore and managed to fit Aiden’s nipple into his mouth to swallow more milk than he could ever expect. Liam swallowed like there was no tomorrow, and he didn’t even notice that his belly rounded out and grew due to all the milk he was drinking. Then he felt his body getting stronger; his muscles expanded, and they even started fighting for space. Liam was intoxicated by Aiden’s milk, and all the fears faded away. He realized that this was what he wanted.

While Aiden still moaned loudly, Liam left the nipple and focused his attention on Aiden’s massive dick, which throbbed violently and sent enormous globs of pre-cum into. Liam looked down and laughed when he saw his own belly, almost as big as Sam’s from the bakery shop, and even though a part of him was scared about the whole situation, Aiden’s dick looked so needy for attention that Liam only wanted to please the gigantic shaft.

Liam wrapped his arms around Aiden’s dick, pushing his squishy belly against it and using his torso to rub the enormous dick. The flow of pre-cum escaping Aiden’s dick got thicker, and the room started flooding even faster. Everything was filling up much quicker and spilling into the living room, directing the pre-cum to the floor’s hall. Liam knew that if Aiden started cumming, the place wouldn’t be able to handle the load, but he didn’t care anymore. He only wanted to please Aiden.

As Liam continued working on the enormous shaft, he noticed Aiden’s muscles expanding again. Liam smiled and intensified his handy work, making Aiden moan louder. The walls around them started pushing outward, giving up against the immense pressure of the cum filling up the room.

“I’m so close. So…” Aiden shouted when Chris and Sam entered the room and found the scene.

The pool of cum reached up to Chris’ waist by that point, and they all knew Aiden was about to blow an enormous load that would destroy all the walls, but there was nothing they could do about it anymore. Without more warning, Aiden moaned, and his dick exploded like a volcano but with a torrent of warm cum instead of lava. The wave of cum was so strong that Chris and Sam had to grab the door frame to avoid falling. The pool of cum turned into an ocean that quickly filled up the room, the whole apartment, and soon spread to the entire floor.

Liam was still stroking Aiden’s dick while cracks started forming on the walls. The whole place shook violently due to the enormous waves of Aiden’s cum hitting everywhere and filling up everything. Chris and Sam moved away from the room’s walls when they noticed they were about to burst, and just when they were safe, the walls exploded outwards, speeding up the flooding of the whole place.

“If this keeps going, the outside walls won’t resist this. You think you can make it stop,” Chris said, looking at Sam.

“Not now. You have to give Aiden the formula or wait until he finishes,” Sam responded as they moved as far from Aiden’s body as they could because they knew the risks of the whole place collapsing were high.

“Hopefully, it won’t be that bad then,” Chris replied, chuckling because, even though the scene was dangerous, he always enjoyed watching guys make those messes.

The sea of cum continued getting deeper while Aiden kept cumming and moaning. He was out of his mind, and it seemed like Liam was lost in pleasure as well because he continued stroking Aiden’s dick as if trying to milk it and make it shoot a lot more cum. Liam hadn’t even noticed that his body had grown thicker due to Aiden’s cum and milk; he was too entranced to think about anything but Aiden’s dick.

The entire apartment was under several feet of cum and milk a few minutes later, and the outside walls started cracking just like the inner ones did before. Chris and Sam got ready for the explosion, and less than a minute later, one of the walls in the living room collapsed, and the sea of cum started spilling outside and onto the streets. The building had a hole in its wall, and a white, sticky waterfall came from that hole.

While all the cum spilled onto the streets, the flooding in the apartment leveled down, allowing Chris and Sam to approach Aiden’s body, who was still cumming and shooting milk out without control. Chris carefully climbed Aiden’s body to reach his head, and since the massive guy was moaning nonstop, Chris emptied a small vial into his mouth, making the orgasm stop almost immediately.

Chris got on the floor again and observed Aiden’s muscles shrinking fast. His dick and balls also shrank, but the process seemed to be slower in those parts. The formula was working, and Liam finally snapped out of his trance, getting scared when he noticed his apartment was destroyed and there was cum falling onto the streets through the hole in the walls.

“What the fuck?! My apartment!” Liam shouted when he got on his feet. Aiden’s body was half its previous size already, but he couldn’t move yet.

“I told you not to do anything,” Chris said. “But we’ll talk about that later. We don’t have much time. You have to take Aiden to his cabin or somewhere else.”

“I… oh, yeah. I... don’t have a car,” Liam said, blushing when he noticed he was naked before Chris’ and Sam’s eyes. “Oh. I’m… sorry. I forgot,” Liam said, trying to hide his crotch, but his dick and balls had grown too big for him to cover them with his hands.

“You’ve been naked since the moment I arrived. You even went outside like this,” Chris replied, approaching Aiden to help him get on his feet because he was small enough to move now.

“We’ve seen a lot of guys in your condition, so there’s no need to worry. We’re kind of experts by now.” Sam chuckled, patting Liam’s strong-looking shoulders. “Now, you better get going. The formula isn’t permanent, and we have to clean this mess before more people notice.”

“Yeah. You two leave, and we’ll fix this place,” Chris said.

“My car is outside. Liam, could you drive me to the cabin?” Aiden said as his body stabilized. He was way bigger than before, easily weighing in at 600 pounds, but he could at least move. “I don’t think I can drive right now,” Aiden added, pointing at his 2-foot-long dick and basketball-sized balls.

“Yeah, sure. But my apartment?” Liam asked, looking around at the destroyed place.

“We’ll fix this. Chris and I can take care of this, but we need you to leave now!” Sam said, standing beside Chris.

Liam and Aiden nodded and slowly walked to the hall, trying to sneak outside without many people noticing they were naked or that Aiden was hugely muscular. They found some sheets left behind by the first-floor neighbors and managed to cover their bodies. The first floor and the lobby were also flooded, and when they walked outside, they gasped when they noticed that the street on the whole block was covered by Aiden’s cum, which still leaked from the second floor.


“Why do we keep getting into these messes? We have a lot to handle at home,” Sam said in the apartment, rubbing his belly and turning to look at Chris. “And you owe me the chicken nuggets with extra ranch.”

Chris laughed and leaned forward to kiss Sam. “I know, but I needed you here. You know our... magic works better together.” Chris said as his fingertips started glowing red, and Sam started moving his hands, which glowed blue.



This part features Sam The Sizemologist and a mention of another of his characters, Jaren. Check his stories on Tumblr and Metabods.


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