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Since Bryce didn’t know what had happened with Mason, he thought the worst. He imagined someone kidnapping Mason to use him as a science experiment, or maybe they had taken him to quarantine. Even if people didn’t know about Bryce’s power, Mason’s enormous body was far from average, so they could try to find some answer for the “epidemic of muscle giants” in the city by testing Mason’s massive body. Bryce couldn’t contain his tears as he thought about his sweet roommate suffering in some underground lab, and it was all Bryce’s fault.

Feeling lost and guilty, Bryce decided to give up. The security guards and even some police officers arrived at his destroyed apartment to take him to the hospital and put him into quarantine. All the men who came to look for him stared in awe at the naked Hulk, but their eyes widened when they saw the destruction. A police officer even kneeled down to examine some cum with his finger, confused about the substance.

“Don’t touch it. This could be part of the infection,” a security guard said, mistaking the cum with some toxic substance.

“That’s cum, Sherlock. There’s nothing contagious about it unless you want to avoid getting pregnant,” Bryce replied, making the men blush.

“That’s not possible. Who lives here? Is this yours?” another police officer asked.

“No, it’s…” Bryce started, but as he thought about Mason, he realized it was better if he didn’t give any hints about Mason’s transformation. “It’s mine. Since I was free from work all these days... I was busy here.”

The police officers and the security guards turned pale, and Bryce started walking toward them. He stood by their side, trying to hide his sadness and concern about Mason’s fate.

“Take me to the hospital. There’s nothing to see here,” Bryce said, hoping he’ll find Mason at the hospital.


As he arrived at the hospital, Bryce saw all the men he had changed throughout the week locked in plastic cubicles. The place looked like a sci-fi movie, and Bryce felt worse about his involvement in the huge mess. Doctors and nurses walked among the cubicles with full-body personal protective equipment. Bryce couldn’t believe people were overreacting about some people growing, but he somewhat understood that some changes had been too drastic.

Gary, Paxton, and Wilson were all there, looking massive in hospital gowns that barely contained their muscles, especially Paxton’s, who was taller and broader than the other two. Then, Bryce saw his boss, Mr. Jasperson, who looked as small as Bryce used to be. At 5’8 and 140 pounds, Mr. Jasperson lay on the hospital bed like he was about to die. Bryce couldn’t help but chuckle at the scene, but he understood the gravity of the situation.

Bryce also saw the muscle guy who had attacked him on the street, but now he was only a scrawny and weak guy who seemed to be sleeping in his bed. The construction workers were also there, and Bryce couldn’t help but marvel at three of them. He had given one of them a massive ass, other massive pecs, and another a huge dick and balls, but they were outstandingly huge on each of their frames. Bryce thought they looked great but understood why they had freaked out.

As Bryce continued walking, he saw the young guys he had given some size to as well, and even though their bodies were more balanced, they looked much bigger than before, and they seemed to be scared about the changes in their bodies. Even though Bryce knew everybody was alright, he couldn’t help but feel guilty about all the trouble he had caused. Also, Bryce couldn’t stop thinking about Mason. He looked around, trying to find him, but the enormous guy wasn’t there.

Then, the doctors led Bryce to one of the cubicles and handed him a gown to cover his body, but it was evident the gown was too small. Not even Paxton could fit in that gown, and Bryce was much bigger. Sighing, Bryce threw the gown aside and sat on the bed, trying to find a way to fix everything. He looked around and noticed everybody was looking at him as if they knew he was the key to everything. Bryce ignored them and stayed in his cubicle for hours, thinking about Mason.


“Hey, how are you?” One of the construction workers—the one with the massive pecs—said. “I’ve seen you walking by the construction site, but I never realized you were so big until now. I thought the guy in cell 2 was big, but you’re a whole new level of big. Did you grow overnight like we all did?” The guy said. He was clearly nervous and trying to find comfort in talking with Bryce.

“No. I’m just big; nobody can grow overnight,” Bryce said, denying his involvement in the problem. “It doesn’t make sense. I want to go home with…” Bryce sighed.

“We all want to go home. I have a boyfriend,” the guy whispered. “Nobody knows I’m gay, but... I miss him. He said I look hot like this, but... I mean, look at my pecs and... my nipples. Your chest is bigger, but it’s not the same. I’m Jay, by the way.”

“Bryce, I’m glad you have someone to go home to once we’re out of this place.” Bryce lay on his back in bed, barely fitting in. He turned his head to look at Jay one last time and smiled as he imagined the man with even bigger pecs and huge nipples to suck on. “I bet your boyfriend loves to play with your nipples,” Bryce said, but Jay didn’t respond because the world had stopped.

Bryce groaned when he noticed he had activated his powers again, but then he realized that the text bubbles with Jay’s stats didn’t appear. “Uh, that’s strange. Maybe he finally reached a limit or something. Anyway, you’d look great with huge engorged nipples to suck on, Jay. And about 20 more pounds of muscle and fat on that magnificent chest,” Bryce said, turning to stare at the ceiling. “But it will never be as magnificent as Mason’s,” he added as the world restarted.

“Wow! Wow! Wow!” Jay shouted, calling Bryce’s attention.

Jay’s pecs started growing right before everybody’s eyes. Some doctors ran to take a closer look at the transformation as Jay’s chest doubled in size in a few seconds. Jay went from having pecs bigger than his head to having trouble keeping his torso straight due to their weight. Jay laid back on his bed and moaned as his nipples thickened, looking full and erect. Bryce was confused but realized that his powers had changed. The effects of his thoughts were immediate.

“This must be subject zero; he’s proof that something’s happening,” one of the doctors said as he recorded Jay’s growth, which infuriated Bryce because they treated him like a monster or a freak.

Simultaneously, Bryce felt his own chest expand, adding five pounds of muscle and fat. His nipples felt different, but he couldn’t see them beyond the horizon of his pecs. “You’re soon going to be proof of it as well,” Bryce said, and the world stopped. “If you want to be a dick, you’re going to be a dick.”

The world started again, and the doctor recording Jay’s growth started groaning loudly. His protection suit started ripping as his bulge expanded very quickly. The doctor moved the camera he had in his hands to focus his attention on his growing dick and his massive balls that swelled with cum.

“No, no, no. Make it stop!” The doctor cried out when the suit finally gave up, and his dick and balls burst out of it. His dick hardened while it continued expanding, and his balls soon landed heavily on the ground due to their weight. In less than a minute, the doctor’s 5’9” tall body was pinned down by his hard 6-foot-long dick and yoga-ball-sized testicles. Bryce immediately felt his own dick growing larger and hardening to reach 46 inches. His balls also grew to beachball proportions.

“Get him into a cubicle!” Shouted another doctor, but everybody was too shocked and scared to touch the massive dick.

“No, you won’t,” Bryce said as the world stopped again, restarting soon after.

The second doctor groaned loudly. Instantly, his muscles expanded in all directions. His protection suit turned into shreds with a loud ripping sound as 600 pounds of muscles soon engulfed the doctor’s 5’10” tall body, turning his 170-pound body into a mount of muscle that could barely stay on his feet due to its bulk. Bryce gained 150 pounds, leaving him with 759 pounds of pure muscle. At 6’3” tall, Bryce could still move, but he felt his muscles fighting for space and preventing him from moving freely.

A scared male nurse looked at Bryce and noticed he had also grown. Terrified, the nurse tried to run away, but Bryce was out of control.

“Where do you think you’re going?” Bryce grinned, and the world stopped. As soon as it restarted, the nurse moaned loudly and moved his hands to his chest, which burst out of his suit in a few seconds. “You’re not leaving this place without a gift from the Great Gifter.”

The nurse fell to his knees and leaned forward because his legs and spine couldn’t support the 200 pounds added to his chest. His chest pushed firmly against the floor, leaving him stuck. Then, the nurse moaned louder as his nipples expanded bigger than Jay’s, and as Bryce laughed, a massive rush of milk poured out like geysers. A pool of milk formed beneath the nurse, quickly spreading all over the floor and leaking into the cubicles.

Everybody was terrified. The other doctors were frozen, and the men in the cubicles were pale. Bryce laughed as his pecs gained 50 pounds, and he felt dampness around his nipples. He rubbed his pecs as best he could and felt milk leaking. “That’s an interesting discovery.”

Bryce tried to reach more of his pecs to caress them, but his massive biceps were too big to bend his arms. He finally turned to the two remaining doctors, and the world stopped. Then, the doctors grew taller in a few seconds, gaining a whole foot in height each. The tallest one reached 7’2” tall, and the other stood at 6’10” tall. Bryce’s body grew 6 inches in height, but since it didn’t make a big difference, he turned to look at Jay, then at Mr. Jasperson, to give each a foot in height. As the world restarted, Bryce grew to 7’3” tall. His towering height allowed him to move better.

Without saying a word, Bryce broke through the plastic wall and walked toward the door, leaving everybody speechless as they all realized he was causing everything. Nobody moved, and nobody tried to stop him, so he only walked out of the quarantine wing and into the regular hospital, where some men tried to stop him, but he altered their bodies to get them busy while he walked away. He didn’t change them much, but by the time Bryce reached the street, he had given another 200 pounds to random men, two more feet in height, and 4 feet of dick.

“Where do I find you, Mason?” Bryce said, walking away from the hospital. It was dark, around 3:00 AM, so the streets were empty, which was good because his 7’9” tall and 859-pound body would call too much attention. Also, his hard 52-inch-long dick and yoga-ball-sized balls would scare everybody. “I can’t lose you. Not now. Where are you?”

Lost in his thoughts, Bryce stood in the middle of the empty street, trying to think of a solution. He knew he had gotten things worse by growing all the people in the hospital, but he didn’t care about the consequences anymore. He only wanted to find Mason.

Suddenly, everything started getting cold. Bryce saw the trees moving violently with the wind. Bryce couldn’t help but feel some familiarity with the scene, and everything made sense when he saw his breathing turning into a misty cloud. Then, all the street lights turned off, and Bryce saw a cloaked figure looking at him about 50 feet away.

“Bryce, son of Aldar, you received an ancient power to bring balance, but you used it to satisfy your desires,” the cloaked man said in a deep, scary voice.

“I know, I know. I screwed everything up, and I regret it, but I need your help,” Bryce said, approaching the cloaked man as fast as his huge body allowed him. “Please don’t leave me like last time. I need to find someone. He could be in danger, and I need...”

“He’s fine. I know what you did, and I had to save your biggest victim from your reckless behavior. You’re not worthy of the Great Gifter’s power,” the cloaked man said as his eyes started glowing yellow. “However, Mason, the son of James, convinced me that you deserve a second chance.”

“What? Did you talk with Mason? Where is he?” Bryce said as he stood only 10 feet from the cloaked man.

“We talked a lot. He’s kind of your creepy-great-grandfather, but he’s cool.” Bryce heard Mason’s voice behind him, and when he turned around, he saw the enormous man sitting on the street with a broad smile. “You look awesome, by the way,” Mason added.

Bryce couldn’t believe his eyes, and his heart melted with Mason’s sweet smile. “I can’t believe it’s you. I thought I had lost you. I thought I would never see you again.” Bryce walked toward Mason and tackled him to hug him. Mason’s massive body fell backward with Bryce on top. Mason was only 3 inches taller than Bryce but over 1,000 pounds heavier, so he was much broader. “The apartment was destroyed, and you weren’t there. I was so worried.” Bryce couldn’t contain his tears as he kissed Mason’s lips.

“Sorry about the apartment, I accidentally destroyed it when I tried to... cum. I couldn’t do much without you, and... well... my dick is hard to control. I’m sorry I got you worried.” Mason said.

“I don’t care about the apartment. Where have you been? Where did he take you?” Bryce asked, referring to the cloaked man.

“Your great-grandfather… teleported me to a kind of palace; it was nice. We should go there. Your powers aren’t limited to growing or shrinking people. He said you can also go anywhere.” Mason smiled while Bryce continued kissing him. “I only left for a day. If I knew you’d respond like this, I would’ve gone away for a few days a long while ago,” Mason said, enjoying Bryce’s love. 

“No, you’re not leaving my side ever again. I can’t lose you. I can’t.” Bryce hugged Mason’s strong neck, and they continued making out for what felt like an eternity, causing both of their dicks to harden.

“I’m not planning on leaving you. I’m yours, Bryce, son of Aldar,” Mason playfully said, making Bryce chuckle.

“You really talked to the creepy man, Mason, son of James,” Bryce laughed, snuggling against Mason’s enormous body, not caring about anything else.

“I did, and you’re in big trouble. You have to fix all of this. The man showed me what you did in the hospital. You made things even worse. Some people want to put the entire city in quarantine. And there’s footage of you growing others and then growing yourself. You were out of control,” Mason said in a firm tone.

“I needed to find you. I thought I would find you in the hospital, but then things got out of control and... I made those men grow right there. I didn’t have to wait; that’s new,” Bryce said as he felt Mason’s body rise from the ground into a sitting position again, forcing Bryce to sit on the gigantic man’s lap.

“That happens when you share your secret. The connection between you and Mason unlocked more powers, but you used them for evil.” The cloaked man, who made Mason levitate, stood before Bryce and revealed his face. He looked like an older version of Bryce but with mid-length gray hair.

“I’m really sorry, but there has to be something you can do to fix this. Make everybody forget, turn back time or something else,” Bryce said.

“I can’t fix it, but you can. Those men can all forget, but it will come with a cost. You grew many people, and if you shrink them back to normal, you’ll also shrink. You’ll likely disappear because there won’t be anything left of you,” the cloaked man responded.

“You don’t have to turn me back to normal. I can stay like this if that makes you stay with me,” Mason said with a shaky voice. “You said you couldn’t lose me, but I can’t live without you, Bryce.”

“But I need to fix this,” Bryce said, clearly sad and worried. “I guess it is my responsibility as the Great Gifter to bring balance to the chaos I started.”

“But… but… there has to be a way.” Mason was on the verge of crying at the possibility of losing Bryce forever: “What if he gives me all that size so he won’t disappear when he turns them back to normal? I think I know how it works. If he takes 100 pounds from them, he’ll lose 125 pounds. But if he gives me 500 pounds, he’ll gain those 125 pounds back. The same applies for everything.”

“Mason, we’re talking about tons, not pounds. I gave like... 1,000 pounds between several men in the hospital, and if I take that size from them, I’ll lose 1250 pounds, and I’ll need to give you 5,000 pounds to gain that size back. It’s too much,” Bryce said, standing up to look Mason in the eyes. “I can’t use you to fix my mistakes. Not anymore.”

“This time is different; I want it. If you promise you’ll be by my side, you can turn me into a blue whale if you want,” Mason said, smiling at Bryce. “Bryce’s great-grandfather, is it possible to fix this, as I said?”

“I guess it is, but Bryce is right; you’ll be stuck for a long time, at least until he manages to give enough size to others to shrink you down,” the cloaked man said.

“Let’s go back to the hospital so you can change them all before they move any of them away,” Mason said, and the cloaked man teleported them to the hospital wing, where everybody was still scared.

The place was flooded by the male nurse’s milk and the cum from the doctor with the massive dick. Bryce made the world stop, and he turned back to Mason, who barely fit in the room.

“Are you sure about this?” Bryce asked.

“I am. If you’re with me, who cares about moving? You’re all I need,” Mason said, making Bryce smile.

Bryce managed to get his face right before Mason’s to kiss his lips. “I love you, Mason. You’re the best gift this Great Gifter has ever received,” Bryce said, kissing Mason’s lips.

Bryce’s eyes started glowing yellow, soon followed by Mason’s. They felt the power surging through their bodies as lightning struck through the room, and all the men moaned loudly.


“Good morning, big guy,” Bryce said, waking up and stretching his arms. Then he turned to look at Mason’s handsome face. “You look more handsome every morning.”

Mason opened his eyes, and as soon as he saw Bryce’s smiley face, he smiled back at him. “No, you’re the one glowing this morning; I wonder what it is?” Mason responded. “So, how do you feel today?”

“I’m great. It’s Sunday, and I’m here with you. What else could I ask for?” Bryce said, kissing Mason’s lips before sitting up to look around.

Bryce smiled as he took in the magnificent, enormous room they were in. The place wasn’t only enormous but nicely decorated. Perfect for two love birds like them. Then Bryce looked down and smiled at the realization that he was sitting on top of one of Mason’s pecs. After Bryce had to turn everybody back to normal, or close to normal, Mason’s body had grown so enormous that only one of his pecs was more than enough to fit Bryce’s whole body, with lots of room left.

Bryce caressed Mason’s enormous pec, causing the gentle giant to pop his pecs to tease Bryce. “Hey, stop it. You know you gotta be careful; I’m like an ant on a mountain.” Bryce said, playfully rolling on Mason’s pecs.

Mason had grown to 74 feet tall, and his weight had skyrocketed far into the 5-digit range in pounds due to his height and enormous muscles. His dick alone was 68 feet long when hard, which was its new permanent state. His balls were more like small hills that were constantly overflowing, causing the monolithic dick to leak nonstop. Mason was a true giant, but he was the sweetest. His regular-sized, handsome face looked photoshopped into a wall of muscle, which Bryce loved a lot.

“You can always get bigger. I know you turned everybody back to normal, or almost to normal, but you could’ve retained some size. Not that you don’t look good, but I know it was important for you,” Mason said, looking at Bryce’s 5’8” tall and 170-pound body.

“No, I’m fine. I learned my lesson. Also, I retained some size on my muscles and... your favorite body part,” Bryce said, turning around to show Mason his 20-inch-long dick. “What’s the name you have for it? With the song.”

“Lollipop, lollipop,” Mason responded and laughed. “I want a taste of that lollipop later.”

“Only if you let me play with the obelisk-sized tool you have down there,” Bryce said, getting closer to Mason’s face to kiss it again.

“You can do whatever you want. This is all yours, and nobody will interrupt us now,” Mason said, kissing Bryce back. “I’m glad my boyfriend has a family palace for us.”

“Benefits that come with the cloak,” Bryce responded, caressing Mason’s face.

“No words and more action, Mr. Great Gifter,” Mason said, looking into Bryce’s eyes, which started glowing yellow, and sparks coursed through their bodies.

The End


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