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Jack stood frozen by the bed, unable to look anywhere else, carefully observing the head of Steve’s first baby emerging slowly, soon crowning and making Steve grunt.

“Wow, Steve, this is incredible. I mean, an actual baby is coming out of you,” Jack managed to say, still in shock.

“Yeah, incredible is one way to describe it... uugghh,” Steve responded amidst the intensity of the burning sensation in his hole as the first baby was crowning. “Please bring the things I asked for. This baby will be out in no time. Fuck! It burns!”

Steve’s screams took Jack out of his trance, and the nervous guy ran out of the bedroom, leaving Steve alone. With each push, Steve felt the burning sensation getting more intense, and the overall discomfort that had taken over his body also worsened. The babies in his belly intensified their kicking, reminding him there was still a long way to go. Additionally, his pecs were still making a huge mess because the flow of milk coming out of his nipples wasn’t stopping, probably getting stronger instead.

Steve pushed, guided by the instinct of his laboring body. He had seen videos and read articles about childbirth, but even all the information could’ve never prepared him enough to deal with the immense pain he was experiencing. It wasn’t only the contractions making the muscles in his abdomen contract but also the painful way his hole squirmed and stretched to propel the baby into the world.

“Please, please, please, this head feels huge. Uugghh,” Steve managed to mumble as the broadest part of the baby’s head stretched his hole even more. “Just, please, come out already!”

With a strong push, Steve finally felt the head of the baby popping out, along with a gush of fluids, making him feel some relief and joy, even though he knew it was just the beginning of the process. Steve panted heavily as the baby started slowly turning, giving him a few seconds to summon the energy to continue the arduous work of giving birth to his five babies. While the head of his first baby hung free from his body, Steve couldn’t help but think about the night that led him to his current condition.

“Fuck, I shouldn’t have done that,” Steve whispered, rubbing the sides of his still-overpacked belly. “But damn, he was a hot man,” he added, weakly smiling.

“What the fuck?! There’s a head…” Jack shouted as he entered the room again with all the much needed supplies, taking Steve out of his trance. “I mean, yay! What a beautiful baby,” Jack said sarcastically, making Steve chuckle.

“Yes, Sherlock, babies have heads, and I… ooohhh… I think their heads usually come out first,” Steve managed to say as the baby continued turning and the process to free the shoulders started. “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Uugghh. I need you to…”

“Shhh… Just push; I think I know what to do. I saw a short video while the water boiled,” Jack said, getting between Steve’s legs and holding the head of the baby with his hands. “Man, you owe me big time for this. It’s gross, but cute.”

“I’ll do anything. Oh, oh, help take these kids out of me, and I’ll do anything!” Steve shouted, feeling his hole stretching more than ever as the baby’s seemingly broad shoulders came out.

Steve clenched his jaw with each contraction, making his best effort to push with all he had to pass the widest part of the baby’s body. As he continued pushing, he absentmindedly tried to curl his body up, attemting to give more strength to the pushes. However, leaning his head forward forced his mouth and nose against his enormously overflowing pecs, making him feel suffocated. His chest was reaching unprecedented levels of fullness, adding another layer of discomfort to his already exhausted body.

Steve felt the first shoulder come out while he took deep breaths before each push. He groaned loudly when the second shoulder finally popped out, making the pain reach its peak. Steve couldn’t see anything beyond the horizon of his big belly, but having the upper part of his baby out of his body allowed him to realize how big the kids in his belly were. This realization took Steve’s mind back to the night of the conception of the babies, and he blamed himself for picking up the biggest guy among the crowd.

“Again, I’m not an expert, but I don’t think this is the average size for a newborn,” Jack said, placing his hand beneath the baby while it slowly continued its way out.

“Blame it on the dad... uugghh... and I’m not talking about me.” Steve pushed his head forward, feeling his belly shake with many kicks as the first baby moved slowly into the world.

“I want to hear that story, and you can’t say no; you owe that to me,” Jack said, chuckling. “Now, this big baby is almost out. Here’s the strong torso. Come on, Steve! You’ve got this! Just a little more!”

“Damn it! Shut up! We’re not at the gym doing sets. Uugghh… You have no idea... how much… this hurts,” Steve said, letting a low groan out as the hips of the baby came out.

“Almost there. It’s a boy and a big boy, I must say,” Jack said, laughing. “No surprise, considering I have your big thing fully hard right before my eyes,” Jack added as the legs of the baby finally slid out of Steve with even more fluids.

“Ohhh my... How is the baby?” Steve asked as he collapsed back onto the mattress, heavily panting and looking exhausted. “Jack! How is my baby?” he asked firmly, awaiting a response.

Immediately, the newborn’s cry echoed in the room as Jack carefully cradled the infant, giving him the required attention. Jack wiped away the residual fluids and gently cleared the airways using a clean napkin. Once the cleaning was over, Jack managed to cut the cord like he had seen on the video and then swaddled the baby in a soft blanket, inspecting his not-so-tiny body in detail. While the baby cried loudly, Jack smiled, shocked by the miracle he had witnessed.

“He’s perfectly fine. You did amazing,” Jack said as he approached Steve with the baby in his arms. “I think he’s super ready to meet his... daddy,” Jack added, carefully placing the newborn in Steve’s arms.

“I’m… Oh, look at this big boy. You’re such a handsome boy. You made me scream in pain, but I can’t believe you’re finally here,” Steve said as tears of joy poured down his cheeks. As soon as the baby boy felt Steve’s arms against his body, the cries stopped, and soft coos replaced them. “You’re perfect.”

Steve leaned forward and kissed the baby’s forehead, making Jack sigh due to the sweet scene. “I think you should give him some milk. Your nipples have been leaking all along, so I think you should put all that milk to good use,” Jack said, gently patting one of Steve’s pecs, making it shoot even more milk into the air like a fountain. “Oh, sorry. I didn’t know they were so sensitive.” Jack added, grining,

“You have no idea. I really need some milking, but I think this big boy will help me with that,” Steve said, caressing the newborn’s hands. “Could you help me get more into a sitting position to feed him? I’m sure he’s hungry.”

With Jack’s gentle guidance, Steve adjusted his position, cradling the baby in a way that allowed easy access to his engorged nipples. The baby nuzzled against Steve’s chest, seeking comfort and nourishment, while Jack observed the tender scene with a mixture of admiration and support. In a quiet and peaceful moment, Steve, guided by instinct and a few tips he had picked up, helped the baby to latch onto his engorged nipple.

When the baby took the nipple into his mouth and started sucking and swallowing, Steve couldn’t contain more tears from falling down his cheeks. The soft sound of the baby sucking and swallowing very quickly, due to the rich flow of milk provided by Steve’s pecs, made both guys’ hearts feel warm. Steve’s heart was bursting with happiness due to the incredible feeling of having one of the babies he carried inside his belly for nine months in his arms and being able to provide milk for him, while Jack felt lucky to be the witness of such an extraordinary and cute miracle.

While the baby kept drinking, Steve started feeling some relief on the pec the baby was latching onto, but the other one was feeling plumper than ever, and the pressure was almost unbearable. Steve moved his free hand to his free pec and started softly caressing it in an attempt to feel some relief. Steve was so entranced by the perfect baby suckling on his nipple that he didn’t notice the soft moans escaping his lips.

“Do you… Do you need some help with that?” Jack asked, reaching to touch Steve’s pecs. “I mean, you seem to be in discomfort, and I have two hands if you need a massage,” Jack added, placing his hands on Steve’s free pec, making Steve shake.

“It’s just so full. The baby is helping with the pressure on the other one, but this is getting unbearable,” Steve said between groans as Jack started massaging his enormously plump pec. “I wish I had my pumps here. I really need a milking,” Steve said, chuckling at his absurd situation.

“You’re not only a beached whale but also a dairy cow,” Jack said, laughing and focusing his massage around Steve’s engorged nipple. “Well… I used to visit my grandpa’s farm during the summers, so I think I know a few tricks.”

Jack started rubbing circles around Steve’s areola, making him moan louder. The milk flow started getting more potent, so the pressure within Steve’s pecs decreased. Steve closed his eyes, enjoying the sensation of his first baby suckling endlessly on his nipple while Jack massaged his other nipple, and the four babies within his belly started kicking up a storm again. His moans and groans became louder as his breaths shortened.

“Jack… I think… I think... oh, that feels so good, but...” Steve said, enjoying the massage but longing for more at the same time. He also felt the babies in his belly getting restless and pressure building up between his legs. “Please, don’t stop.”

Jack grinned and, without hesitation, got his lips around Steve’s free nipple and started suckling, making the pregnant guy moan even louder. “What… What are you doing?” Steve said between groans as he felt the pressure within his pec finally come down to a manageable level. “Don’t stop. Please, don’t stop,” he added as he felt Jack attempting to move off his pec.

Jack continued suckling and swallowing, looking up at Steve’s blushed face. The room was mostly silent, except for the sounds of Jack and the baby suckling and swallowing. Also, some moans escaped Steve’s lips as relief washed over him for a few seconds. However, as the baby and Jack nursed on his pecs, Stece couldn’t ignore the movements within his belly. The pressure on his lower abdomen and hips was worsening as the next baby positioned itself for delivery.

“Jack… Jack! I can feel the next one. I don’t want you to stop, but the next one... aahhh... the next one is coming!” Steve said, screaming as he felt a powerful contraction take over his belly. “Help me get in position.”

Jack finally released Steve’s nipple and playfully kissed his massive pec. “Oh, I think I know how you’re going to pay for ruining my couch and my mattress and for traumatizing me while helping you with this,” Jack said with a grin and helped Steve get into the birthing position again.

“I’ll do anything! But help me take them all out now!” Steve said, and as the second baby entered his birth canal, his belly started contracting even more. “It’s coming. I need to push again,” Steve said as he took deep breaths and started pushing again.

With his first son still nursing on his chest, Steve focused on the intense urge to push to deliver his second baby. With his free hand, he gently caressed the sides of his still-overfilled belly, trying to find some comfort among the indescribable pain he was experiencing. Recognizing Steve’s need for relaxation, Jack reached for the massive, contracting belly and gently rubbed big circles over its surface. The soothing touch helped ease some of the tension and the pain coursing through Steve’s body.

“How are you so good at this?” Steve said as he felt his whole body relaxing thanks to Jack’s massage. “I’d swear you have helped another guy give birth already,” he added, laughing at his own ridiculous situation.

“Oh, yeah. I have at least one delivery a day. Only yesterday, I had another friend who had octuplets, and his pecs flooded the apartment,” Jack responded, playing along to help Steve deal with the pain. “I’m a natural at this. Next time, tell me earlier so I can get ready to help you give birth,” he added, hearing Steve groan loudly.

“Hell no. I’m not doing this ever again,” Steve said, pushing hard and feeling the head of the second baby crowning. “Oh, fuck, it burns! It’s not getting any easier.”

“Yeah, because you’re giving birth to another huge baby. Who knocked you up? A giant?” Jack said, leaving Steve’s belly and focusing on the head of the baby coming out.

Steve couldn’t respond as the head of the baby continued its way out, and the widest part of the head stretched his hole to the limit again. The contractions came like waves of pressure and pain, intensifying and leaving Steve breathless. While he focused on pushing, he didn’t notice the baby on his pec had released his nipple and had fallen asleep with his tummy full of daddy’s milk. The constant flow of milk hadn’t stopped on any of his nipples, growing the wet mess on Jack’s bed.

Then, with a loud groan and a strong push, Steve cleared the head of the second baby, just as big as the first one, letting more fluids fall on Jack’s mattress. Beads of sweat glistened on Steve’s forehead while his belly shined under the light, with sweat and milk covering the surface. The sensations were overwhelming, and on top of it all, the constant kicking in his belly reminded Steve that there were three more babies inside him, waiting for their turn to come out.

With each push, the second baby inched its way into the world. One by one, the shoulders popped out, making Steve shout and cry in pain. He wanted to shout louder, but his paternal side didn’t want to scare the baby sleeping in his arms.

“You’ve got this. This time, it was faster. The baby is halfway out and looks as big as the first one. You really need to tell me who got you into this mess,” Jack said, holding the head and torso of the second baby while Steve kept pushing and groaning in pure agonizing pain.

“Just catch the baby... or pull it by the arms... Just take him out!” Steve pushed and groaned when the hips came out, revealing to a marveling Jack that it was another boy.

With one final push, Steve felt the rest of the baby’s body leave him, allowing him to rest and catch his breath. Incredibly exhausted, Steve leaned back on Jack’s bed while his chest and belly heaved up and down with his breathing. Meanwhile, Jack repeated the procedure he followed with the first baby. As he cleared the airways and cleaned the face from residual fluids, the second baby started crying loudly, making Steve get emotional again at the realization that his second baby was fine.

However, the loud cry woke the first baby up, and he joined the cry. “Shhh. Hey, it’s fine. I’m here. No need to be scared; it’s just your little brother,” Steve said to the baby in his arms while Jack finished the cleaning and cut the cord.

“I wouldn’t say he’s a little brother since he’s just as big as the first one,” Jack said as he approached Steve with the second baby in arms. “Look at this handsome boy, just as cute as the daddy and older brother.” Jack added as he placed the baby in Steve’s free arm.

With both newborns in his arms, Steve kissed their foreheads, and the crying stopped. “You’re so cute and so big. So perfect, my big boys,” Steve said in tears while his sons nuzzled against his pecs. Coos filled the peaceful room as Steve enjoyed the moment and marveled at his newly growing family.

“I guess he’s hungry. Let me help you into the proper position to feed him,” Jack said, helping Steve into a sitting position where he could rest the babies on top of his belly to guide the second one to the engorged nipple. “And let me clean that nipple before he gets it in his mouth because, you know, I...” Jack said, carefully cleaning Steve’s nipple with a wet napkin.

“You inaugurated my nipple before he did,” Steve said, chuckling and moving the baby to his nipple once Jack had finished. “I really owe you big time. I couldn’t do this without you.”

“It’s cool. Your milk is delicious, and... well, I’ll do anything it takes to help you go through this. Seriously, anything. Just say it, and I’ll do it.” Jack said, smiling at Steve and reaching for his big belly to gently rub it.

“You really mean it?” Steve asked, and Jack nodded. “You’ve done so much already, and... I know I might be asking too much, but... There’s something that’s been bothering me all along, Steve said, looking down but only able to see his massive pecs and belly.

“Sure, name it, and I’ll do it,” Jack said with a kind but lustful smile.

In the sitting position, Steve leaned back and spread his legs similarly to the birthing position. He could feel the babies moving and rolling within his belly in preparation for the next birth while under his belly, his hard dick was begging for some attention, and the ache in his balls was reaching unbearable proportions. “My pecs aren’t the only thing overflowing really often. The hormones drive me crazy, and they get me horny. Trust me, I wouldn’t ask you to do this if I didn’t need some relief down there,” Steve said, leaving Jack in shock for a few seconds, but soon his expression changed into a lustful grin.



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