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Final part of the new version of Exposed, written by the great Brimmingbelly04. ENJOY!


“Fuuuuuuck!” Todd said through tightly clenched teeth. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! This hurts so much!” He groaned as he slowly and awkwardly got out of bed and started waddling to the bathroom. 

His hips were on fire and his legs were shaky from all the pain and pressure, not to mention the fact he was still “recovering” from having Dustin's huge cock inside him, fucking him really hard just a few minutes before. As he made his slow and ponderous way, Todd had to take several breaks. It took him so long to get to the bathroom that by the time he finally did, the tub was nearly full.

The timing couldn't have been better because from experience, Todd knew the first quadruplet was already in position. Already, things were progressing a lot faster than he'd been expecting. As such, this labor and delivery experience was also, most definitely going to be a fast one, even with two additional babies being involved.

Seeing as time was evidently going to be of the essence, even though he should've for safety reasons alone, the now very actively laboring stripper didn't wait for Dustin's help to get into the tub or into a proper birthing position. As he did, Todd felt an enormous amount of pressure at his hips and hole so he shouldn't have been as surprised as he was when he heard an audible “pop,” that was promptly followed by a loud gush of water.

As his “water” continued to spew and hit the actual water in the tub, Todd tried to calm himself. Things were moving along fast, but not that fast, right..?

“It's OK, it's OK…” he told himself as he turned off the faucet. “That's just my water breaking. I, I mean we, still have time,” he nodded. “So just calm down, Todd!” He said before falling into the rhythmic breathing he'd learned as he dealt with his current contraction. 

Even though he'd expected things to happen quickly this second (really, third, fourth, fifth and sixth) time around, suddenly, everything seemed to be happening too fast despite the assurances he'd just made himself. Not even a full minute after his (first) water broke, Todd already felt the first quad descending lower into his birth canal, really ratcheting up the pain. 

“OoooooOooK!” He said, his voice shaking like he was about to cry, which he very much would've had it not used up energy he was obviously otherwise going to need. “You really are in a rush to come out, huh?” He asked the first baby with an anxious laugh as it already started causing his hole to bulge and stretch. “That's OK! You're just like your… nnngggh! Big brothers!”

That was true. Same as now, right after Todd's first (ever) water broke, Declan rapidly began to descend and started making his way into the world just a few minutes later. While he'd given birth to the twins at home, fast as things were moving, Todd felt more prepared this time… 

A few days prior, he'd gathered and set all the necessary supplies up right next to the tub. Plentiful towels, sterilized scissors and swaddling blankets were all ready to go when needed. Even though he was scared and anxious, Todd was ready to start pushing… He could tell he was ready to and had everything he needed, except for the newest piece of “the puzzle,” Dustin, whom he quickly and unexpectedly come to rely on. 

Todd wondered what was taking him so long with the twins, but at the same time, he was glad he was there to tend to him while he readied to birth their “little” brothers. That being said, if Dustin didn't return to the bathroom soon, it was quite possible Todd might end up delivering the first quad before he arrived!

“It's OK!” He assured himself again. “I, unnnnngh! I can… I can do this! With or… without Dustin!” He nodded as his brow started dripping with sweat despite the fact he'd yet to start pushing. 

Still, Todd tried to wait for Dustin. He didn't mean to start pushing before he got there, but he did, unable to help it. As he bore down and let his body do what it wanted/needed to, he closed his eyes. 

As he grunted and clenched his teeth even tighter, Todd knew he was already making impressive progress with his first push. Even though he was “ready,” his hole prepped as it ever would be to birth his third son, it still hurt a lot. Already, Todd felt exhaustion racking his body almost as much as pain was, but at the same time, he still felt in control. 

“OoooOooh… Come on, baby… Work with me…” he pleaded! “Why do you have to be… SO BIG?!” He cried out as he felt the first quad really start to crown, causing his hole to feel like it was on absolute fire. 

Over all the noise and commotion he was making, much to his relief, Todd heard Dustin coming. 

“Todd?! Where are you?” He shouted as he hurried back into the bedroom. 

Surprised to find the bed empty, Dustin hurried into the bathroom. He stopped dead in his tracks in the door. 

“Oh shit!” He said as he stood there, frozen in place. 

“Dustin!” Todd called. 

“You can't be serious?!” Dustin shouted as he shook his head. “I was only gone for like… twenty minutes, and you, you… There's already a baby coming out?!” He said as he peered beyond Todd's face to the bulge between his ass cheeks, sounding as confused and terrified as he did excited. 

“Really? I hadn't noticed!” Todd shouted back, making Dustin look even more scared. “I'm sorry,” he apologized. “This just hurts a lot! Can you hold my hand, please?” He requested as he took his left from the side of the tub and held it out. 

Dustin nodded as he walked over and knelt down next to him. As soon as he gave Todd his hand, he squeezed it. Hard. Dustin pressed his lips together to keep from complaining as he looked down at Todd's ass, which looked even bigger with the top of a baby's head pushing out of it (and it out in the process.)

“Are the… boys OK?” Todd asked between pushes. 

Still staring at his ass, Dustin nodded and smiled. “They're fine. They fell asleep hugging me. They had a lot of questions, but I told them now we have plenty of time for them later, so they just hugged me and I hugged them,” he shook his head. “They're such good boys, Todd. You've done an amazing job with them.”

 “Thanks…” Todd replied, dragging out the word as he stopped pushing. 

“But I still don't understand why you did what you did? You knew I wanted a family and… And you know I loved you!” Dustin nodded as he turned to look Todd in the face, tears filling the corners of his eyes. “Why did you keep the twins from me?”

Todd definitely owed him an explanation, but was now really the time? Not really, but between since his belly wasn't contracting and he wasn't pushing at the moment, he did his best to explain. 

“I thought it was best for everyone. My parents kicked me out when they found out, and I thought yours would do the same, so I…” he trailed off as he felt the next contraction starting to build. “I was trying to protect you. I wanted you to have the, nnngggh!” He grunted as he readied to start pushing again. “The life you… deserved!” He groaned as he pushed. 

“The life I deserve is with you and the boys!” Dustin smiled and nodded. 

Todd started to cry from all the pain and the guilt. “Oh God, I missed you… so much!” He sobbed as he somehow continued to push. 

“Well I'm back now, and I…”

“Oooooh!” Todd suddenly shakily cut him off as the first baby's head popped out. 

“Ohmygod!” Dustin exclaimed. “The head is out!”

 “I know…” Todd panted. 

“What do we… What do I? I…”

Todd chuckled. “It's OK, I promise. We have some time before you need to do anything. The baby still needs to turn.”

Dustin nodded. “So we just wait?” 

“And keep talking,” Todd nodded back. “I know I already said it, but I'll say it again… I'm sorry. I knew you were bound to do great things and I didn't want me or the boys to be an anchor,” he shook his head. “Look how successful you are! That wouldn't be the case if we'd been in your life before!” He shook his head some more. 

Dustin didn't respond, at least not verbally. He hated to admit it, but most of what Todd said was true. His life would've been completely different had they been together and he'd known about the boys before. Would he be so professionally successful? Probably not. But would he have been happy? Most definitely. 

It was too late to change things now. If they could've done it all over again and made different choices, Dustin would've very much preferred that but since that wasn't possible, he wanted to make the most of the lives he and Todd still had ahead of them, so he leaned in and passionately kissed him on the lips. 

After several seconds, he pulled back, but kept his hand on Todd's chin. “If I had to, I'd give up everything I have just to have a family with you,” he nodded before leaning in for another kiss, this one sweeter and shorter. “I hope I don't, but I would!” He winked as he pulled back again. 

Dustin had no idea how much that meant to Todd, or how good his lips felt against his. Todd was about to tell him, but then the baby whose head he'd already gotten out, started to turn, making the lips of his asshole burn and stretch, bringing him back to reality. 

“There's lots for us to talk about,” he said as he took his hand from Dustin and grabbed onto the tub. “But can we wait till later?” He requested with a tired smile as he waited for the baby to finish turning. 

“Of course,” Dustin nodded as he used his sore, freed hand to rub Todd's tense left shoulder. 

“God…” the laboring stripper groaned. “I think this baby inherited its other dad's wide shoulders!” He complained, his hole feeling like it was about to spit in two it was already so stretched. 

Dustin grunted and rolled his eyes. “Can we not talk about him, please?”

Todd chuckled. “Don't be jealous… There's no need to be.”


“Yeah!” He nodded. “He's not in the picture at all, and even if he was, now that you're back, I, oooh!” He trailed off in a groan. 

“Are you OK?” Dustin asked in concern as he rubbed Todd's shoulder a little harder. 

Todd nodded and winced. “The other babies… They're all kicking,” he explained. “Don't think they're… fans of the… eviction process!” He chuckled, running out of breath as he did. 

“I wish there was something I could do,” Dustin said. “I hate seeing you in pain.”

 “You being here is enough,” Todd replied, forcing himself to smile as he felt another contraction starting to build. “That and catching him.”

“You want me to catch him?!” Dustin asked, brows shooting almost up to his hairline. 

“Please,” Todd nodded. 

“What? I… How?!”

“I'll tell you what to do. It's really not that complicated, I promise,” he assured. 

Dustin remained doubtful. “It's a baby!” 

“A big, messy one, so you might wanna take off your shirt unless you don't mind it getting ruined.”

 Quick as he could, Dustin started working on his buttons. He could afford for the shirt to be ruined, but why if he could save it? 

“Do I need to get in the tub with you?” He asked once he'd shed his shirt and started reaching for his belt. 

“Not yet,” Todd shook his head. “Maybe later.”


“Now get behind… me,” he grunted. “I'm about to start… pushing.”

Dustin sprung to his feet and hurried down to the end of the tub. “OK!” He said again as he crouched down, Todd's big, bulging ass right in front of his face, with the first quad's head hanging out of it. “Ohmygod!” He said again in amazement. “This is so…”

“Gross?” Todd guessed as he started to push. 

“No!” Dustin said over his loud groan. “Amazing! Holy shit! The left shoulder is…”

“I know…”

“Now the right! Already? Jesus, Todd! Slow…”

“Can't!” Todd wailed as he continued to push even though the contraction he was experiencing was starting to peter off. 

Obviously, contractions helped (a lot,) but they weren't necessary. What was necessary at the moment was for Todd to clear both of the first baby's shoulders because once he did, the rest would be relatively easy. And quick, which meant he needed to get Dustin up to speed. 

“Get ready… Once both shoulders are… out, carefully reach under his arms and… gently pull,” he huffed out as he continued to apply strong but gentle pressure to his hole. 


“When I tell you to. Slowly and gently.”

 “But won't that…”

“Oh, and make sure to, nnnnnnnnngh!” Todd groaned again. “Support his… head!”

“With what?!”

 “Your… forearms!”


“He's coming, Dustin!” Todd shouted as his next contraction hit. 

The force of it, combined with his overly sustained push, suddenly caused the first quadruplet to start rapidly exiting his body, brutally stretching his hole as the baby's right shoulder fully emerged. Todd hollered at the sudden commotion happening behind him, including Dustin not so carefully but quickly, working his hands under the baby's arms. Good news was, he had three more to perfect his technique… 

“I've got him! I've got him!” Dustin shouted as he properly did as instructed and slowly and gently pulled the rest of the baby out, even though Todd hadn't told him to. 

It was 12:20 AM on March 4, 2023. 

“Good… job,” a breathless Todd said as he slumped slightly forward. “Now, take a towel and… carefully clean out his nose and mouth. He needs to… cry.”

“Does he have to?” Dustin asked, sounding like he didn't like the idea as he grabbed one of the many, nearby towels. 

“Yes…” Todd chuckled as he let his forehead rest against the cool, porcelain of the edge of the tub. “That's how we… know he's… breathing,” he explained as he himself struggled to do just that. 

“OK,” Dustin relented as he carefully did as instructed. 

A few seconds later, the first quadruplet to be born started to wail. It was loud and ready but beautiful nonetheless. Both Todd and Dustin released sighs of relief before breaking into quiet, excited giggles. 

“Ohmygod!” Dustin said as he cradled the newborn against his bare, muscular chest. “He's all messy, just like you said he'd be, but he's still so cute! Welcome to the world, little guy… You look just like your daddy!” He gushed as he continued to clean the baby up. 

Dustin might not've realized it yet, but Todd already did… He was a natural father. From how he already showed his love and affection for the twins that biologically belonged to him, to how well he'd handled the birth of a baby that didn't. He was amazing, but again, Todd already knew that. 

As the baby continued to cry and he continued to try and catch his breath, he explained to Dustin how to cut the cord. Dustin was anxious and worried that the baby continued to wail and needed reassurance that was totally normal and he would stop as soon as he had his first meal, but in order for that to happen, first, he needed to cut the cord. 

Todd worried this part of the labor and delivery process was where Dustin might reveal his “true colors” in terms of his lack of experience, but once again, he did an amazing job. Not long after he cut and tied off the cord, he carefully stood and came back around to the side of the tub and handed the baby over to Todd, who'd worked himself up to a kneeling position. 

“Hey there, big boy…” he cooed. “Shh, shh… Daddy's here and he has… something for you,” he said as he took the large newborn and moved it to his left nipple, which he immediately latched onto and went silent, aside from the sounds of his sucks. 

“Wow…” Dustin said quietly as he stood there watching. “Congratulations.”

 “Thank you. I couldn't have done it without you,” Todd quietly replied as he watched his third born feed. 

“Something tells me you could've…”

“Probably,” he chuckled. “But still…”

“He's so cute!”

“He really is…” he agreed. 

“So seeing as the other dad isn't at all in the picture, I guess that means we have three sons now, with three more on the way, huh?” Dustin asked as he carefully reached out and ran his left pointer finger over the suckling baby's forehead. 

Todd's eyes bulged almost as much as his belly still did as he looked up at him. “What?!”

 “I meant it when I said I want to be with you,” Dustin slowly nodded. “I want to be with you in every way, including as the father to all your children. All our children if you'll let me?” He said, sounding uncharacteristically nervous as he waited for a response. 

The response he got wasn't necessarily the one he'd been expecting, but once he got over the shock of it, he decided to take it. It was the answer that mattered, after all… 

“You can't be serious?!” Todd laughed. 

“Can't I?”

 “After all this time? After what I did?! I…” 

“I still love you, Todd…”

“And I never stopped loving you!” Todd laughed again as he started to cry happy tears. “You're the man of my dreams, Dustin! I'd love for you to be their dad!”

“I'd love that too,” Dustin smiled down at him. 

“You're sure?”

 “I've never been more sure in all my life,” he nodded as he leaned in to kiss Todd on the lips. 

“Wow…” Todd said in amazement once they'd parted. He looked down at the big baby boy, who was still chugging happily away at his nipple. “Baby, say hi to your Dad… He's pretty new to all this but apparently, he learns really fast!” He chuckled as he looked up at Dustin again. 

“I love you so much already,” Dustin said as he leaned down and kissed the baby on his crown. “I can't wait to meet and love your brothers too!” He said as he reached out and gave the top of Todd's still enormous belly a gentle rub. 

Gentle as it was, his touch did the trick. Almost immediately, Todd's belly started to contract again and his whole body went tense. 

“Oooook…” he said as he hurriedly handed the baby back to Dustin. “I think it's time to get ready for the next one.”

 “Are you sure?” Dustin asked as he quickly but carefully set the baby down in a nearby basket filled with towels. 

Todd was sure and was about to say so, but before he got the chance, his body answered for him in the form of more amniotic fluid suddenly gushing from his loose hole. 

“He's coming,” he smiled weakly as Dustin returned to his side and helped him get back into pushing position. 

For the next half hour, Todd pushed. He tried to be as quiet as he could because the first baby had fallen asleep. At 12:50 AM, Dustin caught the second baby, another large boy. With a little experience now under his belt, this time, the process wasn't as jarring and it didn't take as long as it had the first time before Todd was holding the latest boy he'd birthed. 

As Dustin carefully handed him over, his joy and pride were evident from the gleam in his eyes and the huge smile plastered to his handsome face. 

“You're doing such an amazing job, Todd,” he quietly complimented as he watched the other man position the second baby for its first meal. 

“You're not doing too bad yourself,” Todd replied with a tired smile. 

“Just two more to go,” Dustin smiled and nodded, causing Todd to groan. 

“Don't remind me!”

 “You're halfway there!”


Todd didn't have much time to complain, let alone try and catch his breath. Just a few minutes after pushing out the second baby, his body went tense again and his belly resumed its painful clenching. Todd had hoped the contractions would become more bearable but now that his belly had lost two of its inhabitants, his stretched out abdominal muscles had to work extra hard to work the remaining babies down and out. 

The good news was that as tired as he was, needless to say, his birth canal and hole had both loosened a lot, so even though his pushes weren't as strong as they'd been during the first two deliveries, they were fruitful. Just fifteen minutes after Todd started pushing again, Dustin was catching the third baby at 1:10 on the dot. 

The third baby's feet were still inside Todd when already, he started to cry. Once again, Dustin did a great job. He seemed really comfortable and even confident now despite the fact his muscled torso was all wet and sticky from all the various birth fluids. 

“Just one more to go,” he smiled down at Todd as he quickly fed the third boy, already feeling the stirrings of his next contraction. “You're amazing, Todd. Simply amazing.”

“Thanks. Just to be clear, I never planned on being so good at making or having babies,” Todd chuckled. 

“Well, you are!” Dustin winked before leaning in for a careful kiss on the lips so as not to disturb their newest son as he ate. 

Soon, Todd felt the need to start pushing again. He was so sore and genuinely worried his insides might start coming out with his next push, but he had to… Dustin took the third quad and gently placed him with his brothers before returning to the foot of the tub but this time, he didn't crouch. No this time, he set to taking off his pants, though he left his jockstrap on as he climbed in, much to Todd's surprise. 

“What are you doing?” He asked over his shoulder. 

“I want to be with you,” Dustin replied. “Is that OK?” 

“It's fine with me,” Todd nodded as ever so slowly, he transitioned himself so he was leaning back against the bed of the tub. “Help me put my legs up,” he requested. 

Working together, he and Dustin got his knees raised and spread over the sides of the tub. This raised Todd's ass up off the bottom and caused it to stick out, making it look all the bigger. His belly on the other hand, looked much, much smaller now that there was only one baby left in it. Once he was in position, Dustin moved forward, got between Todd's knees and then gave his belly a sweet kiss. 

“Last one,” he smiled once he'd straightened back up. 

“Thank God!” Todd groaned. 

“So I was thinking…”


“This place is nice and all, but it's not big enough for all of us,” Dustin shook his head. “My place is, though, so I want you all to move in.”

 “Seriously?” Todd grinned, even as he started to push for the fourth and thankfully, final time. 

Dustin nodded. “Seriously. It's plenty big and…”

“I wouldn't be…” Todd paused to grunt. “Able to pay much,” he shook his head. “I got a great deal… here, so…”

“Don't worry about money.”


“Todd, if you'll let me take care of you, you don't have to worry about anything anymore,” Dustin smiled, then smiled wider as he watched the final quadruplets’ head already start to crown. 

That happy promise gave Todd the strength he needed to get the fourth baby out on his next push. As soon as Dustin caught him at 1:35 AM, Todd let out a huge sigh of relief as he collapsed back against the tub, his chest heaving as he gasped for breath. Physically, he was so sore and exhausted but emotionally, Todd couldn't have been any happier or more in love with him and Dustin's new family. 

As Dustin cut the cord and readied the fourth and final quad for his first meal, Todd started imagining their new life together. Had he not been so sore and tired, he would've thought he was in a dream. He knew Dustin was going to be an absolutely amazing father and partner. 

Todd might not've had any more babies inside him, but he still had to deliver the placenta. After having grown and housed four very big boys, the organ was quite large, but it was also quite pliable, so it only took two more good pushes for him to get it out. When Dustin saw it, he got grossed out for the first time that late night/early morning, but he did a good job keeping his real thoughts to himself as he reached back into the now murky water with towel-covered hands and removed the large mass from the tub as Todd gave their newest boy his first meal. 

Once the baby was done eating, Dustin took him, wrapped him in a blanket and placed him with his former womb mates. Next, he helped Todd lower his legs and braced his feet on the bottom of the tub so he could rest a few minutes as the water drained. 

When the tub that now definitely needed a thorough cleaning was empty, Dustin helped Todd stand, then assisted him out of the tub and over to the walk-in shower. As he made his way, small, delicate and careful as the steps he took were, Todd thought for sure some of his insides were going to fall right out of his still sore and gaping hole, but of course, nothing did. After starting the shower and making sure Todd was steady on his still swollen feet, Dustin left him to clean up while he brought the quadruplets one by one into the bedroom. 

Hot and sweaty as he was after giving birth four times in a row in rapid succession, the warm shower still felt great to Todd. The pulsating water helped relax his overworked muscles and definitely helped make him feel cleaner. As he gingerly lathered himself with body wash, Todd couldn't help but be grossed out by how soft and flabby his previous super taut belly was… 

He hated how he was able to mush his fingers into it. Since he'd just given birth, Todd's belly was still quite bloated, making him look like he was seven or so months along with one big baby, but that was nothing compared to the small planet he'd recently been lugging around. That being said, his now empty belly was still a lot bigger than he would've preferred, so all Todd could do was hope that it would shrink and firm back up again as quick as it had after he'd given birth to the twins. 

“I'll just say it so you don't have to…” he said quietly to Dustin as he entered the bedroom at a waddle, with nothing but a towel around his waist following his shower. “I know I still look pregnant, but I'm not!” He assured.

“You sure about that?” Dustin teased as he walked over and gently placed his big hands on his hips. 

“Yes, I'm sure!” Todd rolled his eyes before throwing his head back and sighing, “I know I still have some weight to lose, but I already feel about 100 lbs lighter!” He said as he looked over at his bed, where Dustin had lined their four newest boys, all of whom were sleeping, all swaddled up side by side, right in front of the pillows. 

“They're gorgeous, Todd,” Dustin said as he leaned in and kissed him on the cheek. “I already love them so much.”

 “As much as the twins?” Todd asked before he could stop himself. 

“Honestly?” Dustin asked, sounding hesitant. 

“Honestly,” Todd nodded. “You know you can tell me the truth,” he nodded some more. “I won't be…” 

“Honestly… Right now, I think I love them more than the twins,” Dustin admitted. 

To say Todd was surprised was an understatement… Honestly, he was shocked. 

“What? You can't be serious!” He shook his head. “The twins…”

“I know the twins actually are mine,” Dustin gently cut him off as he carefully leaned his muscled body in and pressed it against his. “So don't get me wrong…” he shook his head. “Of course, I love them with all my heart,” he assured. “But the reason I might love these four a little more right now is because I was here when they were born… I helped,” he nodded before asking, “Does that make sense?”

“It does,” Todd nodded. “Now don't get me wrong, but you're gonna go back to loving them all the same, right?”

“Of course,” Dustin confirmed. “But not yet.”

 “Why not?” Todd frowned. 

“Because right now, I wanna make sure you know how much I love you…”

“Oh?” He raised his brows. 

“Uh huh…” Dustin nodded as he suddenly knelt down in front of him. 

“What're you doing?” Todd asked. 

“You might not be hard now…” Dustin said as he untucked the towel and let it fall to the ground behind Todd. “But don't think I didn't notice how hard you were while you were giving birth to our sons…”

“Who are right there!” Todd whispered hissed as he suddenly found himself naked again. 

“They're asleep!” Dustin whispered back. “But you should probably try and keep quiet!” He chuckled in the same manner as he looked Todd up and down. “God…” he shook his head slowly. “I love you any way you look, but I've gotta say…” he shook it some more. “I loved the way you looked with that giant belly…”

“You're crazy!” Todd quietly giggled. 

“Crazy for you…”

“So corny!” He groaned. 

“Anyway…” Dustin giggled back. “I think you still look so hot right this very second,” he nodded as he moved his hands up to cup and frame the underside of Todd's still sizable, but much smaller and more pliant belly. 

“Ohmygod!” Todd quietly exclaimed as he tossed his head back and closed his eyes. 

Till that moment, he thought he'd wanted nothing more than to lay down and go to sleep while he had the chance, before any number of the quads (or the twins for that matter) needed his attention, but now that Dustin was once again paying special attention to him, he was willing to wait, and maybe even possibly forgo his chance at getting some rest. Whatever Dustin was about to do, something told him it was going to be worth it…

“What're you doing, Dus…” Todd started to ask, only to cut himself off and coo as he got his answer. “Oooo…”

As he moved his hands back to Todd's hips, Dustin leaned in and stooped a bit to take the big, soft head of his dick into his mouth. In an instant, the recently quadruplet-filled stripper was rock hard, and filling his partner's mouth, giving him a lot more to play with and pleasure, and giving him every reason to forget about how sore and tired he was. 

Todd's entire body shivered as Dustin started blowing him. At first, he was slow and sensual, but not for long… After just thirty or so seconds of languid pleasure, all of a sudden, Dustin really upped his ante and started devouring Todd's once again, fully engorged member with gusto. 

“Oooh, fuuuuuuck!” Todd moaned. 

Dustin moaned back around and against his dick, sending shivers up and down his spine, speaking of which, Todd was finally, almost able to fully straighten again, now that he was in fact almost 100 lbs lighter (well, maybe not quite, but still…) Not even a full minute into the first blowjob he'd received in some time and already, he was close to blowing… 

“Fuuuuck, Dustin…” Todd moaned out again. “I'm gonna… I'm ‘'bout to…”

“Mmmmhmmm!” Dustin encouraged with another nod as he further picked up his pace and efforts, suctioning his lips around the base of his cock as he continued bobbing his head forward and back. 

“OoooOooh fuuuuuuck!” Todd screamed, his left hand flying to cover his mouth to try and quiet himself as he came in buckets deep and far down Dustin's throat. 

“Mmmm…” Dustin moaned again as he continued to bob and now swallow. 

“Fuuuuuuck!”Todd squeaked as he bucked his aching hips against Dustin's lips. “Oooh, babe…” 

“You like that?” Dustin asked several seconds later, after popping his dick out of his mouth, holding it by its base and his tightened nutsack in his fist. 

“Like it?!” Todd laughed. “I LOVED it!” He nodded as he smirked down at Dustin, his legs suddenly wobbling. 

“Whoa, there…”

“I need to… Need to lay down…” Todd panted and then yawned. Obviously and rightfully so, he was exhausted. “But the… the babies…”

“One sec…” Dustin said as he quickly stood. “Well, maybe more than one…” he admitted. “But I'll be quick!” He promised as he dashed over to the bed and seemingly expertly, grabbed two of the quads at once, one in each arm, and then carried them over to the first of the two large bassinets in the room and gently placed them into it, before going back to retrieve the other two and carrying them off to the other. 

Shaky as his legs were, Todd remained standing where he was and watched. Had he not already fallen in love with Dustin years ago, he would've fully, right then and there. Once all of the quads, who miraculously, remained asleep through all the noise their birthing father had made and their transfers, had been placed, Dustin came back over to Todd and stood in front of him, smiling with his eyes and mouth, making him fall in love with him all over again…

“Now, let me put you in bed,” Dustin said. 

“Please…” Todd nodded. “You're gonna stay, right?” He asked as with Dustin's right arm wrapped around his waist, he slowly started waddling to his side of the bed. 

“No, I'm not staying the night,” Dustin shook his head as he pulled the cover and sheets back and helped ease him down onto the mattress. 

“Why not?” Todd frowned up at him. 

“Because, Todd…” Dustin smiled back. “I'm staying the rest of our lives, now get some rest,” he nodded as he tucked him in. “I'll take care of everything and everyone, unless any of the babies need feeding,” he said as he kissed Todd on the lips. 


Incredibly, all four of the quads slept through their first external night. So did Todd. Apparently, being born was as exhausting as it was to give birth… 

When Todd woke late that morning, it was to the sound of the babies softly cooing. He opened his eyes and saw all four of his newest sons wide awake but content, wearing pajamas he didn't remember them having on before he fell asleep. 


Todd was quiet and mindful as he got out of bed. As he suspected, he was still quite sore but thankfully, not as much as he had been right after giving birth four times in a row… He walked over, leaned down, and gently kissed each of the boys on the forehead. 

“Daddy'll be right back to feed you breakfast,” promised. “He just needs to use the bathroom first,” he said as he carefully turned and tottered away, no longer waddling, but not back to his normal gait just yet either. 

When he got into the bathroom, Todd was surprised again. It and everything in it, including the tub, was pristine. Everything was spotless, tidy and back in place following all the messy chaos earlier that morning. 

Once again, Dustin.

“I could really get used to this,” Todd muttered to himself as he peed standing in front of the toilet for the first time in months. “But I won't,” he shook his head. “We'll work together, of course.”

After peeing, he washed his hands and brushed his teeth before returning to the bedroom, where he grabbed two of the quadruplets, all of whom still needed to be named. As he got situated in bed with them and readied to feed, Todd wondered if Dustin would want to help or had any suggestions? He hoped so. They were their boys, after all… 

Not long after both boys latched on, Dustin entered the room carrying a tray, wearing only a pair of Todd's sweatpants from between pregnancies, slung low on his trim hips. Just a few smaller steps behind him, Declan and Taron entered, each with a plate in hand. 

“Mornin’, sunshine!” Dustin cheerily greeted. 

“Morning,” Todd smiled. “Someone was busy this morning! Did you even sleep?”

 “Only a little,” Dustin admitted. “But don't worry, I'm fine.”

“Being a parent is exhausting,” Todd belatedly warned, hoping he wouldn't scare Dustin off but already knowing at the same time, he wouldn't. 

“Yeah… I'm quickly coming to understand that, but I love it!” Dustin winked at him as he leaned in for a kiss. “And just so you know…” he said as he straightened back up. “I told the twins I'd carry their plates in for them, but they told me that they were big boys and could do it themselves!”

“And we did ‘cause we are!” Declan proudly proclaimed. 

“We wanted to eat with you and meet the babies!” Taron said. 

“That's so sweet boys,” Todd smiled. “The babies are excited to meet you too,” he nodded. 

“I hope you got some much needed and well-deserved rest?” Dustin asked. 

“I…” Todd started to reply but then Declan cut him off. 

“Daddy! We helped Dad make you breakfast!”

“You did?!” Todd replied, making it sound like that was the most exciting news ever. 

Declan nodded. “But he's the one who burned the pancakes!” He was quick to call out as he pointed at his Dad. 

His Dad. Dustin… 

Dustin laughed. “What the heck, Dec?! That was supposed to be our secret!” He shook his head before turning it to look back at Todd. “I swear, I make the best pancakes, but I was more than a little distracted by my helpers this morning!” He explained with a discreet eye roll only Todd could see. 

“Oh, I'm sure!” He laughed. 

As he did, Todd felt like he was about to cry… He almost couldn't believe his eyes… Dustin, his perfect man, the man of his dreams, was standing there in front of him, wearing his freaking sweatpants (and looking oh so sexy in them.) Not only that, he'd cleaned the bathroom, dressed and diapered the quads, and then had gone on to “help” the twins make breakfast… 

Todd couldn't believe that all of a sudden, this was his life?!

“Is something wrong?” Dustin asked him as he frowned. “Why are you staring at me like that..?” 

For the next several seconds, Todd didn't know what to say? Dustin looked equally cute (hot/handsome/sexy) as he did concerned as he waited for an answer. 

“I'm just… Just taking everything in,” he finally said. “Everything that's happened in what, the last day? It's a lot!” Todd laughed as he slowly shook his head. “But it's good!” He quickly assured. “All of it!” He nodded before asking, “Am I crazy, or did you dress the quads?”

“I did,” Dustin confirmed with a big nod and grin, looking really proud. “I also found the diapers and put them on so they wouldn't make a mess,” he shared. “But then they did, but it's OK!” He nodded. “I changed them like…” he looked down at the watch on his wrist. “Two hours ago, so we should be good a little longer.”

“Was this, I mean those, your first time changing diapers?” Todd asked. 

Dustin nodded. 

“And no issues?”

 “I don't think so?” He shook his head. 

“Jesus, Dustin!” Todd laughed. “Is there anything you can't do?” 

“Oh, don't you worry!” Dustin laughed. “There's still plenty of things I can't do, but for you and our boys, I'll learn whatever I need to in order to be a good dad, and…” he paused. “A good husband.”

“Hu-husb-husband?!” Todd haltingly repeated as his eyes shot wide open. 

“I mean, if you want me in your life like that?” Dustin said as he looked down, all shy and bashful. 

Todd looked from the nameless quads, the two suckling away at his chest and the others still over in the crib, then over at Declan and Taron as they set their plates down and then carefully climbed onto the bed to join him. Everyone seemed to just be waiting for his answer, even if they were busy eating, or about to… 

“I'm definitely not opposed to marriage,” Todd shook his head as he offered Dustin his closest hand. As soon as he took it and gently squeezed it, he continued. “But just so we don't jinx ourselves, I think we need to take it one step at a time, don't you?” He asked. 

Dustin sighed. “Yeah, you're probably right… But we're gonna be taking steps in that direction, aren't we?”

“I hope so!” Todd smiled and nodded.“‘Cause I love you, Dustin Bauer!” 

“I love you too, Todd Bilek,” Dustin nodded back, beautiful eyes shining bright. “And you too, Declan Bilek…” he paused as he rubbed Declan's head. “Bauer. And you too, Taron Bilek-Bauer,” he said as he did the same to him. 

The twins responded in a fit of giggles and shouted confirmations of their returned love, that made both of their parents grin and giggle before Todd suddenly got a little more serious again… 

“And what about the babies?” He asked. 

“Our nameless sons?” Dustin asked back. 

“Yeah, those four…” Todd rolled his eyes. 

“What about them?”

 “Well…” he sighed. “I know you love them just as much, but do you have any thoughts on names?”

 “Do you?” 

“A few…” Todd nodded. “But if you…”

“May I?” Dustin cut him off. 

“Sure,” Todd nodded again. 

“No, seriously…” Dustin, his future husband, stressed. “Can I…” he hesitated. “Can I…”

“You can name them,” Todd confirmed. “Actually, not only would it be oddly fitting, but I'd love that.”


“Don't ask me again, Dus…” Todd started to warn, only for Dustin to cut him off. 

“Marcus, Matthew, Micah and Miles…” Dustin quickly listed off, because unknown to his future husband, he already had a list of baby names he'd been saving for “whenever the time was right,” which apparently, was now… “Bauer,” he quietly finished. 

“Just Bauer?” Todd asked. 

“Do you want to hyphenate their names too, ‘cause…”

“No!” He shook his head. “I'm just…”

“Surprised I'd give them my last name?”

 Todd nodded. “I…”

“I went ahead and gave the twins my last name too, didn't I?” Dustin asked. “I know it's a bit preemptive, but I also know that you're going to take my last name too, so…” he trailed off while sounding just as serious as ever. “I don't mean to push things, but… Really!” He nodded again. “I want you all to move in with me as soon as possible!”

“Dustin, I…”

“Like I said… You don't have to worry about anything!” Dustin shook his head. “I can and will buy whatever you, and all the boys need.”

“But why?” Todd asked before he could stop himself. 

“Why?!” Dustin asked with a laugh. “Because I love you! All of you, with all my heart! Which means I want you to quit your job effective immediately, and let me take care of the rest, ‘cause you, Todd Bilek, are the man I've always dreamed of being with, so will you let me make my dream come true?” He asked as he raised his brows and extended his arms. 

“You're gonna have to come in for that hug you so deserve!” Todd smiled and nodded as his eyes clouded with tears. “You didn't know it till when, just yesterday?” He laughed. “But you've always been the man of my dreams!” He nodded again. 

“Is that so?”

 “So, and more!”

 “You don't know how happy I am to hear that!” Dustin said as he leaned in and kissed Todd again, more passionately than he ever had till then.

The End


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