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Becoming Monsters Chapter 10: The Succubus Life

     “Hold up, we aren’t done yet.”

     Honoka was in the process of rising out of her chair and stripping, irritated she would need yet another shower. Looking at the mess covering her walls and floor, she was even more irritated at not thinking of taking herself to the bathroom where cleanup would have been infinitely more manageable. She stopped, though, as Diane stumbled up and into the bathroom, coming back out with a towel and wiping the worst of the mess off of herself.

     “What? I appreciate you making a video of that, gonna probably get more hits from me than anything else on my computer, but what else do you plan on doing?” Honoka was confused, though she pulled up her pants anyway because she trusted Diane.

     “This isn’t a porno.” She paused, literally wringing thick white jism out of her hair. “Ok, this isn’t only a porno. This is an advertisement video.”

“Wait, I thought you said it would be a bad idea to tell people about my Class.” Honoka was agitated now, afraid of the world finding out about her.

     “I don’t mean we should put this on the Internet. We need to recruit people and that is going to require some pics or it didn’t happen. One fantastically powerful succubus will not be enough for your Super Friends With Benefits team. The video will only be on this ProGo and we won’t upload it anywhere. That way, we can control who sees it.” Diane smiled as she removed the remains of her shirt and bra, keeping the panties on. “We’ll go slow, we’ll vet each person carefully, we will not tell them everything at first, but the end of our pitch needs a little proof; otherwise, they won’t sign up. This video will be the closer and hopefully won’t scare them off when they realize volunteering comes with lots and lots of sex.”

     Resigned, Honoka nodded when she came to the same conclusion. “What do you want me to do?”

     “Take off your shirt and bra, that bursting through clothing thing wasn’t fun.” Diane strolled over to her boxes and looked through her supply of potions, her balance unpracticed as she tried to accommodate for her recent weight distribution. “Ok, it was a little fun, but also painful. Maybe we can find some specially tailored clothing to roleplay in later.” Diane came back holding two beakers full of red liquid, colored like movie-fake arterial blood. “Remember the Hunger Pangs potion I threw at you…gosh, was it really three nights ago? Anyway, I made up two more. Though they won’t fill you to 100%, they should give you enough time to arrange a proper feeding and wrangle your Hunger under control.”

     Honoka pulled her shirt off and unhooked her bra before she realized what was about to happen. “Nope! I am not stepping in front of your camera topless and changing into a boob goddess! People are going to see me naked!” Honoka backed away with her arms crossed in front of her, shaking her head.

     Diane rolled her eyes and whipped her dark green tail around, catching Honoka by the waist and pulled her in with a yelp. “We are trying to recruit people into a Class-based sex harem: they are going to see a lot of naked.”

     Diane used her feet to move the towel over the puddles of spunk, arranging herself and Honoka in the right angle for the video. “Here,” the succubus handed over one of the beakers, flicking the cork expertly with one thumb, “drink about half but don’t swallow until after your change is done, then drink the rest. I’ll hold onto the other bottle in case something goes wrong.”

     Honoka grew more irritated, yet she did as requested, gagging at the taste. Her right arm covering her nipples to retain her modesty, or tried to. She didn’t remember the potion from the time Diane threw it at her, but it tasted like musky, earthy blood. Not as unpleasant as some of the other concoctions Diane gave her, though still a far cry from delicious. Wanting to get it over with, she mentally called up her Status and scrolled down, sliding the Allocation bar to 100%.

     The transformation didn’t feel the same as last time, probably because her Hunger wasn’t completely empty. Instead of being blinded by lust, Honoka focused on feeling her body stretch and grow. It wasn’t like some invisible hand tugged on her skin and bones, rather like the bones built from the inside and pushing in all directions outward. The grinding and popping that came as a result of her skeleton growing at different rates then slipping back into their proper place felt weird, but it wasn’t painful. More like the kind of full-body stretch that a girl performed when waking up in the morning, her body experienced a sense of relaxation and completion.

     She was excited to feel her muscles plump up, practically bulging. More than last time, now it felt like she received the definition of an athlete, the power of it intoxicating to the ordinarily small and weak woman. Her muscles didn’t feel like some unnatural bloating took place. Instead, every muscle fiber would twitch, break apart and heal larger, over and over again quickly as corded power cut underneath her black skin. Her arms thickened and then pushed a little to the sides to make room for surging lats. After their initial growth, they softened a bit as the muscle fibers were no longer inflamed, but it was more strength than the young woman ever experienced in her life. Honoka realized she wanted more. Much more.

     A tightness in her crotch and butt interrupted her thoughts when she remembered the forgotten panties. As the Beast shrunk back into her clit, like before, her flat backside exploded into a ghetto booty of epic proportions, eating her panties whole and tightening them into a thong three sizes too small, fabric pressing painfully and erotically into her wet womanly folds. Her hips took on massive curves, splitting the side seams of her pants near the waistband.

     “Oops, should have realized that.”

     Honoka spared a moment to look over at Human Diane. They were around the same height, no longer did Honoka need to look a foot higher to see into the other woman’s eyes. The woman with the frizzy ginger hair was having trouble holding her thong up, the garment far too large for her slim hips. Honoka struggled holding her laughter while not accidental swallowing the potion too soon, barely noticing her purple wings and horns coming in but definitely feeling her tail find the lip of her cloth pants and forcing them further down her hips as it grew over the top of the waistband. The rest of the pants became tight capris as they stretched to contain her thick thighs and calves.

     The main event came last, like a beautiful gift from her Class, the almost-succubus trying to remember why she was covering her growing breasts instead of enjoying them. These did feel like hot water pouring into water balloons, Honoka vaguely curious about the actual makeup of a succubus’ boobs. Instead of stopping at their previous handfuls, these kept growing and growing and Honoka discovered firsthand that the more massive the tits of a succubus, the more sensitive they became.

     Honoka gave up resisting, one hand kneading fingers deep in the hot chocolate as her skin rippled and stretched with the sounds of leather pants rubbing tightly together. Her other hand, holding the cold glass of the beaker, made good use of the smooth bottle and pressed it hard around her burgeoning black nipple and dotted areola. Some of the potion in her mouth spilled out as a soft moan escaped, causing her to flick her elongated tongue and quickly lap the drops up back into her pouty, luscious lips. For an entire minute, she lost herself to the sensations and reveled in the growth as her breasts became boobs, then tits, then black mammary boulders.

     “Honoka, swallow.”

     Slowly opening her eyes, Honoka saw a naked redhead with a little yellow glow around her, both her hands resting on Honoka’s shoulders. Blinking, Honoka came out of her stupor and swallowed the liquid in her mouth reflexively, almost as if her throat was designed to guzzle. Gaining more clarity while the warm potion filled her up, Honoka drank the rest of the elixir in her hand - thankfully, in her lustful ministrations, only a little of it spilled on her side and breast. Peering back around, Diane already pulled off the cork on the other beaker and handing it over, which the black succubus gladly drank.

     “I hope this doesn’t become a thing, I actually want to spend a lot of time as a human, not worry about Hunger and be able to work on things with a clear head.” Diane went to the ProGo and shut it off, looking up at the lightening dawn sky outside the window. “I mean about you needing potions to stave off Hunger. Each of those beakers costs me three hundred dollars in ingredients.”

     Honoka swallowed the last mouthful then tried to spit it back out, gulping it down with a cough. “That’s too much, I can’t drink this anymore!”

     “Haha! I hope we don’t need them, I invented the recipe as a kind of in case of emergency thing. I’ll give Phillip a call - he’s the cop who helped move me out. He and his wife will stop by to get your Hunger up to 100%. I’d love you to ravish me, but even though I appear human right now, I’m not sure if you sucking my energy will drain my own Hunger for later. Kinda defeats the purpose.” She mopped as much of the cold semen off the floor and walls with the towel, holding it away from her like it was radioactive and threw the whole sodden mess into the tub. “Ick.”

     “Wh-what do you mean, have a m-m-man and his wife come over? They can’t come over, my parents are coming over!” Even as she said it, though, the thought of a long, hot cock inside her warmed her pussy made her hungry, like watching a commercial for a steak dinner.

     “You didn’t choose the succubus life, the succubus life chose you.” The showerheads turned on, filling the bathroom with delightful warmth. Honoka decided a quick rinse was needed, joining Diane while the ginger filled her entire palm with shampoo. “Welcome to what I deal with every day. Sex is either something you acclimate to, or you die. I think you might know something about that more than most people.” Honoka felt a pang of guilt, not really understanding her partner’s issues.

     After they showered in silence - no hanky-panky, just getting clean - Diane asked to borrow some clothing. Before she put something on, there came a knock at the door and they quickly switched back for Honoka’s breakfast and returned to her own size before allocating everything again. It was a good experiment because before the second switch, they checked Honoka’s Hunger level: holding at a steady 48%. While waiting for her food to digest, Honoka and Diane planned what they were going to do about the guild proposal, the succubus logging on the computer while making a few calls. An hour later, back in a succubus body, Honoka summoned her Status and discovered the Hunger hadn’t decreased.

     Odd, Honoka thought, where did my free Attribute points go? Shaking her head, the allocated succubus decided to worry about it later.

     “This proves a theory of mine,” Diane spoke as she put on a peach spaghetti tank top and burnt orange skirt of Honoka’s, both looking much too small but the human ginger made them work. She was missing underwear and going free, finding an old pair of flip flops that fit from Honoka’s closet. “Whenever you borrow my succubus Race and put it on, you are pulling it out of a stasis or storage or whatever magical Status equivalent there is. An hour should have been enough to lose a percent or two, but it didn’t budge. If this is the case, you just need to remember what percent your Hunger is when you last allocated and it should be fine. My own Hunger appears to work the same way when we switched.”

     Honoka nodded, not saying anything more as she mopped up the floor for the third time, hoping to eliminate any evidence of ejaculate - male and female - from her apartment. She discovered the +4 to her Intelligence also didn't make her any smarter but instead helped her think quicker. Meaning she suffered mental anxiety at an accelerated rate instead of discovering the cure for her anxiety. The small room once again stiflingly filled with the stench of bleach. Honoka’s mind wandered elsewhere, worried about the impending meeting with her parents while trying to deal with the balance problems from the reality of her tits swinging free as she worked, no bra or shirt in either woman’s wardrobes hoping to contain Honoka’s massive fleshiness.

     Diane left with a hug and a kiss that lingered, taking with her all the laundry and Honoka’s keys in two overstuffed hampers down to the van. The currently human succubus said she would be back that afternoon, but she required time to finish her errands and would cover any overage costs with the rental vehicle if she kept it another day. Apparently, she felt safe enough as a human because no one knew her real name, not even her closest friends and especially not Church. Diane Long - the name on her illegally made but most often used driver’s license - was a sexy succubus with fiery red hair and green wings and a tail. Bronagh Lonnegan - the name on her equally illegally made ID - was just another Irish girl in Boston with frizzy red hair and no wings or tail. The picture was taken an hour ago and fit neatly into a specially prepared slip of plastic and dipped in a tray with a gray potion sizzling in it. The finished product appeared very authentic.

     Full of too much anxiety, Honoka spent her morning scrubbing the apartment immaculate, stacking and organizing Diane’s things, removing the broken metal support for her mattress under the box springs and shoving them into her closet, letting the bed rest on the floor. Typically, the mattress would have been too heavy for the small black woman, but the Amazonian black succubus was up to the task. It was exhilarating. Then the bleach smell grew so bad she propped open her door, providing a cross breeze from the open window while she refilled her potpourri cooker and continued with the little details of a thorough cleaning.

     *knock knock*

     Honoka spun around, trying and failing to cover her celestial bodies with one arm as they flopped around, panicking because the door was wide open. She was kneeling on the ground while cleaning the inside of her oven, making her rather filthy. The only article of clothing she wore was a pair of baby blue short gym shorts she found in Diane’s clothing bags, the smooth polyester not entirely fitting her slimmer waist and hips.

     “Hello, Honoka?” A short, cute woman with curly brown hair and thick, round glasses poked her head inside, holding a bag of Chinese takeout boxes. She appeared in her forties, some gray highlighting her hair and smile wrinkles on her face. The older woman wore a sheer white button blouse over a red tank top, jean capris and brown sandals finishing her outfit. New succubus instincts picked out little details and informed Honoka that although this woman displayed the hips of a mother and her D sized breasts might be naturally sagging a bit, her tight waist spoke of a woman who exercised regularly while her tanned skin said she liked being outdoors. The sexual aura around her was so bright it flashed in the room, a turquoise color assaulting the succubus’ senses like a wild cougar. In other words, the perfect MILF.

     “It's us, Philip and Georgia Miner.” The man that followed wore a police uniform and held a few bags from outlet stores. “Diane texted us and asked us to come over. Said the safeword was ‘lollipop.’” The cop - Philip - looked medium height and also middle-aged, though he maintained impressive shoulders and only a bit of a gut under his vest. His face was square and lined, short crew cut mostly gray, but his light blue eyes were both kind and assuring. His aura was a fiery orange, but far more subdued than his wife’s blinding light. From under his arm, he pulled out and waved a manila folder before setting it down next to the floor. “Also got those profiles Diane asked for.”

     “Eep.” Only seconds passed before Honoka’s anxiety forced an involuntary sound out of her as they both turned and spied the furiously blushing black succubus crouched in front of an oven. Philip politely averted his eyes after an appreciative masculine glance, but Georgia gave Honoka a pitying look, her hazel eyes bugging exaggeratingly inside her glasses.

     “You poor thing! Don't worry, Diane told us everything.” She set down the food and took the clothing bags from her husband while setting them closer. “Get changed. We’ll be out here when you're ready.” Georgia shooed her husband out and closed the door behind them.

     After the initial shock wore off, Honoka found herself more angry than embarrassed. How dare she, the dark succubus thought, pulling out her phone and firing off an angry text to Diane.

Honoka: wht did you tell them?!
Diane: R the Miners thr?
Honoka: they know everything??
Diane: i told them some 1/2 truth, but U can trust them
Honoka: [*angry devil emoji*]
Honoka: [*censored swearing angry emoji*]!
Diane: U mad?
Diane: [*screaming shocked emoji*] O, sry! NO, i told them a story, they think you got a bad potion from somewhere (not me!) that status cursed you into a “were-suc” and im purchasing ingredients for a cure, so you r a new suc n dont have cloths that fit n need to feed
Honoka: …fine
Honoka: but we are going to have WORDS later
Diane: [*nervous sweatdrop emoji*]
Diane: ps: make sure to take the vials marked C and A from my case before you start

     Honoka put away her phone, mollified slightly, wandering over to Diane’s honeycomb case filled with vials, pulling out the magical sex potions. With more energy, she moved to the dozen or so bags of clothing the Miners brought. Most were from various affordable outlet stores, the clothing inside looking cute but straightforward. Two sizeable pink paper satchels from Vivian’s Secret were stuffed with bras and panties. Reaching in, it was like a lingerie rainbow as she plucked out a lace teal push-up, the cups massive and labeled 29HH (73HH). Grinning, wanting to see what she would look like. She found the matching teal thong and skipped to her bathroom, giving herself a quick wash in the sink before playing dress-up.

     “Oh my,” she said in her best starship helmsman impersonation, turning side to side to see everything. HH breasts were not small to begin with, but atop her slight frame, they looked gargantuan. With a push-up, her cleavage dominated her entire body, the bra a little snug as her pillows overflowed the cups slightly. The lace also gave quite the show, her areola and dark nipples visibly hinted as their erect hardness tented the fabric slightly. The thong fit her like a lover, even with a convenient slit in the back she was able to slide her tail through, the sheer lace revealing most of her womanhood to the world.

     “Is everything ok? Do the clothes fit?”

     Startled, the succubus forgot there were people outside her door, she was so excited about the clothing. “Just a minute!” Rushing back out, she found a pair of jean shorts cut only a tad more modest than the panties and a plain white T. The shorts fit a little too tight and left the top and bottom of her prodigious booty exposed, while the T stretched taut against her breasts and made the fabric sheer enough to see the green bra underneath, only enough material in the shirt to reach the top of her abdomen, leaving her midriff exposed. Usually, Honoka knew she wouldn't be caught dead wearing any of this clothing, but something inside her purred contently to show off her body this way. With a sigh, tugging the shirt down again in mild frustration, she gave up and opened the door.

     “Oh, you look absolutely fantastic!” Georgia said as she came in for a motherly - and also a bit intimate - hug, giving Honoka a closer inspection after. “Diane gave us your measurements and the type of clothing you like, but there’s only so much numbers can do for a final fit. They look a little small on you, but they should work until you can go out on your own and find something more to your liking. Also, Diane let us know about your language preferences. We’ll do our best to keep it clean.”

     “Th-thank you,” Honoka said, unsure what to do in this situation, the mere touch of the woman warming her. It looks like the slut wardrobe was Diane's idea, something the already irritated Honoka added to her revenge list. She disengaged and invited the couple in, closing the door and realizing there was no place for them to sit. Never entertained guests. The whole thing made her very nervous. “I'm sorry there aren’t any chairs…”

     “Pish posh! We’ll sit on the floor while we eat, it looks perfectly clean.” The woman was a force of nature, setting the bag of food down and pulling out boxes before she paused, matter-of-factly. “Unless you need to feed your Hunger first, then we can eat after. Nothing like a naked lunch, haha!”

     Honoka blushed but also flushed with heat, her succubus instincts conflicting with her natural shyness. Between her typical horniness and the added instinctual lust waring with each other, it got difficult to determine what she wanted. “N-no, we can eat.”

     The food smelled great, mingling with the other smells of both their auras and the cleaners and potpourri, it remained a wonder there were any distinct odors to sift out of the mix. Honoka served cranberry juice for the couple and milk for herself. Philip removed his vest and belt, getting comfortable with the other women as they opened the white boxes and passed around the food.

     “So how do you know Diane?” Georgia asked around her mushu.

     “We’re engaged.” Honoka wasn't thinking when she replied, too many other things going through her head, enjoying her sweet and sour. After a few moments, she realized what she said and looked up, both Philip and Georgia staring at her with their mouths open.

     “WHAT?” Georgia pulled out her phone, ferociously typing as she muttered. “I am going to slow roast that girl over some coals, she…Phil, you investigate, I’ll give batgirl the third degree.”

     Philip seemed a little surprised, but maybe his job allowed him to keep his emotions in check. “Congratulations. How long have you been a couple?”

     “I met her on Wednesday, proposed to her on Friday.” Honoka shrunk under the intense gaze of the policeman, deciding on some honesty as the best policy. “I know it seems fast, but it's mostly my fault. I have religious issues. Also, I'm not human, then there's…other Race concerns as well.”

     His eyes bored into her, searching through what she said and what she looked like. In a quiet tone, soft enough Georgia probably couldn't hear, Philip said, “There isn't a potion problem with you, is there.” He spoke it as a statement.

     Honoka shook her head.

     Philip nodded, putting some thought into what he planned to say. “Do you know Diane’s story when the Change happened?”


     “When she was ten years old, her parents died in a car crash, then she entered into foster care. When she turned eleven, she was taken while she and other foster kids visited a mall for her birthday. The man,” Philip’s entire face hardened as if the word lacked enough rage and hatred, “took Diane and chained her in his basement. For three years, he kept her as a pet and sexually assaulted her regularly. When he wasn't around, he apparently let her watch old movies and play video games - nothing connected to the Internet, obviously. I can't even begin to think about how she stayed sane during those years, yet she did. In fact, despite her situation and everything, she gave herself a rudimentary education using DVDs and RPGs.

     “When the Change happened, the sicko was in flagrante. Succubus instincts took over, draining the fool completely dry. A week later, I was the officer who found her: emaciated, feral with Hunger and in the process of gnawing her foot off to get out of the chain.”

     Honoka was aghast. She didn't think life like that was possible. She would have rather died, but Diane lived it for three years. Philip continued, Georgia still texting but looking more subdued as she listened.

     “We took her in. Our boys just left for college, and we had the room. Getting her to adjust to life as a succubus was…energetic.”

     “Honestly, she saved our marriage,” Georgia interjected. “Nothing like daily mind-blowing sex to rekindle the spark.”

     “It took a while, but we eventually adjusted.” Philip wore a small smile as he picked up his food again and took a bite. “Diane attended classes online and passed her GED when she was sixteen. Afterward, the new laws were in place and Diane joined a brothel to save money for an alchemy business the young woman wanted to open. I keep an eye on her as often as I can, yet she wants to do everything herself. Solomon Church is slime but he’s protected and while succubus prostitution is technically legal, it's heavily regulated and Church keeps his permits up to date. So when Diane called me and said she was getting out, we were overjoyed.”

     “We love Diane dearly,” Georgia said simply, putting her phone down and reaching over to place both hands on Honoka’s leg. “And no reason we can’t love you, too.”

     Honoka wept freely, emotions overtaking her sense of embarrassment and propriety. She didn't know what to say and her food was forgotten, but she put her hands over Georgia’s and shared in the moment.

     “So,” Philip broke the moment, lifting an eyebrow, “who’s ready for dessert?”


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