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This is actually two games i played two games its a two for one wow what the fuck. 

The first game here is called An Evil Existance. Yeah, it's an evil existence alright. So evil it nearly blew up my playstation. So i swiftly discarded it and started playing the scary baby game instead, which is even scarier than it sounds. 

The Child's Sight is too scary, no one should play it. It makes me feel like a baby. A helpless baby with only my music playing stretchy dog to protect me, which i still have and now my cat plays with it. This brings me great joy and is what i wish to focus on rather than remember the scary baby game. 

The only baby thing scarier than this game is Jeff Goldblum in Boss Baby 2, which i saw one time because i got bored of Fast 9 and wandered into a different theater. It would have been an okay movie but Jeff Goldblum's character was too disturbing and gave me night terrors. I've tried to forget but THE MEMORRRRYYYYY REMAAAAIINNNSSSSS. 


the child's sight / an evil existence


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