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Evil Within 2 was too much fun so i had to go back to the asinine first one to torture myself, you know, for context. You'll find no finer torture throughout the 10 planets of Hell than the crap-shitting ball-busting boss battles in this gruesome game. Well two can play at that game in this game, cause i'm gonna play my own game, and it's called If The Game is gonna torture me I'm gonna Torture The Game Right Back Because I AM... THE GAME." Then i spit water but the water is blood because it's Halloween and i'm just typing at this point it's a stream of consciousness like a stream of my fists flying at this hammer douche's stupid box-face. 

Speaking of nonsensical streams of consciousness that don't know when to end and go on well past the point of coherence, straight into the realm of mind-numbing ranting insanity something something fuck this game and it's shitty boss battles this video is full of em. I mean full of it. Full of shit, that is. Crack Mold. Texas Pee. 

I got a story for ya. Its a story about a man named Sebastion, mon. He had a tough time of it. He went through all kinds of shit. But he prevailed because he was pissed off and sick of these shitty fucking puzzles that can't decide if they wanna be boss battles or puzzles or boss battles. This games full of em. I mean full of it. Full of shit that is. Oh wait, i already said that. Well some things bear repeating. Just like i bear a repeating revolver, blam blam blam blam blam blam that's six shot's baby emptied out right into box-head's stupid box, not that it matters because you can't just kill any of the bosses into this game by killing them oh no you gotta run around the room first and turn valves and find valves and look for valves and just do a bunch of stupid crap with valves that you dont wanna be doing and the whole time you're getting beat up. It sucks and it makes me mad but who cares i already forgot what i'm talking about. 

God i just want pizza. pizza and candy. My halloween has been ruined. Oh god i'm sick of video games and sick of talking about videogamees look out people im having a crisis here its time to fuckin run off into the woods again for another 7 years and have a crisis yeee-haw when i get back you better have supper on the table and it better be pizza and candy or so help me i'm going back in the woods for 11 years and not coming out until im ready. And i'll only be ready when box-head is dead. 




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