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This was a song i did for a submission based e-zine, for an episode on the topic of "water". Unfortunately i may have goofed it up, as it's demonstrably impossible for my ill communications to be anything other than straight fire. 

I figured everyone else would send in simple vlogs and video footage, so as usual i went above and beyond and effortlessly composed the dopest aquatic rhymes and the smoothest damn flow you've ever soaked your ears in. You're gonna sink into this groove and you're gonna drown in it, that's how rich and fuckin glistening it is. A sonic experience unparalleled on the noise-polluted surface. 

Float to the rhythm of my poetry and prose. This masterpiece ain't available anywhere else yet, because i'm gonna tinker with the production some more, at some point, maybe. Or i'll forget to and it'll just be a patreon exclusive forever and ever. I don't care either way, it's in the past now and i'm fresh outta time. I have new rhymes to rap and new raps to rhyme. 

Also yes, that's a donkey kong beat. Why wouldn't it be?

I'll post lyrics later unless i forget to. 

Oh hey it's later. 

King's Thirst

H to the double 0, ice in my lemonade

fresher, more refreshing than a lemon-lime gatoraide

i got it made, hydrated, and disciplined

you best be listenin, so fresh and clean I’m glistenin

you maybe seen an otter, im something even odder

im like a street shark, only for the water

i spit my drink out in bursts likes im hunter hearst

helmsley, help me, quench my kings thirst

If i had a ton of money i would fund an expedition

in a submarine, no hostile conditions impede the mission

for you see the deeper we go, the more i feel like nemo

the captain from the novel, not the fish, i wish you'd read mo'

i wish that you were literate cause if you were a little bit

you'd know that it's below the ocean secret ufos exist

and pyramids, im down here on the sea floor

to explore forgotten mysteries of history and lore

artifacts of humanity's past lost to time

im finding atlantis you got your habbits i got mind

like losin my mind in lovecraftian sunken cities

surface just in time to see chicks in bikinies ass and fuckin titties

H to the double O 

Ice In My lemonade 

Fresher more refreshing than a lemon-lime gatoraide

i got it made, hydrated, and disciplined

you best be listenin, so fresh and clean im glistening

you maybe seen an otter, im something even odder

im like a street shark, only for the water

i spit drinks out in burst like im hunter hearst

helmsley, help me

I have a king's thirst

Sometimes i hang out in the shower for an hour

winnin mental debates with my intelectual power

and just philosophizing, thinkin, decompressin i guess

and also masturbatin, pleasurin flesh to lessen stress

i aint so hot on sodey pop anymo'

i got a water bottle on me everywhere that i go

so now the sweetest i get

is all the tea that i sip

and i dont even sweeten it, i keep it naturalist

i need it dark, brown, dirty, earthy, leafy and take

it hot it or cold either way, and i like my coffee opaque

so just give me a break

with all your aspartame

carbonated diabetes in a can, shit's lame. 


kings thirst