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Beer Quest Playlist: (ep 17 - 32)


Here's like 16 new beer quest videos, filmed over a 2 day period for no reason. Watch in wide eyed wonder as I progressively get more drunk and insane. See me perform amazing feats of madness and improvisational comedic genius such as

-Falling down stairs

-Simulating cunnilingus on a broken beer bottle

-Reciting Edgar Allen Poe's The Raven from memory

-Singing pitch perfect renditions of Ozzy Osbourne's coolest songs. 

-Wearing a cool Donatello shirt. 

-Spying on my idiot landlord

-Revealing deeply personal childhood trauma

-Revealing too much information about my sex life

-Being hilarious nonstop. 

-Making the single greatest Wiener Dog joke in all of human history.

-probably other stuff too

So prepare yourselves for well over an hour of pure stupidity. 

This might be my last post for about a week, which for me is an agonizingly long time to go without making any cool shit.  But I gotta take care of some IRL biz.  When I come back tho, I'm gonna blow all your minds, so study up for your beer quest exam. This nonsense does indeed have a point. A super cool point...


Beer Quest: Oculto



