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Okay, i didn't put this in the review, but i have to say it somewhere. Look at the Title of this movie. The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then Bigfoot. Pretty cool name for a movie, sounds rad, that's what got my attention in the first place. But look again. That's not the title. 

It's The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then THE Bigfoot. What kind of Mandala bullshit is this? I've been saying it wrong the whole time, and the worst thing is the actual title doesn't even sound as cool. It sounds worse! The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then Bigfoot has a rhythm to it, it flows. It's the superior title. Putting an extra THE before Bigfoot ruins it. It doesn't roll off the tongue as well anymore and besides that it's fucking pointless! Nobody says THE Bigfoot. He's just Bigfoot! Who the fuck has ever said THE Bigfoot? Like he's a notorious outlaw or something. 

I've heard people say A Bigfoot before, it's rare but you do hear it. Even that would make some sense, because if there's one Bigfoot it stands to reason there would be more. But if that's the case, which Bigfoot gets to be THE Bigfoot. It makes no fucking sense! No one in history has ever said THE Bigfoot. It sounds terrible and it ruins the whole title of the movie which, let's be real, owes 99 percent of its marketability to having a cool sounding title. 

This actually makes me kind of mad. Like what the fuck. Why did they call it that and why did no one say "we don't need that extra The in there it's meaningless and ruins it". Now it's too late, and i don't like the movie anymore. I CAN'T like the movie anymore. It ruined itself. It sounds too stupid. Why did i have to notice the truth? Why couldn't i have stayed ignorant?

No. Bullshit. I know what it was. It WAS The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then Bigfoot. There was no "THE" before Bigfoot, i'm fucking sure of it. Nobody could be that stupid, to put that in there, and not notice how inherently fucking WRONG it sounds. This is a mistake. I blame Cern. 

Well anyways before all this Stein's Gate timeline shifting horse shit ruined everyone's fun, this WAS a pretty cool movie. Please enjoy this review from back before the title of the movie took a dump on itself and I could still enjoy it. 

What were they thinking?


The Man Who Killed Hitler and Then Bigfoot -SSBS



The Endless Jess


the title is actually Man Who Killed The Hitler and Bigfoot

Nicholas Mata

Love Elliot. He’s also a great lead in that one movie where he fucks Donna from that 70s show, think it came out around the same year I dunno