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I first picked up Phantom Brave for the PS2 at a random hole in the wall game store, with no prior knowledge of it beyond the cutesy box art. Its a Nippon Ichi Tactical RPG like Disgaea, except Disgaea is more like DisGAYa because it's totally lame and Phantom Brave is a million times cooler, even though i've never heard anyone else talk about it. I know it was also released on the wii at one point, and obviously it's on steam. Buy it cause it rules. 

I don't really hate Disgaea it's just a joke, but also fuck Disgaea. Am i even spelling it right? I played the Prinny game and i own a Tsunami Bomb cd, that's how much i know about Disgaea, ok?

What i like about Phantom Brave, aside from the graphics and the characters and the art style, and story, and the music, and the entire aesthetic, all of which is comfy as fucking shit, it's the way all the little quirks of it's battle system and innovations to the tactical formula that make it uniique. 

For example, this game is not on a grid. You can move anywhere. Which doesn't sound impressive in any other kind of game but trust me it's totally rad here. The central gameplay gimmick of has to do with the main character's power of transmogrifying inanimate objects, including weapons and part of the scenery, into playable characters. 

I think what stopped me from ever getting in to Disgaea was that it's gay as shit. Like, it's supposed to take place in hell, and all the characters are like evil demons and satans and stuff, but they all have cutesy anime voices and look like chibi twinks. It's fucking stupid, I hate disgaea. 

Phantom Brave on the other hand knows it's cutesy, and embraces it without trying to piss in my ear and tell me it's edgy. It's sincere. This is a real feel-good vibes kind of game. It's fucking adorable, and it kicks ass. 

Umm. Wait. What the hell am i doing? This is like a legitimate ass review in my random ass patreon post. You know what. Damn right it is. I'm going with it. I can just dead ass write a review as a post. I can do whatever the hell i want, i'm cool. 

Also there's a video. Obviously. Watch me play the game so you can see how cool it is. For some reason the audio came back quiet on this footage, but who cares, just turn it up, dawg. 

Uh. Alright that's it. that's all the posts.


phantom brave blue glow


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