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Hey here’s a video wow holy crap. CoOL.

I’m on a train, i haven’t slept in like 40 hours, and i’m too high on train drugs to write this, so it’s just gonna be a weird rambling something or other. They don't even got wi-fi on here so by the time you read this i'll be living in your future while you're stuck in my past. But that ain't nothin new. I've been ahead of the curve since before they even laid down the rails. That's a train-boast.

I’m sitting here in a booth all alone in this empty dining car just writing my fuckin memoirs while waiting for the breakfast car to open in 2 hours. It’s awesome. I’m living my life right. Who among you can say the same?

Okay so this is a video i made about the world famous new Disney + streaming service. It has a script and editing which these days is like catching a double rainbow from my podcastin, lets playin ass. 

This video also contains jokes and humor. As well as… eh, well that’s pretty much all it has. Jokes, humor, a runtime of less than 10 minutes, really that’s all you need. Anything else would be uncivilized. 

Like everything i do, this here video gold is gonna be Patreon exclusive for now, maybe forever. Who knows. Depends how i feel after breakfast. 

“Who knows.” looks better with a period than a question mark, btw. Just letting you know that’s a stylistic choice, not a mistake. I don’t make mistakes, I’m a millennial. 

By the time you read this i’ll have already had breakfast, which means in addition to this high quality exclusive content, you will also most likely be getting an update on the quality of train-breakfast. Lucky you, receiving all this vital information and life-knowledge. I wish i was fortunate enough to be you reading me, but that would mean being unfortunate enough to not be me writing me, so never mind.

Apparently “never mind” is two words, according to spell check. Who knew (stylistic choice). I have to say i don’t agree with that at all. I always thought it was one word, like the Nirvana album, Nevermind. 

Oh man there i go showing my age again. Hell yeah. I’m such a Grunger

I’m Lazlow and this is V-Rock. Here’s some fucking Skin Yard. 

(note to self, when have wi-fi, link Skin Yard here). 


Update: Breakfast was good. They sat me in a booth with two old dudes and i became one of them. I had coffee and pancakes and it cost 18 dollars which is not okay, but that's life. I’m gonna do more train drugs now. Who’s gonna stop me. You? Not likely. I’m Mr. Fucking Conductor. 

Hooray. Lizard Shit. Fuck. 


disney plus video

guide to disney plus or whatever.



I've heard that "What are you doing to my head?" before lol, it might have been a sample but I think it was Colt Corona.

Nicholas Mata

Brady Bunch Movie Greg Brady is the definitive voice of Spidey whenever I read comics too .


These stories alone are worth being here. Keep being you, my dude.