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Hey, remember adventure time? Well here's that, but a video game... and it rules. I don't know what more to say about it really. You play as Finn and Jake and you sail around Ooo like the the fuckin Wind Waker singing sea shanties. It's clearly the best game ever made. 

This right here is just a good old fashioned cool commentary on a rad game based on a kickass show that i miss dearly. Adventure Time was so great. The pain of its absence bores deeper into my chest with each passing day in this joyless dystopia. For as the 2010s give way to the next decade, a decade of rapid collapse and all-pervading hopelessness, nostalgic treasures of the failed "new sincerity" like Adventure Time are doomed to become forgotten relics of a bygone era. The world has moved on and so has all optimism. 

I remember the early 2010s, how colorful they were, how pure. There seemed to be so much future back then. Maybe it was our youth that rose-tinted things, but there also seemed to be an upbeat, earnest atmosphere to the culture at large. There was tranquility then, you could still go to a party and feel welcome. You didn't get attacked or shrieked at for wearing the wrong funny costume, there were no drunk bitches loudly talking over everyone to assert their infantile understanding of political or social issues, no weak-minded losers getting mad at jokes. 

There was laughter then, humor, kindness, civility, friendliness, things that aren't allowed anymore. At a certain point in the last decade people just got shittier, the world became meaner, and stupider, especially in America. We now live in a world of anger, of mindless rage and constant division. 

The evils of prejudice and close-mindedness are once more taking root, and growing in strength all around us, threatening to choke the very humanity out of us. The perceptive among us see what is coming, and live under the Sword of Damocles, knowing it's far too late to change course. The world is doomed and the people have become monsters. 

I'm not saying it's all because Adventure Time ended, but that certainly didn't help.  

Oh crap i made myself sad. Please enjoy this happy and funny video game commentary/weird married with children sitcom. That's it for me today, i'm gonna retire to my bedchambers now and spend another night wrapped in the comforting solitude of darkness, weeping for my lost generation, and thrashing about with bitter contempt for the next one. 

Love you <3


Adventure Time Pirate Game

Broadcasted live on Twitch -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/endlessjess



How could you get any solitude with that belligerent squatter around?

Ian Salyers

I wanna see baby Jess with a pet goose now.