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 Ha Ha here's another funny wrestling podcast I'm dying inside tee hee!

On this episode of "Recording Random Podcasts In The Middle of Nowhere Because What The Hell Else Am I Gonna Do?" I talk about yet another disastrous WWE Saudi Arabia Show, and some more New Japan Stuff, which is generally less disastrous. Also i talk a lot about beans in this episode for some reason. Leave me alone i just love beans. 

Blah Blah Blah, jokes jokes jokes, words... words.. paragraphs. Bleh. Here's another fuckin thing i did, you get the point. 

I'm in a mood today. A dog i know i died and i'm cryin. Also I had like... night terrors or something last night. You ever have those? When you wake up in the night screaming and you know in your bones there's a fucking demon in the room with you. What the hell is that? Is that something that happens to me now? Is that like... a getting older thing? I just wake up now and there's demons? Great. Things just keep coming up Milhouse. 

You know what's even worse than night-terrors tho? Day-terrors. That's when it's daytime and you're trying to live your cruel joke of a life when you suddenly remember that absolutely every single facet of it is a crushing, inescapable nightmare to the point where you wouldn't even know where to start explaining it to people, and the sheer volume of endlessly compounded horrors that you've faced on a daily basis for decades is so far beyond what anyone would ever be able to believe or comprehend that to even chip away at the mountain of shit before you seems completely impossible, and you're so mentally and spiritually exhausted from it all that you've become utterly incapable of seeing anything good in life, or even existing in the here and now because the only existence you've ever known is a constant state of spiraling terror, forever torn between the un-healing pain of the past and the bleak, hopeless fear of the future, which looms on the horizon like a black storm from hell, and everything just sucks and no one will ever understand you and you'll never be okay and nothing will ever be good and you're still just a kid with an older body and time's running out and there's no escaping any of it. 

Don't you just hate it when that happens?

Oh well. C'est la vie. At least my Patreon seems to be doing okay. Look at that goal meter. I'm closing in on that "Help" goal. Whatever that means. Thank you. Love you. Good times. Maybe i should do something if it hits the goal. Yeah, i'll do something. I probably should have saved this for a more upbeat post. 

Well anyways, here's wrestling. 


Wrestling! - More Mox, Undertaker Saudi Disaster, by Endless Jess

Wrestling! - More Mox, Undertaker Saudi Disaster by Endless Jess, released 27 June 2019


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