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Ah yes, Scary Spooky Bullshit month, that magical time of the year when i make scary spooky videos about scary spooky stuff because it's October or something. You may have noticed that my scary spooky october videos seem to have slowed down. Well there's a good reason for that. I'm not home, I ran away. I am literally 1000 miles away from my workstation, and i ain't coming back till Turkey Time.

I had planned for Scary Spooky Bullshit to last all month, with not just videos about cool movies i watched but also songs and skits and other random scary crap, but an opportunity came up that i couldn't ignore, so i had to leave town. 

Basically i got a chance to tag along on a car ride to see someone i don't get to see very often. I'd be stupid to choose youtube over that so i spent 3 days in a car and now i am far away and i'm never coming back, until i do. 

The bad news is this means Scary Spooky Bullshit month is cut short. As i have no editing software here, no microphone, and frankly no desire to keep churning out content while im here even if i did have those things. The only videos i can post for the rest of the month are things i already had unlisted and waiting, heck they don't even have cool thumbnails! Which is why i'm too embarrassed for the world to see them. Everyone else will have to wait to see these until i get back, but for the rest of you i can post them early as exclusives. 

The good news is that despite getting cut short, i ultimately consider Scary Spooky Bullshit month a success in terms of training myself in a better way of making videos. These really helped me get back into the groove of just talking without a script and being funny and getting videos out without overthinking it. I like the format of these and i think some of them (including the Hereditary video im posting now) actually turned out really good while getting made extremely quickly, so even though October is over, there's really no reason i can't make scary spooky bullshit style videos whenever i want from now on. 

I do in fact have a few more that i recorded and just didn't edit yet, so i'm sure those will come out eventually as well. Turns out, scary spooky bullshit month can be every month (unless of course i never come home and just decide to let my whole career burn so i can live the life of a normal man and never be heard from again, there's always about a 40 percent chance i might do that). 

I really hope you've all enjoyed these rambling nonsense recommendations. I think some of them turned out pretty funny and i hope they encourage you to actually check out some of the scary spooky movies i talked about. 

Speaking of which, here's probably the most glowing recommendation i've given yet. A movie so scary and spooky it's downright Helly. Hereditary. 

Don't Watch Hereditary, It's Too HELLY!


Also, here's a little piece i did as a cameo for my friend The Cine-Masochist last year, where i talk about one of the scariest, spookiest movie monsters i've ever seen, The Sumatran Rat-Monkey, presented here for the first time as it's own stand alone video. (Though if you want to check out CM's channel and see it in context with his parts too, you totally should, he's great!)

The Monster That Traumatized Me


Well that's all the scary spooky bullshit for now. There's a million more scary spooky bullshits i haven't got to yet, but don't worry about waiting till next year to see them, scary spooky bullshit might just jump out and strike when you least expect it, and drag you below to it's helly domain. 

Once more, here's all the rest of the scary spooky bullshit. Have a Helly halloween you scary spook fucks. <3 <3 <3

Scary Spooky intro:


All I Need/Wake In Fear:


Channel Zero: No End House: 


Digging Up The Marrow:


Don't Go In The House:


Oldschool Fool - Resident Evil:


Ninja Turtles - Case of the Killer Pizzas:


The Monster:


Scary Spooky SHIRTS (and other crap too)


Babadook Spook: Magic Spells From Multiple Hells


Babadook Spook: Tight Buttocks



Don't watch Hereditary. It's too HELLY!



I'm so glad you took a break to hang out with friends. I love your art. Hang in there man, we'll find the Real America someday.