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Hello again :),

I can't believe it's already the last month of the year, time flies when you are having fun :D, and fun I had while creating SOHO Part 3.

I was very much looking forward to this iteration of the Set, I love creating build items. When I visited Soho two types of buildings stood out to me, elaborate red brick and elegant cast iron buildings. I decided to create items for both styles so you can mix and match them when you build apartment blocks. Most objects are wall decoration, you get columns, pilasters, arches, window frames, trims, and cornices. I also created 11 more windows for this Collection in various shapes and heights. Don't forget to look in the Wall section, there is a new brick wall and a cast iron wallpaper:) Another very typical thing you will find: is the iconic external fire escape, you will get 3 platforms and three stair heights, they are not functional just decor!

Now one advice, most objects are placable without move objects, but if you want to pile decorations on top of each other I would advise you to turn on move objects. Another key combination I would use is ctrl+F5 to turn on quarter tile placement, columns will snap perfectly into place and you do not have to align them with the ALT key

DOWNLOAD LINK: https://we.tl/t-w3wDm2yLi0

I want to thank you again for all the love and support, for the ones who celebrate I wish you a happy Christmas and a happy new year to everyone!

Lots of Love,

Felix xxx




Ahhh Noo, sorry for the inconvinience, I have uploaded the set again and you can download it now :), happy building!
