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It's the most wonderful time of the month :D, at least for me as I get to share a new set of items with you. Inspired by my trip to New York City I finally got started on the build items.

This month I concentrated on the interior and created objects that I thought were quite typical for the lofts that I saw in Soho. To divide up your space you will not only get several types of patinated metal doors but also a system of room dividers for all three wall heights. Cast iron buildings structurally include columns, therefore I created a Corinthian one for this collection. To add more charm to your New York City loft, you can decorate it with pipes, sprinklers, light switches a socket, a radiator, and exit signs for further security :D. I added a couple of windows already this month but will expand the set of windows next month when I work on the Exterior Part.

DOWNLOAD LINK: https://legacy.curseforge.com/sims4/build-buy/soho-part-2

I'm sure you all saw the New 'For Rent' expansion pack trailer, I am so excited for a rental system, and what perfect timing. I am trying to observe the new expansion pack and see what kind of game mechanics I can include in the SOHO set :)

Once again thank you for the luv and support I really appreciate it!

All the best and lots of kisses,

Felix xxx




Omg every single time I think you’ve outdone yourself and then here you go again!!! This is GORGEOUS!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!


I’m seeing a property management office in an apartment building.

susan bennett

This is perfection for my warehouse apartment complex. I just love your work!!!


Love this!!


this part of the pack is going to be splendid for the upcoming expansion pack - For Rent


I love these!!! You’re definitely my favourite CC creator, outdo yourself every time 🙌

Ostrich The Person

Hello, their is a building on the gallery and I think you made it. Its called Straud-hall and if you did I downloaded all the CC in sims 4 for the building but some of the windows on the top middle tower are gone?


There was a window update a few years ago, you would need to replace those window with the newest versions


were do you make your cc?


AAAHHH!!! YEESSS!!! Now, if only sims could read and follow exit signs :D


Wow ! Once more you have done a great job. It seems that you worked under the aegis of Janus ! 😁 I adore this set, it is a must-have and it will be a wonderful addition to my next building project. THANK YOU ! 😘

Ostrich The Person

do you know what the updated windows are please for the straud hall thing?


i love it


I have a paid membership but not link even for early access?


I have just bought a membership, why can I not download this part of the set? I have downloaded part 1 and 3 just fine:)


Hi, I wonder when can we expect to be public?


Is there a certain date your collections go live for public access? I like to set reminders, love your work <3


It said it is public after two months, but still this colection is not public even two months are passed.


Is 11 weeks the standard time for early access now? I thought it was 3 weeks? To be honest I haven't paid much attention since EA said that it had to be 3 weeks so maybe it has changed? Will it be available soon? Thanks :)


Not to be rude, but it seems like you are slipping back into your old ways of gatekeeping your content from players. I thought it was supposed to be 3-4 weeks that the items can be on Early Access, and now you've moved it to two months which is a long time but I understand because you make great content but you do not even hold up your end of the bargain because it has now surpassed the two months and you just ignore the individuals that try to say something in the comments. I should not have to check your Patreon every day just to be disappointed each time. Please may you come up with a CONSISTENT schedule for your content please. Again, I do not intend to come off as rude, I just did not know any other way to say it.


Here's my good-faith take as a longtime cc fan (not a creator). Everyone has to decide what cc is worth to them personally and if they want to pay for early access. In my experience, Felixandre and Harrie are responsible and consistent with their public releases and always keep them in the 2-3 month timeframe. According to EA, there's no official paywall time period. There was some controversy over an initial policy release last summer, but they later edited the statement to include early access. Source: https://help.ea.com/en/help/the-sims/the-sims-4/mods-and-the-sims-4-game-updates/ The official policy states that creators may "Offer an early access incentive for a reasonable amount of time. After a reasonable early access period, all users must be able to access the Mods in full for free regardless of whether they donate." This indicates that it's up to the creators, many of whom rely on Early Access for their livelihoods, to decide what's reasonable for them.

Katie Miller-Cole

Hi, I wonder if you have any plans to update the radiators from this set and others so that they will work with for rent radiator functions?


funnily enough, this reminds me of soho in London!