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Thank you so much,

You have helped me get one step closer to my dream.

Remember you get some exclusive bonuses as a supporting member of my Patreon Campaign.

Signing up before the 15th of each month?, Remember to Enter the Sketch Request for your chance to get your image sketched out and voted on by fellow supporters to get fully Inked, Coloured and Shaded
Sketch Request Submissions

And signing up before the 20th? Cast your vote for what path Ven takes on this unforeseen epic journey, his fate lies in you vote :)
Mis-Adventures of Ven

And remember to always click the 'Continue Reading' link of a post, as some images are hidden in the body of the text, just in case, you don't miss any of the excellent art you are helping to support.

Kindest Regards

Running Toaster
Added: 2023-01