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  • 1_0001-0405_1.mp4



Housecleaning: We newly met one of the first real goals I put here! Now that it's met, I'm gonna start releasing my older models. Starting with the super old ones. Like I mentioned before, I won't change the rigs, so you guys will see why I didn't want to release them. I will however change the textures to make sure the model at least looks OK. Depending on where the Knight tier polls go, I might redo them from scratch later. Also, I mentioned earlier that I would render a crowd of models equal to the amount of patrons. It's pretty much done already, just missing the Paladin tier model: 

But just to be sure, I'll wait a couple days to make sure the goal stays met before I announce it publicly or release any models. These days you can't be sure, with financial situations changing cause of Covid-19. 

This time I won't write all the names by hand, but instead have name tags (either username or first-name) above the heads of each patron model like an MMO. I figure it fits, with the VR game theme coming up with Noodls 


Since last week, I've mainly been focusing on my SFW stuff and side projects. Idk if you guys are interested in seeing those here too? I'm doing an Attack on Titan x Animal Crossing thing: 

I also made a 3D model of Herny's Pris OC: 

If you guys want me to include stuff about that here too, just let me know. I know y'all aren't necessarily here to watch me do SFW, but I'd be happy to share it with you! 

Anyways, I mentioned recently that I wanted to start doing more grease pencil animations, and I've noted the suggestion of doing Mavis Dracula, but I got this idea that I was excited about. It's an Evangelion tribute. Here's the initial sketch: 

The idea is you see from Shinji's perspective in the cockpit (gonna get pun comments about that when it's finished I bet) and after a while it cuts to the outside where you see the whole mech. The mech is acting out Shinji's thoughts and looking all dumb going "mmfh ahh! ohh!", thought that'd be funny lol. Maybe Asuka's mech will be parked somewhere around idk.  

So I started on it but didn't get very far: 

I tried to stay a little more on-model than the sketch, but I think she looks cuter in the sketch so idk what art style I'll go with. We'll see, but I'm excited about this one!

I also started a couple sketches of Max, cause I wanna practice drawing cuter lineart. I'm good at making 3D stuff look goofy but I want it to look nice too. I think I'll finish the first one, maybe I'll crop the second one: 

 I've been in my thoughts a lot since I'm just inside all the time now. Maybe I wanna make little shorts with the 2D 3D style I've been learning lately? I can make stuff really fast with it. One thing I have in my head is a story of how the Blonkers were held back a year in highschool (so they're 19 lol) cause I wanted to do the whole school uniform scenario. Another one is  a story with some guy who fucks a girl in a sky scraper, idk about the story yet I just want him to fuck a mysterious rich girl in a cool apartment up high lol. 

NOW for the monthly delivery progress! I've finally decided on what to animate, and I'm gonna do a vaginal animation. Rare from me, eh? 

He will insert!! I'm actually animating it right now as I write this. Will probably take a couple more days of working on it until I can start rendering. But hopefully it will be done in not too long. I've attached a  couple preview versions for you guys. It shows how I iteratively polish animations! I used to have to render out preview videos like that all the time before, cause my computer wasn't fast enough to preview it real time, but now I got a pretty strong computer so there's no reason to. I wanted something for you guys to see though!! It might ruin the sexyness of the final version for you, so spoiler warning!! 



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