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  • Dominator_SexThing_Sound_0001-1526.mp4



Just found these a couple days ago, thought I'd denoise them and release them here uncompressed! only one I couldn't find the original version of was the one where Luego nuts and you see it from the back. I could still denoise it, but I couldn't remove the watermark. 

I also discovered that all the original videos I made were in .avi before I converted them to .webm. They're 800MB each, pretty crazy. Couldn't upload them here lol. 

The jizz I made at the end looked pretty good if I do say so myself. Maybe I should make more stuff like that? Anyways, hope y'all enjoy!

Edit1: Thanks for those who pointed out some errors in the files. Apparently more of the original frames have gone lost and I didn't realize it. The original frames on animation #5 are gone, so I couldn't remove the watermark on that one either, but at least it's denoised now. Thanks to those who pointed it out!

Edit2: Compiled the loops into one minute-long animation. Have fun!

Edit3: Animation now has sound! Thanks to @opaluva, new download in the attachments!




Even hotter than before 🔥 (no pun intended) Definitely wouldn’t be opposed to more cumshots.


Awesome, although couple of the files seem to be broken. #3 shows just one frame and #5 repeats part of itself.


Can confirm the broken file(s). tried on my phone and pc just in case ios vlc was acting dumb


I've checked it out myself and you guys are right. I'm re-rendering the videos now it just takes a couple minutes. I'll edit the post and you guys will get a notification when it's done :)


damn! your version of dominator is the best!


hey man i'm a little but im now one of your patreons


oh baby!! new update!