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So like I mentioned on my last pinup, the next one is gonna be based off this picture: 

from  https://twitter.com/abrattypixie 

The way her hips look when she sits reminds me of the way Milf Hannah's look, and she also has the exact same thigh highs, so I had to do it. I learned how to import a posable avatar into Marvelous Designer so I'm gonna make her top there. What you see above is a quick version of that top I put together. I'm not sure how much effort I'm gonna put into the MD top before I start tinkering with it in Blender. Actually this might be good enough already but it's late and I need sleep. 

Anyways, I forgot just how crazy an ass I gave milf Hannah, it's almost too big lmao 

We're getting close to 200USD now as well! I try to message all the new patrons, idk if y'all are getting them? You should have all gotten a greeting from me by now, but if not, thank you for pledging :) 



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