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  • Rooof_0001-0181.mp4



Hello to all my new patrons! Idk if it's because of Patreon or what but I'm getting error messages while trying to DM you guys. Rest assured I have noticed you! 

Twitter butchered the quality of this one and I can't be bothered converting it to a gif so I thought I'd just post it here instead. Feel free to let me know if I make any mistakes with these video files, some times I mess up the encoding and it doesn't work on every video player. 

I've denoised the Zeena and Bleena videos, and am working on denoising the other Blonker  videos now as well. 




I wonder what she’s saying 🤔


I always just imagined she was rambling on about something stupid like someone buying the cupcake she wanted and that she wanted the one with the frosting that looked like a bunny and it was the last one but someone took it, and then she asked the person who bought it if she could have it but she couldn't etc etc. A lip reader would probably tell you she's saying "mwebwubwub mwemewemwe"


Ah, I've missed these 3. Thanks for re-uploading/denoising it :)