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Found a particularly nice NEMA-brushless-motor on eBay:  57BLF03

It's delivered with hall effect sensors, which are no good for precision motion control. The short shaft stub is not quite enough for proper mounting of a CUI AMT102-V encoder, so I had to 3D print a new adapter. The 'encoder-covoer' doesn't quite fit the CUI either, but it's optional.

The motors have a higher phase resistance than RC hobby BLDCs, so ODrive needs a few extra settings to accept them, in particular  odrv0.axis0.motor.config.resistance_calib_max_voltage = 2


20181002 194758


John McCormick

You just built a very inefficient air circulating system.


it's also collecting a few dust particles when left running for long enough

Holger Barske

This ODrive thing keeps being intriguing. Sooner or later I have to ruin my well-working CNC machine with something like this.