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500 x 500 mm precision ground steel plate with 400 M3 threaded holes?



Jon Raymond

I really like where this is going....

Marco Vujevic

certainly cheaper than the tools you need to make it, sooo.. :)


Why threaded though?


If it would save 1/2 of the cost I would take straight holes too, but then I would have to adjust things underneath the machine all the time


Ah. I initially thought the tray would a coupled part. But that only pays off if you make several plates really. Milling out hexagonal indentations isn't super cheap either. And you still need indentations in the plate to make the nuts flush with the bottom, right?


I think the tray could be a 3D printed part from ABS. We print small enclosures all the time that have press fit hex holes that take nylock nuts. You wouldn't end up with a perfectly level bottom of the bed (resting on ABS) bit that probably won't matter if the top is precision ground and the machine is not very flexible... Or add some adjustable feet!


why steel and not alu?


i don't think it will be that expensive . A cnc will cut the threads too


Yeh, not an entirely rational decision. I am sure 99% of everything can be done with an aluminium machine, but I had a couple of those already. It's just time to give steel a try :)


M3 taps are pretty weak little things and the cost will go up as the risk of snapping a tap increases. One snapped tap on the CNC and the part is scrapped! I'll be interested to hear the differences in the price of hole vs thread but I would expect a substantial difference...