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Maya stood next to her Hyundai Sonata Sport on the side of the road as a cool breeze blew dust up around her blue car. She stood undeterred, her black latex suit keeping her warm and camouflaged while she surveyed the building in front of her through her binoculars. Despite it being two in the morning, the building was well lit by strategically positioned floodlights and stood roughly four football fields away from her current position. Judging on the paint and window design, it looked fairly new, maybe five years old, if that. It made sense to Maya that a Corporation would have their research institute in such a remote area. Fewer people meant less questions and, hopefully, that translated into less guards on site.

However, she would have to get closer to know just how many guards were outside. She grabbed a small satchel and started walking down the road, leaving her blue car abandoned for the time being. She had no reason to worry about it giving her away or even being towed. Unlike some of her past jobs, she was literally in the middle of the countryside. The closest place resembling civilization was over ten miles away and the surrounding area was mostly open fields with a lone cattle ranch just off the highway. This afforded her a bit of comfort. In the past she had to abandon quite a few rental cars while overseas.

Ducking behind a healthy patch of shrubbery, Maya pulled out her night vision goggles and peered over the unkempt foliage. She focused her goggles on two guards in front of the building and she could only assume that a third was in the gate house which allowed workers and trucks to enter the property. One of the guards started walking away from the front of the building and stopped just outside the square shaped outpost. Her hunch was correct. A third guard came out from his post and started talking to the guy from the front of the research facility.

She had seen this before, but normally it took a night or two of scouting until she was able to actually find out when the guards would relieve each other. It was exactly as her disgruntled contact had said; they were switching shifts. 'Alright, anonymous. You've earned your three percent.'

Maya kept low to the ground, and crawled into a natural depression in the land. If she had to guess, it was probably a ditch carved out from the occasional storm, but on this night it was her hiding place provided free of charge by nature herself. She waited patiently for the last guard to take off for the night. She didn't know if she was waiting for an engine or the tail tale sound of four wheels to give her the go ahead, but she hoped for the former and not the latter. An engine was obvious, an electric car gave less hints that it was leaving. However, the sound of a closing car door gave her hope that this guy was about to drive home.

A low, electronic hum was the only clue she was given as the guard went through the gate. She waited until he was outside the property line to crouch and scope out her surroundings one last time. The new guard was sitting happily in his shed and the other guy was gone. It was possible that he was patrolling the property, but she knew better than to think that. Most guards had to sign in and nine times out of ten were stationed in front of a bank of monitors to stare at security feeds until their hourly patrol came up. That being said, she had no way of knowing if another person was watching the cameras already, but she had to make her move before these guys could settle in for the night.

The young Asian woman scaled the tall, aluminum chain link fence and dropped down from the other side onto the paved parking lot like a whisper. A quick glance in each direction told her that the coast was clear. She had no idea where the guards were, but they weren't anywhere knew her and that wasn't a bad thing. From her car side reconnaissance, she could tell that there were only a few cameras and they were all pointing at the gate. Not entirely unheard of, especially since this building was in the middle of nowhere, but she was worried that there were more in the back.

She quickly ran while crouched across the pavement, circumnavigating the perimeter of the building until she reached the back of the structure. Not wanting to push her luck, she hid next to a dumpster and only dared to peek out once she caught her breath. The backside of the building was completely vacant. She looked up and couldn't believe her eyes; there was no camera on the coroner of the building!

"Not even a single camera." Maya muttered to herself with a grin.

Even though luck was on her side, she still played it cool and cautiously traversed the back of the building only stopping once she saw her point of entry; a vent cover seven feet in the air.

'For a facility that was building such advanced artificial intelligence systems, you'd think they would at least have a camera next to their vents, but every building has a weakness and I just found it! This is going to be way too easy. Maybe I'll contact these guys a few weeks from now and offer them a free risk assessment and security consultation.' That last thought almost made Maya laugh out loud, but the young lady kept her emotions in check while she climbed up a drain pipe that passed right next to the ventilation duct.

Despite looking like a dainty Asian woman, Maya had the upper body strength to hold herself up while she worked on the vent cover. With her right hand grasped firmly on the drainpipe, she used her left hand to unscrew each screw which held the cover in place. That's all it took; a simple screwdriver. That was all Maya needed to get the air vent cover off and into the air vent. Normally, she would replace the cover, but this place was so relaxed that she didn't even bother. If she played her cards right, she could get in and out and be back at home before dawn!

She used her left arm as leverage and worked her way face first into the small space. Once inside the vent her slender, latex covered body slithered through the dusty ventilation duct, searching for the first room. She almost passed it by when her thigh grazed the metallic slits which allowed air to circulate through the system. Even though it was pitch black, she was confident that this was the right vent. Her anonymous contact had said as much.

Reaching into her satchel, Maya pulled out her night vision goggles and popped them back on. With the press of a button she instantly received visual confirmation of the cover. With expert care and attention, she removed the cover and pulled it inside the vent. Just like the vent outside, she wouldn't be putting it back on until she was leaving.

'Here goes nothing.'

Maya dropped down into the darkness, landing on her feet into a kneeling position when her night vision goggles went pure white. The blinding white light caused Maya to instinctively clench her eyes shut as her arm went up to her face to shield her eyes when it brushed up against the NVG unit still strapped to her head. She moved her hand to pull it off, but felt the grasp of a strong stranger's hand grip her wrist!

"Fuck!" The Asian woman shouted as she realized that she had been caught.

Still blinded and unable to see where the guard was standing, Maya waited for an order to be issued before striking out blindly at the man who had grabbed her. However, no orders were ever given to her as she stood there, biding her time. All she got for her patience was another hand grabbing her other wrist. Whoever was trying to arrest her was either a mute or-


Maya furrowed her brows when the computerized voice ceased speaking.

"I'm a full grown woman!" Maya shouted before adding, "what the hell is even going on here?"

Maya's question went unanswered as the strong hands holding her firmly by her wrist lifted her off of the ground. Driven by panic, the petite woman kicked out blindly, trying to kick whoever or whatever was holding her. Sadly for Maya, her feet never made contact with anything. All they did was flail wildly through the air until another pair of hands grabbed her by her ankles.

The young woman could hear a slight humming noise as she was held with her arms and legs spread out in a star shaped pose.


Maya couldn't believe her ears. From what the strange voice had told her, she was going to be enrolled in some kind of daycare!

A sudden tug caused Maya to grow tense and rigid. She wasn't about to let anyone or anything strip her of her prized latex catsuit! Another firm tug from an unseen hand caused her skin to cling to the slick latex which was gradually becoming more tight as the machine pulled the material against her body. The tug of war was starting to hurt as the pressure coming from her bare naked pelvis was starting to build up thanks to her unseen foe increasing the force applied to her sleek suit sleeves.

As the seconds passed and the pain around her pussy was becoming unbearable, a strange splitting sound was slowly growing louder and louder until Maya felt her suit rip up her crotch all the way up to where her zipper started. Her crotch no longer felt any pain, but Maya's relief was short lived as the hands proceeded to pull at her sleeves and zipper. She felt a new pair of hands grab her from under her naked armpits as the shredded remains of her suit were yanked down her arms. The rest of her latex was tugged down her legs until she was dangling there; butt naked.

"Give me back my clothes!" Maya shouted angrily, but it sounded more like a whine.


Something was now grabbing at her feet, removing her heels, while simultaneously removing her NVG unit from her head.

Finally, she could see just what the hell was happening!

Her fuzzy vision took a few seconds to get back into focus, but what she came face to face with shocked her; A large, humanoid robot was staring right back at her! It took her a moment to catch her breath and look past the robot which made her realize that it's looming presence wasn't exactly the craziest thing in the room. After all, robotic development in America wasn't exactly uncommon and, just like in Japan, there were quite a few humanoid robots walking around in various industries stateside these days. No, the robot wearing an apron seemed normal compared to the metallic tentacles that were swaying around behind the robot!

Maya immediately cocked her head and watched as the snake-like mechanical arms threw her latex suit into what could only be described as an adult sized diaper pail. As a matter of fact, everything inside the room was sized up for an adult! The white wooden bars of the crib looked like it could double for a Tiger cage! There was a giant chair next to the crib that looked like an upsized version of a baby's highchair! On the other side of the crib there was a huge table; probably a changing table if the rest of the furniture in the room was an indication.

"Let me go right now!!" Maya exclaimed, not liking what she was seeing as she wriggled angrily against the gloved hands holding her above the floor.


"Mother? My mom is in her fucking fifties and lives on the other side of the country!"


The AI dug through its own internal memory banks and found a solution to silence its noisy and unruly charge; a pacifier. Time tested and mother approved, it was the perfect instrument to both silence and soothe an upset baby.

Right when Maya opened her mouth to tell the crazy machine off, the nanny bot jammed a large pacifier into her open mouth.

"MMpphhh!" Maya whined into her gag before spitting it out.

"You crazy tin can!" Maya barked. "How many times do I have to say it? I'm not a ba- MPPHHH!"

This time the machine strapped the adult sized pacifier around the back of Maya's head using a ribbon meant for putting the girl's hair into pigtails. It wasn't listed as a solution in the AI's operating system, but a quick scan of the Internet had yielded some results which may not have been seen as orthodox and yet achieved the desired result; the baby was now quiet. The AI logged the knowledge of turning a pacifier into a makeshift ball gag into its memory.

Far away from the facility a ping notified Wallace that his AI was not only operating, but had logged in some new data. Curious about what his program was learning, he wheeled over his office chair to his work computer and went over the newest entry.

"Well, isn't that creative?" He chuckled to himself as he read the latest submission.

'It's a highly inappropriate method to silence a baby, but I have to give it credit for thinking outside of the box.' Wallace thought while he pieced together where the AI had found such an ingenious solution. He traced the various searches that the machine had simultaneously conducted until he found the source of the information. 'A bondage website that caters to adult babies? If only I had known such a community existed! They would've paid me to test my AI.' Wallace laughed as he typed in the corrections and saved them to a folder.

He would send the adjustments to the AI after the test was completed. The last thing he wanted was for the "baby's" shouts to alert the security and for them to release his test subject before any real progress had been achieved.

Back inside the climate controlled test nursery Maya scowled from behind her adult sized pacifier with her arms crossed over her breasts as the Nanny bot stared down at her expectantly. She didn't want to willingly walk over to the changing table like the computer had directed her to do. In some ways, her refusal to submit might've seemed childish, but she didn't care. Once she got on that table she knew that the stupid robot would diaper her; it literally said it was going to!


Maya couldn't scream or shout at the machine so she simply sat there. In it's own way, the act of ignoring the computer was making her feel like she was winning. She knew it was silly, but it wasn't as bad as actually helping the machine and aiding it in diapering her. Yeah, at any moment the stupid mechanical arms that had stripped her naked were probably going to yank her off of the floor and toss her onto the table, but at least she could tell herself that she had resisted.

"BABY IS EITHER TOO YOUNG TO WALK OR IS FUSSY." The AI spoke aloud, trying to calculate what the problem was with its charge.

'Too young to walk! I broke into this damn nut house!' Maya thought, feeling insulted by the computer's assessment.

The familiar hum returned as the AI scanned the Asian woman's face. It was running a facial scan to determine if the charge was refusing to cooperate or was simply too young to obey its order. The results showed that she was indeed refusing to obey the directive by sulking on the floor like a naughty child.

*BABY IS DEFINITELY FUSSY." The machine announced.

This declaration caused Maya to roll her eyes. 'No shit! I'm "fussy" because you trapped me in here!'

The AI went over the current situation. It gave the baby a pacifier and that pacifier had ceased the child's crying while simultaneously silencing her temper tantrum, but it didn't soothe the girl like the AI had thought it would. Checking its sub directories, the AI pondered if the baby was experiencing diaper rash. According to a quick internet inquiry, the reason for such fussiness, in a majority of cases where the child was acting fussy for no other apparent reason, was a rash on the outermost dermal layer of the baby's crotch and or bottom. In other words, the baby had a diaper rash.

"POOR BABY HAS A DIAPER RASH, HUH?" The computer cooed.

Maya cocked an eyebrow, feeling even more insulted than before. 'How can this thing be so stupid? Even if it can't tell I'm an adult, I haven't worn a diaper in over twenty years and my ass isn't red!'

With a seemingly fluid motion, the nanny bot effortlessly scooped the Asian girl up from the floor and placed her on its hip. It then adjusted the woman until she had her arms around the nanny's bots neck. With its charge riding side saddle, the nanny bot carried her over to a large table that had stacks of diapers underneath it.

Maya had been startled when the robot had hoisted her up like she weighed nothing. She quickly wrapped her arms around the damn thing's neck while doing the same with her legs around its waist. She didn't want to be treated like a baby or carried like one, but her instincts had taken over and she was clinging to the thing.

'If I fell on my ass, I could've hurt my tailbone.' Maya reasoned with herself as they neared the changing table. It was a way to keep her pride intact and it also silenced the voice telling her that she should've just fell and continued resisting the machine.

The nanny bot paused in front of the changing table and lowered her down onto the cushioned surface. Maya tried to sit up, but the robot placed a firm hand on her flat stomach, holding her down onto the changing table while it pulled a strap over her breasts. Forced to lay on the padded table, Maya huffed from behind her pacifier and decided to look at the wall since the nanny bot was going to start diapering her.

'What the hell!?'

Maya's eyes almost popped out of her head when a hidden panel in the wall retracted downwards, unleashing about six mechanical arms with white gloves for hands.


Maya instantly fought back against the hands. She reached up and tried to hold two of the metallic tentacles, hoping to stop them from diapering her, but two more appeared and grabbed her wrists,
With her hands rendered useless, she started throwing kicks, but that act of rebellion was quickly extinguished when two of the hands grabbed her by her ankles and hoisted her shapely legs into the air.


Not only did she feel incredibly embarrassed by her failure to stop the machine, but she felt equally exposed now that her bottom was sticking out like this. She could do nothing except watch as the hands pulled out a jar of some kind of white cream. The hand hovering over her slipped one of its fingers into the jar of mystery cream and held up the lone digit covered in the thick substance.

While Maya had been wondering about what the robotic hand was doing, the mechanical arm had quickly slithered through the air with the big glob of diaper cream and stuck the lone finger right up her exposed bottom.

'Umm, what is that finger going to do with thaaaaaaa!'

"MMMPPHHH!" Maya's muffled shouts could be heard as the lubricated finger gently worked it's way up her asshole.

"IT'S OKAY, SWEETHEART. YOU'RE GOING TO BE DIAPERED IN JUST A MOMENT. " The robot cooed as the changing table finished working on her bottom and crotch.

Maya felt her entire face go red upon hearing those words. She knew it was coming, the cool cream covering her shaved pussy and ass told her that it was inevitable.

With four hands holding down all of her limbs, that left only two hands to diaper her. Maya watched helplessly as one of the free hands went over her body and started searching underneath her in the cabinet. After a few seconds, it popped back up into view holding a ridiculous looking item.

'How the hell does it have a baby diaper big enough to fit me?!' Maya wondered as the gloved hand held up a huge rectangular piece of white plastic covered in cartoon characters. It looked like an upsized pair of Pampers!

With a flick of the tentacles "wrist" the massive pampers was unfurled.

Even though Maya had expected to be diapered, seeing the actual diaper that the machine expected her to wear refueled her rebellion! The petite Asian wriggled and tried to yank her arms away from the grip of the robotic hands which held her captive, but they didn't budge. She tried kicking, but her legs were equally useless at getting free from the hands which held her in place without flinching.

"SUCH A FUSSY BABY." Maya heard that damned voice coo at her.

A sudden tugging motion on her ankles lifted her nicely toned bottom off of the padded table top and a series of crinkles told Maya that her new choice of clothing was being laid out underneath her. Her legs were slowly lowered onto the padding before they were spread wide once more.

"MPPHH!" Maya shouted in defiance into her infantile gag as her diaper was forcibly pulled over her freshly shaved pussy.

With mechanical precision, the robotic hands pulled the wings over the center of the diaper. With each tape pressed into place, Maya could feel the bulk between her legs grow tighter as she was fastened into her size ten pampers.

It was a very foriegn feeling for the young woman who wore only the most mature and sexiest underwear. Sometimes she wore a thong just because she could. The sensation of tremendously thick padding forcing her thighs spread apart was so strange to her. She tried to squeeze her legs together and could just barely touch her knees together.


To Be Continued...



really enjoying this story so far. hope to read more soon :)