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Within the Command Center for the testing house, two technical engineers fought for control of the security system within the futuristic home. Normally, they would be monitoring power readings and running diagnostics on the home's various types of programs. They never had to watch the interior of the household. The security cameras were only a few in number. One set up by the door and a few strategically placed by the windows and had been primarily installed to document any break ins. However, they were also capable of serving as the tech team's eyes in the event of an emergency situation since they could be adjusted to see in all directions if need be.

"Damn it!" A frustrated growl followed as the older tech analyst brought his thumb and index finger to the bridge of his nose. It hadn’t even been thirty minutes into the first test and everything was going to shit.

"Calm down, Amir. Kasey might be locked in, but at least the home's temperature readings have remained steady. So, that means the house isn't on fire at least."

A sigh came from Amir.

"That's true, but something is blocking me from gaining access to the cameras. Even if the house suffered a power outage, the cameras are designed to run off the generator once it starts up."

"That's a good point. According to the power log, Kasey did turn on the generator, but we haven't received any further data except that two of the VR modules were activated."

Amir raised his head from his hand. "What? When?"

"Roughly five minutes- Wait! Scratch that! It says a third user has just logged in." The younger man paused, looking at his monitor in confusion. "But...Why would they be going into the VR program?"

"Honestly? Maybe they're trying to pass the time?" Amir replied before having an epiphany.

"I guess. This whole situation is beyond anything we could've calculat-"

"Pull up the VR feed on the newest user!" Amir barked, interrupting his coworker.


"Because it must be Kasey!" The older man stated before adding. "She obviously had the two testers enter VR to pass the time and test the program, right?"

"Yeah. That makes sense, but why-" The younger man's eyes lit up. "You think she entered the program to try to contact us?!"

"Indeed I do." Amir said with a smile. "Why else would she enter into the program unless she wanted to try and reach out to us? After all, the program can do anything you ask it to. It can let you write out a message or speak to us. You can even program it to do anything like let you walk on the moon or go for a trip down the Amazon."

"But she can't hear us, can she?"

"No. Of course not." Amir replied. "However, we can hear everything going on in the program. If she is talking, we will hear it."

"Okay, but we can't even get a visual feed. How are you going to access the VR program if we can't get the cameras to respond?" The younger man asked, scratching his head.

Amir raised his hands, cracking his knuckles before getting back to work at his keyboard.

"Unlike the security system, I designed the VR program. Give me a few minutes and we will see everything that is going on inside the simulation."


Like the flip of a switch, Kasey's vision went from being shrouded in digital darkness to a world filled with a vague fuzzy pixelation that rapidly started to come into focus. Suddenly, everything around her was vibrant and crystal clear as the new reality built itself around her. Storefronts, various vendors pushing random stuff from carts and all manner of people surrounded her as Kasey felt the kiss of an indoor air conditioning blowing across her bare breasts.

"I'm at the mall!" The redhead happily squealed while kicking her bare legs that seemed to float above the ground.

Out of all of her fantasies, being paraded around in public, while pampered and pushed in a stroller, definitely topped her list of diapered depravity.

An all too familiar crinkling came from her bottom as she wiggled around in the seat of her umbrella stroller.

"My baby has finally woke up from her nap."

A loud, but gentle voice cooed down at her from behind. Kasey craned her head skyward and saw that she was being pushed by her favorite digital depiction of maternal motherhood. The giant in question was dressed like any new mall going mother from the nineties; a tight pair of blue jeans hugged her hips and ass, a simple white t-shirt that showed off her belly button while caressing her bountiful bosom. The woman practically radiated that "mother I'd like to fuck" vibe.

"I'm awake mama!" Kasey shouted, smiling like a proud child.

"Such a smart baby. Soon you'll be ready for potty training with how quickly you've learned to walk and talk."

'That's what she thinks…' Kasey grinned.


Kasey couldn't help but giggle as she pushed with all of her might, loading her pampers with minimal effort. She probably pooped herself a little outside of the simulation, but that didn't exactly bother her.

"Oh my." I guess I spoke too soon." The large mommy sighed. "Let's get you changed, my little stinker."


"There, that should do it!" Amir hit a key, causing all the monitors in the small security room to switch over from various readings of the home's internal systems to transmit the same view.

"Hey, Amir. What are we looking at?" The younger technical analyst asked.

Amir sat, eyes transfixed on the monitor, searching for any hint as to what he was seeing. There seemed to be a lot of incredibly large people walking past whoever was in the VR program. Numerous storefronts lined the walkway that their user seemingly floated along. Suddenly, the field of vision changed and the person in the simulation was looking down at themselves. The two men monitoring the screens saw a pair of bare breasts, but that wasn't what caught their attention.

"Amir. Why is Kasey wearing a diaper?!"

"Your guess is as good as mine, Yang." Amir replied, feeling positively dumbfounded as he stared at what Kasey was seeing. She was snapped snug inside a stroller, topless and diapered, but looking ever the adult that he recalled seeing last week at the company meeting.

'Was this some sort of a program that made the user see the word from the eyes of an infant? If so, then why was Kasey still in her adult body?'


Kasey watched as her giant mommy pushed her past the food-court. Even though everything was digital, the smell coming from the McDonald's was absolutely divine. It would be so nice to get to eat a happy meal and not worry about all the unnecessary calories.

"Mommy! I wan nuggies and fries!" Kasey whined and began to squirm.

"Kasey, we don't have time for that right now."

"But I wan Happeh Meal!" Kasey cried out, truly getting into the role of a terrible twos toddler.

"Kasey, calm down. I have to get you changed and then we can go see your brot-" The enormous woman stopped in mid sentence, bringing the stroller to a halt too as she gazed at the line leading to the ladies room. "Looks like I'm going to have to change you on that bench, sweetie."


"Shut the feed down! Shut the feed down!"

Yang shouted as every screen in the room showed the naked image of their coworker getting laid out on a bench.

"What do you think I'm doing over here!" Amir barked while furiously typing away on his keyboard.

Yang tried not to watch the screens that surrounded him on all sides, even going so far as to close his eyes when the giant hands started to pull at the tapes that held the white diaper in place.

A few moments passed.

"Hold still, Kasey."

For some reason, that voice made him open his eyes, curious as to what Kasey was doing, and what he saw made him instantly regret it; on every twelve by twelve monitor in his vicinity was the horrifying image of his coworker's poop covered pussy.  Yang immediately covered his eyes with his hands just as the giant woman was slipping the soiled diaper out from underneath Kasey's dirty butt.

While both of her coworkers were seeing sights that would most likely be the source of countless nightmares to come, Kasey laid back and enjoyed her very public, very humiliating diaper change. Back in the real world, she knew that she was probably dripping with excitement as a wet wipe ran across her slit, cleaning her filth covered crotch in the digital world.

Kasey couldn't help but smile. Here she was, in the mall, with her giant mommy changing her diaper. As things were currently unfolding in her world, it seemed like it was going to be the best simulation she had ever experienced. She watched as mommy started balling up her dirty diaper and wipes. Never had the picture of maternal perfection changed her in such a public setting. Yeah, there was that one time when she was getting changed in that Park bathroom, but it wasn't quite the same as this. So many giants were walking past her, few paid her any attention, but the few that did made her skin flush. Even though they saw a baby, she knew that she was anything but one in body and mind.

"Such a good girl." The giant cooed as she lifted Kasey up by the ankles to powder her backside.

Kasey just went with the flow. This type of diaper change could never compare to the stimulating ones that her nanny bot gave her, but what these changes lacked in sexual stimulation, they all but made up for in sheer unparalleled public humiliation. Just the thought of any of these people being real, seeing her get her very adult ass wiped and powdered right outside of the food court, made her shiver in excitement.

With a quick motion, her giant mommy laid her down onto a new, fresh disposable. Kasey sighed as the skilled pair of large hands expertly taped the redhead into her pamper. These diaper changes never lasted long enough….

"Now let's go see your brothers at the talent show!" The huge new mother cooed down at Kasey as she strapped her adult baby into the stroller.


To Be Continued...


