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Babu wasted no time capitalizing on 18's shocked state, using the pause in battle as the perfect time to gain the advantage. She started lashing her tail at the blond fighter harder and harder, smacking the back of 18's diaper like it was a drum.

Luckily for her, the diaper absorbed almost all of the force coming from Babu's tail. Still, even though it didn't hurt, what it did do was thoroughly enrage the diapered mother. It took only a few spanks to break 18 from her embarrassed trance and grant her the anger needed to fuel her to defeat this bizarre alien.

She quickly dodged the incoming attack by pulling herself up, allowing the blue tail to sail by underneath her which gave her the time needed to launch a counter attack. In an instant, 18 did a backflip over Babu and sucker punched the blue alien from behind, causing the tubby being from beyond the stars to hurtle towards the ground once again. Sure, it was a dirty move, but after having her very expensive pants get transformed into a diaper, she was done fighting fair. If this creature wanted to fight dirty, oh she was more than happy to oblige.

Babu crashed landed, causing a crater about a hundred yards away from the Son house to form. The android hovered above where Babu had crashed, floating with a smirk on her face, ready to unleash another volley of punches once Babu got out of her hole. In her haste, she failed to notice that Babu had suddenly appeared behind her.

"Over here!"

18 turned around just in time to see the fiendish alien's grinning face as she blasted a direct beam of energy from her hand. At the very last second, 18 moved out of the way, missing the majority of the attack, but the beam still managed to graze her top.

“Are you okay?!" Bulma called out to her friend, seeing that 18''s clothing, or what remained of them, was glowing and shifting shape.

“Don’t worry about me, I'm fine!”

"Take another look!" Babu chuckled.

“What are you-"

18 cut herself off in confusion as she noticed the material of her blouse was changing, growing down her her midsection as the back of her top followed suit. The two pieces of clothing were gradually stretching further until they started wrapping over her diaper, sealing the once proudly protruding plastic disposable underneath what was her blouse. If she didn't know any better, it looked like her clothing had transformed into a onesie!

"I've had enough of this shit!"

18 screamed, allowed her aura to overwhelm the surrounding trees, knocking a few over as her power flowed outwards, unbounded. She flew at Babu, giving the alien everything she had. The blue creature was caught off guard by this new development, quickly trying to dodge each and every punch 18 threw at her.

The only thing saving Babu was the fact that 18 was practically blinded by rage. She used the Android's momentum against her, ducking low and kicking the woman in the gut.

Still, the android was unfazed and gave Babu an uppercut, sending the bumbling brat skywards. Next the onesie clad mother soared after the alien and passed her. 18 waited for just the right moment and hammered Babu right out of the sky, sending her right towards Bulma and her friends!

Babu caught herself just above the ground, staring awkwardly at Chi Chi and the rest of the mothers standing in front of the Son house.

"Did you see that!?" Babu blurted out. "She's playing dirty!"


Babu blurted out over and over, complaining to the mothers like a petulant child.


As the alien whined to the woman on the ground, 18 appeared behind Babu and tapped on her shoulder.


"Surrender now, or I will finish you off!"

The blond fighter warned Babu, standing firmly, trying to look as intimidating as a woman wearing a onesie could look. Regardless of what the Android was wearing, Babu could literally see her aura overflowing with Kai power.

18, up until this point, had held back much of her power, but now she was at her limit. Babu had personally humiliated her in front of all of her friends, not once but twice! That was not going to fly.

"You're fighting dirty, just like your diaper!"

18's face scrunched up, anger evident in her eyes. In the blink of an eye she punched Babu right in the mouth. One punch instantly turned into two more and then another two more. She was sick and tired of this blithering, overgrown child's nonsense!

Babu took the abuse, like an oversized blue punching bag and started to shake with rage. A blinding flash enveloped all of the women and Goten and Trunks found themselves ducking below the window, hiding from the ensuing ball of energy.

A panicked Chi Chi and Bulma ran away from where Babu and 18 stood, trying desperately to flee the second regression based attack. They found themselves fighting over who would open the front door of Chi Chi's house and, right when Bulma managed to pull the door open, they both fell to their knees, bawling their eyes out as the attack waned.

Slowly, a very curious yet distraught Chi Chi inched her way forward, on all fours, towards the boys. Her chin covered in spittle and her bare breasts swaying from side to side as did her massive, white disposable diaper that crinkled with every move she made. Both boys could see that there was no one home as they looked at Chi Chi.

"We got to do something, Goten!"

"What did that thing do to my mom?!"

Goten started down at his mother, absolutely bewildered by what he was seeing. He was so used to the proud and string woman that normally would be standing in front of him. However, that fiercely independent housewife had been replaced by a drooling imbecile.

"I think it made her a giant baby."

Trunks replied, saying the only logical thing he could think to say.

"How is that possible?"

"I don't know, but we got to kick that thing's butt before we end up in diapers like our moms!"

To Be Continued...



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