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A simple knock at a stranger's door would set in motion the most monumental, life altering, event that Becky Winthrop would ever experience. One that would not only change how she was viewed by the world, but change her very consciousness and bind her to a complete stranger. This is the story of how a young woman, of twenty two years, became the daughter of a powerful sorceress.

On Shwartz Street, a young woman, Becky Winthrop, with her long locks of black hair, dressed in the most hip and modern style of clothing: tattered Jean shorts and a simple black t-shirt, was going door to door. The college graduate was still waiting for a response to her numerous applications seeking employment at various corporations throughout her state. Despite her degree in computer science, she wasn't exactly getting hired right out of school and she still needed to pay the bills. As such, she found herself knocking on yet another door, trying to sell solar panels to whoever was dumb enough to buy them.



Almost instantaneously the door opened, revealing a ravishing woman who looked to be mature, yet still very sexy in a light that only an older woman could maintain. Becky was caught off guard by the quick response, but beyond that, the woman standing in the doorway mystified her just by her looks alone. She struggled to spit out her lines that she had memorized. No script could have prepared her for this chance encounter with such a temptress of faith.

"H- I- Ummm"

"Would you like to come in?" The woman of the house asked, a small smile spreading across her face.

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

Becky entered the suburban home and felt a bit flustered. She honestly had no idea why since she was a modern woman and was pan sexual. She was just as comfortable handling a dick as she was sticking her tongue into a moist snatch. However, there was something about this woman that got her going, she could feel the inside of her thighs grow slick as her panties began to grow wet.

"Take a seat, obviously you must be tired from walking around the neighborhood."

The young woman did as she was told, sitting down on a soft sofa in the living room of this strange yet sexually intriguing woman's house. Becky decided to take her mind off of all the naughty thoughts floating around in her head by looking at the pictures on the wall. Staring at the pictures turned out to be a huge mistake. The woman was obviously a collector of modern impressionist or abstract art, but regardless of what style the art was done in, each painting depicted a different female body part. Becky saw nothing but lips and mounds or breasts, topped with perky nipples. Becky tried to compose herself, to remember why she was even in this stranger's house in the first place. She was on the clock, trying to sell something, but what was it?

"Would you like something to drink, sweetie?"

The voice of the woman broke Becky from her thoughts.

"Yeah, that'd be nice."

Unexpectedly, the older woman took a seat next to Becky and pulled her close to her body, caressing the bare skin of her arms while whispering sweet nothings into Becky's ear. Or so she thought.

"I-, I don't even know your name!"

"Adults call me Miss Veldes, but you can call me mommy."

Suddenly, Becky felt her body grow numb, stricken by paralysis as the dominant older woman ripped open her blouse, exposing her maternity bra. Such a sight not only startled Becky, but for some reason, it turned her on even more. Regardless of her body's inability to move, she felt her lips latch onto Miss Veldes' firm nipple, rhythmically drawing from the teat a steady stream of breast milk.

Once more, while Becky fed, the witch whispered another enchanted string of words into her ear, ultimately working her magic on the college graduate and sealing her fate. It was a spell that couldn't exactly be described, but it's purpose would be seen momentarily.


Becky tried to vocalize her displeasure with what was currently happening to her, but between the nipple in her mouth and her body's lack of response, she was stuck in place. The only thing more overwhelming to her than the feeling of helplessness, was her growing arousal. For some bizarre reason, the idea of being completely at the mercy of this strange woman enticed her to no end, but that didn't mean that she wanted to drink the woman's tit milk.

‘This is definitely the most fucked up foreplay I've ever experienced.’

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Becky was freed from the woman's tit and gently laid onto the soft carpet.

“I can tell that you have questions and I don't think it'll hurt if I tell you what I really am.”

A squeak escaped from Becky's throat when she tried to reply.

“I took away your ability to speak in case you had decided to scream. You must understand that, the moment you laid eyes on me, we both bonded on a deep, maternal level.”

Becky blinked.

‘The fuck she just say?!’

“I can tell that you're confused, but it's all very simple. Once a sorceress, like myself, gets to a certain age, typically around five hundred years old, we cease the ability to have biological children. However, the beings that have no names, allow any witch, who has yet to bear a child, to ‘adopt’ one in any manner that we see fit. However, there's a catch; The adoptee must make the bond naturally.” The stranger explained. “So, basically you wanted this more than I.”

Becky felt extremely confused by the crazy woman's explanation. Sorcery and maternal bonding?! Adoption!!??

The witch could see that sense of bewilderment building in Becky's eyes.

“It's all going to be fine. Let mommy fix it little-” Miss Veldes paused and rifled through Becky's pockets until she found a wallet.

“Becky Winthrop.”

As soon as her name left the crazy woman's mouth, Becky could feel an odd haze envelope her mind. It seemed like everything was moving in slow motion as the woman standing above her knelt down and looked her in the eyes.

“It's going to be so much better for you this way. No more bills or rent. Never again will you have to worry about what you'll wear or who will care what you're wearing. Although, I can tell just by the wet spot on your Jean's that you're a horny one. Well, hopefully some guy gave it to you good recently because it's never going to happen again.”

Before Becky could respond, the woman's eye lit up, swirling around, drawing Becky deeper into the deranged woman's gaze. Her mental fog grew deeper as the last few weeks were lost to her. She had no idea what she was even doing here, but that was only the beginning. After about a minute, most of her accomplishments had been mentally stripped from her.

Everything that she had done in her life: milestones and accomplishments like completing college, were taken from her as she felt her brain squirm, brain cells instantly dying off as the witch worked her magic. Aside from her diminishing mental capacity, Becky could feel her tongue grow fat as it slithered around the inside of her mouth. Even though she was testing out her enlarged tongue, she could feel her teeth sinking into her gums!

A few teeth were slowly but surely receding into her pulsating gums as her tongue pressed down on them. The change to her mouth was rather painful, but it was not the only change taking place. Her hair was retreating back into her scalp, leaving behind a few strands of her hair that were too stubborn to fade away. The remaining hairs grew brittle and stringy until there was nothing left but wispy hair, much like what an infant would have.

The sorceress smiled, confident that her new adult daughter was more than ready to enter into her womb. Miss Veldes stood over Becky's head and squatted over her. Needless to say, the preschool minded adult looked up in shock as she saw a pair of massive vaginal lips hover above her head. Becky struggled to yell, but it was all for naught. The witch used her magic to pull the adult woman up into herself.

A few sexual sounding moans came from Miss Veldes as a very squirmy Becky writhed around her birth canal, ultimately tickling the inside of her pussy as she was slurped up into the  womb.

Becky thrashed about, frightened by the sudden darkness as she felt warm waters wash over her and quickly submerging her body. What happened next is still a mystery to Miss Veldes, but she assumed it had something to do with her magic. Anyway, at that instance, Becky's umblical cord fused her to her new mother. She then took her first ‘breath’ from within her new mother and was simultaneously liberated from the burden of her intelligence. Her destiny now was to be nothing but to be a baby for her new found mother, the woman who would care for her in the coming centuries.

---Approximately Nine Months Later---

A very pregnant sorceress cried out in agony, her screams echo down the hallway as she's pushed through the bowels of the hospital. At each corner of her gurney were four nurses who were doing their best to try and calm the distressed witch, but she simply was too overwhelmed by the pain coming from her bloated stomach to even contemplate what they were saying to her.

When she was admitted, mere minutes ago, she wore a typical maternity dress and, as always, high heels. Despite her pregnant state, she still tried to look sexy and, to the average person, she looked to be pregnant with a healthy baby, not the twenty two year old woman she had literally sucked into her pussy with her magic nine months ago. It took all of her concentration to keep the illusion spell in place which prevented the mortals from seeing her true body's image. All things considered, she was doing a damn good job of keeping the spell going while being in immense pain with her plump ass and expanding vagina on full display to everyone. On top of exposing herself to half the hospital, her volatile stomach threatened to erupt with a bouncing twenty two year old woman. All in all, she couldn't comprehend how she was still able to obscure the reality of her situation from the mortals in this state.

Once more, the witch cried out in agony at the painful sensations that emanated from her womb. She looked at her behemoth belly that had managed to tear through her dress, ruining it and exposing her pussy. If she didn't know any better, that bitch Becky was purposely kicking in an effort to break free. All she could do was stare at her giant belly, watching it move and bounce vigorously. Normally, she'd cast a paralysis spell, but she wasn't exactly about to do such a thing in public, nor could she since she was using almost all of her magic to hide the truth of her pregnancy.

"Is this your first?" A male nurse asked the distraught woman who looked back at him with surprise, then the male nurse looked at her again "Is this your first child, Miss Veldes?"

"Yes!" Shrieked the witch as a massive contraction rocked her body.

For just an instant, the male nurse caught a glimpse of her true stomach. Thanks to the power of her most recent contraction, her spell practically broke for that moment, granting anyone the ability to see that her belly was about the size of someone carrying a fully grown adult inside of it. He stared at the enlarged gut which was glistening due to being coated in sweat, throbbing along with the rest of her body.

"Uhh-" The male orderly blinked as he was guiding the stretcher with the other nurses. Suddenly, the woman's stomach looked somewhat normal again. "How many children are you pregnant with?"

'Why is this idiot asking me stupid questions?!'

The moment she completed that thought, she had a terrible feeling, instantly she felt sick because why would he ask such a question unless he knew something. Just the very thought of anyone discovering what she was pregnant with made her recoil in fear. She tried to hide her growing anxiety, but she couldn't ignore the fact that she was genuinely scared by the prospect that, after centuries of hiding in plain sight, the mortals would discover what she really was thanks to what was inside of her.

'I just wanted to be a mother!'

She opted to ignore his question, but couldn't even do that due to another insanely overwhelming contraction which made her screech as she leaned her head back, screaming at the top of her lungs. The two female nurses beside her each took one of her hands and allowed her to squeeze their hands. One of the women shot the male nurse a dirty look, silencing his inquiries.

"Everything's going to be alright Miss Veldes." Consoled a female nurse on her left.

The nurses ran through another corridor, guiding the oversized pregnant sorceress on the gurney with them, as they approached the maternity ward where a Doctor stood waiting in front of the delivery room.

Doctor Hannese, was a middle aged woman in her mid forties, full of experience and had delivered hundreds of newborns in her time as a doctor. She wore her graying brown hair in a ponytail while her eyes widen at the sight before her. The woman on the gurney was absolutely about to burst! Her stomach was literally bigger than any expecting mother she had ever seen!

"Another Octomom?" Asked the doctor in an attempt at humor as she approached the enormous belly of the witch.

Miss Veldes couldn't concentrate on the newcomer. The pain coursing through her being was just too great as she held her head back - breathing heavily as sweat was oozing out of every pore on her body.

Doctor Hannese looked at her patient's stomach, holding her gloved hand atop it and watched it move and gurgle.

"Well, she's about to burst. Let's get her on the bed and get to work!"

In practically thirty seconds, the engorged sorceress was pushed through the doors of the delivery room and laid out onto a heavy duty hospital bed. It was no easy task, but the nurses were pros and, even though the witch and the adult woman within her belly weighed over two hundred and fifty pounds combined, the nurses manhandled her onto the bed.

Now, the sorceress found herself sitting up on her bed with her back at a forty five degree angle due to the position of the bed while she used her elbows to support her weight. This was the moment she had longed for and dreamed of all those nights during the past nine months. She was about to be a mother! Her legs were in stirrups, knees bent and spread apart, exposing her pussy while the Doctor was down there, staring at her most intimate parts.

Doctor Hannese noted that her patient's birth canal was at approximately thirty centimeters of dilation. This was three times the normal rate of dilation. 'Whatever this woman was going to deliver, it was going to be huge!'

"Push!" One of the nurses ordered.

The witch was breathing rapidly and listened to the woman holding her hand, pushing down with all of her might, but it just wasn't enough. Obviously, Becky was being stubborn. Another tough push caused the witch to elicite a small squeal as she feels a pressure growing. She keeps pushing down while a massive strain starts to build up. Her face was red as she kept taking labored breaths.

Then suddenly another contraction rocked her body, causing the witch to violently screech, pushing with everything she has. Her stomach bouncing violently and shaking. The nurses do everything they can to try to calm her down but the witch continues to scream and scream before leaning her head back and letting out a loud piercing scream that echoes throughout the corridors.

"That's it, Miss Veldes! I can see the- Head?!"

Doctor Hannese stated, her typical routine tone replaced by confusion as she sees what looks like an adult sized head starring back at her, crying like a baby.

"Oh my God!" Screamed the doctor, causing the nurses to back away from the witch, horror evident in their eyes as they saw the woman being pushed out of the witch.

Suddenly, the sorceress started chanting through labored breaths as her newborn twenty two year old dangled out of her overstretched vagina, sticking midway out.

While the witch was chanting, the middle aged doctor could only stare at this woman protruding from her patient's pussy.  The "newborn" had a set of breasts that were probably bigger than her own, but that was the most developed part of this woman's body. The poor girl's head was covered in vaginal fluid that ultimately made her wispy locks of hair appear thicker than they actually were. However, it was the lack of teeth which disturbed the doctor the most. This poor woman, who was in the middle of experiencing her second birth, had no teeth!

After a minute of saying the literal magic words, calm returned to the delivery room as the nurses resumed their places at the witches' sides and Doctor Hannese started pulling a bawling newborn adult baby Becky from the sorceress' snatch.

"It's a girl!"

At that moment on January 27th, 2019, 5:29am, Becky Morgan Winthrop was born for the second time in her life. However, just like the first time, she was completely oblivious to this fact despite her age being twenty two years old.

Becky's eyes had trouble adjusting to the bright light and everything around her was a blur. She heard a female voice say words that she couldn't comprehend. All she was somewhat aware of was her body sliding out of the confined space. Once she was freed from the tight passage, her body shivered due to how cold the room was.

Although, mentally retarded, Becky could feel that she was covered in fluids and, the next thing she felt was the sensation of being picked up and rushed over to an area by the wall. The women that surrounded the crying newborn twenty two year old quickly shoved a nozzle up her nose. While the tube was cleaning out the fluid from her nasal passages, the nurses were drying her entire body, rubbing it all over vigorously with soft towels. Her bottom was lifted and she could feel something being placed under her bottom while she continued to bawl. Her legs were pulled apart and the large white thing was pulled up and taped at her sides.

Unbeknownst to the nurses, and her newborn adult baby, the witch used a spell to enlarge the size of the pamper they were tapping onto Becky.

Once the adult sized newborn was placed into a pamper, the nurses affixed a piece of plastic around her right ankle. It read: "Becky Veldes".

"Can I see my baby now?"

A smiling, but exhausted voice asked from behind the nurses.

"Of course, mom."

One of the nurses replied as the group of women worked to wrap a huge blanket around Becky until she was completely secured within it. Had Becky two points of intelligence left between her ears, she would have realized that the nurses were swaddling her. All the oversized, big breasted newborn was aware of was the fact that she was unable to move.

Becky, fully swaddled, found herself lifted up and placed in the crook of her new mother's arm, nuzzled right against her breast. With very little coaxing, Becky took to the nipple, wrapping her lips around it and sucking the witches' tit like her life depended on it. Within seconds, warm milk cascaded across her soft gums, flowing past every ridge, bump and pocket, soothing them instantly and giving the newborn adult a sense of relief.

"What's the baby girl's name?"

Doctor Hannese asked.

"Becky Faaloman Valdes"

Came the answer from the centuries old witch. Her secret safe and a brain dead adult baby suckling from her breast. She finally had everything in life that she wanted.

The End!




Definitely more stories like this!!!


I'll see what I can do. Definitely loved writing this "birthing" concept out.