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Lady Yorkshire thought for a moment and quickly explained what she wanted.

"Let's give him a new haircut, a nice bowl style with a darker tone of hair, black would be nice. Also, I want to edge him so if could include some hypnotic triggers, that'd be just great."

"Oouuhhh, how devious. I love it!" The master of ceremonies purred before fiddling with the remote.

Andrew couldn't believe his ears. "You're all crazy!”

The women didn't like the sound of his angry, cursing voice and before the restrained man could blink, a large pacifier was jammed into his mouth. Andrew could do nothing but suck on it as he was lowered into a large barber's chair.

With the press of a button, the woman controlling the machine shackled his wrists and ankles into the chair, forcing him to sit still. Andrew struggled, trying to break free when he saw the large scissors and electric razor the gloves wielded. He didn't want those things getter close to him, but he had no choice. A bowl was lowered onto his head and the scissors circled it, gradually cutting his long locks until he was wearing a very childish bowl haircut. The electric razor shaved the back of his neck, up to the bowl, ensuring that he had a perfect mushroom on top of his head. Next, a spray nozzle gently coated his hair in black, quick drying dye.

A mirror was held up in front of him and what Andrew saw staring back at him made him so angry. His hair looked like it belonged to a four year old! Not only that, but the pacified that filled his mouth, causing his cheeks to puff outwards, only added to his humiliating appearance.

"Alright, ladies. Let the real show begin!"

A computer screen rose out of the floor, playing a hypnotic sequence of footage, swirling vortexes of color as well as a repeating phrase, compelling him to desire his diapers. To only achieve an erection when he wore diapers.

After a few minutes, Andrew could feel his throbbing cock pressing against his absorbent underwear. His eyes looked around at all the hands releasing him from the large chair he sat in. The diapered young man could only hope that one of them would be rubbing his diaper soon.

When the gloves picked him up beneath his armpits, he whined from behind his pacifier and wiggled his legs, trying to hump his diaper as he was flying through the air.

The arms ignored the sexually frustrated young man and carried him over to an awaiting stroller as he continued to hump the air. Try as he might, these futile attempts did nothing to bring him an orgasm. Instead, Andrew was lowered into a large, umbrella stroller where he was quickly strapped into the five points harness. Once secured into the big stroller, the seat started to vibrate, helping bring the frustrated and desperate baby boy a nice orgasm. Andrew’s penis sprayed out a lot of cum which caused Andrew to grow relaxed.

Lady Yorkshire pushed the tired baby boy out of the warehouse and to her awaiting limousine.

--Two Weeks Later--

Andrew straddled the lap of his mommy's mother. Lady Yorkshire was away on business and had requested that her mother watch him. Needless to say, the older woman had an affinity for teasing her “grandson”. Always patting his diaper and breastfeeding him.

It had been tough enough to get used to Lady Yorkshire, but her mother was another thing entirely. He simply had enough of this lifestyle and felt his penis twitch for what could've been the thousandth time for all he knew. Despite his dick begging for more, Andrew was a broken man, he merely cried into his grandmother's shoulders as she rubbed the front of his diaper, cooing sweet nothings into Andrew's ears, coaxing him to ejaculate.

The End




Poor Andrew !! But on the brightside he don’t need to work anymore !!