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Normally, Alexis would've arrived early to class, but the last few days weren't exactly kind to the young lady who barged into the lecture hall. She had been experiencing erratic and spontaneous leaking. Such episodes ruined two of her favorite pairs of jeans. Luckily, the first accident happened in her dorm and the second was during a fairly good downpour of rain so, she was able to play it off. Alexis vowed their wouldn't be a third incident, hence why she was currently wearing a pair of pull ups undergarments that hugged her ass nicely underneath her pants.

Professor Ravenswood took notice of the late arrival, pausing her lecture and watched the girl take a seat in the last row. It was obvious to the older woman that her pupil was trying to sneak into class, and typically, the professor would've paid it no mind, but this student; Alexis Hayward, had been the last to arrive every day this week. Yesterday, she was absolutely drenched in rain water and looked like a drowned rat. Professor Ravenswood continued with her lecture, opting to just ignore the girl. It wasn't her money the girl was throwing away after all.

Alexis breathed a sigh of relief when she heard the Professor resume her discourse. She should've been paying attention, but she opted instead to use her time to look over her notes from the previous week, trying to remember what her teacher had spoken about. The poor pull up wearing girl drew a blank, her notes were mostly uncoherent and illegible gibberish, serving only to confuse her more. She decided to look at her homework, but that didn't exactly instill much confidence in her as it was the same incomprehensible nonsense as her notes.

Each passing minute left the girl feeling mentally drained and a tad bit overwhelmed by her surroundings. The ordeal of having to deal with potty problems, at her age, definitely weighed heavily on her mind, but was it enough to make her randomly write uneducated scribbles on her homework and notes? Maybe she had written everything properly, but for some bizarre reason, her mind was failing to process the information as it regularly did?

The very thought of her mind failing her caused a shiver to travel down her spine. She held up her notes in front of her once more, focusing on the sheet of paper at the top. Suddenly, she recognized a one and a few twos. A dopey smile grew across her face as she started to feel proud of herself for knowing what some of the numbers were. After all, big girls knew their one, two, threes and she was a big college girl. She only needed her pull ups during the day. Only babies needed diapers.

Once again, Professor Ravenswood took notice of Alexis, seeing her drooling slightly. 'That damn girl is stoned!'

Changing gears, the older woman stepped up to the whiteboard and started jotting down an equation which perfectly went with her interrupted lecture. She'd so this punk kid. It was one thing to show up late, repeatedly, but to be so disrespectful as to show up intoxicated to her class was what lit a proverbial fire under the old woman's ass.

"Alexis Hayward!"

The young woman was caught off guard, pulled from her la la land of sorts.

"Yes, Professor Ravenswood?"

"Could you be so kind as to come down here and demonstrate that you've been paying attention by solving this equation?"

Alexis slowly made her way through the middle of her class, trying to get to the whiteboard. She did all she could to look at anyone but her teacher and, as she looked around herself, it suddenly dawned on the young lady that all eyes were on her.

"Is that a diaper she's wearing?!" A lone voice accused.

An eruption of laughter came from all around Alexis as she tried to hide the protruding waistband of her pull ups. Finally, she decided to simply yanked her pants up a bit more to conceal the top of her despised pull ups. One thing was for certain, she had never felt so flustered in all her life thanks to the very garment that was supposed to save her from having embarrasing situations. Now, thanks to that damned pull up, she was literally center of attention.

Alexis managed to complete her walk of shame and faced her teacher. The older woman held out a red marker and directed her to the board.

"Hopefully, you're more competent at completing this math problem than you are at potty training."

This remark ignited a fresh burst of laughter from the students present. Most didn't typically care for the old lady who was a bit of a ball buster, but today, she was definitely their favorite teacher. A few students did feel pity for Alexis, but they were in the minority as the howls of laughter ruled the classroom.

Alexis muttered to herself, diving right into the equation in earnest. She felt confident that she could solve it. Her hand moved fast, racing uncoordinated across the board, leaving squiggles that even a Kindergartener student would be ashamed to call their own. After a few moments, Alexis stepped away, displaying her answer to everyone.

"See? I know dat two plus two equals four."

Not an eye was dry in the room as all most everyone present started laughing again. Even the students who had felt bad for Alexis took part in the communal bout if hysteria. Ultimately, it was like watching a train wreck, a hilarious and proud young woman, wearing pull ups, had just proclaimed that two plus two equaled four in a college level trigonometry class. It had to of been a bad prank.

"You sure you're in the right class, young lady? I think they have a spot for you at the campus daycare center."

Alexis could feel her face growing warm, blushing beyond what she thought was even possible due to the condescending tone and question her instructor had directed at her. If that wasn't bad enough, everyone was pointing at her and laughing their asses off!

She tried to a respond in a mature fashion. To refute it and assert her that she did indeed belong in this class. However, before she could say a single word, a loud, wet fart announced that her body had other plans.

The college freshman was on autopilot, absentmindedly squatting in front of her entire class. Her peers, all beautiful women and young studs, watched her get into position, stunned into a morbid silence while Alexis began to grunt.

Her unlady like efforts were quickly rewarded by little bits of poop exiting her tight asshole, pushed out into her awaiting pull up. The garment struggled to accept her load, straining against the warm mass of crap. The pull ups were basically a thicker version of panties at this point, holding the poop in place up against the girl's soft backside.

Her jeans had concealed the pull ups reasonably enough, up until the waistband was seen, but the dump that Alexis so publically was taking, in front of fifty plus students, left nothing to the imagination. Everyone present knew what the girl had done in her pants once her content sigh left her mouth.

"Poopie!" Alexis declared.

A few quick thinking students had grabbed their cell phones, catching the entire event on film. Quite a few were still focused on Alexis' slightly bulging butt. The lumps in her jeans confirmed to the students, as well as to the future digital audience, that she did in fact shit herself.

The End



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