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Moments later, Milly returned from the kitchen with a plate full of chocolate squares, each one topped with a zigzag pattern of frosting. She wore a grin as she took a knee and held the plate in front of Shirley and Kallen. "Go on you two, dig in!"

The magenta haired soldier didn’t know if this was a trick or just Milly's way of being nice. She looked over at Shirley just in time to see the greedy girl snatch up three or four squares and practically devour them. Even though Shirley had told her that she had to trust her, Kallen was still quite apprehensive. It wasn't until her mother had accepted a piece held out to her mouth from Milly, did Kallen decide that it was safe to eat the candy.

She hesitantly picked one of the chocolates up, between her thumb and index finger, and took a small nibble of the candy. The very instant the chocolate met her tongue, dissolving into her taste buds, she was overwhelmed by a rather powerful euphoric burst of flavor that consumed her. She could honestly say that she had never tasted something so decadent and radiant. The chocolate wasn't too complex nor was it overly sweet, but it was so rich and creamy. A sudden hunger flared up, inside of her,an all consuming urge to eat more of that delicious candy.

The grabby fingers of Shirley and Kallen competed to get the remaining squares of the blissful chocolate. Each girl simply grabbing square after square, sticking them in their mouths before going back to the plate for more. If Kallen had it her way, she would've taken her time and enjoyed this treat, but Shirley preferred being a glutton and forcing Kallen to grab as many as she could.

While the two small women battled over the few remaining bits of candy, Milly simply watched with a slight grin. She knew what Mrs. Stadtfeld was talking about. The fact that Kallen didn't immediately eat her favorite chocolate was telling enough as it was. Kallen rarely refused candy since it was the only solid food she was given, the giant blond knew this thanks to what Kallen had told her in the past. However, what truly caught Milly attention was a young woman who stood before her that still carried herself with pride and determination. A strong woman's who's posture screamed that she had yet to be broken down into a submissive little girl. 'I'll fix that in time.' Milly mused.

Unbeknownst to Kallen, the chocolate was rapidly metabolizing and being absorbed into her bloodstream. It took only a minute for the young woman to feel a slight heat begin to generate in her loins. She couldn't help but stare at Shirley, who had startled dancing from foot to foot, something akin to a toddler who needed to use the toilet. Not too long afternoon she started her impromptu toilet dance, the bratty girl started begging.

"Milly, can I please have my playdate now?!"

The blond couldn’t help but giggle. She knew that since Shirley had eaten twice as much chocolate as she normally did, that she was also twice as horny as normal. What most people would've mistook for a potty dance was actually a very natural response to the aphrodisiac present in the chocolate. Even though Shirley's libido was already very strong, Milly loved giving her little pet a bit of a boost. Still, this was more than just a simple boost, Milly knew that Shirley's pussy was outright throbbing inside that diaper which caused her to hop around like a rabbit in heat.

"You've been such a good girl. Of course you two can have your little date, but first I have to get you changed into your plastic diapers." Milly smiled as she scooped up Ms. Kōzuki.

Shirley replied with a huff while Kallen's expression was blank. She had no idea why she, or Shirley, had to be switched out of their current underwear. Still, maybe this was a good development? Maybe Shirley knew that this would happen and they'd get thinner diapers that would allow them more mobility and dexterity. Kallen tried to think positive as Milly led them both towards a large room filled with toys and others babyish junk on the ground.

Kallen looked at all of the infantile furniture and random toys strewn about, wondering why Shirley was so eager to play with this crap. The soldier knew that her classmate obviously was experiencing the same tingling sensation across her womanly lips as she was. Unless her horny friend's playtime consisted of rubbing a rattle into her diaper or getting off on the rocking her, the magenta haired woman failed to see what all the fuss was about.

A few moans, coming from where Milly stood, caught Kallen's attention and got the diapered woman to run up to where the giant sized blood stood. Even thought her back was facing Kallen, Milly responded to Kallen before she said a word.

"Now, Kallen. I know you're eager to be dressed, but you have to wait for me to get your baby sister situated in her baby bouncer."

Milly finished fiddling with the suspended strands and stepped to the side, as if unveiling her handing work. The sight of her mother, hung from the ceiling, sat in an odd mesh like seat which was lined by a blue material shaped like an oversized diaper, caught the young woman's attention. She realized that her giant babysitter had trapped her mother in this bizarre contraption!

"Why does she have to sit in that thing?!" Kallen asked without hesitation.

"Because she's much too little to be playing with the big babies, sweetie." Milly chuckled, walking over to a cabinet.

"Kawen!" Shirley hollered. "Come over here, pwease!"

The young woman sighed and decided to waddle over to where Shirley stood.

"Yes?" Kallen stated in a slightly annoyed tone.

"Noffin, just needed to distract you while Milly got your suit." Shirley smiled.

"What?!" The solder barked but couldn't do a thing as she was grabbed by Shirley in an impromptu bear hug. Of course, the horny auburn haired girl lacked the strenght to actually hold Kallen for very long, but it gave Milly enough time to pulled the neck of the enormous latex suit open.

"Lift her up, baby girl." Milly ordered Shirley.

Of course, Shirly did as she was told, lifting her struggling friend up as best as she could. The blond giantess knew that time was of the essence knelt down before she brought the suit underneath Kallen's wiggling legs. Slowly, but surely she snaked the suit up to the magenta haired girl's thighs. Just below the diaper, Milly let go of the suit and ripped off Kallen's thick disposable, leaving the feisty girl nude.

"Let me out of this thing!" Kallen shouted, feeling the material around her legs dig into her skin. It was so fucking tight!

However, Milly did no such thing. What she did do was continue hoisting up the latex suit, bringing it higher, inch by inch until Kallen was trapped inside of it. Kallen squawked, feeling like she was wearing a slick second skin that entirely covered her whole body. She noted that the area around her crotch was very thick. Her midsection was also wrapped with the same soft material that cradled her crotch. It was all so bizarre to the young woman, agnostic more bizarre than waking up in a world where she was a third of the size of the "adults" Who demanded and expected her to be an infant.

Kallen continued to explore the contours of her new attire, perplexed by the fact that a onesie sized diaper of sorts was enveloping her torso and crotch while her arms and legs were practically poured into latex sleeves. Actually, that wasn't quite true, the entire exterior of the suit was latex and glimmered in the light of the window like a freshly waxed car while hidden under her midsection was the core of the suit, a diaper of sorts. At least, that's what Kallen assumed that it must of been. One thing she knew for certain was that she was feeling hot under the damned thing.

Once Kallen had thoroughly gained an understanding of what the suit was, she started to search for a weak spot or flaw she could exploit and use to escape from it. She struggled, her mitten like hands sliding off of the slick exterior, while she clumsily tried to pulled at the suit, trying to get some kind of grip or leverage.

"Fuck." Kallen muttered to herself in defeat as she looked up from her new outfit, noticing that Shirley was wearing a matching version of the same suit that clung tightly to Kallen's body. Milly stood beside Shirley, appreciating her handiwork.

"Wow!" The blond gushed. "You two look absolutely perfect!"

"You tricked me!" Kallen pointed her bulbous hand, trying to extend a finger, at Shirley.

"Kallen." Milly chuckled. "Don't you get it? Shirley is my girl. She does as I command."

"You bitch!"

"You say that now, you'll be begging for more playdates once Shirley is done with you." Milly smirked and picked Shirley up, carrying her under her armpits until the blond stood the girl directly in front of Kallen.

"I'm giving you thirty minutes, ladies." Milly stated, leaving the room.

Shirley looked Kallen up and down, smiling before she leaned in and kissed her classmate on the cheek. This intrusion of her personal space stunned the angry straight soldier, but what really bothered her was the fact that she was enjoying the feel of Shirley's lips gently kissing her face. Despite being tricked by Shirley mere moments ago, she couldn't muster the strength to stop her classmate's kisses. She just let Shirley keep kissing her, letting her gradually get lower until she found Kallen's lips.

Kallen lost the drive to resist Shirley's advances as her classmate's moist lips met her own pouty lips. Something within her wanted this as they slowly made out, tongues exploring each other. She wanted to be Shirley's plaything. She didn't know if it was a side effect of the chocolates, but she wanted Shirley to have her way with her.

However, Kallen couldn't help but think of Millie as Shirley started to wrap her slick, latex covered arms around her bulky diaper suit covered midsection. She ultimately wanted Millie to be the one to fuck her, but the idea of Millie using Shirley as a tool, made this all the more hotter for the young soldier. She couldn't stop thinking about how she was at the bottom of Millie's pyramid of power. How Millie's little bitch, Shirley was dominating her at this moment. How she was being forced to swap spit by a girl who had no freedom except for being used as an instrument of Millie's perverted desires. These wild thoughts persisted as Shirley broke off the kiss.

"I know that look, Kallen." Shirley smiled. "Let's get these diapers nice and wet."

Before Kallen could utter a word, Shirley was on her, locking lips and leaning against the suited up soldier. The weight of Shirley's advance caused the kneeling Kallen to fall back onto the soft padding of the full length diaper suit. Despite how bulky and hot the suit made her, she was somewhat grateful for the pillow like material that had broken her fall. The two diaper suit wearing sluts continued to make out until Shirley grew bored and readjusted herself.

Suddenly, Kallen found herself staring up at a smiling Shirley who straddled the magenta haired girl's covered stomach. The slick latex exterior squeaked as Shirley squeezed her tightly concealed thighs together, rubbing the slick material against Kallen's midsection. Kallen replied in part by lifting her midsection up off of the floor, pressing her stomach into Shirley's overprotected pussy.

Meanwhile, Ms. Kōzuki had a front row seat, trapped in her baby bouncer where she remained suspended slightly in the air. Her bonnet framed face blushing as she tried to turn away, but her seat gave her no other choice but to watch her daughter and Shirley have sex. She knew that this lust filled session of sex was fueled by the chocolate, her loins told her as much. With each gentle bounce of the bouncer her moist clit grew wetter and began to quiver while she sat in the infantile contraption, in just her diaper.

Part of her was secretly jealous of the teenagers. Despite being twice as old as her daughter Kallen, Millie had made it a point to tell her often that she was much too young for the kind of game that her "big sister" got to play. This is why she always found herself in a baby bouncer.

Here she was, in her late thirties, secured in a bouncer meant for a one year old, trapped in a diaper and bonnet, forced to try to achieve orgasm by bouncing in the damned swing as she watched two college aged girls have sex in ridiculously bulky diaper suits.

Needless to say, it was pretty stimulating to the diapered mother to watch the two women encased in diaper suits maneuver their bulky bodies around, searching for the perfect pose to reach climax. Each subtle move causing their latex covered bodies to squeak while the suits would glide across one and another. She kept blushing, knowing how wrong it was to be turned on by this sinful sight, knowing that she should be doing everything in her power to try to not bounce around, knowing that she should quit trying to grind her wet slit against her thick diaper and the mesh seat.

However, despite what her mind kept telling her, she kept bouncing up and down, watching the show in front of her. Ultimately giving in to her carnal desires as she continued bouncing around, looking like an overgrowth infant to any giant who saw her but behaving like a whore in heat.

Kallen simply wriggled between Shirley’s strong legs, slowly escaping from the girl's hold. She turned over like a slippery fish until her face met the carpet, and her diapered, round butt was facing Shirley. The horny girl reached out and patted the firm ass with her thickly mitten covered hand. Regardless of the diapered interior of the suit, Kallen knew that Shirley was playfully spanking her, causing her to spurt a bit of cum into the thirsty lining of her diaper suit.

After a dozen playful slaps, Shirley slid her slick leg in between Kallen's crotch, wedging her own upper thigh between Kellen's thighs. She coiled her leg around Kallen's right leg, securing the leg lock, she used her center of gravity to flip Kallen onto her back once more.

Kallen was definitely caught off guard when she was flipped over. She couldn't help but be amazed at how masterfully Shirley moved around in these suits. Just when she felt like she was about to get away, Shirley always managed to turn the tables. In that moment, she felt her friend sink down onto her stomach, trapping her in place, pinning her to the floor. 'It's like we're playing the most demented game of twister ever.'

Shirley turned around with a squelch before she grabbed at Kallen's foot. She brought Kallen's leg into her arms and stretched it up as far as it would go. The horny schoolgirl knew that this was her playmate's favorite position as she wrapped her legs, like a pair of snakes, around the thigh of Kallen's outstretched leg. Using her thickly pampered butt, she eased herself forward.

Kallen gasped as her diapered cunt made hard contact with Shirley's equally enveloped cunt. In seconds, the soldier could feel Shirley taking control, moving her hips back and forth. It was too much for Kallen to handle as her natural instincts took over, causing her lower body to gyrate. The novice kept time, as best as she could, with the far more experienced Shirley's up and down motion.

Shirley barked at Kallen, commanding her to pick up the pace. She knew that this wasn't her little fuck toy. Her Kallen never was this slow to pick up on her cues. Not only that but this Kallen couldn't rock fast enough, or push hard enough to satisfy her sexual demands. As the two grinded against each other, suits singing in a squeaking sexually symphony, Shirley knew she had to push Kallen over the edge to get the results she deserved.

Shirley changed her position until she could face Kallen. Next, she leaned forward, all the way down Kallen's body, until her face met Kallen's. Without waiting for an invite, Shirley stuck her tongue into Kallen's moaning mouth and the two started to make out again.

The magenta haired woman was sweating bullets, but Shirley knew that she had more in her. Despite the fact that they were both imprisoned in this infantile lifestyle, Shirley knew that her friend's stamina was legendary.

Both Shirley and Kallen focused only on each other, trying to ignore the fact that their suits were becoming drenched in sweat as time went on. It didn't help that the close proximity of their suits, pressing against each other, was a constant reminder of the humidity that had built up. Kallen could feel the cottony interior of her diaper suit rubbing against her body, swaddling her breasts and teasing her hard nipples as they rubbed back and forth across the liner of the suit.

Sure, these suits did their job, they soaked up the sweat, but this extra moisture, coupled with the amount of juices coming from her pussy subconsciously worried the girl. It seemed like the more liquid the suit took in, the higher up her body the moisture traveled, seeking dry polymers to be absorbed by which only made her suit feel more humid and hot as the sex session went on. Above all, she could feel the build up of her bowels, aching for release as her stomach groaned. Kallen did her best to block out the realization that she'd probably be shitting in this suit soon. Instead, she focused on the heat and wetness of her throbbing vagina. It was better to focus on the arousal building in her pussy as Shirley kept forcing her to work her hips.

“I swear Kallen, normally when we fuck, you try a lot harder than this.” Shirley whined as she pulled away from her friend's face while still matching the grinding motion of their pelvic trusts.

“Umm, it's kind of hard to fuck when you have to take a dump.” Kallen blurted out before thinking, causing Shirley to laugh.

“You're kidding me, right?”

Kallen shook her head in response while still struggling to keep pace with Shirley.

“What do you think we're wearing? Just poop already!”

“I-I'm not going to! I can't do that to myself!”

“You will.” Shirley lowered her thickly covered hands onto Kallen's abdominal area. “You just need a little help.”

Kallen's eyes went wide as Shirley pushed her mitten like hands into Kallen's gut, putting her whole body weight behind her push. It didn't help that Kallen was practically on the verge of shitting, but the sudden jolt to her stomach forced it all out of her. Kallen paused, ceasing her gyrations as her sphincter opened up and sprayed the lining of her diaper. The suit accepted it all, expanding to allow all of her mess to pool around her ass. It bulged outwards as wave after wave of the fecal material invaded her crotch and lower back. Kallen's greatest fear was realized as the mess seemed to spread. The majority of it had remained localized by her ass, but some of it was going up her back!

“Why the fuck would you make me do that?!”

“Quit complaining. Now, we can finish and you can get out of that suit.” Shirley smiled sweetly, acting like she did her playmate a favor.

“This feeling, it's absolutely repulsive!” Kallen yelled out. “How am I supposed to have sex now?”

“Easy, the mess acts as lube.” Shirley giggled and started to grunt, filling up her own suit. She looked down at Kallen with a grin before she resumed her grinding, rubbing her swollen diaper into her playmate's crotch.

The young woman was about to object and pull away, but her clit responded to the saturated bulk in her suit in a most unexpected fashion. ‘Holy shit! She's right! That feels amazing!”

The two suited up sluts resumed grinding on each other, their moans slowly building up as the friction of their gyrations increased the heat felt on their skin. A mixture of sweat, precum and bodily fluids clung to their latex encased bodies. However, neither minded the fact that their flesh was being bathed in the byproducts of their biology as it merely aided their ascent towards a massive orgasmic apex.

“AHH, OHH, AHHHHHH!” Kallen yelled out at the top of her lungs.

But Shirley knew how to manipulate her friend's body well, slowly down just in time to prevent her lover from erupting in euphoric bliss. Not only did she have a job to do; tiring out Kallen, but she wasn't about to just give Kallen an orgasm after how lazy and awkward she had acted before the two had gotten to this point. Shirley wanted Kallen to earn it!

“Come on, slut!” Shirley barked. “Give me all you got!”

Kallen was slightly taken aback by how Shirley had denied her sweet release. In the midst of her sexually induced high, the soldier knew that these only way to get off was to basically do it herself. With that in mind, she lifted her crotch and pressed it hard against Shirley's padded pussy and resumed rubbing, grinding it for all she was worth.

Now, Shirley found herself at the edge of the abyss, feeling every synapse in her mind ablaze as Kallen went to town, scissoring with all her energy. Needless to say, both women's clits were positively dripping in cum, thanks to the chocolates they had consumed, but the bulk of their suits made achieving an orgasm difficult unless both girls were exuding maximum effort to stimulate one and another.

“Yeeess!” Shirley cried. “Moar! I want moaar!”

With sweat dripping down her face and her body absolutely drenched beneath her latex skin, Kallen felt like her legs were about to give up. Yet, she summoned the last bit of her strength to push them both over the threshold of pleasure and into the realm of pure bliss. Each girl came with an ear shattering scream while their pussies gushed a cascade of sexual fluid into their diapered lined suits. Kallen felt her eyes roll back into her head, absolutely spent from the best sex she had ever experienced in her life.

Shirley took a few minutes to recover from her powerful orgasm. She had to admit that, even though her friend was acting strange at first, it was certainly her Kallen. Still, the auburn haired slut wanted to punish her little playmate for being such a bitch and yelling at her.

With that in mind, Shirley crawled over her practically, comatose lover's body until her padded posterior was directly over Kallen's star struck face. Shirley stood on her knees, pampered ass hovering mere inches away from Kallen's face before slamming it down.

“Silly, Kallen." Shirley smiled as she started to wiggle her big bulky butt across Kallen's face. "You must've been drunk from all the tit milk your mommy feeds you because you know that you're my little fuck toy and you know better than to talk back to me!”

Kallen yelled out from underneath her friend's huge ass, arms flailing while kicking her legs. All that could be heard coming from Kallen was a muffled scream as Shirley continued to plant her ass in the girl’s face.

Suddenly, Shirley felt a cramp hit her gut and had no choice but to release a hot spurt of poop into her diaper, causing a fresh stench to emanate from Shirley's ass. This new development, happening literally a few inches from Kallen's face, caused the soldier to redouble her efforts at freeing herself from beneath the stinky baby woman.

Finally, after about a minute, Shirley lifted her huge diapered butt off of Kallen’s face and crawled away, grinning an ear to ear smile. After about thirty seconds of silence, Shirley looked over her shoulder and noticed that Kallen was sprawled out on the carpet, completely knocked out.

To Be Continued...




simply delicious