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While Kevin was being dressed by the malfunctioning machine, Eric had fled away from the living room, promising to get help. The blond with the shaggy mop was going from room to room, hoping to find Kasey. He started in a room which was seemingly empty save for some furniture from a big box store and a mattress. He looked around and even checked the closet before leaving, figuring that if Kasey knew about this robot, she was probably hiding from it like he should be doing.

Still, he knew that he couldn't just give up and let Kevin be this insane android's doll. Not only would that be a very chicken shit thing to do, but deep down inside, Eric knew that he'd probably be next if he couldn't find a way to stop the overloaded machine.

Two more rooms, and three minutes later yielded no Kasey or anything resembling an "off" switch for the machine. Eric stood in the hallway, fighting his growing anxiety while he heard occasional groans and cooing coming from the living room. This mixture of sounds did nothing to alleviate his nerves as it continually bombarded his ears. When he felt like he was on the verge of a panic attack, he had an epiphany!

'Kasey said something about a generator!' Eric realized that the only place that would house a generator would be the garage!

The teen ran out of the hall and into the garage, looking around wildly for anything that remotely looked like a generator. He searched under selves and throughout a storage cabinet, but found nothing. He even opened each washer and drying, hoping that maybe, just maybe, they were designed to look like appliances, but we're secretly generators. Sadly, they were just normal laundry room machines.

Eric held back his anger, not wanting to shout and alert the robot to his location, but he felt his rage build up and release itself as a stout kick to the wall. Suddenly, a panel of the wall recoiled back and rolled into the structure, revealing a very shaken Kasey, who had her knees up to her chest while her arms were wrapped around her legs. She looked up like a deer caught in the headlights.

"Is everything okay? Where's Kev-"

Before Kasey could finish her question, Eric cut her off, just thinking about Kevin caused him to erupt in anger.

"You're fucking kidding me, right?"

"The house has experienced a massive glitch, but if we just wait until the evening, my supervisor should send someone out here to fix this situation." Kasey explained, startled by how upset Eric was.

"No shit, there's a glitch!" The blond replied. "The robot is like, dressing Kevin up like a girl and was talking- like it was using your name and thinks we're both girls!" Eric struggled to explain what he had witnessed.

"I-" Kasey was at a loss for words. She knew that things had rebooted and that she wasn't qualified to fix the system since it had taken a direct hit from a lightning strike, but her fucking nanny was now unleashed and, according to the angry stoner in front of her, it was fulfilling her commands on Kevin. She could say nothing, her body was awash in a mixture of shame, terror and arousal. She knew that if she couldn't stop her nanny bot, her little secret would get out.

"Kasey, what the fuck are we supposed to do?" Eric finally asked.

"I don't know what to do." Kasey offered weakly.

"Why does that thing think Kevin is you?" Eric couldn't help but ask, letting curiosity get the better of him.

"Each house comes with a personal robotic butler and I use that one as a sort of personal assistant. The power surge must've scrambled the machine's visual components..."

"Okay." Eric thought for a moment. "That doesn't explain why it shot Kevin and is putting him in a diaper."

"That's-" Kasey suddenly pictured the emo looking young man in one of her pink diapers.

"You sure it isn't like, a sex bot or something?" Eric's deviant mind threw out the first thing he could think of. Ironically enough, he had no clue how right he was.


Thinking on her toes,  Kasey quickly came up with a somewhat logical response.

"The power surge must've activated a subroutine which comes as an option for households that have babies."

"Umm, what?"

"Basically, it's nanny bot function was activated and has taken over, causing it to think Kevin is a baby that the owner's of the house want taken care of." Kasey explained.

"Well, I got bad news then." Eric looked down at Kasey, pity evident in his eyes. "The robot thinks you're a baby."

"I see." Kasey stared at the wall in front of her. Yeah, she had managed to sell a pothead her explanation for what happened, but she knew her boss could easily have one of the programmers go through the robot once she and the guys had been freed from the house. Once that happens, her job was history. Regardless of her future, she knew that she had to do something or else they'd all be diapered and babied by her short circuiting babysitter.

"Can you do anything to stop it?" Eric asked, worry growing in his voice as he looked down at the once confident woman on the floor.

"I really don't know what I can do." The redhead slowly got to her feet before looking at Eric. "I mean, I could turn off the power, but the robot has an internal battery which can last for a full thirty six hours. Turning off the power won't stop it."

"Shit!" Eric whined. "I don't want to end up like Kevin!"

A metallic clanking sound echoed from the interior of the house, coming closer.

"I think it activated the hands." Kasey said weakly.

Suddenly, a silver tendril shot out of the slightly open door, snaking its way through the air, searching for a target. It grabbed Eric by his t-shirt and pulled him off his feet.

"Holy Shit!" He shrieked as he was dragged backwards towards the house.

"Kasey! Save me!"

Not knowing what else to do, Kasey punched in the code to shut the door to the generator, sealing herself back inside.

Eric couldn't believe his eyes. She had literally went back into that room, hiding from the metal monster that was hell bent on babying them all. As he was being dragged from the garage and back into the house, he shouted out to Kasey. "You bitch!"

The robot reeled in it's arm, content and happy to see that it had snagged another baby, another Kasey. Once fully reeled in, the machine held Eric up in front of it, leaving the teen to dangle off of the floor. Robotic eyes scanned Eric and noted that he wasn't quite the same as the new Kasey it had just dressed. The deranged autonomous android would fix that in due time.

"Such naughty language and you aren't in the proper clothing for your age, little girl."

Eric was scared by the red eyes staring at him, seemingly capturing his every feature and logging it into a digital database. Still, he didn't want to go down without a fight."

"Fuck you!" The blond barked, trying to sound tough as he hung in the air by the robot's hand.

The next thing the robot said caused Eric's hot blooded bravado to instantly melt away. "Baby isn't allowed to fornicate anything. We'll have to activate the chastity device for naughty Kasey."

To Be Continued...


