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Cindy Ichigo ripped open the unexpected letter she found in her mailbox and read it slowly. It was an invitation to her oldest friend’s baby shower, stenciled with storks on the edges of the letter. Even though it had been a long time since she last saw her friend, it warmed her heart that she was not only remembered, but invited.

As the years passed, it seemed like all of her friends had slowly drifted apart. Nonetheless, at least she was able to hang out with her closest friend again, Cindy was grateful for that much and now had a legitimate reason to make a three hour drive upstate to where her friend had relocated.

Later that month at the baby shower...

As all the women sat together in the living room, both groups chatted about the little bundle of joy which Jodie held in her arms. Even though it was supposed to be a baby shower to honor Megan, Jodie couldn’t find a sitter for her daughter and had to bring the baby along. Despite the fact that the child garnered all of the attention, Cindy could tell that Megan didn't mind.

Still, Cindy had hoped for more time to catch up with Megan, but the other women had already showed up long before Cindy had. She sat there, presenting a fake smile while wearing her mask of joy. The older she got, the more alone and less appreciated she felt. She'd never tell anyone this,but during the last few months, she'd felt isolated as most of her friends from college had long since moved away from the big city she called home. Some got married and started doing the newlywed thing while others left the state for better opportunities in the Sun Belt.

Here she sat, approaching her late twenties and the older she got, the more her depression was building up as the time left on her biological clock ticked downwards.

Needless to say, when she received that letter from Megan, inviting her to visit and celebrate the impending birth of her future daughter. She immediately agreed to come. It was a no brainer. She had been feeling alone and unloved, but now that she sat here, she felt so out of place. She had agreed to come, expecting some good old fashioned girl talk and rekindling which would've been nice, it would've brighten her mood. However, all she got was baby babble as everyone talked about the baby.

The chance for reminiscing faded away, leaving Cindy feeling bored and ignored as all eyes were focused on the baby. Cindy glanced around the living room, seeing a few modern pieces of furniture along with a flat screen. Nothing fancy, just wooden furniture which worked with the rustic motif of the house.

"Yeah, she's barely two months old." Jodie replied as she let Megan hold baby Jade.

"I can't believe how well mannered and mellow Jade is for a two month old. Most newborns cry their heads off, but not Jade!" Megan ended her statement in a coo and rubbed her nose against the tiny baby's nose.

Cindy gazed longly at them, wishing that she could experience that level of love with someone. Wishing that she could just go back to a simpler time in her life. Not plagued by bills and the constant rat race.

"Jade sure is lucky! Cindy spoke without realizing it.

"Hmm?" Megan and the other women all looked at her.

Jodie however smiled, thinking that Cindy was praising her mothering skills. "Yes, she's a very lucky little girl to have a mother like me."

"She's got no worries and can sleep all day." Cindy continued, ignoring her friend’s friend. "That's the life."

Megan chuckled. "Well, that sounds good and all, but I think little Miss Jade has a full load in her diaper."

The redhead handed the tiny tot back over to her mother and she pulled back the waistband of her daughter's disposable, peeking in. Ultimately, there was no reason to take a look, the smell gave it away. Still, Jodie laughed as she laid out her tiny baby on the coffee table, it serving as a makeshift changing table.

"So, you would trade away the freedom of adulthood for the routine of a baby?" An auburn haired woman named Candice asked.

Jodie held up one of the tiny newborn diapers that she had pulled from a package next to the couch, using it to play Peek a Boo with her baby girl.

"Plus, you'd have to be on a schedule, right? Megan added with chuckle.

Cindy knew that they were being catty with her, snipping away at her, trying to embarass her. Still, she ignored them and looked at the baby in front of her. The kid had it easy and she wanted that. A baby's life was easier and more fun. 'Fun? I guess it could be fun if I had playmates.'

As Jodie shook the canister of talcum powder, releasing the aroma of infancy into the air, Cindy felt a deep yearning overwhelm her. She remembered that smell, she used to love that smell. It meant that mommy was there to take care of everything and ensure that nothing would hurt her. The most basic of her needs taken care of without worry.

Cindy continued to watch while Jodie gently lowered baby Jade's legs and pulled up the front of the disposal, quickly taping her into it, snug and secure. Before the woman could blink, Jodie started blowing kisses onto her tiny daughter's tummy, causing the girl to giggle and gurgle. Cindy could only stare in awe, wanting that kind of attention,  needing that type of affection in her life.

“How about we play some games to get this party started!” Megan’s question caused Cindy to look up from her daydreaming. To the Asian gal, it sounded less like a question and more like a statement as everyone readily agreed to it.

“What should we play?” Candice asked.

“I think we should practice feeding a baby since you'll need all the practice you can get.” Jodie stated as she finished changing her baby.

“We could feed Jade!” Candice smiled.

“That's no fun, how about one of us dresses up like a baby and we take care of them for the afternoon?” Megan suggested to a gaggle of chuckles.

“How about Cindy then? Jodie offered. “She's been left out this whole time.”

“Yeah, I second that!” Candice quickly agreed, not wanting to end up in a diaper.

Megan scooped up a few items from next to the couch which had been somewhat obscured from view, hidden under the end table. Cindy blushed, watching her friend approach her holding a large rectangle of white plastic on top of a bundle of navy blue material. “Here's your outfit, Cindy. Bathroom is down the hall to the right.”

Cindy stood up, still blushing as she clutched her infantile costume of sorts. She was greeted by the smiling faces of the other women who were sitting around her. Part of her wanted to refuse to go along with this, but she didn't want to annoy her friend like that by being an actual party pooper. As Cindy made her way out of the living room, one of the other women called out to her.

“Don't take too long, Cindy.”

“Yeah, we might come back there and help if you can't figure out how to put your diaper on.”

The last comment caused an uproar of laughter amongst the gals.

Cindy opened the bathroom door and quickly closed it shut, locking it just in case, her paranoia getting the best of her. As she stood in the bathroom she recalled hearing about such silly rituals of feeding adult women bottles or other baby themed games occurring at Baby Showers, but she didn't ever expect to have to dress up to do those games.

The young woman looked at the mirror, her reflection staring right back at her. Cindy subconsciously began to fiddle with the clothing Megan had given her. Realizing that she had zoned out, she placed each item on the counter. ‘How am I supposed to squeeze into these diapers anyway?’

As she held the rectangle of plastic up, examining it closely, it accidently unfolded itself. Suddenly, a tiny square of plastic became a huge hourglass shape. ‘This thing is huge! Where did Megan even buy this thing?!’

Any doubt of fitting into the diaper quickly evaporated from her mind. ‘Well, better get dressed.’ She laid the gargantuan disposable on the counter with the odd blue outfit.

Cindy quickly took off her t-shirt and bra, each article falling to the floor. Her jeans soon joined the rest of her clothes by her feet.

Her fingers once again held the fully unraveled diaper. She didn't know what to do with the thing or how to put it on. Ultimately, Cindy had to lay the diaper out on the cold tile of the floor and sit on it, hoping that it would make things easier on herself. The tapes proved to be an annoyance. They were very tricky to unstick from the wings, but she eventually got them loose and pulled the wings over the front of the diaper, taping them into place.

Slowly, Cindy rose to her feet, feeling the immense bulk between her thighs, forcing her legs apart. The diaper came above her belly button and shined in the artificial lights of the bathroom. It amazed her how young she looked in the damn thing. Here she was, 27 years old, but due to the diaper, she looked like she was back in high school.

A knock on the bathroom door pulled her from her thoughts.

“Need some help?” Megan’s voice asked.

“Be out in a minute!”

Cindy grabbed the big blue outfit from the counter and tried to tug it over her head. ‘What's with these two holes?’

It suddenly dawned on her that those holes were for her legs. So, she struggled to step into the bizarre jumpsuit, trying to figure out how to get it to work. It wasn't exactly like putting a pair of pants on, but thankfully she finally realized that the snaps in between the leg holes could be popped open, allowing her to pull the onesie down over her body. The top of the onesie fit her like a T-shirt, but the rest of the the weird baby suit made her look pear shaped.

'I hope they're happy. I can't look anymore like a baby than I do now.’

Cindy took her first step out of the door, letting the bulk of her diaper dictate her gait. The onesie did a great job of holding the diaper close to her body, but it still threw off her center of gravity as she navigated the hallway. Each step caused her butt to crinkle and every noise only served to remind her of what she wore and how ridiculous this whole thing was.

“There's my baby!” Megan declared in a joyous tone.

The other women laughed while a few cooed playfully towards Cindy, who literally was the center of attention as she stood in middle of the room. She closed her eyes, utterly embarrassed while surrounded by women who were both older and younger than herself. Despite trying to pretend she wasn't standing around in a diaper and onesie, Megan slapped her butt, sending out a crinkly echo, thoroughly reminding her of what she was dressed as.

“so, who wants to feed the baby?!”

All the ladies cheered loudly, such a ravenous response started Cindy, causing her eyes to open. A feeling of panic overwhelmed her.

“Megan-” Cindy stuttered. “I don't want to do this anymore.”

Megan leaned up closely to the Asian girl's ear and whispered a weird phrase into her ear.

This string of ancient utterances hit Cindy to her core. A sudden realization caused a change in the Asian girl’s behavior.  A strong desire blossomed within her, growing by the second. She wanted to be a baby. She had felt left out for many years, but now knew why: She wasn't an adult. She was a baby!

Cindy started to feel mentally excited, Megan, Jodie and Candice noticed a far off look in Cindy's eyes and smiled as they saw a slight trail of drool begin to trickle down the Asian woman's mouth. The women said nothing, knowing that the transformation was almost complete. Finally, Megan broke the ancient chant and was rewarded with a mentally drained Cindy. Needless to say, nothing was going on inside the woman's mind.

Before anyone could say a word, Megan picked up the bubbly adult baby woman,  wondering how she went so long without adopting an adult to raise. “How in the world did you live without a mommy?”

Cindy barely even noticed being picked up, much less being spoken to. However, the wet kiss planted on her forehead, seemingly capturing her limited attention. She tried to lift her arms up, to hug her mommy, but her limbs felt so heavy and uncoordinated.

Somehow the kiss had triggered something deep down in her mind. Cindy was still there, alert of everything that was happening around her, reappearing like television signal that had been interrupted. However, her arms and legs failed to obey her. This shocking revelation wasn't the only thing that greatly troubled the young woman, a warm trickle between her legs, caused her eyes to go wide as she tried desperately to hold it.

As her hands twitched and spasmed, failing to hold back her pee, she realized that she was still an adult in her body, but sadly she had lost everything else that made her an adult. Her ability to walk, talk or hold her bladder were all gone. Cindy nervously brought her hand up to her mouth, generating more drool which coated her fingers as she sucked on her digits.

"No, baby. Get those icky fingers out of your mouth! Mommy has your paci right here!" Megan cooed, pulling Cindy's dirty fingers free from her drooling mouth with her left hand before magically summoning a pacifier that appeared in the girl's mouth. The bulb of the pink soother filled the woman's mouth. Cindy greedily started sucking it, drawing it back and forth a across her tongue.

She found herself quivering at the sensation of the slick, rubbery teat sliding around her mouth. The newborn woman's impulses told her to suckle on the bulb. Automatically, her mouth went on autopilot  causing Cindy to pump her new pacifier for all she was worth, constantly suckling on it.

"That's so much better, huh?" Megan cooed as she held her friend Cindy on her hip.

Cindy internally screamed, knowing that she was trapped inside her body. Deep down, she knew that she would be nothing more than a pants pissing, pamper packing adult baby.

The End




Please second part is awesome story


you can make the party go on and they can put someone else in diapers and you can also make the party end and suddenly Cindy's parents come and see their daughter back in diapers.


I could have her parents pick her up... hmmm, would you be interested in commissioning a "proper ending" to this story?