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During the course of the past year, Mrs. Reinhardt noticed a subtle change in her emotional state. The arranged weekly visits from the girls on the street could no longer satisfy her maternal urges. What was once a tingling thrill to diaper a young woman in her office slowly became a bore as time moved forwards. Her mind kept thinking of Faye, of the most beautiful girl who had gotten away from her.

After a long day of work, she would return to her empty home. Gone was the possibility of laughter and love. Instead, in the cold of the night, she often sought refuge in the bottles of wine she kept in her basement. Oftentimes, she found herself sat on her leather couch, glass of wine in one hand, remote in the other as she casually flipped through the channels.

As she sat there, mindlessly channel surfing, she couldn't help but think about the date. It had been exactly a year since that fateful night when she had met Faye. The whole day was a drain on her, mentally and physically due to the constant reminder of what day it was. Every time she looked at her phone or emails, she'd see the date and start feeling depressed. And, as such, after such a trying day, she sat on her favorite couch, sipping from her glass of port, searching through the channels on her television.

A glimpse of hauntingly familiar beauty caught her off guard. She was so surprised by what she saw that she almost dropped her glass of wine when she paused the TV to gaze upon the image of the woman who quite literally had stolen her heart.

Normally, she'd never watch this channel. It pertained to rugged criminals and the cash for their capture. However, she fiund herself captivated by seeing Faye's disdainful mugshot splayed across her screen. After a moment, Mrs. Reinhardt clicked on the play button, thus resuming the program. Once she heard the faux western accent announce that Faye Valentine had a huge bounty placed on her head, she dropped the remote onto the ground in shock.

"I must get her before she ends up behind bars!" The media mogul found herself announcing to the dark room, filled with flickering shadows from the television.

She knew that time wasn't on her side and that every bounty hunter in the solar system would be on Faye's ass like flies on shit. Luckily for her, she had connections thanks to her position in the industry. The rotund woman picked up her cell phone and began making a series of calls to private detectives and recruiting some muscle in the hopes of wrangling her wayward baby home.

To Be Continued...



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