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So, I was asleep for about three hours, woke up to my poor dog shaking and drool like crazy. I got her to the vet as fast as I could and they helped her. She's now happy and back to normal. However, her medical bill was $700. Literally wiped out all of my money. Anyway, I'm seriously considering, at the end of the month, probably the 30th, I might ax the original $1 tier that 36 of you all have. Please let me know how you feel about this.



Get yourself a gofundme or something like that and whip up a text to go with it and post it in FB groups and what not. People love helping when they can just instantly feel good without any real effort.


I'm so very sorry to hear about your pup. My wife and I have 3 including a 13 year old Dachshund. I'll stay with you.


I am unsure of how the Tiers work with costs. but would removing 36 dollars of income be beneficial to your financial situation? I am not overly familiar with that aspect of Patreon. If it is the case, would upping the basic access be sufficient? Perhaps as of this message it looks as though it's a 3 dollar base cost instead of a 1 dollar tier.


That's the thing, I've kept the $1 dollar tier intact as a reward for the original supporters since August. I upped the price to $3 to try and raise my income. It's worked pretty well, I have about eleven people paying $3. Ultimately, even if only a third of my original supporters switch to the $3, I'll cover the lost of 25 Patrons. I really don't want to do it, but I don't really know what else to do. I don't want to do GoFundme, like another Patron suggested, because I prefer giving something back to the people who support/help me.


Just want to say I'm really sorry about your dog That sucks badd I can I feel I used to have a cat So I get it As for the tears I don't have an opinion really Anyway I hope you have a better day have A good night


Thank you, it's always difficult to go through this with an animal you love. As for the tiers, I guess I'll just make a poll. Honestly, my prices are the cheapest in the entire community. I know a writer who charges $8 just to vote on his stories...


Wow Just a vote on his stories ha he must be a really good writer that's all I gotta say or they really must like his work or it's that time of nature are niche Hey way I hope you have a good night


What I've noticed is that he doing do anime fan fiction. His work is strictly original based characters, but I consider myself on his level, so yeah. That's why I'm considering eliminating the original tier that I saved for my original supporters. Good night!


You should still keep the original $1 patreoning, but now only allow those who pledge a minimum $5 or more to see your stories as opposed to everyone at $1, just have that for those who like to help patreon without benefits aside from a thank you. Btw, you up for a request (possibly 2k or less) fanfic? Or how much should I patreon for. Story, $10? Cause there's a particular fanfic I would like to check out based off one of my own personal drawings ^^


Yeah, I could do that for $10, sure. It'd really help me right now.


well couldn't do $10 (seeing how it only goes from $5 to $75 (might wanna change that) so I would still like to request a short story, but starting as soon as next month, if you edit or change the prices, I'd be willing to do $10 a month ^^


I am not sure, but I believe that you can select $5 and Patreon will let you add in the number you want to pay if you'd like to pay more.


done ^^ you should find some time to change that later today. Anyway, can I give my request? I got a picture that can go along with it I did myself (obviously not "high praising quality and magic" like that "Gohan artist" (already forgot his name but know who he is, his art is great), and the works, but not too terrible either, and would like to see a fic off of it. Only thing i Need to know is whether you do AR works or not, it's from an anime. I can send ya the link to it as well as the episode it's centered around if it helps