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Mrs. Stadtfeld lifted the stinky baby woman from her shoulder and used the wash cloth, covered in spit up, to clean Kallen's mouth. Of course, this caused the babied rebel to squirm and wriggle while straddling both of her step mother's huge thighs to keep from falling backwards. The giant felt a perverse sense of euphoria when she made her step daughter's face even messier by rubbing the spit covered rag all over the girl's chin and mouth. The shudders that the young woman produced were merely icing on the cake, as far as Mrs. Stadtfeld was concerned.

The giant finally finished wiping the baby sized woman's mouth and proceeded to lift the girl off of her lap. Kallen felt helpless and annoyed that her step mother was practically doing everything in her power to make things more difficult for her. Still, the diapered girl was relieved to see that she was quickly being carried out of the nursery. It wasn't an ideal situation, being literally held against a giant breast like a baby, by her bitch of a step mother, but it was better than going back on her tit for a second round of suckling.

As the two women descended the stairs, each step seemed to stir up the contents of Kallen's pampers due to her step mother bouncing her slightly. The unnecessarily bumpy trip caused the Captain of the Zero Guard to grimace as all the poop in her disposable was churning about, sloshing all over ass. It was bad enough that her pussy and ass were already coated in the muck, but with each step, the mess seemed to find new crevices to invade. Aside from the physical sensation, which was far from enjoyable, the stench coming from her putrid pamper was nauseating. 'If she is going to keep me as a baby, then at least fucking change me!'

"Here it is!" Mrs. Stadtfeld announced, making a grand gesture with her left arm while holding Kallen close to her bosom.

Gaudy and overstated was probably the most accurate way to describe this infantile means of conveyance. A mere double stroller would have been sufficient, but this model was akin to those deluxe prams that Kallen had seen a few times when she walked through the park. However, this particular model had a golden fringe on top of a few "specific modifications" which would later be introduced to her. The magenta haired woman could only cringe as she was laid into the oversized pram built first two. She didn't want to know what her step mother had in store for her. Kallen finally broke her self imposed vow of silence.

"I don't want to go outside like this!"

The giant, still squatting due to laying her step daughter into the basket style stroller, stared eye to eye with the girl.

"Tough titty, little girl. Babies, like you, don't get to decide on when they leave the house or what they wear while going outside for their walkies."

Mrs Stadtfeld stood up slowly and started to walk back to the stairs before she remembered something important.

"Oh, and don't you dare try to escape or we'll be paying the doctor a visit."

Time seemed to tick by slowly as Kallen counted the seconds,listening for when the giant had finished cresting the stairs. Finally, no steps or other sounds could be heard, save for the occasional cooing noise which echoed from the nursery upstairs. An opportunity like this could not be passed up, the diapered rebel knew that she had to escape. 'I don't know where I'll go, but anything is better than this!' In the blink of an eye, Kallen leapt from the babyish wheelchair and took off towards the front door. 'Maybe I could find Millie or someone at the Academy to help me.'

Now that she was free, she waddled as fast as her bloated dirty diaper would allow her to run. The front door stood tall and imposing in front of her, the knob was a few feet away from her unstreched hands, but she was determined to get out of this madhouse. 'There's got to be something that I can stand on around here!'

Scanning the foyer, the magenta haired mini woman spotted a table with a priceless vase on it. 'That's perfect!' Wasting no time, she grabbed the table and started to pull it towards the door. This proved to be rather difficult since she was barely the same height as the fancy wooden table. Each thug on the table caused the porcelain vase sitting atop it to wobble around. Still, despite it all, she had managed to drag it over to the spot beneath the door knob.

"What do you think your doing!?" Mrs. Stadtfeld shrieked from the top of the stairs, cradling Kallen's mother against her bosom.

Kallen looked up and saw her evil step mother making her way down the stairs. Her training instantly took over and the agile baby woman jumped up, grabbing the edge of the table, which allowed her to hoist herself up onto the surface. Quickly, she leaned forward, grabbing the knob and pulled back, using her center of mass to pull the door open. Hanging onto the knob in midair, Kallen practically rode the door backwards until it hit the table, knocking over the vase in the process, sending it to the ground. The giant stood in place, frozen as her favorite antique shattered all of over the tiled floor.

As Kallen dropped to the ground, she heard a series of angry screams. She ignored them and ran for her life. Once outside, the shrill enraged shrieks could be heard coming from the house, but the diapered woman could careless because she was free! Still, Kallen knew that this was only a temporary if she couldn't truly escape from the estate. If she didn't she'd end up captured once again. However, this time there was no doubt in her mind that she would most likely be taken straight to be doctor. A threat wasn't a threat if you didn't follow through with it and that bitch of a step mother kept threatening her with it.

Kallen knew the grounds well, having lived on them all her life, and this estate seemed to be identical to the one from her home dimension. Regardless of familiarity, she realized that, due to her new size, the property was fairly massive and, if the door was any indication, the gates were going to be very hard to scale and climb over. 'Then again, I'm so small, maybe I could slip through the bars of the gate?'

No matter how fast the soldier ran, she couldn't out run the sound of the clacking heels, drawing ever closer to her. Even though she could see the gates in the distance, mere freedom in sight, her little legs started to feel fatigued due to the damned ten pound diaper she was forced to carry. Aside from the fact that it impeded her stride, it also was severely slowing her down. If only she could rip it from her slender form.

Kallen took a calculated risk, stopping her jog to tug on the tapes, but they were stuck on, practically cemented in place due to the adhesive. She realized that this was a doomed strategy as Mrs. Stadtfeld closed the gap. Kallen felt a pair of giant hands lifting her off of the ground, scooping the naughty girl up and turning her to face the giantess.

"How dare you try to escape from me! And you broke my vase!" The giant blond wagged a finger in Kallen's face.

"I'll have you know that my precious vase was a family heirloom! Worth more than your life!"

To Be Continued...



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