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"Those went bad!"

Babu announced, bringing the cup of tea to her lips to get of the vile taste that bothered her.


A stream of tea spat forth from the alien's mouth, spraying Chi Chi in the face.

"That too hot!"

Bulma and 18 tried to keep their raven haired friend from standing, but Chi Chi was sick of this nonsense. She had sat there when her prized rug was soiled, by the very spat up chocolates that she had bought for this occasion. However, she wasn't going to just sit there and take it. This idiotic creature spitting hot tea in her face was the last straw!

"I've had enough of you, you stupid baby! Get out of my house right now!"

Chi Chi yelled into Babu's face, leaning over from the other side of the dining room table.

"I go. I don't like playing with you people anyway!"

Babu stuck it's tongue out and got up from the table. The women all looked at each other and followed the alien outside. Towards the back of the group Videl spoke quietly to Bulma.

"Well, that wasn't so bad."

Even though things seemed to be going well for the women, Chi Chi pushed things further. Ever the hot-head, she had to get the last word in as the group stood out front of her house. She stood with both hands perched on her hips, chest puffed out, angry and defiant.

"Good luck getting a fight from my husband. He doesn't fight overgrown babies like YOU!"

"I told you once, I am no BABY! I am BABU!"

The bulbous alien cried out and pointed a single finger towards Chi Chi. A blinding flash caused everyone to shield their eyes as a thunderous boom echoed forth from the alien.

Once the bright burst of light faded, the women lower their hands and open their eyes to quite an unexpected sight: Chi Chi dressed like an overgrown two year old! She stood still in a ridiculous, powder pink baby dress which was covered in frills and ruffles. The hem of the dress came down to just below her stomach where a set of petticoats began. Underneath the elaborate dress was a thick diaper that, thankfully for what remained of Chi Chi's ego, was hidden from view by the petticoats and a diaper cover that matched the pink shade of the dress.

The once proud, stubborn woman stumbled back on her newly bare feet in surprise before falling on her padded rear. A pacifier fell from her lips as she stammered.

“wh-wha-what happened?!"

"Babu thinks your new look suits your behavior."

The alien laughed loudly, pleased with it's work.

Android 18 wasted no time, charging towards the giggling creature and blind sided the alien with an uppercut. The pastel blue alien held firm, taking the punch. Babu stood there, momentarily stunned, caught off guard by the sudden aggression from the blond lady who was sharing tea with her. Shaking it off, but still enraged by 18's punch, Babu snaked her tail behind 18, wrapping it around the blond's neck, holding the woman in place.

"Let go of me, you overgrown brat!"


Babu screamed, pulling the blond fighter closer.

"You wanna fight and I'm gonna give you one."

Right as Babu finished speaking she launched a series of rapid punches, mercilessly pummeling 18's midsection, working the body, focusing on the abdomen.

The fierceness of this bumbling babyish alien's attacks shocked all of the mothers watching the fight from below. They knew that Babu wanted to fight, but seeing the pastel blue creature actually battle was something else entirely. Videl had the most trouble processing what she saw since it was so bizarre. Especially when she thought about it, this fighter was quite the contradiction since Babu behaved like a spoiled brat and was dressed like an infant.

After a series of rather hard hits to the gut, 18 managed to break loose from Babu's tail and returned the attacks ten fold. She focused primarily on the alien's face, landing a powerful punch right into the alien's jaw. A tooth flew from Babu's mouth after the blond ceased her rapid combo of punches.

"How do you like that?"

18 grinned, flashing all of her perfect teeth.

Babu brought up both of her hands to her mouth, hiding her hockey player smile from her opponent and the ladies down below.

"What did you do!?"

"I gave you a taste of your own medicine."


Spontaneously, the blue alien roared and proceeded to grapple 18 with another tail attack. While trapped by the bowed tailed around her neck, the blond mentally cursed herself for giving Babu such an opening. She swore not to give this infantile monstrosity another opportunity like that while she was getting drummed over by Babu's fists. One swift jab struck 18 so hard that she was sent hurtling towards the ground.


18 caught herself, just above Chi Chi's house, after Babu had finished the assault. Either the alien's tail relinquished 18 from the shotgun style blows or Babu could no longer hold the blond in place. Luckily for the Son family, 18 managed to catch herself before hitting the house, saving Chi Chi's home from becoming a massive crater.

The blond stood just feet above her friends, gazing up at her opponent. Babu returned 18's stare, smirking down at the blond mother, taunting her.

"You wanna play? Let's play!"

18 hollered, aura exploding as she rocketed towards Babu, energy unchecked, soaring at the bulbous alien like a missile.

"Play time! Play time! Play time!"

Babu babbled excitedly until she was struck once more by 18. Unlike most fighters, the alien didn't even try to dodge the attack and took the hit at full force. 18 pulled back, watching Babu fall to Earth a few hundred feet away. A huge splash signified that the creature landed in a nearby lake.

"Is it over?" Chi Chi yelled up to 18. As if answering the woman, in the babyish party dress' question, a mighty explosion of blue light emanated from behind the treeline, raining down specks of kai all around the group of mothers. Chi Chi's clothesline was hit by one of the falling streaks of Kai, turning the dresses and Goten's drying outfit in cutesy versions of themselves. The dresses sprung forth a multitude of frills and ruffles, matching the raven haired woman's current ensemble. Meanwhile, Goten's Gi turned into a giant onesie, complete with the training insignia intact on the chest.

Bulma and the girls kept watching this strange spectacle, with morbid fascination, as mighty pines were struck by the energy and were returned to the teeny tiny saplings they once were decades ago. While that happened, Videl noticed that a tire swing near the house turned into an oversized baby bouncer.

18 was so absorbed with the strange transformations that she failed to notice that her jeans had been hit. The fashionable pants glowed and slowly crept up her shapely legs. The material began to morph, gathering around her crotch, turning a brilliant shade of glossy white as a large disposable diaper formed around her hips.

A swirling mountain breeze kissed her bare thighs, causing the blond fighter to look down at her waist.

"What the hell!?!"

18 shrieked in a horrified tone.

"18! You got hit by one of the beams of energy!" Bulma yelled out.

"Then why don't I look like Chi Chi?"

"I, umm, there's a diaper under this silly dress."

Chi Chi explained, her cheeks flared bright red as she blushed, all eyes staring at her.

Before anyone could utter anything else, a slicing sound cut the air until a loud "smack" sound rang out.

Everyone's gaze turned skyward to a bizarre scene above. 18 looked absolutely mortified as her entire face matched Chi Chi's dress. The tough foghter had been facing her friends below, engaged in figuring out why she was currently in a diaper, which had left her padded backside open for an attack. Babu's tail literally spanked the back of 18's pampered butt, catching the blond mother off guard, while making 18 experience the most embarrassing moment of her life.

To Be Continued...




I sure hope plenty of more spankings await 18 before this is done... and the rest of the moms


I'm sure 18 is going to wish that she didn't let her guard down.